- ' ! 1 v Idximc Ruprri Oatip iBctass Friday, September 17, 148 in League Starts IT PA Y5 TO ROLL YOUR OWN WITH MttMato LADIES' BOWLING LEAGUE STARTS Play in Another Trundling Division Gets Tnder Way Belmont and Noble & Wick scored clean sweep victories over Brownwoods and Busy Bees respectively when the Ladies 'B'' Bowling League got under way this week. In other fixtures, decided two games to one, Big Sisters won over Toilers, Rosa Lees over Miller Bay and Stars over Boosters. High scorer was B. Peterson of Miller Bay with 527 for three games and 229 for one. PROTECTION OF YOUNG LOBSTERS the .ZJ Dominion Fisheries! Ailn main event of a proTes- ty of experimental Station here, savs that Nova Scotia fishermen are depleting the lobster industry by sending small and Immature STILL .WINNING Old Satchel Paige kept the Indians' scon?less; inning streak alive recently by pitching a 3-hit shutout for the Indians against the Chicago White Sox. Indian pitchers held the opposition scoreless for 47 consecutive innings, setting a new American league record, Paige (seated! is shown with . t.. ..w.. Mixed Bowling Prince Rupert's Mixed Bowl-ir? League got under way for the start of the 1948-49 season on Wednesday and Thursday -PiffgMTBt"" mm FOOTWEAR Tin ringed boot for the lued job. Snuf lupport lor the irdut . . . tight, Itronf, with ported flexibility ... longer wetriif through correct weight distri-btttim . . . non-jlip treads. Try on I pair at your defter s today! YES . . . it's a Strike! AND THAT'S WHAT YOU'LL GET EVERY TIME IF YOU ARE WEARING BOWLING SHOES from BROVJtiWOOD'S (247) ,:,rr:rn,n. ever-jncreasing numbers. "w.1" ".too lethal ! r C Tobacco BRIGHT VIRGINIA LADIES' BOWLS "A" SCHEDULE September lo-ix-iongs ve ' Orange, Savoy Swingers vs! West view, Variety vs. Tail &' Odowes, Mansion's vs. Gordon V rauuu aiju, aiiuruca vs. CiOUuVS September 27 Savoy Swing J ers vs. Tift & Oduwes, Gordur & Anderson vs. Variety, Scuby's vs. Malison's, Annettes vs ' Orange, DeJongs vs. Westview.' October 4 Variety vs, Man-son's, Oranpe vs. Scuby's, Ar-i nettes vs. Westview, DeJonei; j vs. Tift & Odowes, Savoy Bwinq. ers vs. Gordon & Andeisun. NO JOB IS TOO TOUGH When the trouble deep in the motor of your auto, you can depend upon our experienced mechanics to g 1 to the bottom of ii. Drive in today for complete check-up. ' WtflhlMl'f li t th e Rex Cale tin Task) M m the winning run and alsoment, fishermen would realize backed up against the fence an additonal 15 cents a pound to rob Pat'Seerey of the Sox . and would be assured a steady out of a home run. Cleveland's suPPlv" "goose-egg string" was bro- 1 This would mean a slack sea- u" WIUle a""B ior me crus-Ken ken When wnen the me Chirairn L,rucago White White taceans to reach maturity, but Sports Baseball Scores Rational Cincinnati 6, Brooklyn 12 Pittsburgh 10, New York 6 American New York 1-8, Detroit 2-4 Washington 3, Cleveland 6 Boston 1, St. Louis 3 Pacific Coast Seattle 2, Los Angeles 0 Sacramento 10. Hollywood 8 Portland 6, San Francisco 5 Oakland 12, San Diego 6. FLY CHAMP DECISIONED VANCOUVER, 0 Jackie Turner, Canadian flyweight champion, last night dropped a hard-fought eight-round deei- einn tn MiLr Rprnnl nf Oakland sional card here. Turner, who recently lost a ten-rounder to Haiwaii's Dado Mariano, fought; gamely, but Bernal's right was! I ft All! I I kit KllWIlflll UV 11 LI II V SCHEDULE Schedule for first third of the Ladies' "B" Bowling League isj announced as follows: September 21 Rosa Lees vs. Belmonts, Miller Bay vs. BusVj Bees, Cosmos vs. Boosters, Big sisters vs. Stars, Toilers vs. Brownwoods. September 28 Rosa Lees vs. Brownwoods, Miller Bay vs. Boosters, Toilers vs. Stars, Busy Bees vs. Belmont, Cosmos vs. Big Sisters. October 5 Toilers vs. Cosmos. Busy Bees vs. Rosa Lees. Big Sisters vs. Belmont, Boosters vs. Brownwoods, Miller Bay V6. Stars. October 12 Big Bisters vs. Miller Bay, Boosters vs. Belmont, Brownwoods vs. Busy Bees, Rosa Lees vs. Toilers, Stars vs. Cosmos. NOTICE TO Khtllil OKM Vt ll.UAM i'll H( K NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all pernons having otauug ai'atnst tbt Estate of WUtlnm Hunry Pierce, de-waaeel, "late of Prtuce Rupert. Britisfc Columbia, who ciltd on the 13th dy of April. J948. are heroby required or before the 16th day of Octobr 1940. to deliver or send by prepaid letter full particulars of their claims duly verified to the understimed a-. P.O Box 368. Prinoe Rupwt B.C.. n Executor of the aaid Estate. AND TAKE NOTICE that after th last mentioned date I will proceed to distribute the aaaets of the de ceased among the parsons entitlei thereto having reiiard only to the claims of which I shall then have had notice. DATED this 7th day of September. 1B48. RICHARD GEDDES LARGE, Executor of the Estate of William Henry Pteree, Deceased. (224) PROFESSIONAL FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE : WORK CALL BLUE B39 f M. J. SAUNDERS New, - Modem Equipment All Work .Guaranteed MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST In New Offices ROOM 10 STONE BUILDING New Phone BLUE 593 P.O. Box 1184 evenings. Maeey's following a slow start against Overwaitea, rolled the evening's top three games with 3492 to take three points. Maeey's also ran off with the high single game scratch of 1318 while Bob Vuckovich of Wingers with a high single of 322 and high three of 832, was instrumental in Wingers blanking Silver Streaks. Islay Garner of Dodgers proved to be a steadying influence in Dodgers taking the odd game from King Pinners with 669 for three. In other fixtures, shut-out. were in order with Bo'ks blanking High School No. 1, Clover Leafs defeating Pin Busters, Headpinners winning over the Maple Leafs. Pioneer Laundry downing B.C. Messenger and Pushovers stopping Malkins. Standings to date: : Pushovers 4 3 Pushovers 4 3 Headpinners 4 3 Cloverleafs 4 3 Bo'ks 4 3 Wingers 4 3 Maeey's 3 2 Dodgers 3 2 Kingpinners 1 1 Overwaitea 1 1 Silverstreaks 0 0 High School No. 1 ... 0 0 Pin Busters 0 0 Maple Leafs 0 0 B. C. Messenger 0 0 Malkins 0 0 Individual scoring: KINGPINNERS G. Shenton 146 162 194 L. McLatchie 166 199 226 5. Comadina 95 200 139 J. Shenton 251 230 171 N. Kinslor 167 159 167 ' A. Pierce 201 202 220 Totals 1026 1152 1117 DODGERS Ed. Garner 196 136 191 I. Garner 199 222 248 G. Anderson 120 181 250 L. Anderson 95 192 167 Mrjs. Mastell 132 219 183 Mr. Mastell 235 217 209 Totals 977 1167 1248 I OVffRWATTirA K. Paul : 110 148 113 W. Leverett 169 182 160 M. Kuzik 160 117 122 R. Tubb 178 233 243 J. North 166 155 149 L. Vanetta 182 158 123 Totals 965 993 910 j MACEY'S Matheson 180 247 251 B. Usick 142 216 107 I. Dunbar 129 269 299 B. Vuckovich 175 186 210 TKE Cigarette MILD, SWEET, Sport Shots "Sunny Jim" Bottomley, St. Louis Cardinals first baseman, batted in 12 runs in one gam to set a major league baseball , record. Flaying against the Brooklyn Dodgers 24 years ago Bottomley had a perfect six-foi-six at bat. The Cards won 17-8 Bobby Riggs and Alice Marbk" completed a sweep of the Wimbledon nd United States tennis singles championship at Forest Hills, N.Y., nine years ago today. Riggs turned back youn? Welby Van Horn in straight set i to succeed Don Budpe as national champion, while Miss Marble defeated former champion Helen Jacobs. 6-0, 8-10, 6-4 NOTICE To preserve small game, farm lands at Kemo have been posted with "No Hunting" signs. Trespassers will be prosecuted. J. Kilby C. Lindstroio M. Gaynnr II Frpe.-e A. Nelson C. Reita (In A i!!3 With Minora Blades! For comf ort and speed, y ou can'J equal Minora in its class, tf's the quality blade in the low-price field! frs your boutu-EDGf kAZon PHONE 654 ?5c Per Ooen Paid Tot Empties Thle adverttwment m not published oi llaplayed by theLlquorControl Bimrd-w by the Government of British Columbia. Chandler & Cowgill Photographer Developing, Printing Enlarging Box 645 216 4th St. Stop Leaky ChopSuey Chowihl Chinese DWieiid ' i The canneries will accept them seven Inches long. I "Were the lobsters allowed to Brow to the nine-inch mini- (after that the industry would oe on a nrm foundation and the fishermen would make a larger ?"101 prom' UI- weauy MW' ' jn - ..iV:... WINNING WAYS -t Since Burt Shotton took over as manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers the. Brooklyn club has been almost a consistent winner. Shotton, who wears street clothes in the dugout, replaced Leo Durocher as boss of the rapidly-rising Flat-bushers. BUSINESS AND COW BAY BOAT WOBKS A. P, CRAWLEY GREEN 391 I Designing Repairs Fine Workmanship Estimates Agents for Kermath Marine; Engines 13 PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST BUTTE 5. SMITH BLOCK Setond Avenue opposite Prs 7;00 a.m. to8:i' Ho Friction Has the Oil Filter on your car bur.: factum's recommended mileage? c have all the other points rpqainst such as: t Wheel Bearing Kepack Lubricants Cleaning nd Bf-W"1! Many of these details art owrfc who consclantiously has his rar law- Sox pushed across three runs in me nimn inning during a i game played at Cleveland, ( Ohio, to defeat the Indians' 3-2. S. Davidson 133 164 160 S. Thornton 171 236 157 Totals 930 1318 1244 SILVER STREAKS W. Calverly 76 127 L. Smith 125 209 R. Smith 172 212 P. Roberts 186 124 M. Smith 65 108 125 Low Score : 105 160 , Totals 720 940 WINGERS , D. Didorak 161 151 M. Mintenko . 183 160 I. Kristjansson .., 174 120 R. Vuckovich 322 252 B. Cowgill 63 144 B. Harrison 105 215 Totals 1008 1042 10S8 HIGH NO. 1 D. Haugland 104 59 I. Dunn 69 66 J. Urauahart 75 74 G. Bateman 83 105 J. Jenkins 126 225 182 W. Garbutt 99 105 54 Totals 556 634 491 BO'KS E. Moxley 118 150 165 E. Sweeney 85 101 164 L. Hart 195 90 155 F. Moore 121 135 138 F. Wright 118 145 145 Low Score 69 105 54 Totals 716 726 821 CLOVERLEAFS Y. Turcotte 139 120 128 G. Brodie 131 136 205 B. Payne 176 166 141 C. Silversides 202 172 148 L. Basso-Bert 174 130 162 D. Baillie 162 214 126 Totals 984 938 910 PIN BUSTERS M. Grasdale 151 90 190 P. McRae 109 75 97 P. Adler 95 72 119 Ball 59 94 108 Sbrocei 90 69 44 Johanovich 208 197 181 Totals 713 597 739 HEADPINNERS V. Wrathall 156 178 156 M. Halverson 193 207 817 N. Withers 151 117 124 B. Withers 213 203 118 E. Murray 117 145 161 J. Comadina 197 292 227 Totals 1027 1142 1103 MAPLE LEAFS P. Thompson 123 162 118 J. Thompson 183 205 207 A. Shearer 135 126 164 R. Shearer 181 131 197 J. Jones 71 49 39 A. Jones 176 138 20fl Totals 809 811 931 B.C. MESSENGER Mary Matheson .. 186 202 170 Tom Smith 177 133 155 Louise Swaffield .126 115 91 H. Swaffield 213 154 150 G. Smith 129 136 98 J. Schroeder 169 155 173 Totals 1000 895 837 PIONEER LAUNDRY E. Knutson 148 137 204 B. Windle 269 1R7 16S P. Menzies 118 176 166 B. Moxley 247 204 193 L. Erickson 172 166 204 C. Erickson 139 125 121 Totals 1093 975 1054 PUSHOVERS C. 166 141 212 J. Warren 125 128 122 J. Graham 133 127 229 M. Flyim 185 143 200 E. Anderson 199 119 115 J. Paul 206 257 144 Totals 1014 915 1022 MALKINS A. Leamy 147 159 173 ;M. Leamy 173 101 92 IE. Schild ' 90 97 156 !R. Clavering 105 156 182 D. Taylor 129 156 148 A. Taylor 22 211 193 Totals 870 880 944 NURSING PIONEER Florence Nightingale vis) called "Angel of the Crimea."! We remind our -Regulars" as ' LINDSAY PII0XE 8i o PRP SAVOY HOTEL SUPER BASEBALL FANS MEET DIMAGGIO Thrilled as any baseball fan would be, New York's Governor Thomas E. Dewey and his sons, John and Tom Jr., have their big moment meeting Jae DiMaggio before the start of the New York Yankee-Chicago White Sox game at Yankee Stadium in New York recently i Carl Zarelli, Prop. amp Phone 57 P C. Box HI j r ACH a ERASER STREET i I Prince Rupert ( p0r H sSHHMSMIlr 'PPMllfM Seabee Amphibian Plane Y IN Charter Service Commercial Hunting: Fishing Sightseeing SKEENA AIR TRANSPORT LTD. PHONES Terrace: W. H. Martin, 23; E. T. Kenney Ltd., 35 , IRON FIREMAN STOKERS GIT 30 MOII K1AT S3IITn & ELKINS U Phone 174 WtDMl For? fTS"' Prince Rupert: Prince Rupert Hotel, 466 Phone 765 - P.O. Box 1401 ' ; HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP JOHN F. L. HUGHES Permanent Wavfig Chiropractor lture lD r i all Its branches J-8" 204 4th Street Phone 65 ,n P.O Box 894 Phone Blue 442 ' GEORGE L. RORIE HANDYMAN Public Accountant, Auditor, etcJ HOME SERVICE Income Tax Returns Compiled. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Besner Block Phone 387 1 Building ana Repaln of all klnai " Chtmneyt nd " Burt" PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR phones: PHONE BLUE 810 Black 687 Red 894 evenings Servitle Fi jndusTr, I 0 Q' . For Downtrodden Heels Ur Well 11 nn i .1 (P.R.) Ltd. and Worn Soles Crtare, LaWltaf. Wefchin MAC SHOE HOSPITAL BLUE 780 BLUE 888 Bo " Second At. RUPERT MAB'S (J. i We Take Listings of . c ng BOATS FOR5- snlTS. MA" TOR THE BEST IN ACTOMOTTVE SERVICE . . . Bee Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet. Bulck Chev. Tracks Pontiae Oldsmobile GJW.C. Trucks MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE, B.C. Why endure the annoyance of dripping faucets? Let us fix them today. "Dependable service. PHONE 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMWNG AND HEATING Bud Schuman 01d Post Office Building) RUPERT MAREfIS cil.ES -( V..'