I I 5 v CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycle 3 l?rfncc Uupm Dailg fictos . Thursday, November 3, 1919 ' WALLACE'S 5 - - " '. if s. j. - - - - ., (Subject to Change i Department Store . ".' r-c. For More Sleeping Comfort BLANKETS BEDSPREADS SHEETS PILLOW SLIPS THURSDAY -t-M. 4:00 Bernie iSradcn Tells a Story 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Forest Rangers 4:45 Musical Merry-Go-Round 4:55-CBC News 5:00 Yesterday's Band 5:30 Musical Program 6:00 Canada at Work 6:15 Music a' la Carte 6:30-Mr. E. Faure 6:35 Musical Varieties 6:45 Smoke Rings M N Math., I Utl'f MfflKEa : At WALLACE'S Of bourse 7:00 CBC News AIR PA5 HOTKl AUmVAl Q f. vi ' ouver Horace Duhamel, pioneer barber of Prince Rupert, and Mrs. Duhamel are living in Kitsllano, 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Eventide 8:00 Citizens' Forum 8:45 Here and There 9:00 Winnipeg Drama 9.30 Vancouver Concert Orch 10 00 -CBC News mm '"I'la lh, V. Mur r- Viinaiuv.l I'r-ce Uuprrl S. R. Yates. Vancouver: H Fn-.. Vancouver, to which city they moved about two years ago, af- 4' H. Marshall Ryan. r'f'm SninUp W. Clink tcr, Vancouver; C. MtK.iy. Ottawa: OeorKe Colambus. jter selling their business here. " " -iuttmi'ff'ifr- ' 10:10 CBC News i Tney occasionally meet; v-d 10:15 Miscellany friends front the north, appreci TRAVEL, LABRADOR STYLE--The helicopter Is a favorite meaIlS of r'ansp,rtatlon lor, sur- Mnson' Vancouver Wiw veyors in areas here.huge deposits of iron ore. are openin a new industry In Labrador and Un- n2v TT'p Van -copter r' gava. This was chartered by the ToDORrachieal Siirvcv of rnH. ki- - ... ' v"nr'u- m ate being remembered and are (t.P. J To Vnnri impr ,4 N n t'ay .1 10:30 Dance With CBS ll:00-Weather and Sign Off FRIDAY A.M. j ihti'ie.steii in keeping in touch tmvPl In rrmriiP.. i- lu ver; Mr. nnn Mrs. D. Broil, Vun with Skeena. (CP Photo) couver; Olof Haanson, city; Miss i D",is1'. C. H(W.J - mmi m "J I Schambois t. uii-iiiuii, cn.y; t,. u. Biuns,iv""". T. 12:25-Prog. Resume Adverti.se u- trie auj News! Vancouver;S.M Capon ;Kt. Will 12:30-B.C. Farm Broadcast 12 :55 -Recorded Interlude To SaiMtepit rj W. Letter. Miffi ft ( mi Vaiicouvp; I 7:00 Musical- Clue 8 00-CBC News 8: 10-Here's Bill Good 3:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for MocUrr.s . 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and ComTy 9:15 Morning Devotions TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East-, Monday, Wednesday, Frtdaj 8:00 p.m. From the East Tuesd-y, Thursday, 8aturcJaj 10:15 p.m. "ROPE OF SAND" IS EXCITING Suspense-Packrd Ailverrture In Rugged Diamond Country lam; Mrs. J. brown. Port E sim-jton; Mr. and Mm. W. A. Arnold j Vancouver; W. S. Murray Tor' onto. i M, M. McKenzie, Vancouver; J. C. Walsh. Vancouver: F. Barrluv Li'iehton, j. jjaw . From SjikI;;,;; Duffus. 1:00 -Afternoon Concert 1 :45Commentary Needle-pointers 2:00-National School Broadcast 2:30 Records at Random 2:45 Novelty Tunes 3:00 The Music Box 3:15 Don Messer and His Islanders 3:30 U.N. Commentary 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Ellen Harris (Q.C. To Qiktu Charl Adventure on a rugged and'Smlthers; A. E. Love, Alice Arm; su.spenseful scale comes with the R Mouland, Alice Arm; N. Gush- Campbell, Mrs. F. r.lARKEFS presentatlon of "Rope of Band," ulak.- Alicc Arnlv T- WihhIs, MiicU arrives today at the Capi- "iiners, aKes. lerrace. tol Theatre. The film co-stans R-L. Giddings, Smithrrs; Mr. and oy island; Mr. am 10:15 "Singing Sam" 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11 :00 Kindeigarten of the Air 11:15 Melody Time 11 :30 Weather Forecast fresh fruit Burt Lancaster Paul Henreid. Mls- c- Swanson, Butedue; D. R. r-ily; Mrs. A. M. Hi Bananas. lb. Apples, cook'in'R'r3""'ib.'''ZT" (Claude Rains and Peter Lone 'KTricher, Vancouver; O. S Jdiicy Macs, i lbs. . 35 and Introduces the lnscimis tm-u. Swain, Vancouver; IV Alvey. Dig- runs, Mr. ana M Hmithcrs Lemons, lame Cal..' dV vn . Good Weather For ' mme uorinne Calvct. The dist- 2o 11:31 Message Period 11:33-Recording Interlude 11 : 45 Personal Album Sam oranges (Naveli .22-.. 50 wguished character actor. Dales th Try Thii Grand 35 Jaffee. has the ton fontn Important Events The Indian summer weather that delighted Prince Rupert Tuesday and Wednesday 'night mi re ueirinin - Kit - 12:00 Mid-pay Melodies LUNCH or SUPPER TREAT! Canteloupe, 27 s, 2 for eetaliia Celery, lb Rhubarb. 2 lb .".'. Beets, bunch Parsley, bunch . Turnips, lb t "Rope of Sand" is set hr the 13 diamond country of South Africa. ii The story concerns the dcter-J9 mined efforts of Lancaster, for-.OT.mer hunting guide, to recover a 12:15 CBC News continued through to IhU morning and appeared to be pretty PANCAKIS Ol lllHWHIATt (giH.r Mi. .r fc. KONOMT tf Sninach 2 lb. Radishes, bunch'".':: na racw 01 sok'n hidden general over most of the province. The two important events in the Coli and il Cripp I overnight while yci A loaj recogsiifl Musiiruoms. lb .aa,,n the forbidden area of the dia- . - 1 rn-lMigii THtfMT '11' thii Head Lettuce remaay w exephonsf - 1 -' ff U'aJ" -.- I south opening of the ,Hope-Princcton, Highway and arrival of Premier Nehni and party, of India in Vancouver were favored the best In the way of weather. aV y' nrnreld' who w l" be : J9 5fpl' as tno viciously crurl super-.45 kor of the city ,not only wants 19 l0 Rot tnosc Jcwi'ls' but wants to CHIROPRACTOR il Re Kf I CRIP FIX ;ip svjiliblc it ill Jrl nd counters. EBY & SONS Contractors CookiriK Onions, 3 lbs. "": Cauliflower, lb Tomatoes, Calif. 2 lbs. Cabbaste, lb rornatoes. No. 1 lb .. New Potatoes, 10 lb Cucumbers, enrli Vegetable Marrow, lb. Squash, lb ... r,c?rt,eU Vcuf-tal.te's Tnli Pickles, eal. ... ': j''-Vt'e, told evernijlit L&yrf John F. L. Ilut;ri.s, DC., Ph 21-22 Besnei Block Phone Bf.CE 442 for j tppnfntmrnt HOIKS J Ki 3(l urn to 12 3D pm anrt 1 l 9 pin REPAIRS - REMODELLING . .58 t"-cl Lancaster, as well. Sworn ( enemies, the two men are addl- '. .10 ional,y antagonistic because Of their mutual attraction to Miss 1-J5 Calvet. She has been hired by ' Rains, larirc stftrkhntdcr tr i FOUNDATIONS GOODI GOODI Kallogg'l flaw, quick way to maka BRAN MUFFINS (7zS " i 1 1 mmp- Cut Orecn Beans, fey Let us heln vou olan I wo. a f(MS, 1,111c Mied Veirpt.nhlpo ni mines n frv r,. fi,,i ..,. that new home under ' WITH RAISINS l)lrH Dnnlj nnH il n the N.H.A. f;i:vifis Monday and Prida". 7 an p.m. for those unable to come during the i day RFCFPTirwiST In atuno- j in afternoons. J , I Toast fajnf i Wax Beanl Choice '"ZT M "7 Mm f ,he Mixed Peas and Carrots 19 Wll"n(ls- Pumnkln r. tnr nt , ' Tim i,,i -i..... . Phone Green 883 Box 58B , fc r'l.il.- sm.-fiim ijfc-n,, . I Baked u.7i.j ij in v; - ""m"' in motion t)V Beans, 20-oz. tin 23 .h. n - ..... . . . - wiijj suicrs ana r,ne rugged, fiBht-to-the-Hcath ectloii is said to pack "Rope of Sand witli thrills aplenty. TW l 2 ISA JP f I SENSATIONAL NEW GABARDINE! WORSTED Fargo True No creauiini, no eg-bea ting just una eay atirringl Make aom to-day! 1 cup Kellngg'i teaaprmn aalt All-Bran cup augar or f V cup milk golden ayrup 1 cup aifled 1 egg I""' 2 tableapoona 2;i tapoona aoft ahortaning baking powder cup raiaina 1. Combine All-Bran and milk in mixing bowl. 2. Sift together flour, baking powder and aalt into aame mixing bowl. Add augar or golden ayrup. egg, shortening, and raiaina. btir only until combined, 1. Fill greaaed muffin pana ' full. Bake in pre-heated moderately hot oven UOO'F.i about 25 nunutea. Makes 9 luacioua muffins. AVAILABLE 10R IMMEDIATE DEI fiimS SUITS m 1 la. Cananl nlmoa 2-Ton Chassis and Cab, 152" with reinforced frame it, 2-fpff NEW! GABARDINE TOP COATS in 4 coiors DIRECT FROM Fashion Centre glen's & Ladies' CROYDON BURBARY COATS 3-Ton Chassis and Cab, 170" f with leinforced frame It 2-speec I Canada's mast famous natural laxative earsal far diets at Insufficient hulk try a bowlful todayl BEAUTIFULLY TAILORED FULL COLOR RANGE Priced From $17.50 to $70.00 Set Them Today ACME mm l rup buuer VtT- MttW hakd Ivt pUHff 2 lirf of hrfarl. ii-uM rrmmrd. hi to fcilllrrrd ruUrff rup. fiirrini)inf 2 rorrtfr o" llie lirpad nn I.ii.in of ri)iBjntr B.ikr at .175 d'uro- F.. 5-10 minulfB. Flakr uim(.0 ) hit ImiI bo-kfl. M:i,p .,,, b nullinf tup botur .(iti 2 t!M olk in (timlilf boiler, flirrinf ron.lntl. tn hi.Mr.ni ( fh-iihlp bmli-r ulioulit nol In- b.. lH-t nifi billT H h.n tJitifc, ffimur frtitn lirrtl. nil,) ,n.,mii e.. Tour ftuffit . nlf, H:,.t,rt. Mother Knows JBest! Baked Beans, 15-oz. tin, ea H Tomatoes. 23 . Fresh Mim Cuart 2 pint : 12 Cream. nlnt .28 Kirtrs I.are, cartoned, doz .. ... .79 Medium ,(, . . Butler First Grade, lb K6 " Margarine, lb z3 Cheese Canadian Cheew. m 51J Milk Evaixirated Mnk 1-oz. tins. 2 for ,n case .... :r.:.::.7.7? Pastry Flour, 7 lbs r,j Fl'"r. 49's, No. 1 hard r..Whra. 3 m Flour, 24 s 1 82 " 7a CofirVr Coffee, lb (59 DcLuxe quantity. ib."Tl.'l8 Jnrces Oranrre Juice 29 R'ended ' 23 Grapefruit 22 T" 'os. 2r)-ri7 1 n - 28-07 24 gallon fin Annie. 20-oa. tin. 2 tor ".'.".".". 29 48-os!. 34 Canned Fruits PlnpaDnle. crushed 3fl Pieces, 20-oz . . '41 nrlcntq 'n-nz V fTherrtes. ancy. 20-oz. T0(rnnberr)es. 20-oz .. 29 Peaches, choice .'...."'.'."'.'".'.'" 3n larfl Shortening """13.'.'.'.:r.'.'.r SaTan Rupert Motors V VANCOUVER VKVORIA Phones: 8(16 Office, 566 Shop Ck?rTAv?G STORE I HIRD AVE. Piinvp tin WHAT'S COOKING? f BROADWAY CAFE... SEATTLE Tuesday 1:30 p.m., Catala Sunday. 9 pm, Camo.sun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SFMPSON dunday, 11 pm FOR SOITH Ql'EKN CIIARI-OTTB ISLANDS ss. Camosun, November 4 and 1R 10 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS S.S. Camosun, Oct. 28, 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER I ijlP KLNSTCOO,: 7 VTiiX FOR TAKE-iK ME A SPECIALTY Hours 7 am- to j V i j , - U It's Your"."."" Prince Rupert Florists i Soan. far, hnr 1. 1 Prince Rupert Agent hmffj Powders. cak? lar'rV '""r,2'.6r :2V Third Avenue Phone PH8 r lowers for All Occasions 0 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel 7'. ''nnn iADIO, Take it to. . , TO Ken's lllliiiiiliii WHAT ARE WE TRYINd TO DO? We try to have what people want. ' We want our Koods as good as you expect them to be according to the price you pay. We try to sell well known goods at the prices advertised all over Canada. Community silver. Bulova and Gruen watches Parfcrr and Waterman pens are examples. Wc sell Big Ben clocks at the same price as the jeweller In Peterborough where they are made. We try to be earliest with the latest new goods. We are trying to build a reputation lor reliability and service. No high pressure: no marking up goods to give a discount off. Just plain reasonable profit. !i 45 rl M4jl 26 j i 4'i I ?' BE WISE! Cherries. U lb. pkt. .. r'.nrnnnt, ih " Almond Past" h fruit Cake Mix. lb Seerlleqs Ratlnn. 2 lhs, OnpHprt Ralf,!,!,, 2 lbs n:nt, I, Shelled Almnnds 1 ' f 18 2nd Ave Fhone ,tH REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RKTURl.S PREPARE) K- E. MORTIMER neiien Krath-. 1, lb 4 I BEST HOT DOGS IN "trp wherry. 24-oz 59 f nstiborrv 2l 07,. '....""":": 47 M 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) , TOWN "It Mav Rain A T.nt Hiacknerrv. 4-lb. ' ' Peach. 4 lh. Apricot. 4-lb "".'".'.'.'.'..".'. .K7 .54 .8' .'.0 .20 in Rupert. But Ynn'll QIEEN CHARLOTTE AIKUNKS LTD. Find No Drips Here" i . Souos Canned Sniin" 13 to ! Mi-afp ""3itl" Chicken lh si ""mum NEW ROYAL HOTEL . ANNOUNCE .R0 . . . ,h Ma" Be Comfortable NOW IS THE TIME To luvr a cnange in fares Between prince miiku . uve Oct 15, 1949 by authority or mc a j at SNACK BAR STOKM SASHES INSTALLED of Canada. A Home Away Fwm Home "am. hnnoH and rolled: lb 'l ei T"n. reg. lb T 75 nntnirna, lb :::.::::::: " 4 Weiror5 '" '.fl norHf. finiita 11, vs "aeon, nir v, jj, -4J, ""To" olHf ri'tre 0, r-'nttn-vo Poll. Ih n ' Tlver P'qn, lb so "nsr" "' 'V, I'rr.v, T.rir jb PSnna; IS nA !.. IV, 'l1' T'-T'--.o 11, "' ' New Fares Will Ee . . Single Fare RctunTarc 50 Rooms Hot and Cold water S25.20 FOR THE WINTER. For Estimates and Supplies PHONE 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. OPEN 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. DAIH! 1c z, Freig- .t. per lb Just off Third Avenue PRINCE RUPERT nr F318 6th St.. Phone Orders 92 j QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES i Builders and Contractors fnone 281 p n iq1 Pork Tentlerlotn: lb: