Movements BIG SISTERS WIN (Continued from Page 4) Prtnre Rupert Daflp J3etaJ Iflr. 'Saturday, May 1, 1948 ' : ... SS. trm"" ' ;la?- M FF in this Prince Rupert L'11 1y BIDDEE JINKS' 90' 831 You'll need no hecd-a&ie pills 1:30 Handicap 90 Totals 823 VARIETY B . Ruddorham .... 120 Lvkezaarrl mo s Cardena, Sunday ss. Cardena, p.m. Monday-ss. Princess Adelaide, p.m. Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert, 10 a.m. Friday ss. Catala, p.m. April22 ss. Princess Louise, a.m. For Alice Arm, Stewart, Port Simpson Sunday ss. Cardena, dav- Modern Etiquette By ROBER1A LEE or booze, if, jrour ad isin The News. - of relief and pleasure are likely to make a baromPter recording. It has been so new a venture, so much extra work for already busy people. E. E. Hyndman, Inspector of schools and committee chairman, has sandwiched his contributions between being here and then, 'way over there. His only splace was in knowing that at home. R. D. Cleland was carrying on, with Mrs. Harry Black, ,ss. prince Rupert, jCloiiEh 156 153 130 197 153 205 49 887 a.m. iss. Catala, 12 midnight. The Civie Centre busy seas son lasts the year around with an accent on- spring It seems. Last week, there were leather- Arcing Ste princess Louise, uemDeiia 161 McLean J41 Handicap 49 Totals Titi BIG SISTERS Gomez 201 Alexander .......... 12G Dickens 147 27 ss. Q. Isn't it all right when dining alone for one to read a book or newspaper while at the table?. A. Yes. Q. if you know a servant in a friend's home, should vou sneak next, when all the 3mall children are performing in the afternoon. That means two rhythm Bands (Bang-bang-de-bang i, Mrs. Olson's kindergarten group with motion songs and five children's groups from grade schools. yjncouver 90 714 138 137 130 172 149 49 775 184 146 177 129 195 60 891 145 88 80 104 132 120 669 iRothwell ..Z1ZZ. 151 170 craft classes. This week it's the Hobby Show using all but the 126 ceilings in the two gymnasiums. !14 Next week It will be the Musical 775 Festival talcing Mama's and secretary, doing her bit. Then tQ her wnen opens tne door? HauKan . 188 Handicap 60 Totals 873 uieie was aiso t-ario uanson.i A Certainly. Why not? It A. O. Boas, Harry Seaman and woum hP snnhbLsh nnt tn rin n That is the first afternoon and T uunt frn hfl rhnro Ruf T U Arrived ... Papas into the large auditorium-. tf, . ; j 172 &. a. uneeseman adding their efficiency. Bracketing this group to see "our WilUe and Jean do . wrf..manM H 92 was the program committee, Scandinavian and Finnish RECORDINGS 77 their stuff." a fdend m t(wn Wnicn LEARNED ABOUT ENGLAND Douglas Fairbanks, Sr.', travel Mrs. F. E. Anfield . and Martin ' Stuart, while behind them all led for three months around lUMETS Reid 150 Peachev 128 McKenzie 90 Hart 104 McBeth 58 Handicap 120 Totals 650 SWEET SIXTEEN Duncan .... 193 McKinnon 192 Wriuht 184 Nowak 181 England, working his way from was the Parent-Teacher Council, sponsors. place to place before he began Scandinavian Numbers BACKSTROMS POJKE iiNG JUNKERS singing mm tm acting in movies. No. 10003 Karin Juel No. 1108 by GUtSL 126 waicnmg cnuaren ptiunn means this is Drama Night, with vm does things, whether they are three plays done by folks so ws your own or your neighbor's, busy getting to, and off and on Maybe it is just seeing yourself stage they have had no time 173 up their in a starehed frock ieft over, not 'even around the IS. and shoes, twisting up one edges, for the people they used 173 corner of your handkerchief un- to know. J33 mercifully if you had one! Orj That night, however, the blight 826 maybe it is the expression half ( win be wiped out. There are go-pleasure, half fright, lurking un- mg to be laughs, the deep-down MtFADDEN IS BEST (Continued from Page 4) GUPDEMR j Nelson 162 SORLAND POLKA SKI GUTTEN REINLANDER EORGHILD REINLANDER DEN GAMSLE SYREN No. 4009 A 152 160 194 187 147 33 873 139 66 163 214 166 63 811 he was fourth highest acorer with five goals and three assists. L.,nish Numlie r .... ..AirifT'TI AT rTi T O C A 135 aer peneci iiair-oo ana over ones that help digest food and 160 and above everv shlnv freckle. Handicap 33 Totals 625 TOILERS Ellison 103 Hill 104 Kiihards 153 Wide 134 Menzies 190 Handicap 63 Totals .... 747 He was the only N.H.L. player No. 3318 ! ! No. 3820 1 r . ' . HjjMV'.l Uilt.1 V11UI I11VIT.1V tt" tion of being the first Detroit player ever to win the only trophy that has eluded the club in its long years of N.H.L. membership. His 48 scoring points for the season also gave him the scoring record for a Detroit rookie. , The 1946-47 Calder winer was Howie Meeker of Toronto Maple .Leafs. RAKASTA MORENA TAISTELUN JALKEEN J23 louayas children ao not torture feet facial expressions. And then to collect live assists in one 63 hankies or put one say finger in , there's a play that will put game during the 1&47-48 season. SYDAMMENI SALAISUUS The above and many others available at their mouths but they feel about catchers on the edge of their He did this againat Chicago jthe same on the inside. seats while they drone! "Who Nov. 23. The night before, also ROSA LEE'S ; done it, I wonder? Who done against Chicago, he scored two Basso-Bert 154 S. Ramsay 159 E. Morse 112 165 take a ouite different view. They"'"?" .goals in eight seconds. ia mm mm m m i 2Q see a bunch of kids that wrig-' The next day, Thursday,1 James Alexander McFadden I. Ranisav 134 M. Postuk 134 14 eled and giggled and did a lot of eomes up with a new program. , was born in Belfast, Ireland, but Handicap 14 Totals 707 SAVOY 966 things that don't go with "do- In the afternoon there are Jun- has long made his home at Dar nno'rav-me-fah " But now thev hM" Choirs five of, them and lingford, Man., wlere he owns 224 are here little imps, looking as at night another set of five ' and operates a wheat farm Kellett 142 Knutson 138 Menzies I(i7 Erickson 207 McCallum 177 GREER I BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction - Alterations 163 161 128 226 175 14 867 151 214 104 216 147 31 863 159 143 136 162 158 54 812 189 131 145 116 178 Handicap 31 Totals 862 SCUBY'S f 3 though brushed with gauzy school choirs. Also, Hazelton j He first joined the Red Wines 174 wings (or are they?) to remem- Hi8h School and Bo-Me-Hi both in the playoffs last spring, golrii.' 31 ber instruction. "Don't forget to present their plays, these being to the Detroit team from Buffalo 8y9 sound your 'p's'". And, "Come the nly competitive numbers Bisons of the American Hockey 152 off the 't's' together and don't in the Festival this year. The League. Before that he played J2 slur your notes. And keep your adjudicator, Ross Lort of Vic- with Ottawa Senators of the 177 eye on me, foj goodness sake! toria, will be there to pick the Quebec Senior Hockey League. Floor Sanding a Specialty Braun 155 Thornton .. 166 W. Steeves 141 J. Thornton 177 i fe,,t. n. NT Vf&aLV V f Van Meer 143 I . fertilizers, insec- V-VO"lr Tvx.iJy;uJ I 165 I'll cue you ." wheat from the oarley. As winner of the Calder Trj- i vnnnn nr.ii nil r.ii. fti K mz.i 79 distinc-l This This will will be be on on Wednesday Wednesday When When it it is is all all over, over, the the sighslphy, sighslphy, McFadden McFadden has has the the distinc- Handicap 54 Totals 836 BANKERS ides! We have 'em E&SjW fefi I : to assure you of 5at.l J J I line productive IHT Usick 189 Acton 131 121 ( I m I I MOW, RSMEMBER TO BE ) v 4 I I - REAL PCUTE AND BE OUCH.' l inn I . A . aa I SUCE TO THANK MDUf? ) ( VOU'RE PULLING 1 - Nelson 128 Kenna 145 I vnni fro r lrr-i i nor ciinrtlioc rVirno rv oo 1 1 of 2 Baxter 237 Handicap 69 Totals 919 i ii i up1 o a 55 jar tfe-a it WATTS & NICKERSON Moxlev 148 Shenton 98 A. Wrathall 179 V. Wrathall 160 A. Pierce 198 5 Kim ril pAvyi r?i jirr " AX Ci. Til on 4 ki ii Hi i LllJUC ail I Business and Professional Handicap 32 Totals 815 MILLER BAY Peterson 117 Roberts 200 Ross 143 Aichoff 110 Vincent 212 Handicap 52 Totals 834 LUCKY STRIKES Boulter 141 Vuckovich 216 B. Smith 143 A. Smith 89 OAC YOUNG- 1W 4. . II ' jg$ p rW' 9 I , ,F L -js) l. II I I I i AREN'T VOU) NO-WE NEVER f4Si;,' . ' B?J ClHEvtwESENVI ' iMNsiTi 164 133 ( m----- ' ii iff 1 vw A,Njjr ywi i r B$,kt M"' " JONES NEWS STAND SUPERIOR DECORATORS We handle Eastern and Western TING :: PAPERHANGING Papers Swedish-American Tribune and Western Miner Sixth Street Red 808 e Blue 952 or Black 245 .'.chins Bill Thornton J. Warren 232 Handicap 23 Totals 844 RIOWERS Morrison 1 18 Keaves 1 P. J. CHENEY DENTIST "ITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Houston Hinton Calderoni Handicap Totals ANNETTES PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone RED 739 1361 Overlook Street 769 912 874 -T- &S'Kl! fflfTS Iff H , tfePi ! "65 P.O. Box 1401 Monteomerv Ostashower H & ELK NS LTD. 132 146 - , . I 171 152 S L C OK THEY ICE CREAM ) CrT V vait uAvc m RgiMr WHAT DO 152 155 . ( WEHAyJi'-)1 , .WrAlHl Mi iSr- MYwVDO 1 1 HZrrX AND CAKE AND PiN pmbing and Heating Engineers HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wav(ig Beauty Culture in all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 Windle m Smith 207 Dickens 131 Handicap 25 Totals 788 MOOSE McEwen 135 Astoria .... 104 Hilton 100 Tavlor 10o Collins 126 Handicap 62 Totals 632 174 P.O. Box. 274 148 O !' 1 j rjfQ J? ' ' JACJ lU FOR YOUR K AND CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS J. SAUNDERS Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed DIDNT BENEFIT ANIMALS The idea of early game reserves was to have a park or reserve for animals where no one could hunt except the owner, or in some cases the king, assuring him of a plentiful supply of game. X F. L. HUGHES Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners Chiropractor 5 22 BESNER BLOCK M 894 Phone Blue 442 PHONES. Green 486 Red 894 SAVOY HOTEL nl '.arelli, Prop. ORGE L. RQRIE Accountant, Auditor, etc. ' Tax Returns Compiled, aer Block Phone 387 ASTORIA'S LIGHT DELIVERY . & MESSENGER Prompt Service Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 269 - 322 Sixth St. Night Calls Green 882 EORGE McWHINNEY j Phone 37 P.O. Bo S41 'AINTING AND WER HANGING FRASER STREET Prince Rupert p O. Box 1426 i(,mi St. Phone Green 391 pHEN ERICKSON Tram Schedule For the East-Monday, Wednesday. Friday -8 p.m. From the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10 45 D.m p'ANO TECHNICIAN "NING AND REPAIRS 15,5 411 West 7th Ave. JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd Third Avenue mS the Fisheries Industry M (P.R.) Ltd. QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. No, Labelling, Weighing K-80 BLUE 980 i TRY K8 I&ex Cade FOR TASTY MEALS Chop Suey Chow Mein Moving, Packing Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 .. ' Phones 60 and 68 "' " ' ' lild" ' S-9 jt Cf. )V4. K,t Future SrnJicMf, OPEN Mm. T 2 A.M. CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY FCOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL