- I IB 2 Prince Unprtt Dai!? nctos Lto. Saturday, May 1, 1948 An Independent dnlly newspaper devote to th upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all communities comprising northern and central British Colombia (Authorised us Serond Crass Marl. Post Office Department, Ottrwa) Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally Hem Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Pilnce Rupert, Britten. Columbia G. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRT, Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier, per week. 15c: Per Month. 68c; Per Tear, I7D0; -A24- a t I?.. 11 r. i mi i r i uii juii-i tauernacie 221 Sixth Avenue West Rev. Paul A. Barber By Mall, Per Month. 40c; Per Year, 4 00. Zr i Vi M Special Services continuing with Evangelist Evina Harding. 'ill StkJau(,''f i Musician, Soloist and Preacher 'tl,retibvb.n-.. 'estrangement from God. His j chief strategy at the present i time seems to be an adulterated Sunday, 11 a. m. Communion and Missionary. n v O . .. f ' 1 1 SATURDAY SERMON Christianity, in a thousand ways ,pE ' McCoIl Mrs- J- E. Smith, or he is draining out the essence, ' Special it'.uiCs in all services, i Everyone welcome. removing the savor from the salt, watering down the purity and vigor of the Christian life and witness. I Anglican Church Smon: "Consider th, "uuay scnool-12 u "S oerfice 7:30 Senior Choir CHRIST'S TEMPTATION AND OURS i Rev. Fred Antrobus, First Baptist Church) At no time in the life of a Christian i.4 he ever free from danger. The farther along the way he goes, the more subtle the snares and the more intense the opposition. Our Lord experienced temptations recorded in Luke 4:1-13. But it was at the end of His earthly ministry, in the hour of His greatest achievement, that the Saviour went '" rar rrom the K. Our Lord met and defeated The Rev- L- A- c- Smlth. the devil at the outset of His B.A., ministry and, following this BD- Fleld Secretary for Relig- conriict. He went forth in the lous Education and Rector Elect power of the Spirit into Galilee of Vernon will preach at St. And- where His mightv works caused "'' Cathedral at 11 am. and many to glorify God and some a St. Peter's, Seal Cove at 7:30 to confess Him as God. Others Pm- y not, attend the U,...l,l r,. "" cervices It own church' through the sharpest conflict at LONDON r said of His teaching that never j man spake as this man for He LONDON -( In an effort to; Britain 's towrJ ter's supreme glory as our Redeemer, lay in the fact, that He was able to break that power. He cast evil spirits out from Gethsemane. So it is with the Christian. He will know more and more how determined and speaks with authority and pow- improve output of Britain's hens! to be replanned Th er. We too shall overcome in the which are laying 20 eggs bssjof the plan is ti , '. NEW EDITOR The Board or Directors of The Canadian Churchman announce trie appointment of an editor, Reverend Canon C. Gordon Lawrence, M.A., Rector of Trinity Church, St. John, N.B., one of the oldest and most outstanding parishes In the Maritime Provinces. The Canadian Churchman has now become the national organ of the Church of England in Canada, and is to be managed by a board of directors appointed under authority from the Executive Council of General Synod. UNITED CHURCH TEA DRAWS MANY hours of our testings by the pow- yearly than in 1939, the Agri- part of London to r, men. He faced the great enemy erf u the he opposition as presses m tne desert and calne IorLh M on me upwara way. er oi mui same iiiuweuuig ( unuie raiiu.- i.ry nus piupiMeu cnaracter when the Christ who conies Into our hearts 1 a classification system to guide of the Abb?y ere by faith, to cleanse and forgive I poultry buyers. traffic, and lo abide and empower us ' -- - . Now Jesus came not only to reVeal the love of the Father victor. It is significant that on the last night the Saviour should our Christian life and witness and to heal and teach and to have interpreted His cross in for Him. terms of conflict with the Sat- i anic dominion: "Now is the, BOGNOR REGIS, England ! judgment of this world; nowA fisherman, hauling his net shall the prince of this world !ol tne, coust here, caught a be cast OUt." (John 12:311. Paul I nine-uallim cask nf hppr give His life a ransom for many at Calvary. There was on supreme purpose oi which little is said because man in his blindness, guided only by reason, would not understand. Behind Tlw Gift sh Always A Still Our Friend WILLIAM L. BAKER of the Ketchikan PUBLISHER Chronicle is still a good friend and booster of Prince Rupert, keenly interested in the common development of our two ports in a spirit of mutual helpfulness and understanding. During a recent absence from Ketchikan certain writings derogatory to Prince Rupert appeared in Mr. Baker's newspaper. The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce felt constrained to write the publisher to inquire whether The Chronicle had "suddenly turned anti-Rupert in its policies which had always been so distinctly friendly to us. It is gratifying to hear from Mr. Baker that much to the contrary is the case. Mr. Baker reiterates his friendship and interest for Prince Rupert in answering some questions put to him by the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce and making some suggestions as to how we might complement each other. Here are the questions and answers as appearing in his editorial column: "1. Does The Chronicle favor amendment of the Jones Act? "The answer is yet we have not changed our position. We would like Canadian ships to carry passengers between Alaskan ports and to bring to Alaska any freight of U.S. or Canadian origin that they can bring at rates which would save money for Alaskans. We think that the development of Alaska and the welfare of .its people are more important than any shipping monopoly or any shipping company. Several groups in Alaska agree, including the A.F. of L. and C.I.O., in Alaska-wide conventions. "2. Does The Chronicle feel Alaska can profit from' doing more business with and through Prince . Rupert than at present? "Our answer is a resounding yes. Trade with Rupert will prove the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, and that the overland rail route can and will save freight costs to Alaska. Of course we may not get the Jones Act juggled to where we need"nTuntil we become a state. Meanwhile we should work for: "a. Better use of the scenic highway into Rupert, through better boat, plane and yaeht connec-' tions to Alaska. This is a million-dollar asset to Southeastern Alaska that our public leaders must help us to utilize. We can think of no more attractive trip in the world, so far as the pleasure . . trav- T -l A 1 O 1 1 i T i the scenes, however, Jesus saw wrote that Jesus' through death. a mighty drama being enacted.'"1" UC"'UJ l"c Favored by bright, balmy weather, a Mother's Day tea anc . is new lingerie! ir, He saw the real enemy and not I power of death, that is the a wonderful Rift! a frti. sale sponsored by the Senio; r jnf I Nightie, REGULAR BAPTIST 'O D E. IlalL 5th and McBmle SUNDAY, MAY 2, 1948 a puir of Pyjinj P, or cuddly Bed for one second was He deceived, devil Heo. .2:14!. Ai;am coi. Bark of life, He saw vast hordes 2:14-16) he decalres that it was of evil spirits like thick clouds I at Calvary that He spoiled prin-enveloping the world. He saw , cipalities and powers, and made men under the dominion of the la show of them openly, triumph- powers of darkness. The Mas- ' ing over them at the Cross. It 'A Or she may prefer a Nylons or Satin Panties, "All that BELIEVE are Jl'STiritD." Acts. 13:39. And when shopping do: Women's Auxiliary of First United Church was the centre of large attendance Thursday afternoon. The church rooms were tastefully decorated wltn spring flowers for the occasion. Assisting the senior ladies were members of the Junior W A. Mrs. R. A. Wilson and Mrs W. Holt received the guests. Presiding at the pouring tabic were Mrs. G. A. Johnson, Miss Margaret Sharpc, Mrs. R. G. DIRECTORY get to aska obtu Girdk two-way stretch, GartH and French I'p-Lifl Bra Kervlres In all rhnrcliM at 11 a.m. aiul ?:S0 p.m.; Sunday School ut iv(i' ' Jv wouids eem tnat even in spiritual realms, when conflict takes place, the forces of light, in their efforts to overcome, appeal directly to Calvary and on the basis of Christ's victory obtained there, are able to triumph; "And they (Michael and his angels) overcame him (the devil) by the blood of the Lamb X rV i v ... v J iW WW Large and Mrs. H. G. Lawes. The ANGLICAN rATHRDR.tL 4th Ave. W. at Dunsmulr St Holy Communion 8:30 a.m. Sinday School 2:00 p.m. Rector: BasU 3. Prockter. B.A., B D (Blue 733 1 FIRST BAPTIST 6th Ave. E. at Young St Minister: Rev Fred Antrobus (Oren 812) tea jroom was under convener- ship of Mrs. G. Ciccone assisted 12:15 p.m. Sunday School. 7:30 p.m. aoApt'l Service Speaker: Slit. M. BEDFORD (of Shantymen's Christian Assn. of N.A.) Topic: "PIRPOSEHL LIVING" (Lord's bupper follows Evening Service). PRAYER PRAISE TESTIMONY Wed., 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Fri., 3:30 p.m. Mission Band 7:00 p.m. Junior Young Peoples. ; . ' WE PREACH THE OLD FASHIONED GOSPEL Sweet Sixteen's personalized Budget Plan is desic your convenience; use it when you shop. There No Interest and No Carrying Charge by Mrs. E. R. Foster. Mrs. P. A Bond, Mrs. W. D. McAra and Mrs. H. Applegate. Serviteurs were Mrs. T. Pet-roff, Mrs. T. Fra.ser, Mrs. . and by the word of their testimony" (Rev. 12: 11. Little is bein-; said, of what was so real to Christ in His constant conflict with evil, yet Satan and his cohorts go up and down the land, oppressing, deceiving, inciting to evil and plunging souls into the pit ol unutterable and heart-breaking FIRST OTIF.SBYTF.BIAN 4th Avenue East (Oreen 982) firt rxm:i 636 6th Ave. West ' 1 Minister: R. A. Wilson, M.A.' (Oreen 613 1 Ware, Miss Margaret McLeod. j HM. fiOSI'FX TWKHXAfi.K 221 6th Ave. West Pastor: Paul A. Barber (Oreen 620) Surst lUutrii (Ubitrrlt and Mrs. George Peters. The attractively arranged booths were In charge of the following: Honie cooking and delicatessen, Mrs. Reg. Webber, assisted by Miss Helen Hurd. Fancy work and novelties, Mrs. D. Santurbane and Mrs. E. Clapp. Aprons, Mrs. C. T. Young and Mrs. H. E. Amos. The junior W. A. had on display an attractive booth oi Minister: R. A. Wilson, M A. 63r Sixth Avenue West SALVATION AH MY Praser Street CO.: Capt. Earl Jarrett Directory Class 2:30 p.m. Sunday School 3 00 p m. (Black 2691 ST. Hl l'S I I'TIII.IIAN 5th Ave. at McDrtde St. Pastor: 5. Sollnnd (Black 610) Hollywood Ci PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND I P-TO-DATE RESTAl'RAST aprons, fancy work, knitted Sl'NDAY. MAY 2. 1918 11:00 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. Anthem: "Onward Christian Soldiers" Junior Choir. Sermon: "The Regrets o: esterday." Rev, H. E. D. Ashford, M.B.E., B.A., B D. 12:15 SUNDAY SCHOOL. 7:30 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP. Anthems: 'Seek Ye The Lord," "God Sends the Night" Senior Choir. Sermon: "The Fulfilled Desire'' , Rev. H. E. D. Ashford, M B E., B A., B.D. goods and novelties convened by OPEN FROM 4:00 P M. TO 3 M eier is concerned, man a o-oay anve 10 riupen over the Cariboo and Skeena highways with stops at beautiful lakes, parks and rivers; followed by a boat trip through the totem-glacier land of South- eastern Alaska and a bus or motor trip to interior Alaska via the Haines highway. "b. An air connection with Rupert. We hope this will mean some day the extension of C.P.A.'s anticipated airline into Rupert so it will serve Ketchikan through Annette Island, even on a two or three-times per week basis. Meanwhile, we must have better local plane service, to get Alaskans to Rupert to catch ,eastbound trains and to bring tourists ' from Rupert to Ketchikan to see Alaska. Rupert was jammed most of last summer with motorists who wandered up the Cariboo trail to the edge of Alaska and couldn't get a look at the Last Frontier. "These are the chief questions leveled at this 8T. PETF.R'M ANGLICAN Seal Cove Archdeacon E. Hodson Sunday School 11 OO a.m. Evening Prayer 7:30 p m. (Blue 827) COMMINITY 81'ND 1 Y SCHOOL East End Hall, 2:30 p.m. Sperial Dinner Every Sunday, 5 p.m. to JJ" Mrs. Crawford Moore, assisted by Mrs. M. Kreuger and Mrs. I: S. Nick erson. CII1NESE DISHES A SPEdAITT For Outside Orders Phone 133 CHOP SUEY 10 FIRE CALLS DURING APRIL City fire department answered 10 fire calls during April, all of them minor fires resulting in only slight damage. There were six fires during the same month last year. Fire calls so far this year number 42 with damage at about-$12,000. paper. Furthermore, we admit we have no personal knowledge of the timber deal the Celanese people made with the B.C. government and cannot say whether it was fair to all parties. - But we do like . the warm and friendly spirit of Rupert's people Hotel. . I irriva (s . and feel that co-operation of Rupert and Ketchi- 1 kan interests will help both towns, more in the fu- : ture than it has in the past The B.C. country has ; rich resources and the least of them is the faith, : hope and independence of its people. Furthermore, , big or little, we'd still like to have that celanese It's "plane" piant in rvetcniKan or AJaska. repair jou Prince Rupert P. M. Boisevert, Montreal; James Gardner, Winnipeg; C. N. Sawle, Winnipeg; H. R. Henderson, Vancouver; S. S. Leith, Vancouver; G. A. Brennan, Vancouver; A. Del Rizzo, Montreal; F. J. Babington, Vancouver; G. Hilliard, Prince George: E. Likness, Vancouver; S. Odd-son, Osland; Mrs. S. H. Grist, Sandspit; Rev.. G. J. Beck, Bui Two sailings per week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Coqultlam Saturday, 9 a.m., Calata STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays. 12 midnight QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR NASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS May 14 and 28 FOR SOUTH SriLANDS May 18 and 30 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Arent Third Ave. Phone 568 order your CminlieS I"1' ; SYSTEM ON TRIAL Mitchell & Ci liniitf PHONE 3 Ai rKhbLNl the free enterprise system is on trial the whole industrial system of profit and loss enterprise depends on a better under- riVldl V Irtv i-ltn n - 4.1- - 1 1 Recruits are being accepted for the R. W. Squires, Terrace; A G. Dickson, Terrace; C. J. Norring-ton, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. P. Wilkins, Green Island Lighthouse; S. Beckeland, Sexsmith. Alta; C. Mills, Smithers; H. Morris, Smithers; H. Leach, Smithers; J. L. McLeod, Terrace; Try Our Homogenized . . . , f frnm vane pinmiuig uy me man in me street. The radicals are well organized and attack with every propaganda medium, known to the game. Canadian business will either have to organize and nut over a first-class anti-propaganda campaign - to defend itself and sell free enterprise to its own people and the world, or the time will come when '. Canadian business won't be able to sell anything. ialKhinmentirui" Mr. and Mrs. L. Buchanan, Sml- ( Homogenized Milk contains al w for and Milk-Solids required bjiav lo date, the greatest danger to free enterprise, representing the Canadian way of living, is' the fnot thnf it haa fsilorl Tr toll lfc mun c M.r fni Standard muk T,,f Mn ATore thers; C. R. Long, Vancouver: G. D. McLellan, Vancouver; J. Hisaland, Terrace; W. H. Oliver Terrace; W. Long, Hazelton; W. Hanson, Smithers; B. Noakes, Terrace; B. R. Dodds, Terrace; N. A. McNabb, Terrace; R. Bu-beau. Terrace; E. Willie Terrace; M. Dubeau, Terrace. itii. tt !,i A a linear ra'ncra r ing to the extent . . . that even simple facts, the antidote, have nnt bppn nuMieVio ing been objected to mechamca' P For the last, few VPSrs ir has Vifer nnW t( oh- ; . by a steady stream of well directed propaganda. Royal Canadian Mounted Police Applicants must be single between the aqes of 18 and 30 years. For further information apply to the nearest R.C.M. Police Detachment or the Commissioner, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Ottawa ;; VALENTIN DAIRT O PHONE 657 HISTORIC FLIGHT The first transatlantic lighter-than-air craft to reach Canada was the R-100, in 1930. EARLY ADVERTISING COPY WILL BE APPRECIATED