6 prince Hnpm Daflp lUrtos Thursday, June 16, 1949 - Ray Reflects ... ... and Reminisces mm la independent d.Uy newspaper devotes to ne upnut.alng of rr. nL,?!i1S? Columbu tu .UommunitiM compr1ng northern nd wntriU British (Authorised u Second C1m MaU. Post Offl Department. Ottawa) Published eerr afternoon except Sunday by ftinoa Rupert Dally Kew Ltd.. 8rd Aenue. Prince Rupert. Brltlah Columbia. O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. ktZMBEH OP CANADIAN PRESS - AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY MSwarArin AJo-i.rnv"' RAT EXTERMINATION prince Rlipert. enjoying the out question, one of live Inter-Editor ladvanta It intimate, at times. Daily News- ' of a temperamental est. gets ' - climate is not without a sense Some issues hit right where you May I have space lor this Jf ajr 'p,ay and sportsmanship. leslde. letter? Tt io liniiifpjv next Novem- MEN'S AI.L-WOO, euBSCRrpnoN rates mwvf-itfrr. CKi earner. Per Week. 20c: Per Month. 75c: Per Tear. 1100. EQ-m- JACKETS All By Mall, Per Month. 60c; Per Year. 5.00 sues. at i .: i f ' ) i I 1 - - , ; 1 ii- , . . - . I i i I i ; , 1 1 -W yf , ; i GRATITUDE Editor, Daily News: I feel it is my duty to write of Prince Rupert district, to let a letter of thanks to the people them know that, through their gracious generosity and the help of the British Columbia government, we have had our house rebuilt, after the floods of 1948, MEN'S : I L lO tiKjy. - - There was a letter in the ber will resemble late May at its ni t-r tn rpol rdc tn cut tin it riA best, to make up for an un- Motoring, trucking and problems are evidently mul- Vm-i.n and si its . . : w The Election lovely June. Indeed, we have tipiying. rrince nuperi nas felt a balmy February and once company. In Saskatchewan, for gloried in a March strongly example, due to the fact of ve- of rats. It is not at all necessary to hire people to exterminate fls. Special MEN'S TROVSKRw' town reminiscent of a comfortable hide Doaies naving Decome ioo rats if every family in wnen u was a luuiclc iu. . ..... .... ... ffH v,h ci! ' worsts- 1 SJ ti i psnpfiallv would like to would pui ouc poison ior mem September. Ana iook ai lonay. wmc .w,,. 'that hng, the Vehicle Act was amend- thank Hon Mr E T Kenney under boxes and such so Minister of Lands and Forests,' cats and dogs cannot get under. a stiff fine has been Imposed ed. This means that trucks and his department and G F. There soon would be no more f0r reckless driving. An alder- with bodies too far to trie leu Forbes government' agent of rats in Prince Rupert. I man deplores the practice M of the centre of the steering J been rat-nip honk-honk-honking when honk- wheel must have an approved Prince Rupert, because they We have using THREE TO ONE Hon. E. T. Kenney, who swamped Joseph Denicola, C.CF, in Skeena. MEN'S I)U;SS from $ar, No one can have eiven us very personal con- and it sure does the work. We fconk-honkig is no more needed signalling aev te a quarrel wun mai uuie KiHpratinn ! vpt-v Kpldnm see a rat around than an extra rainfall. And pick travel Some trucks ...v-l.au.st styles, ar, sortmcnt. Special 90c to Wp have nur home restored mnrp nnrt thpre wptp Tlpntv now. If only ail unooui uuBs ii.iicuic. any o.-,v and we will be able to move into here when we first moved into tould be brought into tne wonci swiu anu e.Bu a . It again shortly with the able tnis house .incapable of barking above a and competent work of the con Local Boy Scouts will journey all the wav to Ottawa. It will i.-.isSt.mi.(Jrt.SSi sortment. Spetial i i, Our taxes are high enough wnispei. .v.!..., voors aun he a valuable exoerienee, and BOYS' SCHOOL Slllf: mue and khaki Special tractors. I I am very grateful to everyone who helped so generously with funds and personal help at the time of the flood in May, 1943. Dorothy Angenna Snerwood, Terrace. last Tuesday that the first pas- give them, as nothing else could, senger train to leave Prince Ru- a fresh idea ct what sort of pert, to run as far as Mile 48. left country they have the good for-towri A picture shows every- tune to be living in. And a so-thing looking reasonably merry journ in the capital city will and bright. The date was June help, in the course of their gen-14, 1911. It's a long string of , eral education. now without paying someone to get rid of rats if each one would do their part. With all the wartime houses paying taxes now It Is certainly not necessary for our taxes to be raised like they are. We sure need a manager or a commissioner again to straighten things out. Thanking you Mr. Editor for VANCOUVER VICTOHM SKATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Chilcotln Friday, 5 p.m., Catala TRUTH ABOUT SMELTERS THINK that Prince Rupert, Central British WE Columbia and the province as a whole did the ripht thing at the polls in yesterday's provincial -election. Returned with an overwhelming mapority, the Coalition government has been accorded a mandate to cany on the good work which it has commenced. Many assurances were made by the coalition of its ambitious plans for the province if it was returned to office. The promising is now over and the people will be expecting the government to set about immediately with the fulfilment. As for ourselves we have no doubt of the government's intention and competence. The Johnson-Anscomb administration, we believe, will lead this province to a brighter and greater future although the difficulties and the problems that will be encountered are not to be discounted. Prince. Rupert, is out of the political wilderness again with the election of Jack McRae, the young city business man, who we are sending to Victoria as a supporter of the coalition. Mr. McRae proved his mettle in the campaign, showing his comprehension, energy and presentability. We were pleasantly impressed with his ability on the hustings. In the Legislature we know we are going to have a representative who will be a distinct credit to the seat which he represents and who will be well able to present our case on all occasions and accomplish things on our behalf. We congratulate him on his victory and assure him of our full co-operation in connection with the promotion of the aff airs of this riding. Of almost equal interest and importance to us Editor, Daily News: Of late I have heard and have i H cars, witn mountain langc the left, and waterfall tumbling clown the long slopes Indeed, the scene is more summerlike than the way it feels this June. The gentleman on the platform of the rear coach wear what could be a Panama hat. H. PERKINS. SMITH & ELKi: Skinny men, women1; ! gain 5, 10, 15 lbs. Cet New Pep, Vim, Vigor j What ft thrUh Hon? limm ml out: ucr hol nil up uri i no tmfr wrMiiy. bort m urved. tkly ' be-it-pot look. 1 tmtri-H i : read in some of the literature this space, floating around at political meetings here in these pre- election times, a few statements or stories that appear to be mis- f f LA' , .'$10,0 f!pee .last Ui HE jlleo net Sunday, 10 p.m., Coqultlam ALICE ARM. STHVAUT AND POUT siMrsox 8unaay, 11 p.m FOR SOLTIl Ql'EEN CHARI.OnE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, June 3 and 17. FOR NOItTII CHARLOTTE ISLANDN s s. Coquitlam. June 10 and 24 UtANK J. INNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenur Phone f(ih j leading. One of these refers to the. Consolidated Mining and Smelt- HAVE HAD YEARS OF PLUMBING AND HEATING EXPERIENCE PHONE 174 :rM. Xll!0. DCU. Will UVVCT wil1'" ,- u uroud of Bt.nifiy. heln.)F-lt'i" pki-m. 1 iry ihRuk tti l"al vr-bu.M!nf , Bi-hwhl!i tunc "trt. Itt niri iimulautB. tn urattirt, nn 'tti D ht. mUium, urmn ItUnxt. imor a spirt-t-t nrt dtct.tnB o b-wl biv you irrnKin ftour ti insert . tmt flwti o D r tMfk 1m.ii t lrarrt( n ti. wurm u t"- tht & 1U la ir ,t y.m itfrd for normal wrigft. Next stop, Monday, June 27. Never before in a Federal campaign have candidates travelled so far, for in all previous elections Nova Scotia was the eastern limit. This contest is, with- l ing Company. The truth about j their doings here can be summed up as follows: They have 'expended over one million dol Trv lonif i Ttt ' ' uxi timi n Ai 1 lars in this district and, up to A: t ; Plumbing Troubles? I REAL ESTATt INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PHKl'AUK " the present, with no profit to themselves.' For the property they worked, they paid two prospectors over a quarter of a million dollars, the exact sum being $300,000. The people of this district were very glad to have this company here and were sorry when they pulled out- Some Re: ( ',' ' ,. aire .. 1 h oa; ' IrlW W!1 ftss o inn It lotice It t) Yom Jon .1 '(.ftcat rUt Rlid vritln . MW ' Ve. R. E. MOKTI.MFi S24 2nd Ave (Near O ..often It f i ! 2 ' imilalcd people have this company pictured as owned by two or three fat tycoons smoking big cigars but the truth is that the CM. SAAN1CH Plumbing & Heating RALAGNO Ht I'hun (ircrn 787 W DISAPPOINTED BUT SMILING W. H. Brett, defeated CjCF., who says his party will keep on fighting J ior "common man." and S. is owned by several thousand ordinary people. The correct number is something over 14.000. "G. AITCHBEE." never equalled j THOM SHEET METAL LIMITE Advertise in the Daily Newt1 "X. wishes to announce that the Latest in Portable Welding Equipme: HAS BEEN ADDED TO THEIR ALREADY EXTENSIVELY EQUIPPED SHOP 2",3 first Ave. I'. Phnnf Bhrt ASlRoo! Over Your Head j rubu ncoi f 'Be: I r ' f i! ..7 fl)A!LTSMlE ACE-TEX ASPHALT were the contests in the various interior ridings and Atlin to the north. We never had any doubt but that Hon. E. T. Kenney, the northern minister, would be re-elected with a thumping majority but we wish to congratulate him once again, also W. D. Smith, in Atlin, and Cecil Steele and Harry Bow-. man in the Omineca and Fort George ridings- respectively. We think that, after the season on the political outside, these northern districts were wise in getting back in the government column again. Possibly it is unfortunate that a stronger opposition has not been elected. If there is to be good legislation and good government, vigorous and effective opposition is needed. The C.C.F. claimed that it was largely instrumental for initiating by c its suggestions many of the items of good legislation that the coalition government gave us. We - hope the C.C.F. diminished as it may be, will just keep on making good suggestions and that the government, as it rightly should, will go on accepting ' them. To the losers in the election in these parts we also extend our good wishes. Mr. Brett, during his four years, was an earnest representative, and we are convinced always had the best interests of his SHINGLES 5 , 4 HOLLYWOOD cafe ... I MOST UP-TO-DATi: CAPE IN THE CIT sr. M. TO 3:J) A.M. , OPEN I ROM 11:30 A.! 6 hjr We Specialize In Chlr MEIN u ym CHOI' SUEY CHOW "' " - -'' - ---- .. i sr t A- . -: . ,J 111 VEXfj? i km Hon. T. G. DOUGLAS CCF PREMIER or SASKATCHEWAN 8:15 P.D.T. - Tonight - CFPR lot Outside Orders TIIONE 133 rb i " i , Tu end CBC Trans-Canode Network G0MB3 mm DON'T MISS THE FUN AT LIMBERLOS J1 I t ft HOUSEHOLD NEEDS ror ,-,,,-rin! KISniNC, IJOATINC, IIUNTIN(.. N'c" DANCINd . . . AND MANY OTIIU?'1' FATHER'S DAY STEP LADDERS CLOTHES DRYERS KITCHEN UTENSILS CLOTHES LINES IRONING BOARDS GALVANIZED WARES Pi riding and constituents at heart although he might not have been in a very propitious position to give the most effective service. The losers have the consolation of knowing that they offered their services and, thereby, showed their good citizenship and public spiritedness. We know that they went in with earnest and honest intentions in support of principles which they sincerely believed were to the public interest. ; Above all, and as we have said after every el-ection, now is the time for all to get together and work and boost energetically and co-operatively. Such counsel was never more timely than at this stage in the affairs of the province of British umbia and this rapidly developing section thereof. 0N It Fun for the Whole Family at UMBERI Make your reservations early and he sure Tlnnnv TTolirlav in the Bermudas of tne CARDS and GIFTS Come in and browse around You'll find something for DAD on his DAY. And when you have the gift choose just the right card to go with it. SATIN-GLO VARNISHES tt .'in t. fe? PAINTS ENAMELS .,t rnvTA(?T ilMBf run ruKiiibK wrutiMn i w - ctvam- ....v-. 563 et-, nn ITNION UNION STbA- -OR LODGE LTD. rilONE THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. OFFICES I'IKJNE 58. WW t7JTAr,Z CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS PAYS! , ORMEl Ca drvg 3 518 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 400 c I TREAT DAD ; 'TO A DINNER DATE on FATHER'S DAY SUNDAY, JUNE 19 PACIFIC Stevedoring & Contracting PRESCRIPTION CHEMIST DAYS, 9 A.M. STORE HOURS-WEEK COMPANY LIMITED AND DAD Remember we serve mighty fine Luncheons "during the week. OF TASTY MEALS AT THE RexGalie Chinese Dishes m Specialty cnop SUEY CHOW MEIN NOON HOLIDAYS-" SUNDAYS AND 7 P.M. TO 9 P-M- bicycle L ' Emergency General Stevedores and Contractors Stevedores for Canadian National Railways CABLE ADDRESS HEAD OFFICE "PACIFICO" PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. till 9 P from 7 p.m. .i Sunday Civic Centre Dining Room To': Reservations add Chicken In The Rough Phone Red 70ft Daily car delivery service from 9 a.m. till B pm. Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 ajn. to 8:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orderi Wf ffmfffffffff