1 1 pacKerh. Mi.-s or Hits vs lileHl Iur- i Miss nr H,t , Idea, D,,,;', "TV0 t Sports S5CHEDULE OF M uisrr rt Alii i f no CONTINENTALS ! LEADING BOWLS j Latest standing of teams in j the Men's "B" Bowling League ; finds Continentals in the lead : WAtU DUnLj 4 Prince Rupert Daily rscius UD. Ruturdiiy, January SI. 1048 Classified Advertising - - -- ClMfitfletis: c per word per insertion, minimum chary SOf Binh Notices. Oc; Cardt, of Ttuink&. Death Notices. Funeral No'ioes. Mamaue and Enpatrement Announcements, l. ALL-TIME LEAD El Today OLYMPICS UNDER WAY Schedule for the remainder of Miller Bay Bankers Leading Bowling ? I - : I i witii three-point margin over. the Mixed "B" Bowling Ia-u McMeekin's and Revellers, tied for second place. IN MEMORI.XM FOR SAtE 1 is as follows: Wrurif 1 Cmicars r Bruwu-wouas. Uw r Hits vs CVO. I:t4iid-ers Irteal OeirTo iits. Triple XXX "is til Results of This Week's Play in Ladies' Bowling l.eauc DUNCAN In loving memory of FOR SALE Office desk. Apply oar dear husband and lather. City Transfer or Phone 950. Twenty-Eigrht Natins 'om-prtrnt in Winter Sprnls Bankers and Miller Bay were vs -" priw" . ,, ( February -Triple vvv XXX vs Island - Robert Ross Duncan, who 30 1 ; passed away Feb. 1. 1947. . '' . T ...t j une only clean sweep wmiit-ia in -s ideal UeierK.nu; v B( fnwrs. ! ST. MORITZ (P-The Inter- this week's Ladies' Bowling ttm or miu v. cours. cvo vs. (national Olympic Committee, it League fixtures. The victims j.Mh r h.u vs Pts. 22 19 19 18 17 16 . 10 15 14 14 11 11 FOR SALE Large steel crib j with mattress. $12. Good con-; Continentals McMeekins . Revellers Malkins ... Burns Brownwoods Home Oil ... Kilowatts Ambassadors Mansons North Star . Morgans How sadly do we miss him. dition. 1068 7th Ave. East. 30 ! and ' Brawn wiuirtk ('TO vs nu:itrs,. IJeiii , I terenu v Triple XXX lslnlt ri When we see his vacant chair For the one we loved is missing.' is reliably learned, decided at a respectively were Blowers tour-hour meeting yesterday Moose. fe C rrke From the home we used to FOR SALE 1946 Pontiae four- t-euruarv Xi B C. P..ikrs vs CY Ciuier nxiures resuiiea us iu- Hr..,,-,B vs ix.ierg.-r t that the ice hockey tournament will not be accepted as an Olympic event but will, instead, be designated as being lor the 1()W S: j liiHlHiers v Mix or Hit. C'lUU irs vs Triple XXX share. , Inserted by his widow and family. sorrowing Advertise in the Dailv News: Comets 2. MailSOll'S 1 1 February 2d Triple XX vs ItOund- door sedan, A-l shape. Phone Red 184 between -8 p.m. i2Gi FOR SALE Five room house, 17 lots in blocks at Port Clements. What offer? 1228 Park Ave. Blue 773. 30 r it..: i ers. BC Pckers s Bruwnw I worlds championship. On that FVNERAL NOTICE aavoy a.iiigei vann, yo vs J(1mi1 . Orange 2 Cosmos 1 March 7 Brouu.jas vs j-.iamt j basis, the -competition will go HELP WANTED Watts & Nickerson 2. Toilers 1 Triple xxx v. cvo c..urs' With the committee room war ! over American hockev renre-! Ttnaa lee's 2. l.uckv Strikes 1. March 14 -Cuers vk BC Fsu-k- Miss i.r HlU. 1-1 Determ-nts vb d; ci.-., ot Civtoov. 1 -ers- Tiipie XXX. llall'J- Bron woods i S-.ubv's 2. Coasters I v rvo HELP WANTED Experienced male bookkeeper, able to manage otfice. State qualifications and salary expected in own handwriting. Box 303 Daily News. (27) FOR SALE 1935 Ford Tudor, new engine, seal-beam lights, brakes relined, good runnini; order. Phone Reed. 322 after 6 p.m. 1 27 1 sentation still raging, the Winter Olympics opened yesterday Despite the verdict, the Dni-Ud Slates Amateur Hockev SCHWAB In the city Wednesday. January 28. 1948. Martin Nichol Schwab, aged 45 years. ' beloved husband of Mrs. Lena Schwab of 1360 Overlook Street. Services will be conducted at 10 ajn.. Monday. February 2 at Church of Annunciation, Rev. Father E Green officiatina. Interment klurch ai lliiiHrr s Weal te-I wip-h si'v-le scorer was Bert tnmm c w ivuw 1 r. i N' i ry Piokiiu Mlsh ( HlU . t Y U - .. .... . DntAran, tf YfilWr TJ V ML'ith 3 1 4 Association team piayea am ., w couture -s-. I " MAN O'WAR uanaonor : inrt n Cu i i -ei . n a li.a ti,j wniie nign averace was DtTv .... I - ;uKnrs vs Miss or Hits HELP WANTED- FOR SALE 5 room iiouse, full basement. 1723 6th East. Phone Blue 336. (21 "Bg Ped" . . . U0 hpy for small family, good wages, United Stales Olympic Commit.-1 Vuckovich of Lucky Strikes with cjro FTTit?xLX7 no heavy work. Phone Red 879.1 tee does not recognise the Ama- 258 ner lotal 8 T75. i"nde to follow in Fairview Ceme-! I triort or s Capturtd ttie irre dfilteur Hockey Association squad April 4 ldenl Delcrwms vs ir:pr in FOR SALE Man's bicvcle. Al 1 tery. B.C. Undertakers charge of arrangements. and the committee has its own' at the public ... He oj-mi lu"uu,u"' HELP WANTED Secretary- ptinn Rof ic7 ( i7 1 . J team entrfld entered. f I" ' "l Dr. ! In a second eame vesterri:i Civic Centre WORK WANTED Stenographer. Large. (tfi sprinters. Out stayed the stayers. He if recofT. w nrrciy galloping at the finish In 21 M'cs hf c!.:itM!'"J oply One?. His colts won $3 Vfjjj, purii'S. He dird at 30 . , . f j'l ol yei's ar.c t.o'.jf Canada won three to one over Sweden. FOR SALE Three thousand feet of planks, from four to eight foot lengths. Phone Blue 830. (26i SUNDAY 4KjMirit MIDDLE-aged woman will look after children evenings. Phone Gr-en S88. tf) FOl NI) XXX. LJuudcr vr Bt" Pucker t , Y O ts Coucars. Mi.- or Has v.. Brownwoods j April 11 Coimars vs Triple XXX launders v Mi.v. or Hits B C. Park-! ers CC TO . Ideal DrtcrBent lirownwoods i April 18 CTO vs Weal Deter- : nus. C Per v r.nniwKi i Triple XXX vs Muss or Hiu t'oiiL- ir ( !t Islanders j April JS Misn or Hits vk BC Pkckem. Ciwm v Meal Oi-ter-j : ufiiw. Islunders vs Br.nvn-Kl j Triple XXX vs C Y O ! My 2 IsluiMlers v CTO. Tripl' l XX a BronwiKis CUKr vt. BC ) Skiiers. skaters, bob-sledders and hockey players from twen AM. FOUND Student's wallet ty-eight countries were present ,U:ooAll Star Ba.sketbuil Owner may have same by j ir4fn 1 1 f VI n O niA navinn fn I SALESMAN AVTIJ) at a colorful ceremonv which P i ' tne of the first ' this advertisement uf. Imarked opening 2:00-Badmmton j post-war Olympics. MONDAY Sports A.M. FOR SAi-E CANADA-WIDE wholesale im-' port firm requires resident salesman Northern B.C., general merchandise, state ag. experience, car, etc. Commi3-sion basis. Box 307 Daily News. f26; KEPPOKT PROGRESS (Continued tronil-age 1) -Bo Me Hi Gym Glass 9:00 Jockey Cap if unhurritd in tiw 6:0065 Taxi Si Bo Me Hi Girls 7:00 Peoples and Merchants 8:00 Morgans & Gyro Juniors :.i0 Savoy and Stones (Special Events) F"M i. ..ii i .i FOR SALE New and Used Furniture, Hardware and Ofrfee Furniture, etc. New articles Gurneys Kitchen Ranges. Bookcases, Chests of Drawers, House Desks. Dinner Sets, British India Rugs. Electric Double Hot Plates. Cooking Utensils. Hardware, etc Slightly used articles Chesterfield Beds, Radios. Typewriter, Clothes, Logging Boots. Rubber Coats. Other useful articles at reasonable prices. Have you any good furniture for sale? See us. it will pay you. B.C. FURNITURE CO.. Black 324. OiHtmn), acrapuioin in tr tft P.M. 1:00 Bo Me Hi Gym Class 2:30 King Edward Gym Clas. 8:00 Rup Rec Ladies (Basketball Practices PERSONAL lipc with Biftlow joodntu Irh . tm ol th tuctmf, il iaa Chenille Bedspreads, $4.99 each WHOLESALE PRICE, first quality, beautiful Chenilles for double or single beds, in all pastel colors, worth much more. Also Habitant Hand-knitted Rues. 18x36: tightly made, in original colorful patterns. 3 for $400 Sent COX), plus postage Money refunded if not satisfied. Handicraft Distributors. 254 Sherbroi St West. Monti eal. Q'ie. i, 4 IP YOU HAVE an Alcoholic problem, contact Alcoholics Anonymous, Box 276 Daily sprints and the broad jump be billed as Northern B. C. Championship competitions and that other events be classified as junior or intermediate. UNDER TUACK IS CONSIDERED Proposals for constructing a cinder track at Roosevelt Park a ere reviewed for the benefit of Alderman Robert McKay, board 4:00 High Schotil Juvenile and 8:00 Band Practice Junior Bovs i LODE. Municipal 5:00-Port Edward JC.C. Putiiic Speakins mnU iH racojniicd litrii,f, m ft r News. ftf) ry rhiiity ol tupatUti o4 : RUPERT MARINE REALTY J. CLAt'SEK & SON) j We Take Listings of . - . j FOR SALE Small modern bungalow, close in, with view, complete with electric range. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES ' CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PREPARE NOW for Spring examinations. Write M. C. C. Civil Service School. 301 En-derton Bkig., "Winipeg. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BP.ni.SH C'OI.UMblA of works chairman. Proposed I I width of the track was reduced j from 24 feet to 16 feet and Mr. McKay was in formed that the track would not be rawed above BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKKRS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING I QlirMf NT ( oil heat, garbage burner, cur- IN- THE matter of THf admin -tains, linoleum, newly painted istratiov ac t ' TRY inside and out. Basement. 227 4th Avenue East. Phone 746. 26 1 . and the ground surface, but levelled IN Tv. THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE ,Hith OF JAKE ROSS DECEASED j0'1 U' NOTICE is hereby given that all This, it was pointed out. would ... ff RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QOCK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East off Llpsett'B. Waterfront) 8,,, 54a Pboie Green 175 MACHlNtm FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more i. navmg c.aims aitainst the improve, rather than damag.', FOR SALE-d. Ave. East. 3 of Bun 8. Sfa who 'Portion of the baseball out-blocks from McBride. 4 rooms on the a 1st ay at March. i4- field where the track would be and bath. Full basement. ?"eb' LeqlTd,o or b"lore th" situated. . lst of March 148. to deliver or , ., ,. 5J3"0. sf-nd by prepaid letter lull parttcu- ' Cos: of building" the tracK 2 7-rooms house on 5th Ave.!' or tueir claims duly verified to with 16-foot width and four- . 1 he tlltrlM-uii.nul a, ..- cca n Perfectly & East, full basement, furnace, Rupert b c as solicitor for the inch depth of ashes would be in UU Executors of the said estate. COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE far below the $1,200 estimate INCOME TAX Returns Prepared Set R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) Mr SrZnLll."?1 tb! given for a 24-foot track, v uic n;iui iir iu McKay estimated. ihe Executors named economically use the modern and up-to-date type National j Portable Sawmills manufac- j tured by National Machinery j Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf)j i METAL WORK. . 0 PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL! WORK. Furnaces, tanks, I eavestroughing and stack! work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) j the will. James leetzel Hiirvev mill nr, Invitations to take Dart in the Lstribut the awts of the deceased meft Iuet 1 have na4e D( Depn en or r ,111 lu h,, w mone the persons entitled -hmtn UfiiTTD l'!STil.LrS ttNAHtO V- t-JCOUVi i, F C '...V fireplace, garden. S4200 cash, S4500 terms. i3 6 room one storey house with excellent view, on Graham Ave. 2 lots. Glassed-in porch. $4000. 4i 5-year-old. 4-room house on Alfred Street. Very good lot and modern floor plat:. Only $2800. Apply Robert E. Montador Ltd. having retard only to the claims of sent, to the native villages in 'h!le shai! then hve hftd no,ice , the area- Ketchikan. Terrace. DATED this 30th day of January ' -.u . c t, 1. 1&48 Sinithers. Vanderhoof. Hazelton. brown harey. j Kew Mellakatla and possibly l'" dvrrdstrrnt not pctitdrd pe CcT!Uoi Boird or t'-c Govri wf-,t t I Box solicitors tor the Executors, other towns along the railway 658. : k 7 i?i Prince Rupert. B C. line, committee chairman James 37 Nicoll said. ROOM AND BOARD IT'S He appointed Vic Duncan, v .1 . 1 vn. ArT ! Charles Anderson and J. A. Tens; ROOM AND BOARD $43 each CONSTRUCTION WORK WE DO IT 'j johnkJ BULGE 01 iiiiriiiniii ii .tllltll in FOR SALE Simplex Engines 12 to 31 H P. air cooled: 30 to 185 HP. Marine Straight or Reduction Drive: also Stationary-Industrial. Northern B.C. la I , tJ uie v.iivb aiiu uieaius cojiinui,- double; $48 single. Sleeping I rooms for rent. Table meals i Mrs. Lawlev, 022 Fraser Street j (tf) I In Land RecorriuiK District of tee. inTat aUr,omranti comment: i The committee will meet lnE Hi A nnint fin hwh v:nrr mart Agents. BYTOWN MACHINE on the west side of Rivers inlet about again on February 12 to hear LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait PHONE 649 - 220 Sixth Street OPTOMETER WORKS. (f( 20 chains Southwest from the South' progress reports East corner of Lot 204. Ranse 2 Coast FOR RENT District 1 FOR SALE Planer. McGregor- Take notice that Nelson Bros. Fish- Your Remodelling, Addition, Repairs plus Finishing given prompt attention Our new Wasop Rock Drill and ;! I Floor Sander at Your Service Jj ?: CALL BLUE 610 i P.O. Box 654 Prince Rupert, B.C. J IT IT'S MADE OF WOOD WE MAKE IT WAV.V.V.V.V.W.'.VAVWWWAV.VAV.VW.V John Bulger U FOR RENT Furnished suite.. Commercial Hotel. Phone 676. 26 I If fV Third Aven FOR RENT 3 room furnished modern house near Seal Cove Cold Storage. Phone Blue 825. (tfi Gourley, 6x12. complete with eries Limited ol 325 Howe Street . belts, Shiplap, ' flooring and Vancouver. British Columbia, in-, . - tends to apply for a le.ase of the foi- square heads. Price $a00.00. lowing described umds: Smithers Lumber Yard. Smi-1 Commencing at a post planted at tHie TJ r ,.5, ' point on hith water mark on the ax,. 1 intra, 130 West side of Rivcrs Inlt.t tiience 20 chains Southwest from the South Fast corner of 2n4' 2' Ranf:e FOR SALE Ten I en volumes volumes Uni- Lni- Coast DlstrjCt thence West 10 chains. Versal Encvcloperia. as new; thence South 10 chains, thence East u hieh w"er mark xo fK''nt com- Phone coat. $52. What offers? J mencement and containing 5 acres Red 304. 61 more or less. ! The purpose for which the lease :' i vei UJ Have Month-End SPECIAL 1 Complete A J FOR RENT Sewing machines, portable electrics. $5.00 per month. Includes prompt de- is re-quired is: Fishinp Camp Site. awu ,au, o.ugn irvjrt FOR SALECream vieaii: enamel euauiei oi! 01.- JOHN A CLARK. sewing wacnine co. fnone 8o4. 28i burning stove. Phone Blue 611.! Agent for , i Nelson Bros. Fisheries '"'I Ltd J 325 Howe St. FOR RENT Warm, comfortable vnnm Ul. l nr.f DOD CT P IftOO 1Fr.A U U Ar.l ! IH-OUt-l. a A . Blouses iinjjii, irdoiiauie, apply ouo fun o-nu iwo ruiu iigiit uci. Dated January 13th 1948 Fraser St. (30) 'j-3gjp (ive Service MODERN LUBRICATING FACILITIES FULL MECHANICAL REPAIR EQUIPMENT COMPLETE BODY REPAIR FACILITIES REFINISHINO TIRE VULCANIZING-(All sizes) from 4 50X21 LARGE STOCK of GENUINE PARTS & ACC'CES- $300. 7 passenget La Salle, Staked December 19th. 1947. new tires and battery, $250. j 1939 Oldsmobile, damaged! oojtrkmikt uw'or act . . . . . , . NOTICE is herebv Eiven that on Condition. $300. 1930 Graham the 1st of March 1948 the under-Sedan, $350. 1928 Pontiae COach i signed Canadian Legion No. 85 in-inn Und 10 "PP' 10 the Llt)u,r Control Dan s Horvrp station Sioo. Dans berv.ee Station, , for a Tetrans- cUlb ncense McBride St. (28 1 in respect of the premises situated at NW Corner 4th and Columbia St . Stewart. B. C . lst floor, unon lands FOR RENT Two single sleeping rooms. 221 5th East. Red 807. (2i IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of GURVICH & SON ('ontt actors IiASEMENT FOUNDATIONS OUR SPECIALTY LAND CLEARING KOCK WORK TRUCKS For Hire PHONE 32 or RED 511 SIXTH STREET BOB PARKER LIMITED WIDE SEIJXTIOK' TO PLEASE EVERYONE Calbert Harvev Thoro Otherwise 1 FOR SALE Best tourist camp described as Lot No. 13 14 and Hox 38 FORD-MONARCH DEALER Known as Culbert Harvey! Thorpe site in citv directlv hpd BlocK la- w11 - maP "m sue in cit j . oirecuy at at neau Rupn Rwistration District Of Conrad St. and 11th Ave. m the Province of British Columbia. l J j ' -a. Area 100x165 ft.. With City to entitle each member on the prem- reasonable quantity of liquor for water water. Street street llgni lipht and ana pre- prna consumption on the prem- pared parking space. Apply Jses. and entitling the club to pur- rhase liquor from a vendor and sell Geo oio. B a. Casev w.sey, 1122 ii;: 11th inn Ave Ave..ljy tne g!as8 the Uquor m purcnasert iaiito Its members and iruestfc. for con sumption on the club premises in ui.p(,ivl3nrA with te nrovlions of Hollywood Cate PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST tP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT OPEN FROM 4:00 P.M. TO J:30 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday 5 p.m. to 8 CHINESE DISHES A SPECIAUJ CHOI' SUEY CHOW SIEI YOUR PICK OF EVERY BLOUSE IN THE STORE ... AT A REDUCTION Ilosa-Lee ww 345 Third Avenue West FOR SALE Immediate occu- the -government liquor act" Dancv. house. 5 rooms. 2 bed- mo th- regulation promuieated and IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" Take Notice that by Order of His Honor Jude W. O. Fulton made the 19th of January. AD. 1948. I was appointed administrator of the Estate of Calbert Harvev Thorp, otherwise known as Culbert Harvev Thome, deceased. All parties having claims neainst the said Estate are herebv required to furnish same properly verified to me on or before the 28th dav of February. AD. 1948 after which date claims filed mav be paid without reference to any claims of which I then had no knowledge. All parties indebted to the said Estate are herebv reauired to pav the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at the Citv of Prince Ruoert. in the Province of British Columbia, this 19th day of January. A D 1948. GORDON . FORBES Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. BC. 27 , . . , , j thereunder. rooms, hot air furnace, splen- j DAted this 12th day cf January. did condition, good location. 1948. Fifth Avenue East. $3,500, s;cr'etarVHArP' cash. Apply G. P. Tinker Co. Canadiun' iion bisl. Phone 57. 127 Branch No. U5. (38) FOR OUTSfOE ORDERS PHONE 13 I . 15 Lsec tee lad Call 99 - "We ain't at Nobody" 7r