Furk and Lieut. M. ff.j holiday and Lieut. Stapleton will on of the Army Signal be attached to the Vancouver hv car Wednesday for.headquartersrrf u, e:,,,., r, Prime ttrtpctf. Da ftp tortus Thursday, June 16949 CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles " -- .v, "'B"al VOi OS , , Furk is on a! for the next six weeks. GIRL WOUNDS PHILLIE STAR CHICAGO "(P-Eddie Waitkus 29, Philadelphia Phillies' star (Subject to Change) GENERAL i ' 5 tic Appliances ELECT! first baseman, was shot and severely wounded early Wednes day in the hotel room of a 19- year-old girl. The girl, tall and dark-haired, was identified by police as Ruth YOU BET IT'S IMPORTANT If you order your w I n ter oal supply NOW, you're absolute-ly nre of comfortable warmth and good TOASTERS IRONS HEATING PADS BLANKETS KETTLES $9.95 to $14.95 $9.95 to $12.50 $ 8.95 14.50 to $54.50 $12.50 TANK $119.50 $149.50 $229.50 $89.75 Ann Steinhaf;en of Chicago' after she had earlier given a; fictitious name and a Boston1 address. Police Capt. John T. Warren said in a statement that she admitted shooting the ball player ifter he had accepted her invitation to come to her room at ELECTRIC HOT WATER ELECTRIC WASHERS . . with Pump Control ELECTRIC RANGES ELECTRIC IRONERS . . . health for your family from the cold nip and on through THURSDAY -fr J. 4:00 Tony the Troubadour 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Wally Wicken '4 : 45 Outdoor Stories 5:00 The Happy Time 8:30 Western Five 6:45 Supper Varieties '6 :00 Suppert Serenade 6:15 Freddy Marin and Orchestra '6:30 Musical Varieties '6:45 Smoke Rings 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Liberal National Talk 8:00 T.B.A. 8.15 National C.C.F. Talk 8:30 Watcha Know, Joe 9:00 Canada at Work 9:15 Watcha Know Joe 9:30 Chamber Music 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBCt News 10:15 Emma Caslor 10:30 Prairie Playhouse 11:00 Weather and Fish Arrivals FRIDAY A.M. " "7:08 Musical CltcK ELECTRIC VACUUM CLE ANER . $91.50 Mii,ter. ijkwi-k nuw: Tank Type the Edgewater Beach Hotel. She was quoted as saying ''I'm a fit case for a psychiatrist." j Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. CALL 631 MLPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED umber Uuilding Supplies -V''' The ilfQrfP MiftKew A A urn Qrrrirr. Ine. PHONE 210 PRINCE RUPERT BESNER BLOCK STEWART, B C. Advertise In the Daily Nows! You saw it In the News! "BUILD BC. PAYROLLS" "Don't forget to deduct this nickle on your income tax!" BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL mm, i VACUUM PACKED PACIFIC Uflto 33itl& m e 0 !d a ' .,("ADITtt UR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 7C5 P O. Box 140). ! 1 " t s I i ;'S RADIO CLINIC - Satisfactory Service CALL 53 Second Avenue West . IIUNDEIDE WATKIN'S DEALER S'Vrnth Avenue West , 7:45 Singing Sam 8:00 CBC News J:15 Morning -Song 8:30 Music for Mucf xr.s 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Com't'y H16 Morning OevoUon 9:30 Sunrise Serenade 9:45 Coffee Time 9-59 Time Signal 10:00 EllenTIarrls 11:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Round-up Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Bernie Braden Tells NumeTons wives contlnu- ally tell us they use Pacific - Milk exclusively in all. their cooking. No wonder it's o popular . . . you can't buy a j MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERINO Phone BLUE 818 0 Box 52 330 Second Avenue Prince Runert. B.C. C MziAW BLACK 890 Box 296 IPIANO TECHNICIAN better canned milk . . and remember it's produced in B.C. PACIFIC M1IK mm -a ft i nj ig, Voicing and Repairs 1IKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 973 10th East Irradiated and Vacuum Packe'dJ j ll:lsfiongs of Yesterday 11:30 Weather Forecast HELEN'S. BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches f 1 11:31 Message Period . ' 11:33 Rec. Int. 11:45 Famous Voices ! - P.M. - REMODEL your cooking oking 204 4tn Street '.CARET McLEOD Phone 655 The amazing fact that 3 out of $ women J 2LJ for better eating OPTOMETRIST A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS V 10, STONE BUILDING prefer Libby's Tomato Juice, regardless of price, was revealed in recent tests in 390 grocery stores across Canada. We believe that the other two shoppers would have chosen Libby's had they sampled it. That's why we're offering one tin of 1 xWB ! Only in NOMIS 1 I wae con ro "?3y btoin th wjjr7 J. , 0d.0n.a9n of fSfi'if 'l Itovor tovino, It '1 VAPOI SfAl. If gl ikit i 1 J oatir clconiftg 1 o I STAIN1US 5 STEEL and mvmm T TMUMICIAT 'i-- 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER. BC. PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. "Box 1184 12:00 Mid-cay Melodies -i I6--CBC News 12:25 Program hesume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 1 4:55 'Recorded Interlude 1:00 Intermezzo 1:30 Afternoon Concert 2:00 In a Lighter Mood 2:15 Musical Program 2:30 Musical Program 2:45 Comentary Piano Tree 3:00 Musical Program 3:15 Serenade 3:3C Divertimento 3:45 BBC News 3:55 U.N. Commentary FOR YOUR AND CONCRBTE WORK Libby's Tomato Juiceret; ... so that every family in Canada will know the unsurpassed, garden-fresh goodness of Libby's, Canada's favourite tomato juice. We want you to try it NOW, so you'll buy it again and again. Remember, Libby's has more than flavour to recommend it it's an excellent dietary source of vitamins A and C a whole some hot-weather thirst-quencher for young sters and grown-ups, too. So clip this coupon CAUL, BLUE ViU J. SAUNDERS , Modern Equipment 1 Work Ouaianteed KINDLING WOOD ... with BYTOWN MACJiINE WORKS Apents for SIMPLEX GAS and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales, Service and Parts Boat Owners and users of Industrial Engines are Invited to jur showroom to view our various engines and talk over equipment problems. err kiri i MOIIII Mill' iOc Sack Delivered H- .--AY INDUSTRIALIST FROM ITALY IS Wood, Random Lengths $10 per load and get your free tin right away. NE B & W TRANSFER J CITY VISITOR Green 186 Prominent Italian Industrialist, Senor Edoardo Petrantonio, owner and president of Silta. ORGE L, RORIE Accountant, Auditor, etc. I Weill Cartage Ltd. i Complete MoTlnf Service I I i S M I f Tax Returns Compiled CraMoc Packlnc Cartage r Block Phone S87 BLUB 781 RED 516 UN SCIIEDi;! E manufacturers of aircraft and processor of raw materials for chemical and metallurgical industries, was a visitor in the city yesterday, accompanied by his wife. They were aboard the steamer Prince Rupert, making the round trip to Alaska. It was two weeks ago since they left the Old Country, crossing the Atlantic Ocean in the Queen 's ft h East . THIS COUPON ACCEPTABLE AT ANY LIBBY'S DEALER, ANYWHERE iay, Wednesday, Friday, p.m. the Kat HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS I I I I fiay, Thursday, Saturday Mary. Senor Petrantonio camej to this continent to attend a ; THIS COUPON ENTITLES BEARER TO ONE TIN OF LIBBY'S TO M A TO JI II CE rRHF. with the purchase of 2 tins at the regular price. ' ' , . ': Name Address TO Vr.ALl.R: This coupon will be redeemed t the going retail price. LIBBY'S, Chatham, Ont. Building and lepalrs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys Oil Burners PRINCE RUPERT BOWLING ALLEY OPEN DAILY FROM 3:30 P.M. TO 11 P.M. Saturdays 12 Noon to 12 Midnight PHONE RED 709 Bowl in Clean and Pleasant nBBniiviriiy fro Surroundings OUIIUUllUUl&o SIALIT REPAIRS pt Duwatrodden Heels conference in Washington and on the way to the United States .national -capital will visit Vancouver. Victoria. Trail. Seattle. 4 Worn Solea fJ- PHONES SHOE HOSPITAL I expect to be back In Paris in Black iui'h nn 887 i ii.r-ii Red 894 iidi n evenings w . lii - in k. - u i i i Beco4 Av. two weeks. j I h""v- P.O. Box 1670 r...' .' ii m M!mmimi!llll!liimi:illll!lili iil!l!!illlil!!lll!ll!lllill!lll!l!flilllillll!lllll (a "pjf? (7 VK Sm LADIES' ODD LINES MEN'S RUNNERS SHOP EARLY! OFF ; . ON $3.95 White. Reg. $5.45 NOW $2.95 $1.95 j Brown and Blue. Keg. $2.55 NOW .... REGULAR STOCK OF MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES No Golden Pheasant, Heelhugger or Savage Shoes on sale 8RWKIWB ALL SALES FINAL NO REFUNDS NO CHARGES SALE COMMENCES . 9 A.M., FRIDAY, JUNE 17 .............i.iiikii .illMillHllllHllltllllimillllllUllllltOIIilltlllllltllllllllllltlillllllltllMlllMI'Mlllh. r; ...ti.inumit) tmimiMiMtmiMitimiimmtmmtMtmmmiM.iiHMm MitltmtlfMimimillllllllMtllll tffl I - IB J