Lia;;.-HY Provincial lizzmi, 1! ' victop.ia, 2. c. v.::: : ORMES 'DRUGS r V 1 I II I I 111 IS lr o. 1 Dfiily Deliver NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER , Published at Canada's Moat Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PHONE 81 VOL. XXXVIII, No. 139. PRINCE RUPERT. B. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1940 PRICE FIVE CENTS w Landslide Vict If ioaiitio "3 -A it-" MINISTER GETS HUGE MAJORITY reat Victory For Johnson- nscomo Administration; Has ii. i i i i i treasea its Lead In nouse m II All Cabinet Ministers Re-elected Solid North Again C. C. F. Slips f '"' 'i NTOUVER (CP)-Prcmier Byron Johnson's "4 n government scored a landslide victory in av's provincial election. Returns which were lling in today, confirmed that trend' to a great ! - V "v ' '1 ' J i V - s r the government which became apparent late ;ht. Every cabinet minister was re-eleetpd CF. which had eleven In the last Legislature, only six seats in the TERRACE Hon E. T. Ken-ney's victory in Skeena rid ing exceeded expectations. He defeated his C.C.F. opponent, Joseph Denicola, by almost three to one. A summary this morning gave " Kenney 1654 and Denicola, 654. The Skeena polls reporting so far are: Kenney Denicola Terrace 531 119 Smithers 465 172 Cedarvale 27 8 Copper City .... 26 8 Dorreen 8 8 Evelyn 15 14 Glentanna .... 19 7 Hazelton 161 81 Kispiox 13 18 Kitsumkalum 5 4 Kwinitsa 6 9 Moricetown .... 47 31 New Hazelton 63 30 Pacific 12 11 Remo 9 3 17-Mile 8 4 Skeena Cross. 45 7 Smithers 465 172 S Hazelton 15 22 Terrace 531 119 Usk 21 13 Woodcock 9 3 Glen Vowell .... 25 5 Kitwanga 48 23 Kispiox 8 45 4m including its 42-year- r, Harold Winch, who clod in Vancouver East rim HimariA h,V- L NEW UTILITIES SUPERINTENDENT JS APPOINTED Appointment of a new municipal Telephone Superintendent ;h A. J. Turner. Both PREMIER JOHNSON Delighted at vote of confidence. fscntatives of the two- scat in the last House. ather, E. E. Winch, 70- veteran of the Legisla- who eventually will replace A. electrd In Burnaby. I FLOODS HALT RED ADVANCE I Bruce Love on his retirement 'oalition made up 01 j next year was approved by City ami nugressive uon- rv..r...ii ,io ii, ti,. elected forty mem-, D0intment went to John F. Ed sweep assuring it of wards of West Vancouver. Choice of a man to head the iscd majority In the CANTON it) The communist southbound offensive was reported bogged down today by floods that have taken 20,009 lives In China's "rice bowl." The death toll was reported by the Nationalists' official Central olution the Coalition city-owned utility was hastened by the recent resignation of F. M. Kempton who held the position of assistant superintendent mnbrrs, the C.C.F. 11, r, one. t VT .. , A .- rlion table shows six and wire chief. Selection of the Coalition -four o' It gave no source for the re man to become superintendent' the north which went PREMIER IS HAPPY MAN the government, thr to the government also was made expedient by Jtie impending superannuation of Mr. Love. In appointing Mr. Edwards as port which was not confirmed, elsewhere, but added that flood refugees were In the Hengyat.g area, about 270 miles north of the refugee government capital ncc Rupert. Omineca. ttm. n J r - T-i i i.r aim riaie mvfi. I iirMrtntf.nrient rnun.-il has thp , Box-man. the newly el-.: ,.:...:.-...- . . ..- ,J on the Canton-Ilangkowrail- - ;AiivriAUni u jjjaumt; avii. wjrc m ler for Fort George. L armiafnti ( orivisnrv nnnarifv to way. $ tJT ted the veteran So-' .,....i ,...., J Please With Vote of -Confidence In Free Eirtcrprfete NEW WESTMINSTER After realizing last night the extent of the Coalition sweep with an Increased majority ln the next nil Mcinnis. is men- B.C. IS NOT uation before his own term of service ends. Mr. Edwards, who Is 42 years old, Is foreman of electrical and radio services for Standard El- the new minister of to succeed Hon. nam, retiring. Independent, elected 11:11181181117 11 -, - f f J V j ; !i;L1L- - J FOOLPROOF Legislature, Premier Johnson said: "I find It difficult to find words , to express my extreme i. James Mowat was a ectrlc Co. of Vancouver. From VANCOUVER-"Thc people of : nlafiure at the voU! of conIi. , Loanuon. 1939 to 1945 he hc,d responsible ! iia, Mrs. Nancy Hod- DOS,,ions ln the Roval Canadian i : two women re-elected, (snrns enfl,. fnr ns(aiiat.inn he poll In the three riding w'on by the British Columbia are still farlcicnce from being scareproof," said i -Harold Winch, C.C.F., yesterday The Fremier took I':- as an ex-in commenting last night on el-! pression of the- people's connection results. The attacks on'dence m free enterprise. "The the C.C.F. had confused the people have obviously turned real Issues- j their backs on socialistic experl- . I mentation." I o - of radlo-telpphone and telephone' installation on the Pacific Coast, i He is married and has two With her were Edu-:inister W. T. Straith Proudfoot. They beat F. and Union Electors BRITISH DOCK children. On recommendation of the utilities committee, Mr. Love last night was appointed electrical inspector and authorized to hire any necessary assistance. The position was formerly held by Mr. Kempton. The government would proceed at once with the implementation of its pledges ln regard to public undertakings, encouragement of industry and extension of social legislation. STRIKES END THE WINNER Jack McRae who recaptured Pince Rupert seat for the coalition in the provincial Legislature. He defeated W. H. Brett, C.C.F. member for the .last House, with a tidy majority of ' v over 600. BRISTOL W' Ports through out Britain Wednesday became T. Kenney, minister of forests, received a huge in Skeena. i Byron Johnson, re-New Westminster, was! known victor, his win irted twenty minutes' polls closed. He tie- j F., People's Party and "(lit candidates. Minister Herbert Ans- strike-free for the first time in An overheated oil burner at sible for a fire call at 9 o'cloci: the home of T. Lloyd, 1108 sev- this morning. No damage re-en th Avenue East, was respon- suited from the iire. six weeks when dockers at Bris McRae Carries Pr. Rupert Riding tol and Avonmouth, in the west "BRITISH STILL," SAYS ANSCOMB In Decisive Return To Coalition Ted ApplewhaiteV II a lame majority in VICTORIA Finance Minister Herbert Anscomb, head of the ' Progressive Conservative bloc in thr- Coalition government and -NEWSETTE of England, resumed work. This ended a series of disputes which arose out of a clash between two Canadian seamen's unions. The strike collapsed yesterday when the strikers' leader, Joe Doody, said they were beaten by the government's refusal to allow troops to load the Canadian vessel Montreal City and CONGRATULATIONS FROM PREMIER YOUR FEDERAL CANDIDATE House, said last night in com menting on. the election result. "T nm delichted at the final C M a c D o n a 1 d, in and Hon. O. S. Wis- V'ancouvcr, were given se runs. S. Pearson, N.maimo, L. H. Eyres, Chllliwack, "t'ir scats easily. ' C. Carson had no " lillooej" C.C.F. Concedes McRae's Victory Less Than Three Hours After Close of Polls John D. McRae, Coalition candidate in the provincial election campaign, will represent Prince Rupert constituency in the Legislature at Victoria for the next four years on the strength of a decisive victory over W. H. Brett, his C.C.F. opponent at the polls yesterday. The election or uic youthful results. It Is a very definite re the owners' decision that she wnnlrt remain idle until the jection of Socialism and Communism. The people of British Columbia are British still." strikers returned to work. June 1(5 Aleeting at New Hazelton, 8 p.m. June 17 Aleeting at Houston, 8 p.m. . June 18 and 19 Lakes District. June 20 Burns Lake Aleeting, 8 p.m. ROBESON LAUDS SOVIET UNION tion victory in this riding came M)all Trmirit A long distance telephone call today conveyed the congratulations Of Premier B. I. Johnson to Jck McRae, Coalition ML.A.-elect for Prince Rupert, following yesterday's election. The Premier was pleased not only over Mr. McRae's election but by the fact that the north had gone solid Coalition. ' I, HHr QUEBEC COB PSKVKLT PARK at 8:35 last night when a preliminary survey of the city vote showed that he had a majority jock Collander. formerly of this city and now residing in Victoria, arrived on the Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon for ,a visit with friends. city businessman was conceded on the strength of returns from 36 out of 46 polls ln Prince Rupert riding shortly before 10:30 last night. In electing Mr. McRae, the 6:30 P.M. MOSCOW Paul Robeson, American Negro singer, writing in Komsomol Pravda, says that the Soviet Union Is his "second Pfrials vs. Merchants & of 234. This majority wasj strengthened progressively as rc-, turns from outside polls arrived at the office of Returning Officer A. Bruce Brown. The city vote gave Mr. McRae motherland." ''Here is a country voters of Prince Rupert follow-where a man can breathe easily c(j a province-wide trend toward the Coalition which prevailed It lr. McRaes Thanh many ridings ln the province. and freely. For the first time I could properly straighten my shoulders, raise my head high and with all my soul, sing songs." BODY FOUND At, midnleht. last night, with a total oi 1,794 voies wnuc mv. Brett received 1,560. To the neoDlc of Trince Rupert Ridinjr, Fludinjr the new citizens of British Col-K'ia, I extend mv sincere thanks for the AMETHYST CREW ARE ALL WELL S'lendid vote and expression of confidence only five small polls to hear from in this riding, Mr. McRae had a total of 2,611 votes as against 1,990 for Mr. Brett, who represented the constituency in the last House. His majority at that time was 621 votes out of a total of 4,601 votes cast. Mr. McRae's election made BROADCASTS JAMES SINCLAIR, M.P., speaking over CFPR Thunrsday, June 16, at 9 p.m. Hear LEE GORDON over CFPR, speaking on , behalf of Ted Applewhaite, Friday, June 17, at 11:15 a.m. Hear AIAYOR NORA ARNOLD over CFPR, speaking in behalf of Ted Applewhaite, Friday, June 17, 6:30 p.m. The Electors of British Columbia spoke yesterday. They in no uncertain terms returned a government to office that has, through their policy brought prosperity to British Columbia. We congratulate the electors of the Prince Rupert provincial riding in doing their part in bringing this about and ask your same support in returning to office a government that has brought prosperity to Canada. VOTE LIBERAL ON JUNE 27 (Published by the Skeena Federal Campaign Committee) One of the surprising features of the election in the city was the fact that fewer voters 5 vContuiueu ci rage 5 i THE WEATHER forecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast Clear today and tomor n'ch you imposed in me at the pons yes-rtlay. Let me assure vou that I am deeply ap- EASTMAN,' Que. M The emaciated body loM t tie Michel Fontaine, 'Mi I years old, was found in a". swamp on y two miles from his father's f annhouse yesterday, i " ' t j Provincial 'police found the body of the boy, subject of an intensive fOuch ' after, be dls-j appeared The body part.y buried in spongy gvc fe'fc thick wiUi tall reeds. The) was bo, indication HONG KONG f' A Royal Navy spokesman said Wednesday that the 60 crew members aboard the tarpped sloop Ame-thvst.ln the Yantze River are t !'eciative of the responsibilities and duties f volved and that it will be my constant and n 0,iri nnrw the attention of i Prince Rupert again a govcrn- a doctor. The spokesman denied 1 ment constituency after four tit. there are anv serious cases i years of C.C.F. representaUon Jirnest aim to work to the utmost of my ," for Northern and Central JJriusn nf illness on the ship. There and will place it among the six row. Northwest winds (20 miles per hour), little change in temperature. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow At Port Hardy 45 and 60, Masset 40 and CO, Prince Rupert 40 and 65. northern constituencies whlcn .it is .Jjejitve that Exposure anfl ' ex- had been a report in Shanghai 01urnbia this riding in particular. JACK McRAE. of foul pla-he died or haustion. ,' Pi of malaria returned Coalition candidates. First indication of the Coal! that several cases had developed. 1 I