3 , ' f ' ' 1 ' y turn tm mm mn w mu i wwimauw wiftWMFfc wwiii.- .j r ' t-. - v j Pririff ntwt rfr rrtoj , Tnuisday, November 3, lf46 - . ? i FUNERAL WITH j II . ?! Double Mdeod COAL River IT'S HARD, HOT AND CLEAN-BUKNING 1 . ... "" ' . , i I LUTHERAN RITES A Pie-Xrnas Slip rr.nt.innini T nWieran Tt4J and HOIIIS Frlduj' and Saturday. All coat Cooking at the Church from inclutiinjf raineoast clearing at 2 to 5 Saturday. , . (258) Final rites for the late Hag-bart Johansen, who died in he city this week, were held at 8t oil regular price AnNET j TK MANSELL LAIE3 WEAR i SO H. whist driv and dance ! Friday Nov. 4th. whist i o'clock Raul's Lutheran Church tills af ternoon before a large gathering of friends. Rev. Earl Soliand Now Amounts totalling $28,942 for' Music by Mike Colussi. Refresh-, October and $234 for September menu. Everfoody welcome (259) w.,c approved f.r payment byj 8dditJona, W,oo0 w.insur-tin- Stnool Board last nii'.ht . , , ilbert & McCaffery I LIMITED w,v Tiixetto m Hoy Scout As- books In the city schools was soci-alion Annual approved by th School Board nicotine, Civic last night. Heirs of Heaven" and 'Abide Vith The hymns "Blessed are the Me" were sung by the congregation. Mrs. Earl Soiland was or-ganist. Interment took place at Fair-view Cemetery with Ole Wick, VUtSl lit Coat am. ut-uwe, w r r i u a y . , nQtjr, , m , u (0 1-l HBKit Bi ll.UIKd SI PII.I S V r'" ' . t. Chris Berg, Frank Amstuts, Haa shovel Is dig- eriKlnccr Is W. Knox of Vancou Trousers Nt" loun.e.All Interested please at- . , ... . , , , , I Initiation, election of of ficers, tend this important -Ung. J (25gj I KeslgnaUon of Miss F. Cwpal Canadian Lea Ion Ladies' . kon Sjoberg, Karl Mark! and Nor ver. man Bellis acting as pallbearers. imt burdcM rapwiy ai I . m... ... from tlie Fort KMauum ihgvvii i ,h, ,,,-w inouire to g,.,, B(KtJ.d laat ,w curlier of Tlilrd Av- priVed request by the Canadian uuaiy meriiiig. umiKiiv, o y. , - . , " appointment of Mia. I m. Nomination of officers (It) pust Bireet. Excava- U-jjJoii to dMribute Vetcraft pop. HERE'S Yvonne JHCLan w iryiiu;e 1 DRESSES 3 0 only of our Wa aooroveu jv onm Rool jiaiidol arr pu- m uie city sclwols for sale ....uA from the lum-lon November 4 uhl. h h.,..r, better torments. Sizes 12 to Board last nlaht. Miss McLean, " ......1...M Hw '., . I... I . . I y 9AI P iiiuf. Miwiiru 4M-isuuu'u roppy pay ll) the ' u luriuer jtuifcw icbvw w i i ...... ill., H,.u ..it.. lnrincr 'it tri 0r 17rU1:iv and i i i u in un. )uilaa Nait. '' IN 1 liiiUaV n.LiiL iArt- amKOI. 14. litest! 1B3 ifcfc:LL LADIES WEAR ANNOUNCEMENTS p PS frtfff) A rf7 ffIiPS ! your Xmas shopping ff MjJ JJ fjjlfi Ai al lhe 10DE- Bazaar, Civic Smart, Double Urcastcd Tuxedo Coat and Trousers Stock Sizes .... $75.00 St PeUr'f W. A. Fall Bazaar, Nov. 3. ' ' wwinK, knitted articles and home-coukini;. Fun for all 1 n lhe evening, Dancing, bridge Moose Temole Card Party, TASTE THE DIFFERENCE When Good Taste finished second In the Cambridgeshire handicap, it meant a 131,000 windfall for 50-year-old Harold Blackmore of London, Ont., whose Irsh Sweepstake ticket was drawn on the second - place horse. It was the Bell Telephone Company construction clerk's first sweep 'Single Breat,ed Tuxedo L Advertising U payable in advance. Please refrain from .... jvif iutiti Hi nP urrifrl tr ln.'i.riw.n and cribbage. iH) With Silk Vest . . 58J.0U ii.it. u . .noun rkjii, uric . r 'T'l. n , i i ..... l. . victory in a lifetime of unsuccessful attempts to casn in. Nov. 3. Civic Centre Bridge November 4. Lutheran Tea and Home Cooking November 5tn , Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, Not- fin (CP PHOTO) J-l, CHURCH PARADE Sun-r. day Nov (ith to Fir.it Uni- (uto, Mrrlage and EnRaxement Announcements'. $2 CBl'f'IAl. ntRPl.AV flfllllir.R Plvlffc' t u r IpM fhinch Ham Mem- V j m, .i Made to Measure Tuxedo Coat & Trousers $83.00 Classified Ads. Get Results. LOST AM) KJINU MKAL NOTICE Cv ters of Beh. No. 27 and I Ladies Auxiliary "Fall In" at ,n of the Canadian Le- LOST Will person who took ember 9. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, No. 17." TEACHERS' CONFERENCE ratvirihin I-uion Hall. 10.30 a. - Nj 21 attenoint? xne green wallet lrom Civic Cen- Women of the Moose dance, 0 our late comraae ire powder room, ple-i.se re- fi mpHqIc SHU v, Nov. 6. Medals BrVciburv. plea-w ' Fall turn wallet papers and key m. sharp, Sunday, ,h. rmmdian Leeion ti P n Rim n:m Hrapnt.lv'. nnrfor Medal Ribbons SilOUlQ We have a limited number of Tuxedos in stock, bu: FIRST AID FOR BABY'S Oddfellows' Hall, November 18 ,be worn, also Berets or Forage HI ft ill rnua; iiccll.u. i.Jt.t . . ... u ina mi M - . - if we do not hate your Club Dance Caps. (Buses will be arranged r: .. .. ii i , LJt i At Aero Problems affecting the profession in this district were under discussion yesterday at afternoon and evening sessions of the Nor Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra Concert, Nov. 18. I.O.D,E. Chapter's Fall Ba-aar, Nov. 24, if weather inclement) Bize we can promise quick jrturv-Manaiter 1 y I betTV . Raincoat. Will finder (U) kindly phone 795 (257j delivery from the factory. Philip M. Ray Secretary-Manager ' (259) thern British Columbia District Old time Dance, Conrad Unl 'Council of the British Columbia FIRST SNIFFLE A step in time often save nine. So be wise, and take thii simple precautim at baby's first sneeze or sniffle. Give Baby's Own Tablets to clear little bowels of irritating; waste materials that make baby fretful, feverinh and discourage the rest so needed to keep up strength. Uesiirned especially for baby's delicate system. Baby's ! WAN T Ml USD OF THANKS ZTZZ- ted Hall Nov. 25 Admission 50c Teachers' Federation. R. D. Cle-land of this city Is chairman of ,Ato mprw our ln- room apartment and look af- Pre Xmas Sale continuing ju jnd appreclatUm to ter children, for free rent & Friday and Saturday at Annet- St. Andrew's Cathearal Fall Bazaar, Nov. 24. Saturday-United Church Xmas Bazaar, Dee. 1. the council and H. Noakes of Ter .n Irtfiids who were so luel. Box 611 Daily New Uti M.m.ns Ladies Wear. Spe- race, secretary. Mr. Noakes re 'Ji'alSo fothe WANTED-Would like to rent ciai8 to clear-Sport Jackets, goes a long way toward giving baby com- turned to Terrace on last night's Crange Ladies Sal, Dec. 7. i flurnl olteruiK friin house or trade living accomo- , Regular Value $14.95 train J li Moe. reuieseiuauve i Swet swi.t..Hn. -tasting, easily ,.! crmM crushed u, to powder Salvation Army Home League .. I 1 if desired. Baljv'ft Own Tablets hv ben Sale Price $5.95. Ladies Hand nnaeRfrl Green. Biene and 1 TM and 1 amiiy. Un jurt on cot of B-H "Fresconette" eovcrt unsigbtl) Valsomine. willpaper , . . giv you gay wH "lib S Mlioy wasliable ura. Pti" A touch in eouplt ol hour. from ocean r ans, reiui mnS w UM(t b otlw ,,)P over h , , century. on Bros. Port Edward (2ii) cooking at Sons of Norway Hall.Uhe paper town on the Prince j - ..stas. w. only 29c 4 Iwily. oranamother wANTPnRoftfd .nH rm.m for Ian. Regular Value to ?.a!. baie uw. m u a.ow c- o t'-L lifi. Ai7of working girl. Close in. Apply price $2.95. . j. it Lewies Ala OI r- Hli. itv l2a8l A. Mr and Mrs. Mark . S?.i!dL5 -! j familv Mr and Mr, iviim'n t runt mull nnt. '.. . Ur and Mrs. rred fca- or house, unfurnished. Bv l..r.::i- Fat and Jim young marrlfd couple. Reward. Phone Blue BS 2e. ili n:id Mm. Louis d JOHN H. BULGER 3PTOMETR 1ST John Bulger Ltd. Tblrd Avenue w Phone 311 McBride Street mtrs. aiarles Of rut pARTNEfiS Wanted with $5,- , , i ooo to finance a business tnat fcfi. bai B'' a ' will give a substantial in- . 1 r.me and security. Box m 5 la-Splendid offke lally News. t2a'J: II I'lUK, sulul golden I FOR RENT KUlred Bt. veninKi vro urhlT Rimrlp housekeeD- l-'LE-iim tXHig truck. in room, nou isi w. nunw Red 807 259' rur Quick Sate chicken farm Mil- FOR RENT Sleeping room for, NOW AVAILABLE if ) (2&7) sl!E Wu.-lli,,,iux. VI. Why shiver? . . . It's so easy to wtc m 6th St. Piione quiet gentleman, rnone tsiue, 6U5 2i9 I FOR RENT Furnished 4 room apt. and bath Available Deal $65 00 a month, quiet couple. Hume Black 277. 258i FOR RENT-Sleeplng room close in Phone Green 937. (201) Are You IMamiing-To Build? ..... Then plan with builders, men who know how to select materials and use them to give you the most satisfaction. Call on us. W keep costs down, but give you the very best. GREER & BR1DDEM m. mil 'CI--Brand new John mwu motor 10 H r. ' low and tiwh. Model PtU-f fi 'h lul ilj.i Win. FOR RENT Large housekeep f M'4tl u pump gun, ing room lor genueman, iiiiiim Close in. Phone Green , price S5.00. Box 448, between 1 p.m. to 6P; :58) SALE 1948 Chevrolet REAL ESTATE widerseat heater. Ex- COftriiuon Plutiui 742. FOR SALE-Wartime four few (258) LOOK FOR THE i NEW RED AND X v ' WHITE , GOLD SEAL LABEU minutes to rosi win.c n Ave. East. Prince Kupert Realty Co. P!ne Oreen 667 CONTRACTORS AND Bl'fLDERS J RED 561 P.O. BOX 721 toui condition. Phone sklo that makes Vhe- It'f what you wear next toyour 20) U-1932 Chev. Coupe HKitpr t int nn A 1.. to FOR SALE Six room Wartime house with garage fine view, W after fi p.m. (200) difference between chills ana com-... . most important fort. Add whatever outer layers you like or need to HOLLYWOOD cafe newlv aecoraitu, ii ''L' Snd heater Full price $2,700. TeFms. R E. Mortimer, 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88. (257) FOR SALE5 room hotise; large utility room; furnished ,it-v,prt- hasement. 'itki and easy chairs. ard off cold winds-but when you start witn MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY n m. (260) ... . ...... mf "ih calibre, specially t. Minfrpt.il founda- .... . 1 ItLU fvi J.I K. OPEN FROM 3:30 r.M 10 a:au n.m. We Specialize In Chinese Dishes "nt 10-shot Sporting 1J1C fii;h only $41.00 "u ammunition $3.00 Mil S ii ""very. Limited ;'l Write for photo and chop suey enow mein- tlws. Also a 4 room house Just oft McBride; basement rental cottage at rear-only $1000 down. For these and ol-hers. See Armstrong Agencies. 307. 3rd W Ph. 342 Green 297 (eves.) (257) FOR SALE See this Value 6 rooin house on Ambrose; 3 lots; view; basement; plast if ''.'l Vk l' 1 fi ! 1 ' !' P I I u 1 M iP I' fi 'lW?l V'1,' ' i f I'liiV I' ll lis I . Ml For Outside Orders PHONE 131 1 e,TKf, fu,lfy rcinnaia ' Wi&facUjry. Sc1)e ,Salt.s ' Queen St, Ottawa 1 12801 Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear you're com-fortable to begin with! Stanfield's Underwear is soft and warm. It's tailored to fit smoothly . ; ; won't bind, bulge or shrink. x Ask your dealer to show'you Stanfield's Red Label and drawers of shirts combinations or separate 100 lambs' wool ... or Stanfield's Blue Label, the same high quality in a heavier weight. STANFIELD'S HEAVY WOOL WORK SOCKS SOFT, WARM AND DURABLE '?M1Y KNOWN VAMfS. "WW ri,8";riltr Shovels LPriii;l,u'8: Adam- ' ul,,ford Bros- t HD. v R('W Maintenance ered; immediate octuuu.iv , priced low for quick sale; includes oil stove and other furniture. See Armstrong 342 or Green A nc,e-Ph. HARDWARE Kaien Co-op .... KJV. uiii.lir-i ilJJ1' Qranblw. 297 (eves.) oArr CtuHIn rnnp'h at it l,i,Vl'rt' Mixers; run r.r' '. iruL'ks; Nelson ',,. a in,5dm fl,r Stockpile . !?neyal; Remiivui- di. Rice i).,.. Port- 'W lull II. . Dri. Vii Ullios ia- Mt r m".? Swapers and M50 8th East, can u"" and 9 p.m. U0J' FORSALE White baby buggy in Rood condition, Phone Blue 272. . ut)M' SALE-Jvlodern' Oil Range FOR . "..Tm...iH,.n Rpason- '5 National ---"nulls. National rteind-Conveyors ln perieci. w""1""": ,,ii ;,ui f.M- nuirk sale. Apply I M uZl?.uan rom Na- 111 liiiH Box 608 Daily News WThjr7 co' DON'T LET "BLUE MONDAY" Get You Down. Come in Today and See our WASHERS. GAS MODELS $194.95 ELECTRIC MODELS with water pump .m f 167.95 ELECTRIC MODEL $157.95 ELECTRIC MODEL $134.50 PAYMENT PLAN CAN BE ARRANGED THROUGH Ol'R CREDIT UNION Mi; 'We , ardwar A office pix- FOR SALE Chesterfield. Ice Box. Radio and Record player. Kitchen table and four chairs, dresser, two beds, all for $150 or nearest bidder, 336 9th Ave. W. between 5 4 C Hot Plates. ! toS r;ribs' Disstoh kfe N-tr Lwttlnir Roofing I(LiiMi)u7rtfUil) New jnm"1 et. Waeons. " ' ""PS. Tvnpujrltpi- r-o C1TC OldsmOOlle Iiadc Mark Ici'ii. ki . Battleshiu f?,, snare wiieel. heater. Vou...B "... p recent ,'ic. at 7iT"i' use a- lO)KlE)GroGAQ iour new iiiro, -- t hrvri,."icJvest prices. , lv overhauled, nione pif -aftr after 5 5 D.m. p.m. i h ,r"l.w- B'ck 24. FOR SALE 251 THIRD AVr.Nl F t N . S TRUSO I ,ivi nq BOX 1127 FOR SALE Several used cum STANFIELD'S LIMITED mins diesei nnci i"""""" engine units which have been .......iii., ,N.,urViiiiiipd ana fj-r . (258) Ate 'Jhone w- 5. Call ' (tf) pimranteed. Bvtown Machine Works uu