-am GARDEN IN HOME MADE ? IN'DIAN RACE (Continued from Page II No greater saving can be made ' by the ama'.cur Hardener than ; by urov.inK lih own flower and Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, February 16, 1950 TIME TO START IS NOW BOX; worked In a blood bank, also In the practical optics department, and- in the genetics laboratory here she worked on the Bikini tests. "There are just as fine oppor- ,rKellUie troni wed. Mod givers, for Indians are basically cui ncu-nuiic method.; 0 pre- givers.'' vciuiiiii unease, water ne a urn., t j maticallv. .-.-,! ...V,. ".V" lne young Indian people 01 VM " her He "is the time to ... hnxes eat Weak, Tired, Kervcus, Peplessfsisn, Women i Get New Vim, Vigor, Vilallty 4 the . Twentieth Century lind that tunltles in Canada as In the thev rannnt. inrt rtn not wish to United States." Mrs. Monture (ei-d'U.ii.s have made success lljl easy ior one who '.earn,; tne live in the past which Is but a said, and went on to tell of .ring the vi'in-be ready sinip.e memo-Is to 1; f.;!lov.ed. . aiwTH ti-M ffelirrn, tiK t.t wnk, ti'in T " FITTED ABOUND pill GBM1D; springboard to the future. We worKing tor Claire Wallace, have much to overcome for such Mrs. G. R S Blaekahv. rrresi- trill art the I vtf iill tf DtkietD. fT fjlli- lo the- rlirrt,Miiu a'ut ii'v net Ul-rful. i '-n- up fHi:i f.--Urttty of vtitvitiy ,vcr ('1,1 tain1" tr't. vtlsint'ii tilklHl tiiiibllfHf iMrtl , K m If your window does not give ;ilfiuin. (iiiiyph'iriwi a wrona dcture of the Indians dent of the unmoo-c ranariion rtt: US. tirriitinn'fH. sntniyn fsuiin-'iit for S.S. SAMARIA a seed-box. has uttwtfw. t-w lu'Ve. Bet t'-iiiiiim-i tiM otuv wr 1 r l-:ri-t rutif 'l.ihlt-t for iwtr -Um vuit. Vii. t'" very tUy. At fell Urul.L. w'h art" I M i , S yURhJt-,1 fe song-loving tea and members of the execu- above the h ,11. , ft I , eus'?;nd I People. And we must prove that tlve had a dinner for her before I!,!.,, ... 'nala lamp, nigh we are a part of Canada." she left on the evening train , l'.nLlPmP"ralul'e In sneakins of the confribu- for Edmonton to fulfill another if the box is not riKWs the dl-,.ie window, it 'will lust well, build. Where windows de-the oilier i;ir,;,.r in pro-rur eiifli win- window fcws tions that the Indian people speaking engagement. (20,000 Too) from Halifax direct to London on March 18 t. have to offer to the culture of America, Mrs. Monture spoke of the many beautiful Indian ' f0E HOLES Modern Etiquette CCNtB HOLES WTH RBOKtU ana le. me tairp burn all night A 40-watt lluori-fcent limp, suspended a foot above tlv xx, .vlll M-i Ve trie oaiiie- fiXi prv,.. ; Reller FjiglUh legends and of their beautiful 0 T .. . ' IN 60TTOM 6 APART rOO DBAINAGE POTTERY ttfOM FIUING I TTl tlif house. for with It, ionize . wnminr araurinv ,ti i i , i it 1 , , . wear her engagement ring bc-fore In her extension work w th tne engagement has bee.i oubiiciy her people which ls very wide announced'' for she has covered areas in A ,t would be aU rj ht Jf fhe eastern and western, parts of is ln the prlvacy of ner tomo both United States and Canada, .hen .pre. rp n , . . hll, Accommodation Available from $180 CHIROPRACTOR ti-ri Ef:mar Block Phone BMC 442 for OFFICE CLOSED During Cold Weather Open Again About . End of February REAL ESTATE v INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED Tbii advertlMnont la aot pnbllaAed ; or 01pUye4 ftr the Ueaor Ooiml ; ar or bjr the Crovaruauat of - SrltUh CokambUk ant-e i- ; ,m-.ii , i, painted box for single window. - J- "llat ls wiih- .ts : , 'ior of ;srnt 'P-mis-;in hi b'ot. " - ' The make graceful festoons which Kranl-d lo boi.li vou -mil I" ' ' 'Vi'lt'-V make drape from the boxes. ; 2. Wht is !!,(' correct pro- ' ' uvidnit', an Tall nasturtiums, particularly nuiiciation of "admi.-iihic ?- " the new doubles, Including Gol- 3 Which one of .lv!s words is ,f ail win- den Gleam, and its hybrids, give misspelled?, C'aiu;n.'ii', enr-ictiiiiias. he- the same effect as the balcony bun-tor, caracitiire. ! nmstanlly tyPe petunias; and they are ex- 4. What floes the word "authen- 11 ,' 'mitont wlnHnw hv ciihltwte Praii. ficitv" nica.ll? Mrs. Monture encourages the sne snould nol weRr-j iH" ul),lc Indians to be of their proud untll lh, wlgugom(.n. hus bre , native birth. She feels there ls announced no limit to what the young In-, Q. Is lt pi.((p r ((1 fi).lnk C()n Enjoy Spring in Britain a cui or to u.-e a complish. Her message to them SDOon? See your local trove agent. No one can serve you better or Is, "We only limited by our are A Xnc firsl Irxf: . b ambitions." taken with th c,..,Um --., ...... ord y r.innina ., v na tv of runt flowers, such as mignonette, S. What is a v.i CHANDLEii .S SfRTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing eiilarirMu dub PUtUi lahen at Uooa thune Green 889 218 4th , til Nt't RUPERT, B.a ten-weeks' stocks, and dwai f wl" "'a means "vwi nt hut- Mrs. jars. Monture Mumure s own uwu record tecuiu oi ui continue cormriue to to use use t!in t.'ie a CUNARD DOKALDSON lbii. The bal-, which pro-r-likf slems, I sja!i,ti ar v I achievements is ample proof of lift the cup and s'v iu carter.': s-, this statement. She told of q. should a nun remove iiii v LIMITED snapdragons, are doubly attract- red?" ive. . Answers 1 f-'iv. -to (villi y hi and me," The best new garden In the one "' rVw"m hf-in or--n of ihe several Interesting and respon- hat In an elevator? R. E. MOttTIMEK S24 2nd Ave. iNear f'FPW 326 West Pender St., Vancouv?: ;. ! ,i . ar- sible Jobs she has held in Ro- a. Yes. anu especially if cTiester, New York; of how she wtunan enter.j 11. ? elevator. 1)M .veil planned nrsi on paper, and set preposition to. 2. Pronounce ad-mf-ra-b'l, first, a as in add, 1 as in. it, second a as in :ek strfssert. :i"cctit first yliabK 3. ns h i! crops uul accoruuig to piun. use rutea ,i iii .ii, i. .iut paper ln making the plan. mr v.nci'i nm- - in ' m. jJaliy iewn! line trip. Caricature. 4. Quality or state of beintt feriuin or t'-iie. "Th" aiithcnticily of his .slal.ements .was established."' 5. Animosity. Mr. n i id Mrs. O. R. Ftuif.ht, who I have been on a trip south, rc- 1 'OtO er fP 'AXUr- 0 " j turn-d lo the ci " l.-fjin vancoii- iil i ' nV 1--- 1 I ver er .... on the .t... I'niic? IVliw- Cicorpe r:..,.e,m yesler-! ..lr. day. jft's vd. v i r ' v - t liili bowls of iiolden flukes - swihiiiiiii!! in milk, with mi mt.',M 'iir auti hI iMiiylx iMiiyl! t'ruil Iron on on top! 'I': llniinimnm! l,"n.m",m: (IriKpy! lr"T'yi ToiiMty! KHsy t serve. Kvery spoi lilul Uk tes fresh unit delirious. ( !W, theHWi-et treat ynur whuln family lovetttoeat - c.i-noi ne, original Ki IIhrkV lorn l lakejt. Hurry. You'll lie k':,1 J",u lid! c S MoNTRKAL, Feb. ICtU Do you pomelimcj envy iini. n uli that "ncu' a pin" look? Lavy no i , it's fumelliing ttiat will keep vou noni-'n'-i.iv ;,ll ,lav 1k! Vis, M.STI.K '-M'KAZK" VA y.ir hur umlcr control from morninn 'nl m;lit, -i u nu neiil for frequent ronibioK or iuwinul it s ,.ii,i. it'll, this "Spraie"! Simply gpray it on your li.ii lii'ia iis handy quecie-?pray IhjuIc. Ii'g qua k ii-v fun lo ue...jut a few prays of thu -1'v. in! no more lia)tnly ends or unruly wpt v st ilrii -s in a jitTy it liohU your hair-do in plai-o '.. Itn liiah hulre uml "uprinnincwi'' to your hair. ,e u! It s available at all beauty counters for SI M xv v n(ii-i zi'pruy liptihs W11I4 iiiotiiiitr...uiHl it-tills (! . - I (tout llie hi-ouiy of braism-are. It's d finitely bnr-k en .liUim. And m-h a nappv revival! s i liHiiil'-oine with coniernpoiary s i:li P' ikkI reproduction! Yia, -n.ki -t UiKir kiui'-krii vafi ...!! hi wannih and cliararler to ii ,iui v is nut dimmci Willi liiue... in;) your hiAwwaie trpHMire t ;ii' iu n nnlaily wall BKASSO. 6n made .-it-uUy ior brass I ml To Eat"? Try thin wliiily, swiily p-lly roll made ! &ttV r 7 batteries ! HlS tYES GLOVJ w-btdad I f f fZX fVm . fet1 Rr t.- "V V. . ..' Z nei.r Donald's none. Watt t he I f I 2 f ( 1 VXl -? ' L jP f t . , J 7 . 7l yellow bill opn and shut snip.' lit Til m I t I JW S 4 M I V. i ' - J UiW -T---: ffffvfii -X ff., X xnnp'. s,mp! Head turn-eve I I 5 I I I k L . -J ".'. Tjfi .X A y7vM fft' 41' f IvWWf) V2i3u 4n roll! LauRha! Fun! Thrills! I I I ? - j. I le Vl r fL WSTSiJ I faiiWrh V ni S Nothinn to get out of order-no I . T J . i f 4 2 A 'yk A-, 5 ' 1?,: nlflT&r," direction, in- I Xarf 1 Tpy C K- 7u5ta Hkill needed. Kav I fcj 4 fc 5 -1 ' aiVf WHfVt''! ?fn!LV ' 2&2 cltitled. RtJHtiOHDKR I'O. Kellogg'a, LJ 1Jin i . fprAfdiltZL VZ- ' Orfr iftVTM V. - !wk!k''livmwt n:Ih (com- tld-V'TYjCr lt-" W2fTTi.0 T Ji J pluU; wilb sci-et mugnelif control), &yfrrffl7ttJ V l( 2V W WW A. post paid. 1 emhwe 2.V iu coin hii.1 a Shaving's a breeze . . L . W. f "co, r ! ' . quicker and easier ... when CSrX L V tJff0ij4r, k 5lL ' " "" ! ? you use super-keen Gillette f kJ0ZU U -' ' Nw"V." ; new Blue Gillette Blades Blade in the Dispenser. amazing f i" J k J MOTHER ,,a..UCB KNOWS ,,cn BEST! rCTI I I , ' T J tf - . . 4' , -?few . - ' Ci 1 Zip... and there', a new blade 1 7"- -2! . , . -g ' A p"' "' ' '-ir...-.- unwrapped ready for use. En- f - - joy extra comfort . . . extra ,,, PA .. ..T,. ' ' y.. ,. : . : - : ----- '. convenience at no extra cost. Tr,, a,- ' '"" "Til IN DISPENSE . ' " 1 - if GILLETTE BLUE BLADES jj sg aBgBWauii-""lW mill .l.S JJUnt UAhb 1 l.ui W uie caKe tiuur iiii- . nfied and re-eu'lril until 27 tiinia ux tine - oMnia: v Hour. ou can't klip but have greater Ukirijr mi ie will ,wiin- ltn. MIMKiN JELLY ROLL Ucup sifted Swam . 2 K i at roam temperature) Dunn Cuke Klour 12cupiuRar 12 'r jipoon t'ulumet 11 tespoon vanilla Bjkinit Hoder 34 to 1 cup tart red Jelly Di.ui.j.t Jrt Combine haVlne nnwder. ialt. tet In bowl. Beat audmg usr gradually until thick and lisht-:".o m l,.iir, thfn vanilla. Turn into 15 X Hl-inch part :l'i pper. then greased. Bake In hot oven 4II O.K. i .,ul on c'otli or towel, diluted with pnv.de rod, ' a.ner. rut off crtso edaea of cake. Cut lenftawiMS. v. aii e in nirfke 6 piece of equal Kl?e. prea eat ach rutl Roivionni jelly rolla. Cool on cake rack, ,'i.r oauitirr aeivinga. -lip! TieO Som Surceaaea that I ju'-know will be family 'flavnurin "r "Voiid'ng" 'Wile... it may Ii'.' Im1 nut !(( Mr .Inn llir-y're 'IV r.w;if of "ii'-lu r or not '''ir wics are ''''Win. jirelly! -ariil p ..in of M that ! 'I in . . . in-it, HfV I'ACIAI, :i"ll! SuolhlUK i" a liiautr--'il in fmr fine HlKury, therc'a 'ml 10'lnlirnHd rnl.lnii of lla ' my iininey ' Ii' 1 1 lo- beauty 'I' Mil tor the vour hiime .. . Ill- IN, t itr.iu 1U stpoei-jus j-imiiaaaji! rw. 1 fx-J 20 Blodos $1.00 uVil'tl II X) szf . r--- A """'il'-y II aMT ffl til- TOM VK SOI 1 ami iii-.in, cu1)i:nsi:l) vkcktaw.i-i fll l'! IXin'l wait, another ilny to (live vour family- the tlavmu-in-joviiitnt, of these llemi Miups! Sr rve them as a liret touiy or in dresHiiits meat loiivcs run (,jis cnvrnlesl Vi ', I've provt il to mvself tune and time attain that lleiui (.'ontlenTtl Soups are tho Uauty perfect bases for so ninny tetniit- nit, time-eaving ui.-iiesi itnea lour liutband'i Cherry, "Rise and Shine, e Hun'-liiiie!", irri- tale vou in the J3- morninn? Tlinl'a a cure siin that your system nerds "perking up" for theie nothing makea us W r.Jl:- ::!- -;.. CM LORES SHOES I Itrumpier mornings than that "s1iir tflUB -N eT . -ii ' ' I'ntil I rend "'"in in your 1 Milt, n-.r ter-'''in. Then I 1 1 i' l ll II VOI hy v,.,ulll "l-tatit. nlicf i1'""' HI never iia.uii!'' Yea, '" '''-p. That'a f" utter thnn I-OVN'S l.IM. """("it, indeed FirsfTimcir, 1 VL. tA A I tiJj Stod liili feiluiK we nil wiffer koiiu-timea! Aii'l I've discovereil a wiiy In treat thia "slow-poke" ferlmn wilhimt hnrh laxative! The juice of one. lemon in a (ilass of witter . . . taken til el. thing on ai l-mi:, help keep me rmular the licalllilul way, day after day 1 Lemons help net rni of colds, too. Vou just pour lh? jtiii-e of one lemon in n hall' felasa of witter. Then mhl slowly a half teaspoon of baking aoihi etui tlrtnt as foaniiiiK qnn ts. A (ilass every 2 or i hours helps alkalize. Try hot lemonade, too, at. bed time! Ami tie mire nln'iiyx to nk for SUNK18T CAI.ll-OKMA l.KMONS . . . they're the fim-nt, juu ieU of all I J is: t 414 s im lrinn rheu-' '"i it sprain, ""falpiu. Kiii-li l'at on 1 ' You'll find 15 'liiitore for 2000 IPamrs of Ladies SHioes ned for your kilehen ,.:n.i ti.:. .itit., I! lic Ju-e Container is vourg for just 25c and ltlc r nmilingl li', unbreakable non-toxic spill- V" , aml ol''8 five cupa of left-over jui.es. "mil) v mil iK , .i -. LADIES FINE pooirses Entire Stock HOW 1 8 OFF ALL SLIPPERS 1-3 OFF MEN'S SHOES 20 OFF NOW Ill (.,,,,, iwnc .vou want, to Keep liesn in run i .!?. i"""r m your b""' i'u "'' '""'y fiim,,rr lo you pott haur if you'U simply 3 All Sizes 2 "pairs for iirific of 1 i Motil I "J, '' ent, 1411 Crewenl. St., I un.i ' 1 y "cto.iiif ,UC I'otlal Aofe or W,a. L .''"'P' mn " -bel roi Horrif a, ..! 0"" ' The label cornea oft easilv when waked 'f I tin f 00 nnnutea.) JJelk-ioua HOVItll.l U'a, tavounle I r, , ..r, i v...i IHU, '!' J'o dm r.f --";-", uri aiiipiiic. jmiiiiiuh K""d tooT'"' . l KiV ""' 1,11 fr U'e re"1 7roroI with meal like Ibis . . Famous Browcr Research Orthopedic Shoes and Boots n, C and E Widths BR0WNW00DS laemta i Mil! ? e.,. "'"'im Dinne'" " V JJ1 N NKR! I' Kraft n mnm 1 filial rilTnfr' 1 Peil. laU ila, i ft ,0 ulf. Lgliineaa m mini ' lily RED 324 t'"l lo . i , P' Cheddar Imi ,i!p:i,,k, 'or rich rheeae 1 mil 1 606 3RD AVE. BOX 71 w i...Q v,. L- ST?n;l,t.t00' of orill ervt l rlt I 1 1 Flhaf '"pl aervnna for