ewV-ssisr4L- PRINCE RUPERT Prfnte Rupert Daflp fictos LtD. Friday, July 16, 194 no Radio Dial Cr I 1 K ia Kilocycle- 1 Subject to change 1 'H """ j YEARS AGO (July 16,1923) j The Dominion Oraln Inquiry commission, which was hold- j ing hearing at various parts of the prairies, was scheduled to hold sittings at PrinceRupert to investigate grain shipping NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA 3 NEWSPAP13 An Independent dally newspaper dsTottd to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert sod ill communities comprising northern and central British Columbia (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office Department, Ottawa) Published swrf afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daliy News Ltd . Srd Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. U. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H G. PERRY. Managing Director. WEMBKh OP CANADIAN PRESS AT7DIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWbPAPER ASSOCIATION , Clt, mtrcha, In future to ha display adv the Dally ; P . of the their public ' This ,1 trreailu H SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier per wetk 15c; Per Month, 65c: Per Year, 17 00; By Mail. Per Month, 40c. Per Year, 14 00. department ln regular hour for FRIDAY tM. 4:00 Ed McCurdy limgi 4:15 Stock Quotation 4:30 Michael Head (Tor.) 4:45 Sleepy Time Story Tellei 5:00 String Stylings 6:30-Keyboard and Console 5:45 Community Calendar 6:00 Beat the Champs 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Plantation house Party 7:00 CBC News 3:15 The Living Voice iTur.) possibilities out 01 um Dr. Turgeon of Nova Scotia was chairman. T.MPiiir T. . S. Person of Better Mail Service the Provincial police transferred his headquarters irui George to Prince Rupert. In-and Mrs. Parsons ex The Proving decided to lm fl the exhibition in : In September, n , place at the scrvi u . '"''n II gt 7 irvj Diuon associal.0 tents In which to Plays. The ment was arratl pected to take up perm""" residence at Prince Rurt in September. Bush fires which had broken out at DiBby Wand has finally burned down Ui a few smouldering stumps, forestry officials repo'td- Vespile the confidenttha t a recent rain had smouldering stumps, they were eliminated the fire hazard. i HOW CAN I ? ? I By ANNE ASHtEY oe one of th A fishing for. by Fred Stork , and Mrs. 0. w first pri?e They lng rods as trupi Pearl Legale Chief Legale 0 Q. How can I retain the 7:30 Lubka Kolessa tTor.J 8:00 Prairie Schooner 8:30 Dreamtime 9:00 Prairie Showcase 9:30 Symphony for Strings 10:00 CBC New )Q:10-B..C. Newt 10:15 Speaking As a Llstenei 10:30 val Richards Orch. 11:00-Fish Arrivals 11 :05-Weather and Sign Off BATUrUjAf-A-M. 7:30 Musical ilucl 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Pick of the Hit 8 30-Mornlng Devotion 8:45 LitUe Concert 9:00 BBC News Commentary 9: 15 Records at Random 9:30-Musical Program 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Band P'and 10:15 World Jnurch News 10:30 Concert Favorites ANGLO-EIRE TRADE AGREEMENT SIGNED AT WESTMINSTER Prime Minister Attlee and Mrs. Costello, the Eire premier, recently initialled the Anglo-Eire trade agreement in the House of Commons, Westminster Britain will receive from Eire most of her production of fat cattle, and an unrestricted supply of eggs, butter and bacon. Here Eire's premier signs the Anglo-Eire pact, watched by Sir Stafford Cripps, Mr. Harold Wilson, and Messrs. Morrissey, McBride, Norton, Dillen, MeGilli-gan and Dulanty of Eire. RUPERT, which has so often complained PRINCE about various aspects of its mail service and asked for improvements, suddenly finds itself with the quickest and most frequent postal service it ever had. That is the result of the new "all up" service for first class mail which late every afternoon brings the letters not only from Vancouver and points south but from the East, across the line and overseas with a dispatch which reminds us of the revolution in speed of transport which use of aircraft makes possible. Since it is so easy and natural to complain when we think things could and might be done better, it is fitting, we think, to acknowledge this great improvement in the mail service and express our appreciation. The next improvement in mail service could well be the institution of street delivery system which would be a great help although it is conceivable that some folks would still choose to go down themselves and get the letters out of the Post Office boxes an hour or so after the plane comes in rather than wait. until next morning for the delivery. July IS, 1911 Miss Elsie Taylor, who had charge of the Kelowna public school for a year, arrived to spend the summer vacation as f hr sister. Mis Eliza died at the Tucks Inlet C: sparkling appearance of decanters? A. In oraer to do this the decanters must be cleaned even if not used. The work can' be made easy by using a solution of a little vinegar with a handful of I salt. Place in the decanter and shake thoroughly, then rinse in ! cold water. ' Q. How can I overcome the j difficulty of pouring catsup from beth Taylor, and Mis Lillian It Pays to Ai!vt Johnson, Third Avenue. Reminiscences By W.J. and Reflections Ormes D 10:45 Concert Favorites 11:00 Musical Pro. and Oolf Comty. II :30 tyiti;er Foreca.-t 1 1:31 Message Perior 11 S3 Recorded 11:45-CBC News PM PRESCRIPTION CHEM1S It's not so very long ago that; We' had no particular worries all the Prince Rupert waterfront j during the trying days when it amounted to was a cold storage J was (eared (he railways and plant at Seal Cove (always ac-1 , ,. '. , . 'telegraphs H would suspend oprr- uvei, a grain elevator (always, Being a light meat eater inactive! at Westview, and stations. string of wharves and unimporl- and partial to fish of all kinds ' ant-looking places in between everything was safe on that STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 9 AM TO a bottle? 1 A. All that is necessary Is to push back the thickened portion that congeals around the top. The caUup will then pour easily. Q. How can I clean white kid gloves? A. , By rubbing gently with bread crumbs after each wearing. In this way they will keep clean for a long time. ! Q. How can I remove fat from SUNUAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON To 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. not, of course, forgetting the on- j score And f uhlng nad always ( I :! 00- Mid-day Melodies 1 12:15 Recorded Interlude j 12 25-Program Resume ' 12:30-Musical Jro. and Golf again, ofl-again dry docK. cut,;. on o , ThprB wn .... , t urv 11 a iu ' iia. n wvs v .tv- as tne scnooi recuauon puis 11, . . wnatever ,, , ,... . Emergency bit? no anxiety aoout noi mnkins Halifax or Ouebec-Bv- the scene is changing." If you pany car UC1..r.7 (T(m ? pffl t have not had a harbor 'sail for fronj v m. mi 0 .. tni fiutj the-St. Lawrence in time to souP? A. If unable to do so with a board a big boat for a London; the past year or so, it's worth In short 1 spoon, wev a cicau liuui wim business conference. while going out and looking around. PHONE 81 waLci. wic uin (.jit: hjij ui absence?' there was a complete tne soup ana me not. iai win Comty. 1:00-Musical pro. and Golf Comty. 1:30-Mu.sical Pro. and Oolf Comty. 2:00-Musical Pro. and Oolf Comty. 3:00-Piano Classics 3:15 CBC News 3:25 Recorded Interlude J;30-NBG Symphony Orch. of perplexity or misgivings which, THE RACIAL PROBLEM DIFFICULTY was the reason why RACIAL groups of delegates to the Democratic nominating convention at Philadelphia walked out of the big assembly. They were from Mississippi and Alabama. The issue was ciuite clear. Mr, Truman, the presidential candidate, had left nothing obscure or uncertain. He would not countenance any destinations or inequalities on the score of color, and this was something delegates, particularly those from .. the deep south, could not and would not accept. U . Some are so sure of a Republican victory that they are saying the negro question would not make any difference for, even in the event of there being no such issue, the election of Governor Dewey was assured.- Nevertheless, the color problem remains, polling, or no polling. t General Persh.ng, highest according to medical science. I adhere to the cloth. All fat I should be removed from the top ' of the soup, as it I indigestible. ranking United States soldier, has reached the end of a dis sometimes cause stoma"!- til-i cers. On the whole, the crisi-i j was passed with the greatest of, ease. I Vur Iltsllni Hatuf action This Winter C'hwose a FAWCETT FURNACE tinguished career. He had his triumphs as well as sorrows. HU TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! wife and family perished in 9 fire in San Francisco many years ago. That was a heavy enough blow for one lifetime. You are Invited to visit our shop and inspect this assembled heating unit. THOM SHEET METAL LTD. 151 Kant FlrM Avenu Phone Black DM A MESSAGE TO PRINCE RUPERT BUSINESSMEN Indications are that business 1 will be quiet at the next assize, due ln September. For quite a while, the tendency has been that way. More, possibly.are discovering that, by using com mon sense and a reasonable amount of righteousness, a heap of trouble and expense can be avoided without sacrificing the enjoyments of everyday life. HOLLYWOOD ( PKINf R Rl'PERT'S MWXST I'P-TO-DATE KlSTAlt OPEN rftoM 3:0 PM TC Are You Being BV-PASSED? Do You Want To Stop Them? Lot the DAILY NEWS IIRING you CUSTOMERS GENERAL PERSHING John J. (Blackjack) Pershing, who GENERAL died yesterday at the Walter Reed Military ! Hospital in Washington where he had resided ! " " for some years, was one of the few remaining great military leaders of World War I. Like Haig, ' he was one of Foch's chief lieutenants in 1918. He was the "Eisenhower" of the first war although never so colorful or genial as "Ike." But he was w accorded higher honor than Eisenhower has, so far at least, received. As "General of the Armies," ' Pershing was the nation's highest ranking military . man.- That title, implying gratitude of a nation, was conferred upon only four other American sol-diers Washington, Grant, Sherman and Sheridan. Pershing started his career in the Army at the - age of 26 and retired at the age of sixty-four in 11124. He died at the age of 88. The funeral will take place with national honors on Monday. ( II INKS F DISHLS A SPH IUT1 lor Outside Orders PIIONi: 133 CHOP KUKY Being a Prime Minister is an office demanding wide and exacting responsibilities. As a blessed event ln British Royal circles approaches, the public become more and more exercised over the question of the : use, or otherwise, of anaesthetics. Mr. Attlee will be well advised to keep exceedingly aust ere and BUSINESS AND PROFESSW FOR ' MARGARET McJ.EOD OPTOMETRIST ROCK AND In New Offices ROOM 10 STONE BUILT) INO CALLS M. J. SA1 New, Mudet All WjtH Every time we fco motoring over the Skeena Highway, behold America's grandest scenery, wave to fishermen filling their boats with lordly salmon and reflect that there wasn't any highway before the war, w. cannot but conclude that Hitler was the "biggest, most gosh darned son of an Austrian pub-lie servant that one could ever piano re" New Phone BLUE G93 . Tuning, Voiftw meet or hear of." MIKE f Phonf Advertising results are most consistently obtained through your evening newspaper. The Daily News gets consistent, proven results because it is a menilK'r of the family circle. Home delivered, it reaches people when they do their regular reading, leisurely and reflectively. Daily News advertising penetrate; and produces. The people pay for the Daily News to read the news, the features and the ADVERTISING. Let the Daily News help you to get businews by using space regularly. We are at your service to assist and advise. Our representative would like tc help you. 972 10:: DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST, 6UITE 5. SMITH BLOCK Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEK 1 Q. Is It good taste for a girl HEU" Phone 785 P.O. Box 1401 BEAUTY to write some words of enlear- j ment on a photograph of her- self that she is giving to a! permanfli1 Beauty C1 gll iu JOHN F. L. HUGHES Chiropractor 21-23 BERN ER. BLOCK P.O Box 894 Phone Blue 442 204 4th Street young man? A. This is not a matter of! good taste so much as a matter j of good sense. Unless she is very , sure of herself, It is perhaps wiser . to omit any endearing words she may regret later on. FISHING IS AN EXCUSE are for little boys. Others, such as BROOKS strolling lovers, make occasional use of brooks, but their emotions are not always sincerely centred on the brook for itself alone. Little boys hold the brooks by the prescriptive right of coming generation after generation, on Saturdays, or Sundays after Sunday school, or weekdays after dinary school, or on any other blissful holiday time to jump across the brook, or teeter across it on a leaning tree, or to get a foot wet, or fall in completely, or swim naked, or fish or build ambitious dams and huts, or lie in the sand by a driftwood fire eating burned weiners, or play endless games of running and hiding and fighting and yelling. Little boys still find time to come to the brook in spite of organized sport and the movies and the general midway atmosphere of modern living. They come because brooks have proved too hard for to organize, except when streams run right through a town and even then they sometimes break loose. The brook's glen, with its soil too poor for cultivation and its trees too scraggly for cut. ting, remains a secret magic place, fairly safe from adults. Only now in the summertime do the adults come in any considerable numbers. But these men who move with vast attempts at silence alonsr the brook are merely pretending to be adults. Their reels and tapered lines and fancy tied flies are complicated excuses for sneaking back with ponderous dignity to the club thev are supposed to have outcrown, the brook world of little boys. printed word. vrnV tt 1 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Return Compiled. Besner Block Phone 387 GENERAL CO Q. In what way can a house guest be of assistance to a hostess who does her own work ? A. She can be of much assistance, and show proper consideration, if she will keep her. Building ni w Roofs, ChlmnfP LONDON Cr The only known portrayal of novelist Jan Austen's face, dated about 1810 ami drawn by her sister Cassandra, ha been boupht by the National PortraltOallery. I '"I Oreeu PHONE 98 room clean and orderly. Q. Is it all right for a girl: at a dance to powder her nose i without going to the dressing j room? i A. Yes, when she can do so inconspicuously. ! Q When a maid announces! "Dinner is served," should she 1 address the guests? I .. .. rrt a 111 ror VofM THE DAILY NEWS Serrlnf the Fisheries lnt"wtrr WelU (P.R.) Ltd. Cartas, Labelling, Wclfblng c MAC S A. No. The announcement is directed to the hostess. Bos 774 BLrE 781 BLUE M0 1