Prinre Rupert Oailp rectos LtD. Saturday, January 31, U43 LETTERBOX QEDWPUQ APrtUXIATUJ ArrorciATUJ THEIR. BNDMSTER BNnMSTIU V ! ... Editor. Editor. DaiiV Da:iy e.,. The Prince Rui-ri Civie Eano An tr.. -r.t d:!T tTiEp:r Orr'Ssl tc t -::(:? "f Fnr.r F-jr? und ' sn ail:! ivr-. northern and w.rri Er.-.ti Cc:u:;0. J.A j-.i. x aoJl Cl ilill. Ptwt Oi:.r i-7-n.T-'. 0"-fci Pr.r.c Rcp?-t Dfci.j N wi Lid . ra Avessue. Fr.rx Bnti'h Co'.uir.b jl G A H JTrF.. Uatr DJ.. H C- FTRKT Mi.--ii?:rjr DirecVjr. IfEMBEB OF CAXADIA PRF83 A CD IT EVF.EAC OP CIRCULATTOXS CA.NAL.-AS UA1LT f bFAPl p. ASSOCIATION TOMORROW ' DEPENDS tPOs ( TODAY s -I has now closed one piiase of iti development and is entering on evidenced by our: a new one a.s being sponsored by the Shrine j -. ' K . - A. r ' . City C.Ti p-r w?c IVr. FT Month e Pr T-tr ITW). xtr. 1 ! T i' ; v'J .Club Club of of Prince rfuperi. rfupm. W-'jftS We We are. are. therefore, therefore, desirous desirous of of 1 :! iW t;FviT? 4 expres.,;nn xpre.s.sinB publicly publlfly our our deep deep ap ap- preciation of and gratitude f or DIRECTORY SATURDAY SERMON nti In all rtiarr ht at I am. and 1:3 am.: mlaf at jt Mith the Band since its incep! ' First Presbyterian Church tion and has b-en largely re-j v V sponsible for the fact that there; THE WOIILD S GREATEST QUEST PAUL A BARBER. Full Gospel Tabernacle "Thou wil: iho me ihe path of life: in thy pretence Is fuiine-vs of joy; at thy riht hand ihere sire pleasures for evermore."- Psalm 16:11. XOIJf4 4THtlKM 4Us A W at Dxaismuir 8t. Hoiy Communion 30 aja. Recujr: Eitii S. Procrtr. B A, B D lE.lif T3o ta Arc. C at Young St Mtaktur: K. PrA Antroous l A Fourth Avenue East Rev. Allan M. McColl. Minister Mrs. E. J. Smith. Oranit is a band in the city. ' v.p fee! we are fortunate in 1 . is I- i-i-. life. The intr world's um The world's jirvau-M vhu'.v Mornina Worship. 11 am greait-M. irea.-ure is love, l ne worui s greaiet miij Antliem. Junior crioir: having a rnu.sici.m of Mr. Lien's ; calibre who is willing to spend (the time and effort required to conduct an amateur band. On behalf of the band inem-; bers and the general public who have enjoyed the concerts given so far. we say thank you very much. Vr Lien. We know we can count on your leadership in m covetousness. Tl,e woild's greatest institution is the church. The world's greatest quest is happiness. Happiness is something that everyone desires, something that everyone diligently pursues, but most people are going to the wrong source to find it Solomon mod' chri.U unveiled the road to to find it in material wealth. hanrvn? mnrc 1900 vears Free Por Advantages DURING THE PAST YEAR or so .some thought has been given at Prince Rupert to the possibility of this beingr made a free port. The Chamber of Commerce had a special committee go into the matter but its report was not impressively favorable. Now with ports along the Pacific Coast experiencing a decline in traffic, .San Francisco, Seattle and Los Angeles, anticipating an early revival of trade with the Orient, particularly with Japan under its new five-year economic program, are interesting themselves actively in the possibility of obtaining the status of foreign trade zones. The Journal ol Commerce discusses free port aivsntajres editorially from the Vancouver standpoint but what it says might be also applicable to Prince Rupert.. This is what that trade journal has to say; - . "Vancouver stand to lose much by the advantages these customs-tree area will give competing ports. Import-export traders, merchants and manufacturers will have access to goods, withoyt paying duty, at all times ol the day and every day of live welc. Thf- importer will loo over his merchandise freely and save duty costs on discarded unsuitable good. Exporters may V.-M-kpU" goods In such a zone because they will ship when cargo apac is available without duty or bond f-xpense. Without customs formalities, ships can speed up discharge of cargo. New business to the port is encouraged by publicity, sent to all sections of the globe, setting out these facts. "The free port principle has been tested successfully over many years in European countries. The American government before the war saw the advantages such areas gave these for Show Me Tiiy Way O Lord", ! Sermon: "The Social Signili- ' cance of Christian Love." j ! ' Sunday School. U:15. Evening Service. 7 3'J p m j ! Solo by Mr. Teng. ' i Sermon: "The True Humanity of Jesus " I Annual Congregational Meeting S Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. i in Church Hall. j 1v . ..- the betur days to come. Thank yu Mr. Editor, for publishing tribute of our esteem F. M. Ciuliand, President. Prince Uuiiert Civic Band 4tb Amut East lOwn M2, IKT I Mil It th At West Minister: a. A Wliaon. MA (Gfn C13 1 1 IX .0PrL TIMt( I E 221 0tb Aw Weat Fwbt: Paul A. fewtjr tOnm 620) Ut. 4TKIV ARMY Trtr Stnvt CO: Cspt Eri JsrreU Dtneuxj Clwm 2 30 p m fcu&Qiy fv'boui 1 00 p m tBiaek 2461 . Pl II T HI K t lh Ave. at McBnde t i Black HO fcT. If f AV4.I.K V 6aU Cove AnrfadeODo K Hmtaon Raboar Sctiooi 1 1 uo a m Evnlrg Pnjet 1 M p m (Blue 8271 j-.go in the Sermon on the Mount. He telis us in the Beatitudes that happiness come not from what we have or hat we do. but in what we are. ' Blessed are the poor in spirit . . . Bless are the pure in heart." etc Christ did not say, "Blessed is the man who has amassed a fortune." or " Blessed is the woman who has become the darling V He was a billionaire. It Uk fifteen years to build the house in which he lived. But, af:er he had incilged to the full in worldly pleasures and the thine tiiat monf-y couid bring him. ho wrote. -It is all vanity and vexation of Spirit.,' Thus it is wiui all who have tried to find happiness in earthly treasures In Luke 12 we have thf parabl' of a certain rich man who.- goods were increased to such an extent that he tore down his barns and built larger ows. To hii The Salvation Array Captain and Mrs. E. Jarrett, Corps Officers. TONIGHT. 8 p.m. "What REAL SUCCESS IS." A message for Youth THE LORD S DAY You are invited to share in the Blessing society." Happiness is not ffam something without, but within 5S8 1 The Prodigal Son thought that at COMMI MTY HIHT M HtHtL tixl End Hall. J ilO p m. - I soul he said: "Soul thou in order to be happy he would Jn a.m. Holines Mcetia;;. have to go far away from homej "God Giveth the Increase." and associates. He forgot that 2:30 pin - Directory Class, the fountains of sweetest joy 3 00 pjn.-Sunday Sc hool, springs up within the soul, not 7 30 p m "The Gospel In a . ; much goods laid up for many t years: take thine eat drini TOM M.KKOWN Green ' So. 6 Smith Hkk i PRINCE RUPERT YEARS AGO mu w jjit-rry. rsui. oixi saui I ' I unto him: 'Thou fool, tiiis mgnt I thy soul shall be required of Nutshell.' (January 31, 1923) ! thee. And seek not ye what v With a golden key presented eat of what ye shan (irink to him in behalf of the con-! for an tiiese thines shAil th,- from without. 1 True happiness is not depend-ent upon outw ard circumstan-! cp.s. but rather upon the relation of the soul to its Creator. Jesus said: "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden and First Baptist Church (Young Street) Minis er: Rev F. Antrobus Phone: Res. Green 812 A C.i tractors. Hon. T. D. Pattullo, ; Minister of Lands, officially opened Prince Rupert's new court honse building. The Board of Trade decided that, if the "persistent hostility" of Vancouver persisted, it might be advisable to institute. a boycott against '"Vancouver SUNDAY, FEB 1 11 a.m.- Morning Service. Children's Story, and Junior Choir. "Prayer will make a man ceasp from sin or sin will make ,1 man from prayer" J Bunyan. nations of the world seek after; but rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you " Man's soul is eternal 'God breathed in his nostrils the breath of lives and man became a living soul." Consequently the .soul can find satisfaction only at the hands of its Creator and not in the "things" that constitute this material world Trn world can never satisfy the s'jul. It is a six-thousand-year-old swindle that fleeces everyone I will give you rest." All man- kind is laboring under the burden of sin but God, in Christ, hath appeared once in the end of time to put away sin by the saenJice of Himself. Only faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Saviour will secure rest and happiness for our eternal souls. Whv then spend our time at the lunch counters of earthly PRICED lo CLEAR 11 . . . DRESSES . . . COATS . . . BLOUSES and NYLON LINGERIE Take advantage of those exceptional values. Visit Sweet Sixteen's Semi-annual Clearanc" Sale which features "New Look" merchandise. merchant, Vancouver goods and Vancouver people". A sug 12:15 p.m. Church School Let I us study the Bib. God's Biok '7:30 p.m. Evening Service. "Th" quickest way to eet a church , on its feet, is to get it on its knees " W. W. Ayer. gestion that a portion of the Prince Rupert dry dock be sent j to Vancouver inspired the blast.5 ; I The Agricultural Association1 pleasures when we have a stand- eign ports. As a result the necessary Ifgihiation was passed to I establisn the first foreign trade zone in the U.S. at New York in 1 1317. i "Now this country Is alone among the leading world traders I that does not possess free ports. However, two years ago a group of financiers drew up plans for a free port at Quebec City that would act as a modl for other Canadian ports to follow. Although a committee of the Dominion Department of Transport studied the proposal, nothing further was done on the matter. "Our government will have to bestir itself to pass the necessary legislation fqr establishment of free ports if Canada is to remain among the foremost business nations of the world. Local in-teregts couid well follow the San Francisco lead in campaigning for a foreign trade zone here. If not, then Vancouver stands to lose a lare volume of its trade to cities enough to establish, free ports." Many a man has wrecked an automobile because he was so absorbed in hugging the curves on hi:-, right that he inadvertently hugged the one on 1 If ft. WHAT OF CANOL? SOMEWHAT INCONSISTENT, with the great hue and cry that is being raised now as to the critical shortage of petroleum in the United States is the demolition decided upon some time ago and now under way, of the great Canol line, built during the war at the cost of many millions of dollars, to pipe oil from Norman Wells in the Northwest Territories of Canada to the Pacific Coast. How great a relief it might have been if Canol were tjlHn operation and pumping out oil at this time when both United States and Canada, in the lace of unsettled and alarming world conditions, are gravely short of oil! Of course, if the oil does not really exist at Norman Wells in any great quantity, it would be a different matter. on whom it can get its hands ing invitation to the banquet of 1 ana senas tnm bankrupt to a the Grace of God? Seek the The LORD'S SUPPER at the clo.e of the service. "By the power of God's grace, we can still be what we mi2ht have been." O. Williams. elected a new slate or onieers Christless eternity. If happi- thrills God gives "joy unspeak-at Its first meeting of the year. ness cannot be found in "thing?" able and full of glory' There V taste to utry were v. n. ufnw, pr-si- money, p,ea.sure and fame - is no "morning after dent; R. V. G. Lepine, viee-pres- where can it be obtained .! th.- joys of the Lord, ident, and Frajik D;bb, honorary ; secretary. ASK ABOUT OUIt PERSONALIZED BUDGET ULAN NO INTEREST -- NO CARRYING C'HAKGKS WE ARE EXPEKTS ON-MOVING Call I s and Be Satisfied 1 rr- m I L f A. J REGULAR BAPTIST (I I'M! WHAT tl ) IODE Hill -Sih and Mr-Bride - Ph., up 309 Sunday, February 1, 1918 "He cried- Lord save me."- Matt. 14:30. 12:15 p.m. Sunday School. 7:30 pm. uspel Service. Prayer-Praise -Testimony 1 Speaker:: Topic: A. Kwald "THE DEVIL GOES FISHING" 1 Lord's Supper Follows Evening Service) Hearty Gospel Singing. Wednesday 8:00 p m.-Prayer Meeting. Friday, 3 30 p.m.-Mission Band. 7:00 p.m. Junior Young Peoples vu: I'ltl m 11 -nil-; ni n-iiMi kii k.Iov CITY TRANSFER VIC MFNZIES M (-Bride and First Avenue PHONE 1."0 (January 31, 1913) Mrs. Ethel Holland, who had been visiting for the last ten days as guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Philpott, sailed on the Princess Beatrice on her return to her home at Vancouver. The first shipment of ore from the Hazelton district passed through the city. It was from the Harris brothers mine and was consigned to the Trail smelter. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Co. announced officially that the name of the town-site of Fort George would be Prince George. -1 SEE I S FOR ALL REQl'IKEMFNTS IN PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND EN G INTERS s2-.. Protect Your Car BY GREASING AND I.URRICATING ' DAN'S SERVICE STATION WE DOCTOR SII0F5 HI I I TIIKM Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE ATTEND TO THHK PVtl Office Supplies Consult us for your needs in all types of printing work. Everything in stationery. Cards for every occasion. Fountain Pens. DIBB PRINTING COMPANY Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SAVE TNI "I smfS MAC SHOE HOSPn Box 774 Sff0ni Q. May a printed card be used to acknowledge the wedding gifts? A. Never; acknowledgments miust be made by handwritten letter. McRride Street Green (103 SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING. MACHINERY With increasing frequency we have a spell of longing to see the dollar again strong enough to stand alone. BOREDOM OR OVERWORK THE ASSUMPTION that if every pay envelope I was bulging everyone would be happy is a very understandable and almost universal delusion. It is natural too, that this belief should suggest the need for more idle time to enjoy our gains. Hence the recurring demand for more pay and less work. Put thuse demands are all predicated on the belief that men dislike work, and that just isn't true. Put to it, most men would agree that. they are happier in their working surroundings than almost anywhere else. There are companionship and interest and often inspiration there. It is this that keeps men in offices and shops to get things done, in their own time. It is this that as holidays draw to a close sets men itching to get back at it. Insurance statistics too quickly prove that the man who has looked forward to retirement as a happy and care-free end of a tiring life all too frequently has promptly died of a boredom that he didn't foresee at all. If work becomes a drag, it is the fault of boredom, not exhaustion. BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE Mod ern Design and Efficienc; You saw It in the Dally NewM Outfit your biitmwni PLUMBING Unit will be AtV ful to look at and serviceable use as Ioiir a.s yoyr house sta' Prince Rupert A. MacKenzie Furniture 1 LIMITED -ill" "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Plumbing & HeaUnf v.'i r1 f -I CHESTERFIELD SUITES BEDROOM SUITES Beauty Rest Mattress, Beauty Rest Box Spring Walnut Tables for every purpose WATCH OUR WINDOW FOR SPECIALS Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue KNOX HOTEL A Quiet, Pleasant Place to Live COMPLETELY RENOVATED Rooms Redecorated Spring-Filled Mattresses New Management Proprietors: TOM PESUT STEVE VRKLAKN Rent a RADIO Reupholstering Repairing Our Specialties TRUCK AND AUTO CUSHIONS REPAIRED AND RECOVERED New Upholstery Materials LOVIN'S BLUE 818 330 SECOND AVENUE (Next to CFPR) Prompt Attention Given to Outside Orders ASK ABOUT CREDIT TERMS For Fast Service on BY THE WEEK OR BY Transmission Bcltinf GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Floor Sanding a Specialty write or call Housq REASONABLE RATES THE MONTH All 1948 Models At RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Plume 644 313 3rd Ave. W. Reliable Service On All Makes OVERHAULS Ol'R SPECIALTY PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY Goodyear Tire & Rt'"er l"' pup' I Wholesale Distributor 712 Second Avenue Prince P.O. Box 721 Phone KE) 561