Prince Hupcrt DaHp J-Jrtu 5 Thursday, June 16, 1949 51 ITALIAN FARM J WORKERS STRIKE ROME Qi More than 1.000 farm workers left Italy's ripening fields Thursday in a 21-hour agricultural strike led by communists. .Heavy police reinforcements guarded agplnst outbreaks of violence. The farm strike was accompanied by the threat of a general strike by some 5,000,000 followers of the communist - controlled general labor federation: Coalition Is More Popular VICTORIA A record vote of 645,000 was cast in the provincial election yesterday. Coalition gained in popular vote. C.C.F. fell behind. , The Coalition got 62 percent of )' !,! J j r i i J t 1 . i i fl ' i !'. i ,1.1 t I '- V. 4 EMERALD 0OMI Salad iff Th Cfwf Matlbra kium SerriM, W wkif;c Lime Jell-O jps hot water "My only prescription is, don't ever again call your wife a bent up old tintype!" I' CANNED FOODS f popular vote compared with 56 percent In 1945. The C.C.F. dropped from 38 percent to 35 percent. McRAE CARRIES (Continued rrora Vagi 1) Echoes of In last election Coalition won ' 3? seats, obtaining 40 this time. C.C.F. won eleven seats in 1945 :and six yesterday. up vine eispoon salt up sliu-J. stuffed olives :pj finely chopped celery ve JeII-0 in hot water. Add j anJ salt. Chill until slightly kJ. Fold in olives and celery, into ring mould. When firm, jJ. Fill centre with nuyon-i( Jciired. Serves 6 to 8. by W. J. Election cast ballots yesterday than in 1945, although better than 1,600 more were registered in the riding. There just i'jwV a more delightful pick-up for a meal than a colorful salad . . . especially when vegetables are set in a sparkling mould of appetizing JELL-O. Of course, Jell-0 is equally wonderful served plain, or fruited, or whipped. Economical Jell-O desserts and salads are favorites of countless housewives. Next time you shop Bi-Centenary At Halifax Election Day. Several of the interest, not . always gates voted absentee here. Paul's Church, oldest Protestant church in Canada built in 1750; the City Hall; the Nova Scotian Hotel and Canadian National station; ships from a sailing vessel to a big ocean-going Excluding the absentee vote. which will not be counted until particularly keen in former July 7, Prince Rupert citizens wls '"ie0uy cue uuicr Old Timers could not but help cast 3.354 ballots, slichtlv less wa' aruna weanesaay. un ine'contra t the diference between k -fount only in ieW-0 ? HALIFAX Colorful menu passenger liner. , 1945 At streeUi ln Business places and roominess than in the elections. the SDace. general get Jell-0 with the big red letters on the box. that time, 3,811 votes were cast ln homes, it was easy to note and and conveniences or the Civic ! covers 30,000 of them com-ln the riding.' There were more Xeel whic:l way Publlc attention Centre with the available accom-' memorating the founding of the "rtaf "lodce-iV JeI-0 flavor An illustration on the" "back shows trees being hewn down on the shore of the bay, now-known as one of the ercat har- A Product of Gonoral Foods Jell O it a trademark ownod by Cnral Foods, limit. d than 4,900 names on the city was concentrating, it was a modation in previous years pro-. City or Halifax 200 years ago 1 are being distributed across the voters' list this time out of a question mam no matter wnicn vlcled for Election Day workers way one looked. It was quite o.k. for everybody concerned. Canadian National Railways sys-bors of the world that were the tern now. They will the : grace foundations for the city of Hall- total potential vote of 7,077. ' NATIVES FOR McRAE 1Iieie wcre l mntasuc . wuira ui u. an . uie llc cumpuiiy "" s aui- Returns fro.n exclusively In- fax fax, a city destined to Erow in dian polling stations showed that guesses as to the outcome, but The weather man is deserving mg cars, hotels and restaurants' importance with every passing the native vote strongly favored as lar as can De esumatea, tne of an honest word of praise. Af-,""" y" toa-su I decade. The legend tells of the Mr. McRae. This was indicated gcneral level- 01 predictions was ter weeks of storms and clouds On the front is a reproduc- j association the C.N.R. has had by the fact that Kltkatla cast by n0 means extravagant. A and chill winds, the Wednesday tion of the monument to Ed-' with that development for near- There are Seven Famous Flavors of Jell-0 founder of v 100 vears and how nrond it 66 votes for Mr. McRae and only UOQ many were nopmg mat tne i temperature cnanged lor tne ward uornwains, tm (r Mr Rrptt skifipwatp Tn- vote wouia allow ior a suostan- better, the sky cleared, and by Haiilax in 1749 It has the is of its part ln a long and (othdr dominantly native poll, udl opposition. the afternoon, it was June at wording "Bicentenary of Halifax,' eventful history, and salutes its best. The evening through- N.S.. 1749 - 1949" and little Halifax on the 200th anniver-out was delightful. sketches show the Citadel; St.'sary of its birthday. A ,, '" cast 114 votes for Mr. McRae. as against 14 for Mr. Brett. There was, of course, the In being ured by the Prince Ru- forthcoming blood bank cam- r-i u . . r f Tt nniirn tn hn VinlH in tho nlfv hv Absentee vote in Prince Ru- evitable proportion of spoiled 'tlakatla 1 lvt ' u..u. rheR;d p H iperfs 19 polls totalled 415 with ballots. Some were little better "::r , . iLinzey and S. A. Cheeseman'89 votes being cast by residents than blanks. Others bore a line i i comnrlse the Chamber commit-. of the district and 326 being of writing, difficult if not im- bring advised by the Depart- to tv,ic moftoi- registered bv residents of nut- possible to read. Some ballots merit of Transport that a de- The Chamber decided to make ' side districts here temporarily, were marked in Ink. official would be sent partmentai funher repre8cntattons to the1 Sunnyside Cannery had 350 Make ....... ....wgawu.. . - TransDort Board seekine an votes and 187 absentee votes On of Uit most lntprpst.ini? with a view to making estimates alr mail service between Prince absentee vote and 187 absentee spoiled ballots showed the names s Lights liale Action Soughing l'p of Road Work by Chamber action with a view u-ment to aids to naval Metlakatla Passage bmefit of fishing ves-inall towing craft whicii .short cut to the sea mce Rupert Harbor is as ui vne cosi or sucn ngnis. Rupert and such Queen Char- votes were cast at Port Edward. of both McRae and Brett cross-Ruad matters also came up for lotte Island points as Massett, Here are the results of the ed out and McAfee written in. discussion at Monday night's Port Clements and Queen Char- election in this riding on 'the By mid-afternoon, the movement this Qmk,tei$ureWag -v . A .-...,) meeting with tne decision to ask lotto city. basis of returns from 41 out of , of electors toward the Civic Cen but fell the provincial government toj The executive and committee 43 polls, as available here this speed up its plans for the im-' chairmen were requested to pre- morning: tre began to increase off toward evening. -i i 15 provement of the road to Port , pare resolutions for the annual McRae Brett Edward and repairs to the road convention of the Associated to Terrace which John Gur-J Boards of Trade of Central Bri-vicli said was almost "impos- tish Columbia to be held In Sml- The Gyro convention, bringing numerous visitors from various points in B.C., coincided with Kinds of Meats So Quick So Easy. It takes no sible" due to washouts on Remo . thers in August, Hill. The city will also be ask- i r with DISAPPOINTED ed to hasten improvements on the city streets. Complaint was also made of the condition of the road along the waterfront IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND In (ho Mailer of the Islalr or Julrs Spgiiin. HerfMsrri. Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honour JudRe W. O. Fulton, AT U.K. PURCHASE VANCOUVER (P The United more time than to make a simple dessert. First, crush thoroughly 2 quarts fully ripe berries. (Use rip fruit, not the under-ripe fruit called for in old-fashioned recipes.) Measure 4 cups crushed fruit and 7 cups sugar into large saucepan or kettle, mix well, bring to full, tolling boil over high Prince Rupert (19 polling stations i 1,794 1,560 Prince Rupert Advance Poll .. 14 21 Miller Bay 44 16 Tlell '8 7 Haysport 3 6 Humpback Bay.. 3 3 Kltkatla . 66 2 Sunnyside 25 14 Butedale 33 28 Digby Island .... 7 15 Gillatt Arm (Cumshewa Inleti 5 14 Port Clements .. 20 23 Skidegate 118 14 east of Cow Bay bridge. I m ,. I . V, All t)1nn The Chamber also gave Us . b". '"'""-" blessing to the forthcoming in-' dollars, will purchase 7d,000,000 ternational yacht race between board feet of lumber from Brlt-Olympia, Nanalmo, Prince Ru- 'sh Columbia, it was learned pert and' Juneau and will co-1 Wednesday. The price was not operate with the Prince Rupert disclosed, but it was reported to Rowing & Yacht Club in enter- be between $5,000,000 and $6,000,-tainment of the visitors on some 000, which was said to be dis- j 25 yachts here later ln the sum- ; appointing by lumber operators LochI Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the 13th day of June, AD. 1949. appointed Administrator with the will annexed, of Jules Scguin, late of Prince Rupert. British Columbia, who died at Prince Rupert, British Columbia, on the 2nd day of January, 1949. All persona Indebted to the said estate are required to pay K MUSTARD 1 - iiwrl I -. . heat. I -rr-- ..JLmML..... - v--- -, V.r.--- in --------- mrr. both ln. price and the size of Support was promised to the the order. Short Boil Keeps Fresh-Fruit Flavor, Color. Stir constantly before and while boiling. BOIL HARD ONE MINUTE ONLY (No long boiling to dull the natural color or spoil the luscious fresh-fruit taste.) Remove from heat, stir in half -bottle of Certo Fruit Pectin. Then stir and skim by turns for 5 minutes to cool slightly and prevent floating fruit. Queen Charlotte 1 City Port Simpson .... Klemtu Church Creek .... 40 87 57 15 I 44 9 6 5 30 15 6 54 lit AM. vnnif the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against the said estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 31st day of July, 1949, falling which distribution will ba made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. B. C. this 15th day of June, 1949. GORDON FRASER FORBES, official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B C. (152) Sandspit 49 NOTICE TO TRUCKERS 8 37 57 tINTING IQl'IKEMENTS Juskatla Metlakatla Port Edward Aero Camp (Cumshewa Inlet) SEE 9 7 83 As a temporary expedient, pending revision of the "Street Traffic & Parking By-law," trucks will be allowed to back into the curb on the south side of Third Avenue between Fulton Street and McBride Street while actually engaged in loading or unloading from 8 a.m. to 12 noon daily. II- D. TIIAIN, City Clerk. Massett 104 Al PRINTERS! Polls still to hear from this PHONE 21 morning were Wark Canal, Vic torv Cove, Oona River, (Hunt's fond Ave. Ilox 423 ' Inlet and Osland. i ..(1 V .STL T Pile Sufferers Don't tell us your piles art hopeless. Thousands of former suiters tell us they naa piles lor 20 years, some longer. They are satisfied PYLTONE produces results. So It can for you. One bottle will prove its action in your stubborn case or price refunded at once. That's our guarantee of the new PYLIOM. TREATMENT. PYLTONE goes directly to the internal cause, that's the reason for its success. $1.75 at all druggists. The Rt. Hon. Louis EOT Am V 50 More Jam! Because you don't have to "boil down" your juice to make it set, you'll have about 10 glasses to ladle and paraffin instead of the 6 to be expected from "long-boil" recipes. Certo helps all fruits to jell without tedious long boiling . . . averages 50 more jam or jelly from the same amount of fruit. i No Guesswork. As each fruit comes in season, use Certo to stock your cupboard with a variety of . delicious jams and jellies. With each bottle of Certo you get a booklet of 78 Kitchen-Tested recipes . . . a different one for each fruit since different fruits need different handling. For sure results follow m. The Prime Minister Speaks Tonight these recipes exactly. . am. Certo is nothing but fruit pectin the natural substance in fruit which makes jams "jam" and jellies "jell" -extracted and concentiated for easier, quicker, better jam and jelly making. The name "Certo" is a trade-mark. Commodore Cafe 5 "Better Th-n Ever" s Best Food and Service ln City J Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders S Jj Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. J 7:30-3:60 p.m. CFPi INSERTED BY NATIONAL LIBERAL COMMITTEE A pound of jam or jHy mad with Crto contains no mora sugar than pound mad tho old, long-boil way. A Product of Gnra! Foodt E-2