k ... prince Kupcn Dan? newt Thursday, June IB, 1949 The New Mil Jack McRae, rioneer Local Boy, Young Business Man, Naval Officer John Duncan (Jack McRae, WINNER, LOSER MAKE REMARKS In a post-election statement last night after his victory had been assuied, J. D. McRae, Coalition M.L.A.-electlon for Prince Rupert, assumed with MONTREAL, "me ICtli cad ,,.. ' lots of lazy days al a fine idea to tosg t J 9 crisp Falad . . . nn7i r'-. 7 0l" W refreshing fruited m,u" ,ol JELL-O. For Jell.n i .J seriousness the duties and responsibilities which his office will Involve. "Now I'm elected," rs a. Prince Rupert's M.L.A.-elect, is a member of a well known pioneer family of 40 years' standing, prominent young local business man- and former nava officer. He' was born 33 years ago in San Diego, California, fay : : rr . .v3 mmnwr mot,,,., t..- a simple matter to prepare a Jell-0 desert in h ,f corning delicious , lor ferving later m the day. All ,,' V,01 ' "locked-in flavors are alwayi J , amazingly azingly thrifty, thrifty. 8urc r favomt and Mr. McRae said, ' I am prepared to do my fighting on behalf of this riding. I feel the work has just begun." Mr. McRae expressed appreciation of the clean campaign which had III Tl ar tat. svm. y i w i tin a u been put up by W. H. Brett and June . r ti j while his mother was on a visit ! there. He is the elder son of i Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McRae. now. ! residing at Duncan, Vancouver Island and at present visiting here. ) After obtaining his elementary ; and High School education here, ! Jack McRae attended Univer- sity of British Columbia where he was secretary-treasurer of his class. Returning to Prince i Rupert from college, he joined tl.Uh the. the hf-ni-h ! s . ' Ik- 1 Zl '1 the C.C.F. MR. BRETT DISAPPOINTED "Now that the election Is a past Issue, my firm determination Is to do everything I can to fulfill the confidence that Ctisp fhh'n Ciipf losHOfl croon i-alad and Cliif-(:j fon Cuke ... gltak wonderful moal trfTy for a fine June jrJf,"w evening . . . and TTjv tliore's more to it than meets the eve I The tat brhind carh tnte-wisc dish in MAZOLA. Salnd Oil I So-oo good for frying fish and potatoi-s ... a vitnl flavor-wieo uifrrc'liont in Fronoh Drr.inu . . and everyone' talkinn Bhout what Mmola does for Chiffon Cake! It's elirrr Bmgic . . a world of iliffrrencc in the lightnow and cliciou.-mcsH of your cuke I For four ira rcpe( of Mazola Caka Heatct, "imply writo to mr Pirbara Iircnt, 1411 Crescent .St, Montreal, P.C1. Auk jor Recipe Shret MA 21 the electorate have placed In me," said Mr. McRae, who is believed to be the youngest outdoor pU CIV June '' duy ,a Boring,,, L n, tll0! "CRKAM UK WHFv r-i' ft. qmrk and and no very oo, to ' J", for you. tnn! For i "Cream onv,, . and it vroYKln, Phosphorous for diets c,,,, IS: the element,. R,,Vc,ul climhmit a i.iouw.m (," f, ooi -Cream of Wliet- liji ilffi I the staf f of his father's stationery store, McRae Bros. Ltd. f On September 10, 1939, one; day after the outbreak of World W ar II, he joined the Search-1 M.LA.-elect in the province.! "I am now prepared to fight, within the party If I must, for! the rights of this area," he ! promised. I I light Battery here as a private' Hen't On. " Mutt " if you want to enjoy y0Ur iun, j,i;,i qui soon uansierrea irom Army to Navy as a sub-lieutenant. He won quick promotion to lieuten-1 ant-eommander. After instructional service at H.M.C.S. Na-den ou this coast and H.M.C.S. 1 Co.-nwai'is on the East Coast he mil, wiiii nn money worries at an I Larry HANK OF MONTREAL TmvrUrn Cheque with you. when you no on holiday. 1 always find that the i xtr i Merurity of Travellers Cheque helps make my vacation' twieo as much funt When you buy 'Irani, lers Cke(ucs, fifrn each the vou one at top; as you cash them, vou syn eseh one. at the bottom. That 'establishes vour identity. ltV to simple o verv practienl and o .afe Vou ean Ret vour Truvriler Ji m ' ' ' ,"1 ' . i 4 ! 1 - ; i "I should like to call to the attention of all rural communities which I have visited and those which I have not yet visited that I have their inter- 1 ests at heart as much as my ( home town of Prince Rupert ; "I also feel strongly encour- aged that Prince Rupert has so ; substantially supported one of( Chetiue!" at anv hranen 01 the JiofM . . . ami thm-ll vaii u ith artnrnil pltn,ina fnr ul.r.i.l T). r irZ. holiday! ' ' i its own sons.". j ; went afloat, specializing in gun-; nery, and saw service at Scapa Fi.jw, oif the Norwegian coast and in the. Mediterranean, off j Noah Africa. He put in ciestroy-j er time on the Atlantic convoy' Lady, B GooJ To Your fires! They're precioiu 'ft) they're well I Can S ft your !i favorite fmjr . M 1-Vi-a warm hit You use u worth pamiwrinR CAI HEi ) Ilea jpflrrs net- Mr. Brett also spoke briefly, j He admitted that the result of the election, particularly in the province as a whole, had been I "somewhat disappointing." He ' also commented on the clean fight. He trusted that, now he was elected, Mr, McRae would do the best he could to carry out the promises he had made. After all the most important - -..-r-Treil ..... - i be sure to mike vo-j. with 11K.INZ VINLGAP.S- service in 1942-43. During one of the early Victory Loan cam-; pagris, he attained considerable distinc'ion on being chosen as representative! of the Navy in, a ''('any the Torch' flight across Canada, the torch going on to Britain as a symbol of Canada's support of the war effort. In 1943 he. was the admiral's yun-, and mellowed in wX!il ti! t flavor-) icrfeet I Tim FM, Halatt Dra.tmg will bring a . when they 're tired and Btrnin-, ed! So at fir.A ten of eye fatigue. Boolhe your eves wuh the cool refreshment of MURIM. Best idea, of cour, i to m:ike a daily habit of Murine. Don't wait 'ill vour.eyes complain . keep them rrvtod tuth two drops of Murine in rneh eye iiiiiht and mornmn. I've fnund tins i a parliciilarly s:ool idea these mmitier days of eun-p'are nnd wind! You sec. Murine' skilful blend of 7 insrredients eioanscs and wiolhes eyrs that are tin. I . . relieve that weary, ued-ur feeling! Thai's why I time vr,u to ak your dmggist to-d.iv for Murine! bent in vour fruit suIrnH Combine, blend. ne thins after cacti addition, auear. '2 teaspoon si't, tablespoons flour, 1 ?g 'a cup pmcapo jijlct i, orance juice and 2 tatiiei CHIC! Take a bit of chic right from the Riviera plus some South Seas glamour and you have this newest playsuit. The Riviera shirt, with its plunging neckline and dashing cuffs, and the brief but very feminine shorts are just about as fashionable a play outfit as you'll see this summer on any beach. The skirt is a sarong oh Bali hey! and you tie it on when boardwalk bound, or to dash off somewhere to lunch. Sheer glamour, but practical too, it's just one big flat piece, so you can use It to lie on as well as to protcet yourself from too much sun. Hnnt White V:ne;ar. ( nery office- oa the Atlantic and his final asignment before tl it-end of the war was as first lieutenant of II.M.CS. Puncner, tirrx.g constantly, ur truck. CooL Foid a braten e!g white. thing was the welfare of '.he common man. In spite of temporary reverses, he was still convinced that the CC.F. had a message that should still be carried along. I Mr. Brett, C.C.F. candidate, who served four years in the last house, said that he and his party considered their defeat only a "temporary setback" ".The C.C.F. party has had many setbacks but they will con Hart You Often Womerce) win ro to find the :iii-r- in rr ! then Canada's only aircraft car-! rier. I At the conclusion ol the war, He: c ,, aerr Tlm .. r WH ttss o psued Jon It lotice It tl torn Jon I 'jflc'ai rUt Blid vrltin . E1 Ve, ' i' tiotirf in vour mind aliout fcniintnc l.ygier.f? ' at - . Mr. McRae returnrd to Prince booklet that will help you! Simply write lu mr -Hunt Mil Credent St. Moniral 1MJ. i,r v C"l'U of a booklet Riving bank far,, on ll:.- til,, A 1 TERRACE TOPICS aged it. Extensive work has been done on the place but a lot : v. ,, w : V ..J. . . , Mr. McNutt of the Workmen's Rupert to take over the man-Compensation Board drove into1 agement of McRae Bros. Ltd end it to vou in a plain wraiiier. Mi.invi-k 1m lTf""W VpII Ipft. last, week lor nf the vahinhle nlar.ts in the fact I'm mre will be of help to vol" Litem ly ihnu-women have di.overed a wondert'jlltr sale j on the retirement of his lathei ', 1 erra" thls week and is sPend a iwiT-month sojourn with reia- j-ne-time show garden have been ing a tew davs here rte laues an ucuve pan, in cuui tives in Ontario. ijost. munitv affairs and is a meivber tinue fighting." ( method ot feminine hygiene cni'ed Z" iiinly and convenient, theso srra-cit.-... !.-.iiiV.. 'tws't MilHMitonc are powerfully germicidal yet alwiiu'i H- --i-.e . ti ii I A lt vour dntggirt fot oniiors nnd euij iur tUi tree booklet today ! M'tv and Mrs. V. Oiraud have " 1 Mrs- c- " w- Alger, who' has, of the Prince Rupert Chancer ieiU-ned to the Sherwood home Mr and Mrs. Ear!- Hoben-, been confined to her home for of Commerce and Prince Pu-IrlZ, which thev were forced to'fohield of Kitwanga spent the ' the past two or three weeks, 'pert Rotary Club as weU'as be- miSvp when thp flood waters of weeK-encl m Terrace visiung uiu . "untu nuspuai ncic im.ing piesiueii'. ui uie rnnix nu WAREHOUSEMEN IN CONVENTION I further treatment. British Columbia, T. Smith, Vancouver: Alber i friends and relatives- theSKeena last year badly dam- Reamer. Calsaiy; SaskiU (Xft-iiflve secretary. The Department of Agriculture wul strongly urged not to pay Rtibiiidlps under the Cold f ora -" Act of 1907 for the construction of new cold storage John Keple, Regina; M. Winnipeg Man Elected President at WinnipeR I ' -r " H. H. Perry. Winnipeg; j ;rcy Xlng, Ottawa; " ' t - I VS "A K i " ' - ; f; ubU f I1C01 JASPER PARK LODGE The rt. R. Smith. Montrtal houses but that, wherever E. Lyau rinMnn. at their twent v-hinth addlt !onal cpld storage facilities . BrunswicK Moncton; Nova &co pert Liberal Association a-id Prince Rupert Retail Merchants' Association. In club and fraternal circles he is also knWii"'as a member of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club and Tsimps-an Lodge A.F. & A.M. The Navy continues as one of his principle interests interests and and he he is is commanding commanding officer officer of of the the local local naval naval division, cU- vision. H.M.C.S. H.M.C.S. Chatham. Chatham. Mr. Mr. McRae McRae was was married married at at Wolfville, Wolfville, Nova Nova Scotia, Scotia, in in V.Vj. Vlto. to to Miss Miss Grace Grace Oxner. Oxner. At At p.'03- present ent he he is is engaged engaged In in buildin buildin., , a a fine fine new new home home on on Fourth Fourth Avenue West. annual convention being held are deemed necessary, consia- 1 ; , niiap. p2: ""'- - I Prinep Edward bland. Mary Parsons-Johnston, here, yesterday elected W. B. jeration be given to expansion ei Cowan, of Winnipeg, president.' exist :rg plants. Construction of W. W. Naylor, of Toronto, was entirely new plants was termed I TmrmrTr V , ' - iV TrT"",fW'W ' i I lf. It', i I , ' V' '"'' 1 , .V .'''VV.'-r" :X I I I ' 1 j. ..A Division Chairmen are chandise, Harry JuhnsM the resolution n q rr, n H vice . nresirlr nL. and "'wasteful' 111 couver; Cold Storage. Reg Dennis Day. also of Toronto, was passed by the Association. I ' " " X ;Vr pEi T I 9 y V " -j I'jy " I ! BACK AGAIN" Harold Winch I .- ' V'" ' Wlf' ' I who carried Vancouver East, , A ki'L ' Av-: his perennial seat. Provincial directors elected -. . Rpoh 5CPn Warren, '" Toronto, were as follews: elected treasurer. J. A. Whit-more, Toronto, -was returned as hgr -t- I I i Tu ii- I ' . j riding by a wide margin in yes- I I j terday's voting, arrived In the E' ff I f KEN1NEY LEAVES ir-atrro city last night by car and left ilr.'l t I ' his morning b ypiane for Vlc- FOR VICTORIA I rVJt 1 . r W I- ' J toria to resume his official dut- $ t iL.itj -'!nr v. WW ' I I IIon- E- T- Kormey, provincial ies. , y''yS W 2L :v'i;:!;s Minister of Lands and Forests, , IILlttrA jltaly I I who retained his seat in Skeena Advertise in tnc Lraiiy News! j. , ; - f - j T : ' i ; I -" ' s r- .SfX-- ra : ; f .1 ' C I it: 0( i 1 P:Si&&& wy 1 L!3 DESSERT FOR A KING Luscious British Columbia strawberries from the Fraser Valley have been shipped to Buckingham Palace as a gift of the -Mission Board of Trade. Three valley lasses, Evelyn Home, Barbara Muir and Myrtle Davles hand the King's dessert to Trans-Canada Air Lines employee Ted Frith for speedy delivery. (rj. P. Photo) Mother Knou;sT0esf' - i