GYROS CRUISE IN Prfnf e.n itprrt Da flu 53? their stunt luncheon, the piiii-( this morning when International ripal feature for which was pro-. President Leon Isaksen of Mad-vlded by Bill Bross and the Ison, Wisconsin was heard. This Vancouver, Washington delega-' afternoon a. feature event will ToniSht the c"dings will c0n( I'"" at the civ., . COn"" Thursday, June 16, 1949 CHATHAM SOUND ! tion. the ladies were entertained be the opening of the club's new the mc ' . . , . i W- ; ! tM n nnn i i vis'tinff lure for tno at luncneon auuaru uic im- $iu,uw awmmung pixji at Mc- Oyros, District 4 convention, cruised cotin with Capt. Harry McLean Clymont Park. District Oover-j At j a for six hours last evening auimiu piuyuig w.c 1 v w v,.i ot with the f ti,. i the local club, turning over the cotin on her ret, sessions continued deed to MayoT Arnold. 4 W urti tu v t ver the steamer cnucotin nuo nosi. Chatham Sound as far as Triple , Business Island. Accompanying the dele- 1 1 r gates were the iocai uyros unu the party numbered 150 or more: in all. It was a delightful sail into the west, a colorful sunset! THE 7flfc ways to adding to the scenic charm. The cuting proved one of the highlight? of the convention enter peaseV!Don tainment program Refresh- ( ments which were to have been ( u.ed on a beach party, whicli '.. Bik DEMERARA RUM I was cancelled when weather I seemed somewhat unsettled I earlier in the day, were simply ! transferred to the steamer and w t--j " -...v.. ay. .jive mm a nm,r.;ii One-Piece Razor with 10 Gillette Blue Blades in Z. Makes shaving faster, easier. Twist! . . ik liiJen it's loaded. Twist! Zip! it's closed. ComlriMi edge economy. Choice of three models. it was a picnic afloat. j Morning and afternoon busi-. ness sessions, including present- ation of reports by individual , clubs, occupied the Gyros yes-1 terday with separate luncheons ( for the men and the ladies.' While the men, after meeting at the home of Orme Stuart, had ; . , "Sometimes I think you love this car more than you love me!" B.C. GOLFERS MAY WITHDRAW I Pi mz pwvm RASEBALL SCORES WEDNESDAY American Cleveland 8, Boston 5 New York 9, Chicago 4 Washington 9, St. Louis ( night i Philadelphia 3, Detroit 1 night i. - National T. VANCOUVER 9 Jock McKin-non, president of the British Columbia section of the Canadian Professional Golfers' Association, said kvst niglit that the withdrawal of the srction from the Canadian association Is possible. He said that British Columbia If cK.irirVl R Rn.ittn 7 (1 A Philadelphia' e satisfied with plans 4-3, Chicago 1-0 to hoW the Canadian Open and ot t ci.c o Rrnnbivn 5 Mature De luxe One-Picce PLAr $10,0 finee .last CM p ) Ilea net ' )niCThu jC.PG.A. open at widely Spar- Kpf Vorfc at Cincinnati post- atl times. Formerly, they held Models In Hcndscme Ccscs and Bottled in England one immediately after the otlier. ' 1 r a. a. 7 ( ' Nil i 7 HALIBUT SALES Phono 654 i poned rain. : TUESDAY ! American League Chicago 3, New York 15. St. Louis 7, Washington 2. Cleveland 10, Boston 5. National League Philadelphia 9, Chicago 2. New York .Cincinnati 0. Brooklyn 7, St. Loitis 2. Try a Classified Ad lor Results. American Karen T., CO.000, Storage, 20.4c, 19.6c and 17c. Narrona. 42,000, Pacific, 20 4c, 19.7c and 17c. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. You Saw U In The Nev t5t pf dorcn p4id lot mpim UbIcl by ny B C tfftwety Re: r ; to i r" i ..Tim f ':- I -trlii " " WI1 (ins o j loult I lotlce ! it tl 1 hra t Jon .1 Jficiit ' ;erUl . 'alid 1 vrltln Ve, ?) fmmfA. ?) frMIal OGDEN 1783 7ht$ dtrttsmcnt it not publithtd t ditpUycdby tfct Liquor Control Botrd ot kty tKt Gowrmvtnl o fitAish Co)amb. CALVERT I o J. J. ILS S w""twv lS ii win wr- r Ts A is A - tl T Nl 1, in nch . Yew- I Vfc Ave, j lubU r ncoi Be; IUIILDINT. ALTEKTXr. RKI'ATUINr. i ....'..'.'v' - v -.'.VI m x at ov m i i rw c m nv a .!&--. . vwr i . i i For Supplies rnoxK 1 SasSmjSS.. " i r 'iii ei i ' f - rw MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contrartorn 4 ; KX'X saac Ogden, New England-horn Empire 'Loyalist, came to Montreal in 1783. He was appointed Judge of the Admiralty Court and later Judge of the Superior Court. Hi- ton, Canada from 1833 to 1842. Another on, Peter Skene, associate of fur trader John Jacob Astor, was a partner m the North West Company and, on its amalgamation with the Hudson' Bay Company, became Chief Factor at Fort St. James. Truly a distinguished Canadian family. 6 , I hgr i i Charles Richard, a lawyer, was Attorney-General for Lower BROADWAY II!!II!!iS!!;S!S Qff I rto 'l It- w Great Families Create Great Nations V ALVERT, head of the famous 'N c Calvert family, distinguished IS BEST FOOD BEST COOKING ,Tu t b i , It. 4 TRUCKS tolerance among their settlers; These Calvert ideals were perpetuated down through the succeeding generations of the Calvert family. The family is the corner-stone upon which great nations are built. Let each of us strive to promote within the great Canadian family the same concepts of freedom and tolerance pioneered by the Calvert family over three hundred years ago. English statesman and Secretary of State to King James I, founded pioneer colonies in Newfoundland and Maryland early in the 17th Century. In the New World, Calvert's descendants advocated friendly trade relations with the Indians. They also fostered principles of democratic freedom and religious CHINkSi: DISHKS A SPECIALTY FOR TAKE-HOME ORDERS PHONE 200 Hours 7 a m. to 1 a.m. (Saturdays to 1:30 a.m.) (Sundays to Midnight! 608 West Third Avenue for IMMEDIATE DELIVERY i -: d A- NOW AVAILABLE 16,000 Pounds Gross Rating 150 and 165-inch Wheel Base Vet New w u These Fine ir.i..iis wwt 1" i: RVIC SUPERIOR AUTO AND BODY SE Calvett DISTILLERS (Can AMHERSTBURG ONTARIO ada) Limited LOOK FOR TIIE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL phone Third and Park Avenue PRINCE RUPERT flit JvwUsemiil is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of BritLih Columbia