;,rnTrii i I THE MARKETS T Prinre Uupert Daflp Heto 03. Wednesday, July 14, 1948 Timely Topics from 7 errace "14 Swimming Instructors' Award!) Mde-Administerinj Flood Relief yAST Concluding the Red Cross Instruction classes in life saving and water safety at Lakelse Lake by A. Chetwynd was a presen .45 j .40 .21 .09 .06 .85 .13 .32 .15 .39 .11 . .i0 .15 .15 . .27 Vegetables Celery, bunch , Cauliflower, head Swiss Chard, lb Parsnips (unwashed) lb Turnips, lb Mushrooms, lb Head Lettuce, bunch Cucumbers, each 3reen Onions. 2 bunches ... Australian Onions, 3 lbs. . Cabbage, lb Rhubarb, lb Spinach, lb Beets, bunch Turnips, new, bunch Tomatoes, No. 1. lb a Terrace homesite. The pro- i ceeds of the sale will go to build a permanent partition across! the building, thus creating a full j sized gymnasium and a large separate concrete auditorium, to provide an insulating celling i:i the auditorium which will im- prove acoustics and make winter heating easy and practiva', to build bleachers and seats for the gymnasium, to purchase about 400 chairs for the auditorium, various electrical items laaftflMls: So par word pr Insertion, minimum charge. SOo. Birth Notices: 60c; Caru of Thanks, Death Notions, Funeral Nstloee, Marriage ' and Engagement Announcements: t'J. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE Slasslfim Advertising is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. crj tation of pins and medallions by R. Corey to the successful Ktt SAr.fc FOR SALE students on Sunday in the Red FOR SALE Piano Accordian, 120 Bass, 1 treble switch. Phone Black 756. (166) FOR SAXE 1942 Djdge Special Deluxe Sedan. Nevly painted. Excellent condition. Apply 13 'Taxi. (tf) Cross hospital. Recipients were Mrs. Vic Giraud, Miss J. Wado, Mrs. Mcllroy, Miss J. Kirkaldy, Miss K. Davies, Francis Gavan and Aaron Haaland. Jew potatoes, 5 lb for the stage and liirther sports equipment for the gymnasium. Grand nmw for women who bate at homwl Here's tht , "periibitble" yeast new I'lolsclimann's Hon'if Yeast. 1t needs no refrigeration it keein fresh , it: SNAP FOR CASH 6-room house, small house at rear. Fenced, with garage, on two lots. For particulars Phone Blue 597, 839 9th West. (17) FOR SALE Bargain on two new " "British India Rugs, one rust, one green. Call at Skeena Mercantile, Terrace. (164) board tiTl you need it. Takes" the place of frtsh i recipe. You'll be thrilled with its last rising aajJ Mrs. E. Bucjcholta was a visitor to Prince Rupert at the weekend, returning on Monday's train. FOR SALE Baby carriage, veiy . .75 .35 1.99 .17 .14 lit .25 .. .21 .18 .16 .. .24 . .24 .25 .20 The committee formed to administer the flood relief funds has swung into action. The first, meeting was held on Monday In the hospital with R. Corey presiding. Others present were B. R. Dodds, J. Stevenson, Sam Kirkaldy, Mrs. W. Robinson. with the delectanie flavor ana texture oi your hik package yeast caAe in any Canned Vegetables Mil Pickles, gal Cut Green Beans, fey No. 5 Peas, fancy Mixed Vegetables Diced Beets, 2 tins Wax Beans, choice lixed Peas and Carrots .... Pumpkin v Corn, choice Corn Niblets laked Peans, 20-oz., tin .... Baked beans, 15-oz., tin .... good condition, $20.00; play pen, $4.00. Phone Green 337 (165) SALE OF WARTIME HOUSES- -"We have 3, four-room wartime houses listed at fail-prices. For particulars call Robert E. Montador Limited. (tf) Alf Yoxall and son, Roy, havo been spending the past few days on holiday at the south end of Lakelse Lake. 35 1 GU FOR SALE 1642 Ford Panel De-. livery in excellent condition. Phone 311. (164i MACHINERY FOR SALE ' Cherries. -,!b : Almond Paste 3?l 'oconut, lb. 15 Fruit Cake Mix Dates (fancy 6 Seedless Eais: ;38 Seeded Raiiir,. i Shelled W:il,. FOR SAL E 14-room rooming house, partly furnished, for $1300; immediate "occupancy. Located on Fraser Street. Red 615. (169i Word has been received here that William Laird, critically 111 with peritonitis in Jasper hospital, is out of danger now. His parents flew to his bedside last week and will be staging until their son can be moved. Ross Thomson was trampled on by his horse recently and, although not seriously hurt, is unable to be around for a while. TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable .Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) 33 Shelled AlnuJ FOR SALE Complete contents of 4-room apartment. Phone Blue 41G. (1691 40 oz gallon Apples, 20-oz. tin, per tin .... 40 oz. .: Orange, 20-oz Blended (orange and grape fruit. 20-oz 48-oz Canned Fruits Apricots, 20-oz Cherries (fancy) 20-oz Loganberries, 20-oz. Peaches, choice Lara Pure, lb - Shortening , Soap ; Soap, face. 2 for Laundry, cake ' . .08 Sunlight, cake Soap Powders, varae EBSS Grade A: ,arge, cartoned, doz 85 Kutver First Grade, lb 73 Milk Evaporated Milk. 16-oz. tins, 2 for 33 Case 7.75 Cheese Janadlan Cheese, lb 53 Floor Pastry Flour, 7 lbs 59 'lour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat 2.99 Flour (24-s) 1.59 Coffee, lb 09 DeLuxe Quality, lb 1.14 Tea and Coffee J u ires Tomatoes, 20-oz 15 .45 .24 .25 .38 .45 .23 .29 .40 .28 Manville Bedford and Cecil Carter, Shantymon missionaries, arrived here last week and have been conducting youth rallies. Jj Shelled Bra-a . .41 1 .29 ! JamJ Fruit Strawberries, h'.kt Bananas, lb Apples, cooking, 2 lb Fancy Apples, 3 lb Lemons, large, doz Grapefruit. Texas (white), 96 s, 3 for (pink), 96's, 6 for Oranges (Navel) .25 Dates, lb Frestr Milk Local Quart Pint Miss Helen Somervllle left on Monday for Prince George where she will be employed in the telephone office. Her position in the telephone office here has been filled by Josephine Jordon. FOR SALE Must sell small 4 Wartime house, 124 8th West. Call before 2 p.m. or between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. (tf) FOR RENT trawberry, y 29 I taspberry, 24-33 Blackberry, 28 j Cherry, 24-oz yi I each, 24-0?.. . 2o Apricot, 24-uz FOR RENT 2 room suite partly furnished. Private entrance. 735 8th West. (164) The civic centre Is to raffle METHOD IN ATTACK Wolves attacking a deer operate so that one distracts the quarry's attention by slashing at its haunches while another gets an opening at its threat. FOR RENT Flat, Jsand Block. .03 l 3.1 .12 .25 35 Canned Soups Cream, pin Apply Max Heilbroner, Jeweller, (tf) ( Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS FOR SALE New and Used Fur-iture and Hardware. New Gur-ney Ranges for wood and coal. New shipment of British India ... Hugs, Chinaware, Unpainted Chests and Bookcases, Radio Tables, Hardware. Used Electric Rangette, Fancy Tables, Radios, Kitchen Sets, Bedroom Suites, Beds, etc. Every- - thing is reasonably priced. See us first. B.C. Furniture Co. Black 324. (tf) FOR RENT 3 room dwelling, partly furnished. Phone Green 378 or apply 254 Biggar Place. (tf) FOR RENT 2 room apartment. 801 Borden Street. (tf) FOR RENT One double and one single bedroom, both with 1. What Is wrong with this sentence? "You and I have done the bulk of the work." 2. What Is the correct pronunciation of "capricious?" 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Twelvth, tempestuous, trespasser. 4. What does the word "inanimate" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with mu that means "capable of change of form, qualities, or nature?" Answers 1. Say, "have done the great kitchen and home -privileges. ' ' HOUSES FOR SALE SMALL Four on 2nd Overlook Furnished. Only $1400. SMALL FOUR Two blocks from Phone Blue 716. (ICS) WANTED 'Ridley Home Furnished Only $2100.00. $500.00 DOWN Balance payable BOYS WANTED Boys desiring News routes should leave their names at the office as vacancies may be occurring anyda. er part of the work." 2. Pro-' nounce ka-prish-us, i as in dish, and not ka-prees-us .3. Twelfth. 4. Destitute of life. "Stones and earth are inanimate substances." 1 5. Mutable. WANTED Oil burner or late model stove with oil burner installed, must be in A-l shape. Box 1551 Prince Rupert. (169) as rent Large House on cement foundation, suitable as - Duplex Full Price $2500.00. 5-ROOM HOUSE near town-Furnace Partial Cement Foundation $2700.00. 4 ROOM House with full basement and renewed foundation. Excellent IScation. 32 minutes from Post Office. Priced for quick sale. $2700. GOOD Building Lots available in Sea View location. Reasonably priced. Apply : ; ROBERT E. MONTADOR ": LIMITED (166) METAL WORK PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tar and Gravel. Roof ing. Letourneau it Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) Steamship Movements Daylight Oavitig Time For Vancouver Monday ss. Princess Adelaide 11 p.m. Tuesday ss. Camosun, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss. Prince Rupert 12:15 midnight Friday ss. Catala, p.m. July 14 ss. Princess Norah. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Camosun, p.m. Monday ss. Princess Adelaide p.m. Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert 1 a.m. Friday ss. Catala, 5 p.m. July 23 ss. Prince George, 10 a.m. LOST AND FOUND LOST From 741 6th West, 3-month-old grey Persian kitten, 4 white paws. Finder plase phone Red 7Ci. 1164) FOUND Key with clip from case attached. Owner can obtain same on payment of this ad at the Dally News. (tf) """" ' '' 1 " ' jLIAjULtij w?a .-i Vti-L, mavT ' 5" " ' "nr fi picking cut a R.I I'BSkv Esai r rs whv t?oEs))a. ( press fop t: Kyi V8 i 12 1 - - -I'SHE'S S TAKE?y;F 1 TOMORROW v B fl iBlMiSS u:u ,e 1 .rv. fpOWNTOWM, I AQ fZ.yfjfav2. IT WES) - II 1 1 POOR MAMA--r,, . cr-TiVCU BET SHfc WlLL-" I" Zf f MOM PROMISED A ". ;' uJ LL MAVl. 7 I V SWE'LL BE J ,1 ' C VJOMEN GET SO EXCITED J i r i k, TO IRON THIS , Jf ' , U I ' PS, BE WMNT 60l, ' I ;? SO r- aV j.. ' VVHEN THEY SHOP A j jV - 1 I SHIRT FO S rlVfe C -ri "ANW WAir ITlRED rCCi UX THEV RUSH FROM STORE j P I , ' ME rr-f I S X ,- ' ' ; 'r J 3 MAVBE J I . . so-" S ,-. " . I ' - f C VOU'LL LOVE J ( k &AVS IT S ) j. i i f THAT'S ) J vcCe,D.,.M k .?i')PiV,. TlT rMGWOODjAliTp BEAUTIFUL" - : f I '. !' liU H U YOU AND ALEXANDER) - I I -A ' iZX' BUCK UP ' ; ' J r) Ci4& (WArr FORHERATTHE I'LL BET n ' (moM.VvCI " Krms , Wr GET shoes oft? ) fefe I i lilJ i u j t?t; 'ZZZJz dkCil&$K QUICK, AMP BRING Jt . ' ; : I H 11 CANT WAlTl.Li fl? ' ' o . - HI H I PONT LIKE IT AT ALL V ' ) sm&'A HHl T Y ' :LSt - ; : 8 . I'm going to take it J (i &f him '.''. I NOW- l1 ' p'Ps v ' ' ! I Vf BACK IN THE t (G if, VV ' ' ' ' r S I S" NO MAN S. ; lKW, MORNING K.ll iT - ''', ( THAT TO ME, 1 r. . ( CAN EXPLAIN I : ' . BOAT FOR SALE Combination glllnetter-troller 31' x 7'6" x . 3'6" with 12 h p. two cycle Vivian gas engine. Complete with ... poles and drum, ready to go. Cash price $1600.00. See W. H. ; Moore at Port Edward Cannery or Indian Supt. (164) ' FOR SALE 2 room furnished cabin at Prudhomme Lake " with custom built skiff and sail, and 1937 model 3'2 HP. outboard. On shallow water, ; ideal for children. All for $300, lor will sell cabin separately. ' - Phone Green 928. . (165) FOR SALE 16 f oof Ch7isCraf t made speedboat. Box 601 "Prince Rupert. (168) July 16 ss. Princess Louise, Modern Etiquette By ROBERT A LEE . a.m. July 19 -ss. Princess Norah 1 irt- :i TIL C a. Y' I f if I I I ,( 1! FOR SALE 1931 Model A Coach . $300. 37 Chev 2-door Sedan - $1000. 39 Ford Sedan $725. 42 Dodge DeLuxe $1500. Lighting Plant $50. Wayn Gas Pump $125.00. Dan's Service Station. (164) a.m. For Alice Arm, Stewart, Port Simpson Sunday ss. Camosun, mid-ilght. From Alice Arm, Stewart, Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Camosun, a.m. From Ocean Falls Monday ss. Princess Adelaide p.m. Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert, 10 a.m. Friday ss. Catala, a.m. July 19 ss. Prince Oeorge, 11 a.m. I' or Ocean Falls Monday ss. Princess Adelaide. 11 p.m. Q. . What is the correct procedure a man usually follows when buying an engagement ring for his fiancee? A. After he has proposed and been accepted, he and the girl usually go to the jeweler's together and select a ring that is in accord with the desire and taste of the girl. Q. What would be a suitable phrase for a wife to use when introducing her husband to another woman? A. "Mrs. Barnes, may I present my husband?" Q. Is it good form for one to use his initials on a visiting card? A. The '.proper form is to have the name appear in full. BORN FURRED Young Chinclllas are born fully furred, with their eyes wide open. ' FOR SALE Dinette, like new. One Che.sterueld. Dresser, VA Bed. 135(1 6th E. After 5:00 (169) 1'KRSONAL Thursday ss. Prince 12:15 p.m. July 17 ss. Prince Rupert, George, FOR BEST HOTEL SERVICE in 4he Interior,, stop at Telkwa " Hotei, 244 miles from Prince Rupert, just half way to Prince George. (tf) p.m. From Alaska Thursday ss. Prince Rupert p.m. For' Alaska Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert midnight. July 23 ss. Prince George 2 p.m. PERSONAL WE'LL SHOP FOR YOU. If you know what you want, but live too far away to find It yourself, write to the Select Shopping Service, Dominion Building, Vancouver, (tf ) GROWN UP BABIES Infantilism is a term applied to a type of personality In which childish characteristics persist into later life. 19TH CENTURY HIT About 1830 a favorite pianoforte composition was the 'Sunffbox Waltz." Kaien Co-op HUMAN HEAT The temperature of the healthy human adult body averages from 98.4 to 98.6 degrees Farenhelt.. REVERE WARE Drop in and check over the New Copper Hottom Stainless Steel Pressure Cookers along with other lines of Pots and Pans. GAINED DOMINION STATUS New Zealand became a Dominion in the British Empire in 1907. PHONE I'lione 179 WRITE Hox 1127 DROP IN 251 3rd West