mL PR0VIS3IAL LI3.1ARI, m D3CG8 VICTORIA, 0, C. SAT 3153 Daily Deliver VICTORIA, B.C. NORT HRKN AMII l.'H.N'l'KAl,' BR1TIRH nnrtTVrOTi umiiDisva ' n u njanociuBta m JU. vSS?' Cand' Mot Strategic Pacific Port "Prince . Rupert, . the Key to the Great Northwest' PHOtlE 8! AAAJX, NO. 108. POT Mf 'IT 17 T IDPDT Tt r- TTII..l.r, PEICE FIVE CENTS ircanes May Cut mo ib it-, iber and Council Talk 7 As See iLJ It Housing Proposition earnest appeal to publicise legislation allow-vhajr f houses under the Dominion-Provin- Rising Red Gobbles Over 200 Sq. Miles Of Land WINNIPEG (CP) The swollen Red River Mi.d its tributaries criss crossing Greater Winnipeg threatr ened today to cut the prairies' largest city into a half dozen unconnected sect-ions, thus crippling flood control operations. The army boss of all Manitoba floo.fl . control operations . said the risk that bridges crosSng the liver would be rut icipally supporter! plan brought into effect By ELMORE PHILPOTT was made by a committee from Prince Chamber of Commerce to the City Counci! Wular meeting Monday night, lhc Chamber NUTS, 1UTS, BOOKS ( THE . U.S. GENERAL Mc- ' AUL1FFE became famous for his defiant word "nuts" In. the 'resident ij. m - tary P. H. Llnzcy and, Battle of the Bulge. Now he tells the world that the U.S. and out of action was "alarming.".. j Not only the Red, but the trl-jbutary As&lnlboine, Seine ' and I La Salle Rivers were rising j. d. MrRae,'M.lA..: i.Wd the meeting, j i'lircd bv Mr. rei.sci.- i steadily. Keeping bridges open Is a top ) l jMu . . .... stone put tlif case for 'plvr of Commerce. Ho ; jHition or the j Jwmbcr of men Iroml 1 Cellulose who crowd- j links on pay (lays to; bncy home to their , fa families. Those men. J. D. McRae, M L.A., and founj there was greater co-operation bi t ween Federal and Provincial Governments und that housing was available on reasonable term He had agreed with Mr; McRae, he said, that a half page advirti imnt fhould be Inserted in the Daily News. An advertisement had been place J and there had been only one person who asked lor application. That had not been completed and returned. Asked by Mr. Felspnthal If the advertisement had been the half Soviet both have a new "nerve , pas" which will painlessly par- . alyze whole armies, and rob I hem of the will to fisht. Seems like a grand Idea. In fact, a few whiffs of It at the UN would do no harm. DO YOU HAVE TROUBLE getting your ' youngsters to eat t the right kind of .lunch? . Miss Marie Pcdley tells of how ! Gllmore Avenue School, Burn-! coy, used six white rats to teach I by actual demonstration. ( Three rats were fed white bread, jam, Jelly, cake, etc. and toft drink. Three others wer? fed brown bread, carrot or applo.j and milk. j : .1 ..U....1.I Virion f " f A E::y,uner crews- round-the-clock force, battle the rising Red River at Elm Park In St. Vital a tynniprg suburb. Hundreds of sandbags are being thrown uP to 5S t UWnT 16 rSidential Pro"crly- " the an army truck used in help- assignment for the military .-forces. B '- - -' The Red Cross was Instructed to evacuate 450 person . from Southeastern St. Vital, a low lying, Winnipeg suburb. ' , , a-- The Tavenous Red now covers 200 square miles of SoutMrh ' " Manitoba. ' All reserve rmy units in the greater Winnipeg area-12. In all were put on active service In a final effort lo stem - the ' SiiHl, Miuuiu j s here with them, their own good and ir rnouj) uf the community. the delegation had !i the backing of ap- Halibut Sales TODAY American : TOD A Y'S STOCKS FINANCIER DIES SANTA BARBARA, Calif. William Pierson Hamilton, 81, retired New York financiur and former partner of J. P. Morgan, ilird yesterday after a long il',tnss. THUG STEALS Ji0 PHILADELPHIA Auiomob, ile salesmai) and customer wrre shot to death by a holdup man last night on a used car lot. The rolher escaped with $200 which the customer had brought with him to make payment on the car, police said. INVITATION TRIP l y 100 members of the page, Clly Clerk II. D. Thaii) (Courtesy 8. most oi wnom were Tlicy had come to I). Johiiktuii Co. Llil ) Those on the first diet slump Pierce, 18,000. 20.5c. ia.5 and k council's earnest con- replied that it had been a two column display. Mr. Felscnthal said he thought the half page should be taken and In addition of their proposition in an antagonistic spreading flood. Already.,tlhUi-ands of troops are on duty., r Tile city power supply is threatened. If electricity fails, Winnipeg will lose transportation telephone, newspaper and radio ea in ncann. inose on the right I6 5 Pacilc. diet thrived. j Mother No. 3, 1G.000, 21.4c, 20 5 All the children could see for anci j8c Pacific I themselves how diet affects Good Hope No. 1, 25,000, 21.7c, health, temper, and even good m,.j,. n , Aumaquc : .28 Beattie 68 Bcvcourt .32 Vancouver Bayonnc 03 Bralornc 8.00 mind. He suggested til publish a half pac,e j ".p 'VO jf ill . i rent in the Daily News looks. communications and other public utilities. All theatres have iie public that housing ouuju .I72 Buffalo Canadian .21 Consul. Smelters ........ 102.50 Conwest 1 39 Donalda 63 liiuble under the fol-- .02 .06 1.26 .26 o.i I I oanuneiia, 27.000, 21.7c, 21.6c tand 17c, Booth. j Vclma C, 34,000, 21.5c, 20.5 and j 18c, Storage. Says the teacher: "About a third 'of Grade Six girls arc drlnklnt; more milk . . . and are sure their hair is shinier and U: been ordered closed immediately And In this critical point In the flood flight, a growing sUeum of refugees pour from low-ly- B. R. Con B. R. X Cariboo Quartz ... Congress lledley Mascot ... Pacific Eastern Pend Oreille Pioneer Premier Border .. 11 down payment. TORONTO Premier Small-wood left Toronto by plane to uoiuia, 18,0011, 21.5c, 20.5 and holds the curl longer. circular letters sent to every known address In the city. Aid., Black, said the advertisement had been a feeler. Besides there had been a lot of publicity given housing proposals In th He felt the response was not good enough, although there had been a great deal of talk about it on the streets. He w-.i.s of the opinion that the city ftfiould bo responsible for pro-Vidrhg'sCn'lres'ld-art area Tpcn-ec under the scheme but that it should not be held liable financially either for any part THE BEST BOOur I haveU7c' SLoraK- read on Europe since the Hitler! Go,Kl ParUier, 28,000, 21.7c ' I payment each month Hie piinripal . repay-1 rest and taxes. 'nple realize," he said, , can buy their own uar Is THE STATE OF EUROPE : "su ; al,ti 'C Royal. .04 V2 .06 y2 5.65 3.25 .03-2 . ,12 V2 " 2.45 03 ing suburbs Into the city proper j More than 12.000 persons ,mosUy women and children jb,ave,evacmited tjomea while the Eldona 31 East Sullivan 670 Giant Yellowknifc 9.0 God's Lake ...35V Hardrock .49 I Igrjricana..., .1.9 Vk Heva .,' . : .00 x Hosco .09 Jacknife 07 Mermaid, 16.000, 21.5c, 20.5 und 1 rPiivateer li easy to tim" - - McDonald men remained in the battle 17c Mliu. - . . . ,- - Relief, 23.000, 21.5c, 20.5 and I 17c, Atlin. by Howard K. Smith. Smith, is the last big-lime reporter that still reports without bias for U.S. networks from overseas, all others long since Reeves Reno .. I against shaky dikes. B. Black said the City had looked Into fne day for Winnipeg on a cross Canada tour to invite provvrt-ciat premier to Newfoundland's Cabot Day celebrations at St. Johns June 24. . "GAS MASTER" TO HANG BERLIN A west Berlin court yeslerday sc.iitrnced lo deafh Erich Bauer, former "Gas Master" of a Nani concentration j I camp in Poland. Bauer, 50, convicted of crimes against j Co-op I Sheep Creek 1.15 j Silbak Premier 38 ' Taku River . 11 H year and gained having been alven Urn silent I Tslunrl Oiiwm Or. mm. 'r-, THE WEATHER Synopsis of the original cost or debts ..formation to realize .. ... -..uru, CN'lllHi, tT OC nnn. r .. .. . .. purge treatment. Maybe Columbia Broadcasting System figures not many people wld be done at that housing. However, been in contact with incurred. That, he felt should be the responsibility of the two senior governments. ii., -j.uini, v.apniia no. I. aj.OOO; Panda, 14,000; Miss Margot. 21.-, 000; Kyrlclle, No. 2, 17000; Pj will hear Smith anyway as he humanity was said to have taken part in the killing of at least 250.UU0 Jews. convs on at 8:U Sunday morn-, Uorppn- "50: Clipper No. 2. Ing on the Pacific Coast. 28,000; Norman. 15.000; Dovre B.. Anyway his book Is like his 50000: Arctic, No. 1, 23,000; Bal-broadcasU rlRht down the Hue Slic N(. L 28,000; North Fore, in the centre telling both good land, 10.500; Taplow, 40.000; Gus-and bad about what he sees In tav, 18.000; Rodney p., 16,000; every country In Europe. Ipherlow, 24,000; Wales Island, JAMES ALDRIDGE is an 24,000; Dickie Boy, 8,000. Australian writer with a repu-1 MONDAY tatlon already established by American three good books. , Can Rar Rmm 2n , nll. jest Into Rooming isc Death Adjourned lit'.-t into the' death of 20 vear old Bettv Joliet Quebec 67 a Lake Rowan 20 Lapaska .06 Little Long Lac 45 Lynx 37 Madsen Red Lake ........ 3.05 McKenzie Red Lake .... .52 McLeod Cockshutt 3.45 Moncta '. .39 Negus 1.65 Noranda 69.75 Louvicourt 20 Vi Pickle Crow 172 Regcourt , 05 San Antonio 3 45 Senator Rouyn 35 Sherrit Gordon 2.35 Steep Rock 3.50 Sturgeon River 22 Silver Miller 90 Upper Canada 3.25 Vananda .15 Salmon Gold 00 Spud Valley 05 Silver Standard - 1.23 Oils-Anglo. Canadian 5.05 A. P. Con 40 Atlantic 1.95. Calmont 60 C. & E 8.25 Central Leduc 4.40 Home Oil 15.00 Mercury 11 Okalta , 185 Pacific Pete 5.75 Princess 51 Royal Canadian .08 Toronto Athona .' .12V'j Nationalist Air Force Hit Reds The fine weather whifih he province has enjoyed for all too short ah interval is definitely on the wane this morning. Weather disturbances, which for the past few days have been entering Alaska, are now moving farther southward and will now trail slowly across B. C. As a result, dull showery weather is expected to spread all over the province by tomorrow. With cloud moving Into the inlerior, temperatures ,in , the watershed areas are once again expected to fall below the normal figures for this time of year. Regional Forecasts North Coast Region Cloudy. Occasional light rain today. Intermittent rain tomorrow. LitUe change In temperature. Wind whose body was found in a downtown roont-e April li), was adjourned totlay until May lo. TAFEI. Formosa Wi The Na s m the hands of a pathologist at Victoria are tionalist Chinese air force today reported it sank the better part of 2,800 Communist invasion l to be returned to police by that time. Sgt. I'ottorton told the jury that a letter from the I't SI uteri thui ho .i,.,! as His new novel, THE DIPLO MAT, Is not too good as a love story. But It docs show up phases of the great world struggle of our times.' The book selU for $4.50 und is published in Canada by McClelland and Steuart. The story centres around a professional, old-school-tie diplomatist. Lord Essex and a 16. 5c, Bacon. Canadian Tramp, 20,000; Five Princes, 36,000, and North Cup, 12,500 Co-op. Canadian Margaret No. 1, 34,000, 21.6c, 20.8 and 17c, Booth. Twinkle, 26,000, 21.6c, 21 and 17c, Royal Fish. La Comone, 10,000, 21.6c, 21.5 aft in a blistering attack on three ports opposite Formosa. Const. Jack White testified f determine the cause I i)ul in his opinion may p caused by phenol The small craft, ostensibly assembled for a Red Invasion Old Home Destroyed npnlnst. Formosa, were ' trnnned light, increasing to southerly i.2U , 1 Dr. L. M. Greene, who 150 Buildings Are Wiped Out R1V1ER DU LOUP ih The scientist, MacGregor. The pair in surprise raids on the ports of after midnight tonight ajwtW V Swatow, Amoy and Foochow. The Ing to southwest (20) aboot ftrwm the body later exe-N mortem stated that f(s of phenol were nn. that the room in which the body was found, wa padlocked at 9;30 p. m. This was about two hours before the body was discovered. Const. White tiLso testified that he searched the room thoroughly and only found a cafe knife, normally used to Jam a door. Anntlinr ultnr:s Vivian Lor- force also reported a fresh : tomorrow. Low tonight and hign attack Monday night on . tomorrow at Port Hardy, Saiid- air air are sent to Moscow to try to get and 17c, Bacon, the Russian to evacuate Persia. To Co-op Signal, 24.000, J R., While there the Russians cun- 15.000; Oslo, 22,000; Reward. 20,-nlngly detect a spilt In the ob- 000; Borgund, 13,000. Larry H jcctlves of the two Britishers.! 15,000; Cape Spencer, 22,000; They therefore permtl the part." 1 0ony, 17,000; Strafen, 19,000; to proceed to Persia, where the Viking No. 1, 18,000; Teeny Milly, Nlngpo, 90 miles south of spit and Prince Rupert 40 aiivl 50. . .. slated that cause of difficult lo determine. f ls ri) obvious' reason s'l- He added that' BURNS LAKE 1 i.e farm residence of Oscar Anderson of Grassy Plains wasi destroyed by fire on Saturday morning while the owner was away at a dance at the Community Hall. The great building, known as the biggest-ana best built farm house In the Central Lakes district, was erected by the late John K. Bostrom from the proceeds of heavy contracts during the construction of the Grand ja5 blue in color. Her raine Brochu, testified that-on put wiacns inio a accp Buu. 33 000; c R s ,g 000 . k f muiith, ho said rnn- or about AdtI! 18 she was asked MacGregor, who was actually frolhy fluid. . . by Jabour to purchase a syringe. reared in northern Persia, sympathizes with the democratic that "I'd "nr fieri very sudden-I She refused stating -A., 17,000; Deep Sea, 19,000; Nurd, 21,000; Neptune No. 1, 20,000. ' big three meeting vas no evidence of rather not do it" . N in. IN LONDON TODAY wireless reports at mid afternoon that two staff men of radio station CJFP said 150 buildings had been wiped out In the fire raging in the mill town of Cabano. The fire Is still out of control. Cabano is 50 miles south of fire-ravaged Rimouski, where flames caused damage of $20,000,-000 during the week-end. Mayor Emilien Morln of Cabano has ordered evacuation of the entire town and lias called for help from the Canadian Army and Red Cross. rrunk Pacific and had always 1 V She wa.s dead Ni...- wi,01, founf, 'V Wales testified that lllcrt lo the police of-11:55 Ai ril 19, he found :n"s and Prno,,t in. aspirations of the Azerbaijanians. These am being exploited plenty by the Russians. Heice this brings him info direct conflict with his superior, Lord Essex, who thinks first, last, and all the time of British imperial interest. ' In the end MacGregor com LONDON Picked agents of .been famed for hospitality. Scotland Yard and the F.B.I. 1 Built of huse logs it was lined stood by unobtrusively today in throughout with Coast lumber strategic spots at London airport utalr rails and cabinets being of as State Secretary Dean Acheson hard wood construction beauti- a i j iile N. C. O.'S off'ino Mrs. Anna rryatay, who with her husband, operates the King George Hotel, stated she. saw Mrs. Young In her room at some time arter 11 a. m. April 18. She saw nothing irregular ahout the young woman's appearance. Leo Wing, a cook lr. the Pacific Cafe, was asked by Jabour if he 'Jabour) could boil some water on the stove. Tne cook said Jabour boiled a dishpan of water and added that he did not see Ja- a talk with' Jabour. ' slated, he and Cnn..;t luliy flnuhed. It is covered a? insurance to the amount of fdhfau Drorenrinri tr. housf- The door was mits the unforglveable sin b? stepped off his plane from Paris telling all to the London Times., on his first visit to Britain in 12 He loses his Job, but gets the' years. Within an hour he was girl, Katliy. ' j at the foreign office to meet For- Why he would want her, I eign Secretary Bevin lor crucial wouldn't know from the book. talks preliminary to thf Big """iiug me room. 4 EDMUNSTON, N.B. Raging '"img girl about 30 r w.e was it,in .. 1 hour after tha1, time. The Chinese STAMPS' CHANCES FADING QUICKLY CALGARY -Ji Toronto Marl-boros paced themselves like champion long distance runners The author never does makj Three foreign ministers' confer- I 'h(V The Cnrnnvul Kathy come quite alive. Klnivas verv small mH was shown a photograph containing a dishpan. Mr. Wing did not identify the object. Photocrarhs of the scene. fire was reported out of control today In the Temiscoutata C'.nnity milling town of. Cabano. 150 miles from.Quebec. , Thirty buildings were' reported destroyed in the town of 2.000 population. At least one mill and I "ou oresser. I '"r ;fseribnd the rill But he does a swell "job of exposing the unhappy position of the scientist who gets caught in the wheels of politics. Purntf It ahnilf. ihn r..n ............ u.. A hAaor tunranll. ence Thursday to dlscusj ways of winning the cold war. Baseball Scores MONDAY National Brooklyn 7, Pittsburgh 5 Philadelphia 6, Cincinnati 5 s' ff ,"P' Her "nr'ips-,tered as exhibiU. They showed L, I a;nl wpre the ! positions of the girl's body and I last night to win the fourth game I of the Allan Cup final 3rl from the Calgary Stampeders. After I 1 the victory, which gives them a j 3-1 lead In the best of seven sen-; lor hockey hampionshlp series, j the Dukes left for Edmontoi.. where the Remaining games wih be played. The came is to-J morrow night. rauia, t,ne wore, room surrouiiuings. .. sllp- Following are Jury members: time. .Tnhn . , r-i d CHECKING FLOODWATERS This earth dyke running southwest at Wildwood, a suburb of Winnipeg, holds back the overflovof the bloated Red River, three-quarters bf a mile away. Piloting the wheelbarrow out of the water, which at some spots was five Xeet deep, Is a milkman who has volunteered for flood-prevention work after finishing his rounds. ' (CP Photo LOCAL TIDES Wednesday, May 10, 1950 High 8:31 16.2 feet 21:38 17.7 feet Low .I. ......". 2:45 " 9.2 feet 15:02 6.5 feet two hotels as well as many homes wer reported In flames. The fire was believed to have started In a mill-yard sawdust pile. The flames spread rapidly. Bitr, scivp a roreman: 0111 onemuuwu, . r-v.onst.Slmnnclr, v, ir Llnzey, Harold Helgerson, Boston 3, St. Louis 10 ' American Clevland 2, Washington 4 office and signed it, Don Stewart, Stewart Donald's I son and M. McArthur. 5 said.