V,. tPtincc Uupctt Dail? J3ctos LtD. Saturday, January 31, 1943 Local News Items... Social Doings (Contributions to this section will be welcomed) Old Time Dance, LO D E. Hall Hotel.. "i Cash for old Bold. Buyer's. Basketball tonight, Senior game 8:30, Brown woods vs. Sat., Jan. 31. Starts 9:00. Roberts and Trio. (It) Prairie Couple Deanc's Quality CJeaners, pick-up and delivery. Phone 283. (tf) David McNabb left by air this afternoon for Vancouver, where he will spend a week's holiday. AJex Wilson, field representative of the National Film Board for the north and central district of British Columbia witn headquarters in Prince George, is In the city on one of his periodical official visits. He arrived on Thursday night's train from the interior and will be returning to Prince George Mon- arrivals Co-op. (1U ?P9 CABBAGES ARE UNDER CEILING OTTAWA 0 The Prices Board announced today that maximum ceiling prices for cabbages, whether grown in Canada or imported, will not exceed nine cents a pound in retail stores. The ceiling is effective on ver honors Say bride Married Here A. W. Allaire returned to the city on the Cardena last night N. F. Acton, Saskatoon; W. Urquhart, Vancouver; D. G. Manson, Winnipeg; S. C. Huson, Alert Bay; J. A. Brodie, 'Alert Bay; T. C. Smith, Vancouver; Ebv was hostess Miss Marjorie Mi-Cool Becomes Bride of Leslie Forrest ,irjrif A. Fowlie of the Department of Transport at Sandspit returned to the Islands on today's plane after a brief business visit to the city. Canadian Club dinner meeting, members only, Civic Centre, Thursday, Feb. 5. (30) ltt a shower of Miss Maureen tan, . . J T7, . .. lrri;i!' u w-'niuiu rui - The Lotbiniere Street home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Franklin was the setting for a pretty wedding on Wednesday when their nippp- Miss Mariorlo M place at Annunciation from a business trip to Vancouver. Dr. and Mrs. Sleath, who have been stationed at Bella Coola, were passengers aboard the Cardena last night going through to Vancouver. Stock Taking Sale, starting Monday, Feb. 1. Dresses, skirts, i day evening. here Friday niunnns. E. Rosell, Port Edward; A. Awid, Edmonton; A. Bargen, St. John's Newfoundland; Mr. and Mrs. Taber, city; Mr. and Mrs. Stauf-fer, Alert Bay; George McGregor, Butedale; R. Thompson. Vancouver; A. McAskill, Mrs H Thurn-nnH Is Kailino-' nine was .spent in piay- Monday night bv the Princess1 FID F nrCTDAVC i whim. P"" j Cool, became the bride of I.es- W. C. Perry, who came north from Vancouver to attend the funeral of Joan Thain, will sail by the Princess Louise Monday night on his return south. ,s. J, Burns and Mrs.lie ForrMt Both tn b ,d . Louise for Englewood where she, MirMT" will join her husband who AmltrN 1 HU urvrn 1 JLL :i'M'fkm groom are from Zealandia. Sax- fl moved soutn recently. They I si. albans, Vermont will proceed to Victoria later I Four persons are feared dead n the reireshments a kalchpwan The ceremony wag ,.. trimmed with yellow p,.rormed by Rev R A wllson ,1 as earned In, filled , of First Unltri f.t,..h to take up future residence. ,,nCrous kitchen uten- 0iv(n ,n marr.a 'h . and twelve others were injured yesterday by fire which swept the 136-year-old Weljien Inn, causing damage estimated at Mrs. R. J. Sprott, who has TO VISIT CITY-Malcolm F. Chapin, National Director and Regional Chairman for British Columbia of the Junior Chamber of Commerce of Canada, who will visit the Prince Rupert Junior Chamber on February 4. Mr. Chapin lives at Kelowna, where he has been associated with the Junior Chamber of Commerce for the last 10 years. I uncle, the bride looked lovely Maureen lrl, a siver.Erev ....,, .n..1u been here for the past week on acre Miss coats, raincoats, hats and many other articles too numerous to mention. "Star's" Stylewear. (tf) Richard L. Thain, brother of City Clrck II. D. Thain, left by today's plane on his return south after having come here to attend the funeral of his niece, Joan Thain. Mr. and Mrs. Goraori Little of DRESS SHIRTS by ARROW and MIGO Imperial Order, Daughters of more than $200,000. Several of Theo Fortune, Mrs. Mrs Tom McMeekin, Burns. Mrs. Martin Mrs James Cearley. the Empire, and Soroptomist ' nearly 100 guests fled from the Club organizational business, j five storey 75-room hotel by will sail by the Princess Louise beating through sheets of flame. Monday night on her return to' Vancouver. Advertise in the Daily News! fc"rt Eby, Mrs. David Mc- Whites and Patterns Miss 0!ua Satrier. Mi.s jin. Mi--s Gler.na Moore, rtle Salhcr. Miss PeRfty ITNERAL NOTICE East Kwinitsa. who have been on a trip to Vancouver, returned t ii.n i , i , r 4 $3.00 xo $8.50 lifk NOW AVAILABLE IN s Fraiu-es Moore and w nic tuy uii yesterday alter Mc NEIL At New Westminster,! lone Eby. noons plane enroute back to their home up the Skeena River. She carried a bouquet of deep pink carnations. Her only jewelry was an antique necklace, gift of her aunt. Matron-of-honor was Mrs. Lestre Franklin, attired in a brown - and - gold silk Jersey dress with corsage of yellow carnations. Groomsman was Robert Franklin and Lloyd Franklin was guest attendant. The vows were exchanged beneath an arch of pink-and-whlte streamers, centred with wedding bells. At a reception which followed, the toast to the bride was proposed by Rev. R. A. Wilson, with ! response by the groom. A second toast to the bride was nro- ,0 RIE GIRL MES BRIDE D i". Monday, January 26, 1948, Fannie McNeil, aged 16 years, beloved daughter of Mrs. Flora McNeil of Port Edward. Services will be conducted at Grenville Court Chapel, 2:33 p.m.. Monday. February 2, with Archdeacon E. Hodson officiat ing. Interment to follow in Fairview Cemetery. B.C. Undertakers in charge of 7 W. R. May of Edmonton and J. A. Barber of Vancouver, Canadian Pacific Airlines officials, who arrived in the city yesterday afternoon for a brief business visit, left by today's plane on their return south. Mr. May last evening met with the executive of the local aero club when matters concerning thn future functioning of that or iCAL MAN We recommend these as excellent value in view of expected price increases on Spring deliveries. I fni i;;irl and IW-rnard 0;,. Juiiii'd in Morning HIRAM WALKER'S I posed by Robert Franklin uh.i I If. a ! t'i r i n i- )i iv i attended : expressed his delight at havlne ganization were discussed. bridegroom j the opportunity to art Announcements All advrrtiKenu-uts in this column will be charged for full month at 25 cents a word U flllM' 4 Earl, i M. ROYAL OAK i icncls. Miss r daughter of :im Earl of the bride of groomsman at his cousin's wedding. A toast was proposed by Lloyd Franklin to his parents, on whose twenty-eighth wedding J M: Vei 'J. bi'i-an.e Ski Club Dance, Valhalla Hall, Aboard the SS Princess Norah on a recent voyage south, were Miss Suzy Winn and Miss Joanne Lucas of the news and editorial staff of the Juneau Empire. The former was enroute to Portland, Oregon, to enter her final year at Reed College. Miss Lucas is going to Berkley. California, to Friday, Feb. 6. i .1 : une. young-: 5Jo.M';)ii Mr and Mrs. T. M J Fmir'h Avnue East anniversary the nuptials took place. Delicious refreshments ur.ro CANADIAN WHISKY Tea and Home Cooking, Lutheran Church, Feb. 7. Cambrai Valentine Tea, Feb. ui'd by Rev. 14. ! enter her final year at the Uni- I 3 United Church Valentino Ten I VersitV of California Both ex- Feb. 19. Mrs. A. Dominato, 500 1 pect to return to Juneau. Taylor St 1 S. O. N. Basket Soc al and Annunciation served, with Mrs. Samuel Dumas i".'k Friday j acting as pourer and Mrs. will- lam Adolph and Miss Izyk and .l by J L. : Miss Zabudney as servlteurs. v.. .re a blue j The newly married couple left b:.ui an-es-i the city on Thursday night's corsage of . boat, and will visit Vancouver, - s Her at-j Victoria and Seattle before re-I . ona Blain.! turning to their home at Zea- is h tan suit landla. mi s and cor- . FOR I ASTHMA Dance, ladies with baskets free, everyone welcome. Black's Orchestra, Oddfellows' Hall, February 20, 9:30. Job's Daughters Dance, Masonic Temple, Feb. 20. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, For Men and Boys RUBBER BOOTS Hip-Length, 3i-Length -Knee High, Ankle High RUBBERS INALL STYLES AND HAY FEVER HKi:.TIIKY Ol CAWIIA l td. tummiirf, nr. You saw it In the Daily News! mm; i Mi HIS. Dennis Gar- -4 i Mrs. George Mitchell's, Feb. 25. Kinsmen Leap-Year Dance, ! :l;e ri ri nmnv. the ANM'AL (iKNERAL MEETING GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. Civic Centre, Feb. 27. P.O. Box 737 , 624 3RD AVE. Canadian Legion W. A. Spring Sale, March 31. Anglican Easter Sale, April 1. Orange Tea, April 21. Canadian Red Cross Society Tuesday, Feb. 3rd, 1948 at 8 p.m., Civic Centre p.ir:y vi duwii to a br uk;.,.-t at the honu' DrHiiTri s parents. ''' h.xiif was the 1Vi;'' ;.:i Friday even-1 t'i": leathered to the in Uy married 1".i. !.) the bride wus by J I. Hi.cn. with re- the irrooni. The ati.- tli,t! -A:lc nr,ir,:wl PRINCE RUPERT CIVIC BAND Wants new members and seeks all the experienced players In the ciiy. We have some instruments to spare. Beginners and students are welcomed and will be taught by experienced men. Practice every Monday night at Civic Centre. Citizens, get behind your Civic Band and make it the sih cess it could easily be with your sup- Since 184? the name United Church Spring Sale, Business: April 29' j Reports for vear 1947 Home-cooked dinner from 6 to; Election of Officers; EL General Business. (271 dl'nn. B. ouc. Bosun inn. (33) U.F.A W.U. whist and cribbage, Metropole Hall, every Saturday, at 8 p.m. (43) icie , )ri thi' cv-ium.. the bri f'r w-tidinn ca "M tx.'ii I.. ..utifullv de ke Prt- c. I Let this be your invitation to PACIFIC REPAIR J Cillis. Ser-l '"'11 "s now. (261 Advertise in the Daily News! MXIaiy has stood for the finest in stoves that money can buy. See the smart full J white enamel models i now on display at . . . 11 v Mrs j irjiui-rc Marjorie Eby, k3w ' Mrs James IT'S HERE! lllrs- J Ward and Mi.ss Li hh LET I S SERVICE YOIR VACT I'M CLEANERS AND The familiar (E..I.1 lalx-l f Hiram Walkers ROYAL OAK Canadian Whisky in-r ;ain iar in prcalcr nilv al jour local veiid(r'. Auk for Royal Dak. You'll like this exceptionally fine Canadian whUky. HAEGER POTTERY 'aria ;!l Mrs. Fortune will "'f llDtl'.e (in Hi-i-mnn 7 v rortun is employed r'z-r s ......... v.v of Transport '''Paniiins i 'nve. MmmVattet'Z Qua "V Pl W I II I I I 6far2: GORDON'S HARDWARE 1 CALL KK.n :5(t7 32(J Second Avenue West Beautiful Pastel Shades WIDE VARIETY of VASKS ALSO WAU, VASKS, CANDLESTICK IIOLDEKS, ASH TRAYS. BULB BOWLS AIL REASONABLY PRICED ) mil hi I I ! in tiir t. ally News! Phone 311 Mi-Bride St. Aoir A v tillable! HIRAM WALKER ft SONS LIMITED . WALKERVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA DISTIllEHS OF, "CANADIAN CLUB" ert Phone Green 917 P. II. LIXZEY 214 4th Street f; This adver rtiscmcnl is not publish! or displayo! by the Liquor Control Board or by tlw Gutvrnmcitt of British Columbia X-Hausters Prince Rupert Realty Co. Protect Your Home NOW Against Fire Losses Tomorrow May Be Too Late! RED 400 51 Third West P.O. Box 1118 STORE HOURS r air Vovide ;IVE V? NTILATION schools lu"N(.s. no.u-s llT0!iis. ihkns'. ""'raft. .... matter "a the w-in,i blows. WTRKD EFFICIENT Just For You! i LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL BALLERINA SUITS Moving, Parking Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home . 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 ' P.O. Box 196 WEEK DAYS 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 to 2 p.m. 7 to 9 p.m. PHONE 81 (EDirmmes Brags P Sheet Metal I LIMITED I,.... ... r NEW OFFICES Margaret McLeod OPTOMETRIST '"'r. 151 ii it o., DHUM 7 ' - v ix 11.1 Si. V I COATS "O li Hoom 10 TRY OTOGRAPHY BITLDINO Rex Cafe ELASTIC C.IKDLKS NATURE'S RIVAL mix TRY SUMMIT ICE CREAM FOR YOUR PARTY It is Good, FRESH MADE and Delicious B. Printing dip nuiifr 3rd. Ave Wet NEW PHONE BLUE 5!:J for appointments for tasty; meals Chop Sucy Chow Mein CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY I'lItT an,l i i v r OPEN S A.M. TO 3 A M VALENTIN DAIRY "ui street ANNETTE MANSELL (Upstairs in. Stone Building! Box 645 SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL (U) Phone 657