emier Attlee Denounces Russia; , . Wl i mmunism In May Day Address lOtJiviH mrd "Aim. TDVMP TtiT WVVto m I U II M-Jl 111! 1. K u 1 1 I II 11 I PALESTINE PEACE UuSavwu lu living 11 V aiiLiJl NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Anv Invasion Will Be nt Peace ORMES DRUGS Daily Delivery PHONE 81 Resisted, London Says Minister uement ;e today denounced as a backward ami raely reactionary Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVII, No. 103. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS . and Communism LONDON (CP) While declaring its intention to use military force against the Jews if they continue their attacks within Palestine upon the Arabs, Great Britain stood pat today on its vow to resist any invasion of mandated Palestine. A Foreign Office spokesman said he could not confirm reports of an i CHARTER PLANE IN SERVICE OUT TAKING ST1KINE CUSTOMS POST Arab invasion but he indicated e working in we nazi Europe's f ree- , destroy there where they were 10Ugh the Communists , destroy democracy," e said in a May Day By force or fraud .......v. t,.t, V-i 1 IO that Britain will resist any invasion as long as it holds mandate on the Holy Land. Th-i OF TERRACE AND PRINCE RUPERT mandate is being surrendered Stronger Canadian Military And Outlawing of Communism Urged By No. 2 Conservative OTTAWA (CP) Gordon Graydon, Progressive-Conservative member for Peel, yesterday warned the House of Commons that Canada must have strnrur May 15. Invasion reports raised Customs Officer A. E. (Bert) Martin is leaving Sunday on the Princess Louise for Wrangell, where he will take charge of the Customs office for the Stlkine River during the summer months. The post was held last year by the late Frank Fitch. blushed " He held Rus- grave military and diplomatic questions. Tel Aviv headquarters of the Having called at the Seal Cove air base here at the first of the week enroute from Vancouver to Terrace, a Republic Seabee seaplane that is to enter charter service of Skeena Air Transport Ltd. has taken up her base at. Terrace and is already in commercial service. The plane will also be available for flights from Prince Rupert. I ' s a "supreme example e state a land of fear ression." Shooting At Fort Babine Jonas Michel Dies of Bullet Wound in Chest SMITHERS B.C. Police here report that Jonas Michell, Indian of Old Fort Babine, died today of gunshot wounds in the left side of the chest inflicted by a .22-callbre rifle. The shooting occurred jon the shore of Babine Lake approximately 35 miles from Burns Lake. Jewish militia, Hagana, an nounced that Syrian and Leb i.!ine Minister said that anese forces had invaded north was willing to co- military forces if she is tn nlav an affaMia win ern Palestine at dawn today and The pilot is Ronald Angus who inal points or points within 200 0. C. Football has had considerable experience. miles radius, so to make avail TcZZ in the combatting Soviet aggression. He asked that Com-'ntemationai peace and munism be outlawed in Canada. The plane will carry three passengers and will be operated in a foreign affairs debate Mr. He added, however, able such charters from Prince Rupert. The president of the committee is W. H. Martin who has been Graydon said that Canada's English League, first Division from Terrace on a chartered armed forces should bear a reas-1 Arsenal 8, Grimsby Town U. Two Indians, Morice Roberts and Seymour Isaac, reported the onable relationship to popula- Bolton Wanderers 0, Everton in aviation business one way or basis with terminal points at Prince Rupert, Stewart, Alice Arm, Anyox, Smithers, Burns to must be acceptance of 1 of every country to de-:5 own way of life and i endeavour should be itnly or covertly to l..at right. won and econamic strength. He," (ue " fatality to Constable Richmond another almost since he left school and who in the years bo- struck with armored cars and tanks at three Jewish settlements. A Cairo report said that the Egyptian Army had also crossed the Palestine border. There was no immediate confirmation of this. Arab sources said today at Cairo that King Ibn Saud of oil-rich Saudi Arabia had ordered his army to join Egyptian troops on the southern front of Palestine. TransJordan sources predict said It was dangerous for the Burnley 2, Huddersfield Town of the police detachment at armed forces to remain at a Burns Lake who proceeded to fore the war at one time flew with the late Charles Elliot. Charlton Athletic 1, Sunder strength of only 35,000. the scene immediately in com pany with the coroner. Circum 'If Russian aggression is halt n Moscow stances of the shooting are not HALIBUT BOAT Lake and Kitimat. The machine is expected to be seen in and out of Prince Rupert quite frequently. One of the earlier flights is expected to be today when some of the Terrace men will be here in connection with fraternal matters. The machine will be able to accept charters from the term- Day parade long on known. ed and there is every reason and hope that it can be there still remains need to remain jnd relatively short on The trip is particularly haz Ball Race Is Closer National League Margin Is Narrowed Yanks Creep Up In American NEW YORK R The National Baseball League race closed up yesterday when the leading New York Giants lost to the Boston Bees "while the second place Pittsburgh Pirates were winning from the Chicago Cubs. Only half a game now divides t'e two clubs in the early season contest for leadership. In the American League the pounded through the IS FINED $100 ardous as it entails a hike of 15 land 0. Liverpool 2, Wolverhampton Wanderers 1. zz z z Manchester United 4, Blackburn Rovers 1. Middlesbrough 1, Aston Villa 3. Portsmouth 2, Chelsea 1. Preston North End 0, Black pool 7. Sheffield United 2, Manches bed Red Square today miles over the ice of Babine Lake. praise of socialism and firm and strong so that an effective role can be played in maintaining peace," the No. 2 Progressive-Conservative in Parliament declared. KETCHIKAN In the first nlsler Stalin. halibut fishery violation case of the year, Harley R. Martin, 43, that the Arab states will send at least 3O,O00Uegular troops to the "rescue" of Palestine before Britain gives up her rule over the Holy Land and its embattled Arabs and Jews. King Abdullah is to be titular commander In chief of the forces from TransJordan. iraa. Eevrjt. Svria ODerator of the trolling boat Betty M., was fined $100 by US FLOOR IN PENSIONS Spy Report Is Circulated ter City 1. Stoke City 1, Derby County 0 Commissioner P. J. Gllmore. The :ty uniform, Stalin re-parade from a stand the red marble tomb diplomat,' witnessed ration. Nikolai Bulnanin told Betty M. had been seized by the Canadian fisheries patrol at Atli Mr. Graydon declared that confidence must be revived in the United Nations and cooperation continued with the United States if peace was to be maintained. Angus Maclnnls, C.C.F., Vancouver East, felt that, until Russia showed the Inclination to Second Division Barnsley 1, Cardiff City 2. Birmingham City 0, Tottenham Hotspur 0 (tie). Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands OTTAWA ) Broad agree- and Lebanon, each under Its ment that there should be a floor own national leader. Value of Canadian Espionage running-up New York Yankees after sixteen halibut had been of Russians massed In Document Acknowledged under disability pensions paid that the policy of the blanked the Boston Red Sox and Brentford 2, Doncastei Roveis iion was one of peace. 0. By James McCook Canadian Press Staff Writer are ont-and-a-half games behind the Cleveland Indians who First World War veterans was shown plainly in the House of Commons committee on veterans Coventry City 3, Chesterfield who is minister of ices, urjted prepared- LONDON, Qi Copies of the 0. co-operate, the United Nations could not be an effective force but It must be kept alive. ' " found on board. She was taken into Prince Rupert whence she proceeded here. Martin waived reading of the complaint, pleaded guilty-, and paid the fine. He planned to return to the salmon fishing erounds with his new boat. laffrirs yesterday. Chairman of Canadian Royal Commission re krot-"intrifrucs of - tn were Idle after having so far played .six games without suffering a defeat this season. Yesterday's Big League scores: Fuiham 1, West Ham United 1 (tie). Leeds United 5, Bury 1. Lilton Town 2, Nottingham port on espionage have been sent to British missions throughout the world to be placed in i! reaction." fas a twenty-salvo ar-ite to mark the work- the committee, Brfg. 3. TT. Melville, suggested that such a floor would stop any downward revision in the pension plan over fifty-five years if the pension had been in effect for five years. Forest 1. National League Boston 7, New York 2. Noted Churchman Is Visiting City Field secretary for Western Canada of the missionary main Newcastle United 1, Millwall 0 Plymouth Argyle 2, Bradford (ghout World 2 (tie). throughout the world their information services lib- MarUn said he was fishing raries, Prime Minister Attlee for salmon en route north from told the Commons. I Seattle and caught some 217 Authorities said the report pounds.of hanbut which he put has become the most probably Qn ,ce lntending to give them circulated document of widely He had motor troublCi its kind ever issued by a com- hQW ever and put int0 anchorage monwealth government. 'in British Columbia waters Sales made His are through g he w&, boarded b a Majesty's Stationery Office and .... nalrn, hn. wMl,h tenance department of the Uni the thirty-ninth May Pittsburgh 10, Chicago 4. St. Louis 13, Cincinnati 7. Brooklyn 11, Philadelphia 2. American League New York 6, Boston 0. Chicago 5, Detroit 4. Philadelphia 3, Washington 1. in atmosphere marked ted Church of Canada, Rev. Her bert E. D. Ashford is arriving in Some estimate the strength of the Jews in Palestine, "actual or potential, at 60.000 to 70,000 in the Jewish Hagana army. Other groups report the strength., from ''500 to" 2000.' " ' A.British announcement said " that at least seventy Jews were killed when members of the Jewish underground army broke a British cease-fire order in Jaffa-Tel Aviv border area during the night. Artillery and mortar fire were reported at Jaffa during the morning. Yesterday Jaffa-Tel Aviv truce talks had begun under sentinel British guards. To the east Hagana had captured Sal-ama, toughest Arab .stronghold, to hold a village in the ring of Jaffa's outer defences. The Jewish militia swept into Salama in the night, completing the Jewish isolation if the Arab port city of Jaffa. There were rumors that the truce talks might end in virtual surrender of the Arab port under conditions of mutual non-aggression. . observances, strike the city on tonight's train in the and fresh communist West Bromwich Albion 1, Sheffield Wednesday 1 (tie). Scottish League "A" Division Airdrieonians 1, Rangers 2. Dundee 3, Hibernians 1. Glasgow Charity Cup First Round Partick Thistle 4, Clyde 1. Queens Park 0, Third Lanark Police generally expect- course of a tour through central British Columbia. He will be at Kia0KlOaKCH-rOOiOOlKKlOOOi officials lo more than 4.000 Lj hahbut The Canadian iorders but one Ind 1 r f Ir'Knrinc rianar inonr rmtlflPfi iting in Athens of THE WEATHER Synopsis Variable cloudiness covers British Columbia today. Temperatures in all sections" continue below normal. A gradual decrease in cloudiness is expected tomorrow with slightly higher temperatures. Forecast Prince Rupert, Queen Charlottes and North Coast Cloudy this morning, clearing this afternoon. Cloudy Sunday. Wind light. Little change in tempera had been sold at $1.40. This V ," 7 .tZ fi oii La Fred Headlee, local fishery" man- f.mlster Chrlstos Lados Miller Bay hospital in the afternoon. He will speak at both services tomorrow in First United Church here and will leavo on Monday night's train for Ter 4. marked the day. distribution of smaller, Tess ex Crystal Palace 3, Aberdeen 0 as seriously wounded pensive British government pub M grenade thrown by lications but officials said the agement agent, and MarUn was instructed to proceed here. He told Headlee that he had fished in Southeastern Alaska for about a dozen " years and knew it was illegal to fish halibut Canadian report was "unique." 10 police say confessed under orders from a race. Years ago Mr. Ashford was located at McBride and later spent some years as a missionary in India. He served as a padre with the Air Force in N execution sauad. William Hanson arrived in the city on yesterday's train from Smithers and is sailing this afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. eman was killed and lant was wounded. ture. Lows tonight and highs commercially before the season opened May 1, but since he had caught them he planned to give Egypt during the war. too, was threatened BULLETINS MAY HEAD OFF STRIKE CHICAGO There appears to be a possibility of heading off the crippling United States railroad strike over wage de-tie mauds set for May 11, Frank P. Douglas, federal mediation chief, said here that he had found "sincere disposition on the part of both sides to try to find a settlement." I- IKK IN VANCOUVER VANCOUVER Damage of $250,000 was caused late last night when fire swept the warehouse of Black Bros. Ltd., automobile parts dealers on Sunday Port Hardy 32 and 50, Massett 30 and 50, Prince Rupert 32 and 52. uwe out none of a them away. The fish was confiscated. nature had occurred the day. OWHJtTOSOWIlHMfBKBKHJ :. TODAY'S STOCKS :: Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. By placing the report in information services' libraries, the government makes it valuable to residents of many countries who may wish to study Communist methods. NEW PUBLICITY The report received new publicity when Attlee said in a recent debate that the Canadian espionage cases were "a vivid illustration which showed how Communists and fellow travellers worked and how "The innocent person was brought into the net dragged in a litte way first of all and his loyalty undermined.'' Results of the Canadian in RUSSIA BE Sunshine Record For Prince Rupert Is Established In April This April appears to have, been something of a record-breaker for fine weather in Prince Rupert meteorological history. The sunshine for the month totalled 171.2 hours on twenty-seven (lays. The nearest approach to this for a fine April in modern rec Proposed truce for the old walled city of Jerusalem appeared to have fallen through when Jewish and Arab representatives failed to agree on terms. Moshe Sheryok, Jewish representative, told the United Nations trusteeship council at Lake Success that his people would agree to a truce on the condition that they would have free entry and exit through the gates of the walled city. Jamal HUsseinl, Arab delegate, replied that Jewish conditions YMP1CS? Toronto N -Russian partici " the Olympic Games. Athona 07 Aumaque 18 Beattie 72 Bcvcourt 40 Bobjo 124 Buffalo Canadian 11 Consol. Smelters 107.00 ords at least was in 1941 when April yielded 140.8 hours of sunshine ine precipi- Julv 29. remains a big mark, Lord Burghley, of the British organiz-:ilittw. told 100 sports "e- He predicted that '1 be neoole "whn wlil quiry were kept in mind when Pacific at Howe in the Granville Bridge district. At the height of the blaze, flames leaped 50 feet in the air. Several families living in nearby houses were forced from their homes as paint-storage tanks exploded. Cause of the fire is unknown. Baseball Scores ' THURSDAY tation this April was a scant 3 42 inches. In April 1944 there was but 2.98 inches. So far this year had "blown up the whole the British government recent-y decided, to remove Commun Conwest 1.06 scheme" for cease-fire. sunshine in Prince Rupert has ists, Fellow-Travellers and Fas r tenmprc" .,.j totalled a big 375.4 hours com cists from secret work where LOCAL TIDES "Permen not to "blow "'nte. pared with 250.9 hours in the corresponding period last year. The precipitation thus far in High Vancouver Bralorne 9.15 B. R. Con 04 B. R. X. . 06 Cariboo Quartz .' 1.95 Dentonia 01 V2 Grull Wihksne 04 Hedley Mascot 68 Minto 02 Pend Oreille 4.10 Pioneer 3.25 Premier Border 04 Vi Privateer 23 Vi Reeves McDonald 1.95 Reno 09 'z Salmon Gold .19 Sheep Creek 1.10 Taylor Bridge 50 . Taku River 54 Vananda 18 Congress 03 Hedley Amalg 02 '2 Silbak Premier 37 Oils A. P. Con 19 Calniont 51 C. & E 5.90 Home 8.00 Sunday, May 2, 1948 8:21 15.6 feet 21:49 16.6 feet 2:30 10.8 feet 15:04 7.4 feet 1948 has been 29.29 Inches as Low . against 26.94 inches in the first Kky Derby BIG FRAUD RING CALGARY Police today believed they had uncovered a huge west coast fraud ring with the arrest here of four suspected "phony check artists" aud two girl companions. Two other men, one a University of British Columbia student, were arrested at -Victoria. Vancouver is said to be "central point'' in the ring. Kun Today VILLE, Kentucky P timet. Farm's Citation they could endanger security. DIGEST REFUSED The government has- refuted repeatedly to isiue an official digest of the bulky Canadian Commission report, issued June 27, 1946, and 733 pages long. It is sold in Britain as printed by the Canadian King's Printer, and has a bright blue cover. "In our view it would be inappropriate for the United Kingdom government to publish an abreviated version of a publication issued by another Commonwealth government,'' said Western International Tacoma 10, Yakima 7. Vancouver 4, Spokane 2. Salem 9-2, Bremerton 7-3. (second game 10 innings). Victoria 5, Wenatchee 2. Pacific Coast Hollywood 7, Portland G. San Francisco 3, San Diego 2. Other games postponed. Pacific Coast Portland 3-5, Hollywood 2-G. Oakland 4-7, Seattle 3-5. San Francisco 2, San Diego 1. Los Angeles 5, Sacramento 4 ( 12 innings). Western International Tacoma 13. Salem 1. Wenatchee 5, Victoria 1. Bremerton 5, Yakima 4. Vancouver 6, Spokane . 5 (10 innings). four months of 1947. The official weather summary for the month of April, as issued today from the Dominion meteorological station at Digby Island, was as follows: Maximum temperatuil-, 55.2 on April 21. 'wn arc favorites to '4mous Kentucky Derby Golgotha All Sound Motion Picture with Full Dialogue in English m'l Downs torlav. Onlv Donalda 78 Eldona ... 1.06 Elder .51 Giant Yellowknife 4.60 " God's Lake 74 Hardrock 19 Harricana - 09 Heva .14 Hosco 312 Jacknlfe 04 Joliet Quebec 40 Lake Rowan 10 '2 Lapaska 05 Little Long Lac 1.20 Lynx 07 Madsen Red Lake 2.94 McKenzie Red Lake .... .51 '2 McLeod Cockshutt .... 1.16 Monet 32 Negus 2.50 Noranda 50 Louvicourt 70 Pickle Crow 2.15 Regcourt 05 San Antonio 4.00 Senator Rouyn 45 Sherrit Gordon 2.93 Steep Rock 2.20 Sturgeon River 17 Silver Miller 21 s arc running, the four f estants being My Re- Minimum temperature, 26.3 on .aru, Billings and April 5. Mean temperature, 40.1. pre. Gordon Richards Extends Record Maximum barometer reading ffu The Devout Presentation of the PASSION PLAY i A at sea level, 30.6 on April 19 Glenvil Hall, financial secretary 1 Minimum barometer reading, to the Treasury. 29 on April 22. NEWMARKET, Eng. ((("Gordon Richards, when he rode Diicpii Pnt. to victory in the ns7Blue Herbert Leach, Hilton Morris Thousand Guineas yesterday When asked in the Commons if he would see that information irt the report was distributed as widely as possible, Attlee replied that "This document already has received wide publicity and and Clayton Mills, who arrived brought his life-time record to Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Buchanan arrived In' the city on yesterday's delayed train from Smithers, where Mr. Buchanan is manager of Government Telegraphs, and are sailing this afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. CIVIC CENTRE MONDAY and TUESDAY May 3rd and 4th, 8 p.m. (Matinee Monday. 4 p.m.) (104) Precipitation, 3.42 inches on eleven days. Sunshine, 171.2 hours on twenty-seven days. Maximum wind velocity, 15 miles perhour from southeast on April 15 and 18. 3,513 winners. Queen Pot scored by a head in the mile test for in the city by train yesterday from Smithers, are sailing this afternoon on the Catala for a Cabs I do not consider there is any three-year-old fillies. The purse u i w business trip to Vancouver. W 1 : need of further arrangements." Is worth $50,000.