4 fZTT" " Prfn XXupttl SDafl J3fto3 TEACHERS ASK Thursday, Noverrrber 3, 1949 ETTER FARES imSiBe Wlge' B? Ready' When mm Baii tcr (Lie the Cold Weather Comes. Order Your COAL Now and be Warm and Comfortable This Winter. I WwUi Ilav? Travel Contesstorn I to 0(v ,7m,m I At the regular monthly met-ling of the Prince Rupert and District Tef.ehers' Associfstktn, j President F. R. Wright reported iO'i a Dieting which h and iV.er Adlem had with O. A. Rusiuci, )RDER TODAY FROM j traffic manager for the Union steamship Company, to ascertain Aff ' Call 651 l T i.Uu feellnp; of the trarispovt,d!;n LrUi i i eompunsts operating out of rnitto Rupert w!Ui repaid to reduction in fare on boat travel for teachers on holiday? cr at ITT Mr. and Mrs. J. Sedjjewiek are sailing tontght on the Prince George for a trip to i. Ltd. tending conventions. It has been the poiiey of the riilways in trie ps'st to f.rant a faia mtucR-i r U'achf r-t travelling by train and it wu felt by the Fringe Runvt SAVOY jl'lLIIINfi SUPPLIES ALMOfTT A CABINET MEETING AT YOUNG LIBERAL CONVENTION Top government officials gathered In Montreal to speak at the Young Liberals convention of representatives from all over Canada. Left to right: Hon. Brooke Claxton, minister of national defence; Finance Minister Dousclas Abbott; Bolicitor:Oeneral Hughes Lapointe; C. A. Duranceau, national president of Young Liberals; Mrs. Louis St. Laurent and Prime Minister St. Laurent. Teachers' Association that they j i should imliafe a movement to-! j ward having the .same eoncr v;!un i upuiy to lout travel. Mr. Wright j reported that Mr. Rusnton e.'c- PERSONAL XM.tS CARDS From your own Snapshots Terrace Worriei Over Lost Man MEASLES HIT Come in and See our Samples W. L. WOODS, I'rou. rTfONE TJ P.O. WX 131 r KASL'K STREETZ princk rohiht::; 5 CITY SCHOOLS I8t P.A. 23 FOR 2.4u WKATTfAUS PHOTO FINISHING ' pressed pleasure at having met TERRACE Sunday's fishing with representatives of the Prince trip out to Deep Creek com the Rurt Tt-achers' Association, citizens of Terrace a few hours i.'.irtii. i n Geographical Kcpre-sleep WhPn Jim Maxted failed to sentalive 71. D. Ch land, rented return home at night. Constable 011 ,he t(uiar Jf Un? A measles epidemic, which sweot city schools last month -4 PS- f ft w ol tne provincial executive oi inc. sent attendance .records plum- j meting, elementary principals re- j ported to last , night's School j Board meeting. However, enrol-1 ment in the four publie sehools showed a slight Increase over : September. i ANNOUNCEMENT Sidney Gonkk Optometrist Graduate of Los Angeles Brue, Constable Rogers, C. L. M. GlKgey and Lloyd Johnstone went In search of him on Monday moriiing and from 5 a.m. the mill whlutltt, blowing ut 15 minute intervals kept everyone nwake. At 10:30 the searchers were called In, by several hard blasts of tlie whistle. The lost man had returned home. Unable B. C Teachers' Fedeo'bn which he attended In Vancouver It! tple(ii'-'ei' Mr. Cleiand iadtot-etl thut il Was un'tllcely VmI Uii teachers would be asked f ir a i mitlitional amount this tar to help the plight of a numlier of teachers not covert .1 bv the pension scheme. Last Ui-m Prlrei Ruppi't and District leacher' ' Percentage of attendance In 1 4V,n Ih.Aa tilointmttti V 'lfilt I Complete Visual Analysis Glasses Prescribed When Necessary College of Optometry is pleased to announce that -he has opened permanent offices in Prince Kupert for the practice of Optometry in Rooms 23 and 21, to get hU bearings in the dark- Association, together wi'li oth. CP TO GO enlng wo(xls, Maxted had spent teachers throughout thv provmc, the night sitting under a tree, u u ,L. , uy Bllll Hicn?e!ve a WIU Ulltt wwinii.ij ....... j I ' generally in the S0's, dropped to 82 at King Edward, 79 at Conrad j ; Street and 78 at Borden Street; 3 because of the widespread measles epidemic. Booth Memorial High School, with an enrolment of 4 GO, had a i percentage attendance of 90. Pew of the students at this school ,'. were stricken with measles. Registered enrolment ' in the , city's four public schools in It Maoris in ' - i " 1 off the corduroy road behind ,)ait three mintt-.i Instil- !-jear-old Dav- IS I ijerflille, Ont., liesner Block. x Office Hours: Evenings by Appointment Daily From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Telephone 21s Iroquois head- Oiggey'i old mill near Spring :mcnts to aid their fellow retirei Creek. The rain was coming pedagogues in dire clrcuraslaiw v. I down In torrents and he was un-j Teachers in the Prlr.es Rupeit 'able to btilld a fire. When morn-! area subscribed to this protect Ht trip. DaVld. ln eame he made his way out to ! visit an uncle was appoint-the Mohawk creased to 1,263 in October from 1,261 in September. n and given one hundred percent. , Resolutions concerning teachers, heard at the Union of B. C. Municipalities nitellng lv.'Ul recently were also icpoitf a by the Geographical Representative. Enrolment at jKing Edward last ; month was 311 Prjfacipul R. O. the Kalum Road where lie was 'picked up and brought Into town ! by Marvin Curtis. He got in 1 about 8 a.m., not much the worst- for hU experience. -"swnial (lance j Professional ami Business p'tning mat-' Moore reportea. At uonrau Street, the enrolment was 252 and at Borden Street, the enrolment was 238. Onlv rural school report re MATTSON'S UPUOLSTKRlNO Mr. Cleiand stated that a committee consisting Of rrpreselU.i-tives of the U.B.C.M.and H.CT.F. were working togtliier on fiticins; a suitable solution to edui'ailoi.il RIGHT ADDRESS There Is one family in London, Ont., living officially on Easy Street. Shown are Mrs. Floyd Osborne and tier two young daughters landscaping their new home in a veterans' sub-division.. The family was the first to ouild on an un ceived by the Board was from Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 52 FINE PRINTING at REGAL PRINTERS 1 3 Port Essington, where 40 prpilt are crirolxc!. 330 second Avenue named thoroughfare and the final result was so attractive, wirs, CATHERINE LAURIE PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER r"4orfhri:d"Aver West f (Prince Rupert Realty Co.) Phones: Green 667 Days Green 412 Evgs. (CP Photo' Osborne named it Easy Street. , Prince Rupert, B.C. m: ilnance. i A. M. Hurst, convention co.n-inittee ehaliii,an, ret-oite 1 tu IMe teacher;, that there " a paihii'-' y of holding a dinner ni?tu!g with a Department of Education 1 representative on tM &.'a:d Directors of the 2 vie Centre. PHONE 21 222 Second Ave. "BUILD B.C. PAYROLLS" B. & W. TRANSFER ' HEWLYWED GYRO RECEIVES GIFT DRY FIR KINDLING WOOD i R. D. Clelana stai;d that of the Northern B. O. Council were to b held November 2 and 3 in Prince Rupert. 50c Per Sack Delivered PHONE GREEN 186 siM-aker in attendance. Mr. Hurst suggested that sectional meetings of the various gr-ups could pre-(cde the dinner. IDEAL Attending the meeUng from - Ocean Falls District is J. G. M.w. Miss E. Cavalier gav? an auc: K. J. & B. CO. PAINTINO OP ALL KINDS Remodeling Rooms Bathrooms and Kitchens Our Specialty Willing to Go Anywhere All Work Guaranteed BOX No. 1141 STATION B FOR BABIES : ITS A HIT PARADER . IT'S THE New 'AL JOLSON SINGS AGAIN' AI.BIM FROM IUS LATEST PICTl'RE 1 tor's report to the gathering, and H. Noakes represents Terra-2 Mr. Hurst was re-af firmed in the District while Prince Rupc '1 Disposition he has held lor the just rlct is represented by F R. turn vears. that of the teach-rs' Wright and R. D. Cleiand. 'VAerdirf FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939- M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment AH Work Guaranteed A pair of handsome tible lamps were the gift of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club last night to Robert (Joe) McKay when member numbering upward of thirty f athered at a shg party at the home of W. M. Watts to celebrate the occasion of the honored quest's recent marriage to Miss Leah Basso-Bert. Mr. McKaJ prior to his marriage, was the last remaining bachelor member oi ihe Club: The presentation was made to Mr. McKay with suitable expression of sentiments by President Maurice Brydges and B-f rfl - - 'MW " .inn . . .... ...uw..!hli.1lilBHMMiiV A. P. GARDNER & Co BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Agents for SIMPLEX OAS and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES ;IIARTF.RED ACCOUNTANTS 3ING SUCH FAMOUS NUMBERS AS ! Over a 4 Leaf Clover J'After You've Gone" srds To Broadway" , "Baby Face' f E' for You"" "Chinatown my Chinatown" It True What They Say Abmit Dixie" 1m Just Wild About Harry" Many doctors prescribe Pacific Milk formulas irradiated for extra sunshine Vitamin D and vacuum packed this nourishing B. C. Product is ideal for your child. Ask your grocer for Pacific Milk. PACIFIC MILK 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER - BC. Per Album .......... $4.75 Sales Service and Parts Z1 Boat owners and users of In-j dustrlal Engines are invitedJ to our showroom to view 'QUO various engines and tullr viefX Irradiated and Vacuum Packed the recipient replied "appreciatively. Prior to the stag party the members gathered at the Prince Rupert Club and proceeded to tiie Civic Centre for dinner. A new Gyro member was welcomed in the person of Dr. L. M. Greene. m mu CANADA AND IS DISTRIBUTED BY CaWttl equipment problems. VICKERS'IS DISTIllfOIN MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUIDINQ the Control Beard or by displayed ,rusnent is not puWisheJ or bv the Oovernmcnt of Botish Columbu. ; LIT- - ! ' TliisaJ - - .-iJL-l-.. Tango DR. GARNET E. H; MONTGOMERY ; DENTIST ; r ' Suite 7, Smith Block r ' 3 Phone 525 P.O. Box i216 PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 Pumps PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repalri MIKE COLUSSI ; Phone BLACK 758 972 10th East GEORGE L. RORtE Public Accou itant, Auditor income Tax Returns Compiled Besncr Block Fhon 387 $9.95 and $10.50 THE FAMILY SHOE STORE LIMITED HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP ... Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all lis branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Hhnne 765 . P.O. BOX 1401 Phone 357 ird Ave. WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED , H. 8. Whalen, Manager Complete Moving Service Crating Packing Cartage BLUE 780 RED 514 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS FRIENDLY -v- Hi StavV my'fc SERVICE Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS , AT ISLAND CITY BUILDERS' SUPPLIES General Builders' Supplies and PITTSBURG PAINTS QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heel and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. 1670 PHONES Black 334 P O. Box P.O. Box 1670 . Blue 820 505 McBrlde St. HOME SERVICE DEPT.: T,he Canada 5fareti company, umiiea. P. O. & it. IWntrtl, t.O. OFFffti YOU hilt Send a Poskard 10: fANE ASHUY TfSTfD MCIMS