Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, Feoruary 1G, I'JjO Mrs. Thompson lrjMr &a fliMNiCT Picture or jjp- r f p p Rad, Dia v I I l ii!4n Kilocycles Subject to (.'liangei ciiiii"liiiitintii3rgiiBgr"-'fiircil . .HAlrVAUii ..... TT Mrs. E. T. rot ward Is making the ruutid trip to Ketchikan to-1 'day aboard the steamer rriiice Geoiije. Relurning home v. 1th her tonii:ht Will be Mr. Forward who' has been at Ketchikan this week with the Jets" basketball' tram. PL '1 1 V N a . . w ATP Vt 1 .muu ii mm. nit til haii A'' v i a wiiiin'iiL'ciruinwiin m Wti lErt'Kt mm miSOH U n -1? 5. : If i V -r"-i TT r ririn uirmii irnrv. . r,.,. ': W . NATIONAL SEWING WEEK Patterns Notions Fabrics THE YALLACE f it phwi.1 ii m I Mrj.TA I -j'A Qualify llyeat Economy Pricer sfVa Cedarva!er Dies Mrs. F.ilitli Thoinp.son, resident of Unit; standlni; Pt Cedarvale, died early yesterd iv morning in tl-nera' Hospital at the age of GO. Slv had been In lal'ln-! health fi r soni time and was admitted In hospital over two weeks ago. Hum in Liverpool. England, she followed her husband, the late John Thompson, to Cedar-vale 30 years ao. Mr. Thompson i i it r - i -- t Knir'ul and came to Ihe U. 0. village w here he took up farmliu;. He predeceased her seven years ao. Mrs. Thompson is survived by her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vaish'i'l. Liverpool; two sons, William and Donald, C.darvnle; hree (Uiuh",tiTs, Mrs. Ian th.p-V:' and Mrs. Kenneth Reld of Prince Rupert, and Miss Edith Thompson, at home; one brother, Leonard Marshall, at present vlsitintt in Eastern Canada. Miss Ivy Hall, Liverpool, and Mrs. Robert Dickinson in Wales. Funeral oriansements. under tiic direct ion of B. C. Undenacers will be announced today. C - ! mm k mil ,3 lyuattlatiillllllllllllllllllllllll 1 : msm ' laid Dance Serenade 4.1a fcock yuotHUoi.-- .ii"! ltlUTlUllO 4 ::UI -t.-apuin Dick 4:4" --Young Man Willi a Son:; 4:j.i lliC News 0:00 -Rendezvous Room j:3i Recorded Album 6:00 Canada at Work G.l" Musical Varieties 0 -t ."MiniKt Kings . rtw." Nts t !3C News Kouilduu T:3U Kventidt 5 OO c'itu'cn.-- Forum 8:40- t'tiieiui' Forum N"v G:45 -Talk y.'J. -Wuuupt'g in am? :-):3U CBC Van. Concert Urrli 10 0t CC Nee 10:10 -CBC News 10:15 Opi-n llpariiiu 10:30 Dunce With CBS U lHJ-WeatlHi aim Sij;n Olf FRIDAY- A M 1 :Cl Mn.-ioa, I',. . a (ii: CH( M-v 8: !0 Here's Bill Gooo J: 15 Morniiig Sonx 8:30 Music lor Mitci ii ' Lurit '. i. it) 0:00 -BBC News and Comfy 4 lA--Morning Oevoviun' 9:30 Morning Concert '):50 Tlint Signal " i : or) E'ien linn i. 10:15 Carson Robl.son Time -.0- -Mi'lody iC:4-Rila Aiartin's Musical Kitrhon A .noisurtfin oT I he Ail !1 Milchell & Curie l& Buir t Controciu, ': New President iConltiiueti from Page J in Mon In-til in 101S, after a. few years work with Hie Fnglisli Railway, liij post w.l li :1ip fan-alian nwipnny h-in,-4 in lh if!a e of Hie fh.arrlal vire-pi'esiileul. 'i . .i' t n i! to llc pre.sulriit's office ifi 114 he be! ame secretary to the president of the Grand Trunk and Grand Trunk Pacific Railways, serving In the capacity under three presidents in all. until 1923. when the present Canadian National Railway system was formed. lie then .,,). etl as secretary to Ihe ate Kir Henry W. Thornton dm inn Hie entire period of Sir Ueni v's in -cunibeney of the post or chairman and president of the consolidated system. He was appointed assistant, secretary of the Canadian National Railway Company and its numerous subsidiaries in 1932. nnrl became sectary hi 1935. He was appointed .-cretary of Trans-Canada Air Lines upon the incorporation of the company in 1937, and wa-Plso the secretary of several other companies affiliated with the Canadian National Railways, nmo'T.' which may be mentioned fnadinn National (West Indies! Steamships Limited. The Northern Alberta Railways Company, Toronto Terminals Railway Com-nanv. Vancouver Hotel Company Limited. Mr. Hobbs is a mcmaer of t lie Saint James, Engineers, and Marlborough Golf and Country Clubs, being a former president of the two last named clubs. He is also a member and past president of the two last named clubs. He Is also a member and past president, of th" Canadian Railway Club, A Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries, and a life member of the Montreal Amateur Athletic, Asicia-tion. Active for many years i;i fraternal circles ,he is a member if Ui prince Consort ' ode A f & A.M.. of Mont real, a 33rd degree Scottish rite Mason, a member of the Royal Order of Scotland and a past potentate of Karnak Temple, the Montreal unit of the Shrlncrs' organization. WSML Thla advitlamait U not pniUan4 or 41vUyd by th Ilqnor Control Sord or by th Oortrnmtni ot SrltUli ColunbU. FOR YOUR WALLPAPER Han; For Your Inferior Pointing ond Dc Call - SPENCE & MATUH Phone Blue 215 - 23" : J SROADVAVi IFUE SALE FUR COATS clearing at the lowest prices in years SPECIALS Coney Coats $75.00 Electric Seal $125.00 Persian Lamb (sides) , $145 00 Muskrat Flank $195.00 Every Coat Guaranteed m m & ItUTTLE I nrilt'd i - 115 Roniului) Time ' ! :.TI Weath 'I K rl 1' s -i';' Te i'Kl lluui-l, jQoaD(o 't:ir Personal Album. J H:00- Mid-Day Melodies For Take-Home Orders. - Phone '?.".. -P'-'ic Ri'suin-' i 12:30 --B.'-'. Fa rp, Biva'letisi "1 r w i 1 :01 rtprnoon Concert " -V" Tjiadon Tells a Slorv l:4"j;-Mr. Prime MinisUT ":0 -K-H'o-i.o.1 Schoi' B -d: I '30 Rt eordj at Rarclom OR!? T'-snl.s I 13 li IIS His Islanders 3:30 Inlcrnationa' C'linun'iil 3 :4& Divertimento , "BUILD B.C. PAYROLLS" rjivh delicious Pacific VI (mm J 1 f&wm , 1 I'inr ipiali I y... 'ft Some years ai;o .science discovered Uiat'milk Irradiated under certain light rays increased in vitamin content. These vitamins make for strong teeth and bones and make Pacific ideal for children. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed 3- Mm i;ilml hckcls yuung tea U-a s. Clioirr Hiivor . . . Nuhoii Ira lrars are Iiarvcsltd al Ihnor cak. Salisfviny slrenlli . . . jalnl Idi iiih lo peril i I ion. All llirt-c in .Nabob j;m; jou ' "lc 'fclc as it it should should be." be." dspffyiurr Qood Food A ud how tlic family will go for tliosc fluff) -lifllit, golden brown Aunt Jemima Pancakes . . . hot off the griddle ... all glistening wiih hultcr and dripping wilU scrumlusL'ious svnip! '4 V ! J r j Ak Kiij- Kiijoy Nabob. Nabob. Ii'h It'n j j V''iMT jour ln.-hl 1m1 lea lea valin- valin-. ' 4 0ST W" h.r JRT.1.WC VARIATIONS! .,!.- into Po:kc For Tosty Meals At Reasonable Prices Chinese DisIicn Speiiallt CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Eex Cafte iwarf before lukinj,- , imon witn a Soimn PoncoV ..-JJ king. j ,cturc -..h M-ake baiter hctor- w(1, Mipr; " 2nd Ave. Opp. Rupert Hotel PSk. odtOP 1 Chicken o racb paotakc. tot" r . M 7;00 am. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outoido Orders JSC I ' i Check Your Pancake Day Needs! Pork ll.llllcll.', 2tn: 11). Locker Plant Halibut Chunks 'lid II). j uwJmimQ lUody-M.K Hony Q h(M (for Mcotti or euclwW.) Bulttr I-; Cdnii.d Salm.n (forSamsaPomaiMj Q Ctro, Cant r Meplt Syrup J Jam ,! Morgarin. !J l,m,, I'l-osllr Luclicr will Iiuvp many suUollctl cuKtoiti-ra 11,1b ,rln... t'UHUnnWH who liuve no worries their met nupply TUey know th.-v are hshu r.-u of a pl.-ir.lliil Hi.pply or the llnort meat ubtut" ahle. rrunsportatlon dllltoultlesV None! They Just emir down u, the Locker Plant anU pick out tSuk there r luunbul'Ber M they duslrc- No hunttua lrum market to market lor the meat thi.t ll nit Join these happy ,peop e rent a locker, save money and worry by purchasing duality the from yuauvy meau rutats hy quarter the Locker Plant. I Gl nixy for tht big Pmcoi Ooy CWfcrlio aMil. Onfor your wppliii iWi witi.nd. Serve ftONT JEMIMAS Often ! GOOD FOR YOU - DIGESTIBLE AS TOAST! ... - tr m i. C toV1-- Rupert Freezing Company Ltd. ,T " ,.Com An.. Box nao 2:10 2nd Avenue Phone Red aU7