prince ttupctt Dail? r3W3 t0. Friday, July 16, 1943 Local News Items elktous tooi unnK exactly ot utual . . . While , l. tea s: fl0i,e filled with cracked f,'! and lemon to taste . ; ; C7? Hotel. . Soccer Tonight, Roosevelt j Miss B. Jameson Is 'ailing by Park, 7 p.m.. Legion vs. High the Catala this afternoon on Wacker, Alaska; Mr. and Mrs. II. Archibald and son, Chicago; Miss J. Jones, Irvington, New York; Miss O. Jones, Irvington, New York; R. W. Ford, Victoria. School. (It) her return to New Westminster after a visit with Mis. S. E. r rivals Miss Ineer Petersen Is sailing this afternoon on the Catala on I Parker hi a holiday trip to Vancouver, Mrs. A. L. Rosslter and daughter, Judy, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert on a holiday trip to Courttmay, Vancouver Island. Father W. F. Lantagne, former parish priest here, U a visitor In the city. He is now at St. Augustine's Church. Vancouver. He plans to be In the city about a week. Miss Isobel Webster Is sailing on the Catala this afternoon to ''''' William Osborne jr. of Terrace was an overnight visitor In the return to Vancouver after spend Marjorle Tattersall, Inger Petersen, Sylvia Helland. (Grade 4) Honors Pauline Madsen, Ann ft . XAM 001 ing the last several days visiting her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Felker, rince Rupert G. Lee,' Regina; M. Sollows, Vancouver; D. Adams, New York; Capt. H. Doiron, Vancouver; John Harriman, New York; John Gowan, New York; R. Mc-Gee, Vancouver; W. Osborne, Terrace; A. Merklc, Dcs Moines, Iowa; O. Williams, Philadelphia; Miss R. Dean, Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. Kohse, Vancouver; W. C. Grieve, Vancouver; A. R. Short, Vancouver; John Rob-son, Vancouver; D. Lord, Inverness; R. R. Cook, Vancouver; Dr. and Mrs. J. Wilcox, Woburn, Massr Mrs. G. Howard, Ketchikan; Mrs. C. Chapman. Smi-thers; Mr.s. J. Rensel, Ketchikan; Mrs. McAdama and family, Ketchikan; Roy Chester, Smithers; G. Anderson, Mas-sett; D. A. Baxter, Vancouver; G M. Bower, ' Vancouver; E. Hoole, Vancouver; P. Wacker, ft city, arriving by car last evening and returning to the interior today. Miss Peggy Clee Is sallirg this afternoon on the Catala on her way to Chemalnus, Vancouver Island, to visit her patents of Denver, Colorado, and iwo Rupert music thf Royal Con- prior to her wedding at Vancouver on August 14 to Donald Eby, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Eby. Eyolfson, Shirley Haugan. Pass Mary Addison, Phyllis Chllds. (Grade 3) Honors Norma Johnson, Clifford Johnscn, Sena Pavlikis. Pass Mary A. Rogcrson, Roberta Reid. (Grade 2) Honors Rosemaric Bomak, Beverley Barwlck, Elolse Lah'.l Grade 1) Honors Marian Smith, Thel-ma Pavlikis. Mumc held in They ''re: UNO ;,,lf fl.murs-Lavcina daughters, who motored to the city, are leaving this afternoon on the Catala to return couth. RICHARD HUDNUT HOME PERMANENT (The improved process used In their famous New York Salon). Complete Set with Plastic Rods, $3.75. Refills available at $1.75. McCutcheon Pharmacy Limited. (171) 'y. .. Ms. sit v.zil-ii , V GYRO CLUC IN BUSINESS MEET ,P GilHs. ::--nry PrnprRS nf nnncfriip tinn nf thi ! I I NLIIHIai TOO YOUNG NOR TOO OLD- The old and the youns stand iMrd jn Palestine yts. "i SALT LAKES Pass Eleanor Lahti, Yvonne ,. . , . . . i Mr. and Mrs. Sam Massey ' are new swimming pool project at ... ... , nnu. d , , ,, ... sailing this afternoon for Van-McClymont Park and activities . ,,, . . . , . couver where they will vi.sit on the suDervised Dlaverounds .... . . for their v.earini' i 'iiu.and. Here two guards, one old and bearded, and prayt-r rap, the other youneor. and pniiinM.ri mm o Zabudncy. Amarlio. At 6) ...t .u. . , . . , inenas lor a lew weeks prior steel In ;n t. are pictured on duty in Jerusalem. MIGO . CASUAL SHIRTS Comfort with style and quality, the MJGO shirt can be worn equally well with a necktie or without. We have a wide variety of shades and fabrics to suit all tastes. FOR SPORTS WEAR May we suggest a SUN - - " - W.WUI 11V VUU.I.ll.V l.U . 1 . . T , FERRY SCIIEDII.E Daily except Mon. & Tues. Leave Cow Bay Floats Wed., Thurs., Fri. 2, 2:31), 4:30, 6:30, 7:10. Saturday Every hour from 10:30 a.m. Sunday Continuous from 10 a.m. required were reported upon aX the regular monthly business luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club Wednesday with Saw Son Graduate From Old McGill HUM!UTY IS HIS SUBJECT Cloutler, Patricia Phillipson. ; VIOMN (Grade 7) Honors Vaughan Taiter.sull. (Grade 1) Honors Murray Boas. THEORY (Grade 5, Harmony) Pas.v- Monica Holtby. (Grade 2, Theory) Honors George Gillis, Barrel Young (equal), Tommy Holt. (Grade 1) city superintendent of telephones, Mr. Massey is now retired.1 They have lived in the city since the early days. They were guests of honor at a farewell Eastern Star banquet last night in the Civic Centre. President Orme Stuart in the;; " -;,,nors I Gcral'Jine Haw Strand. M.hirchou.-. Yiunc. ,iif 5) ,a Marion, Joan r Henry, Dick an M-icDougiill. L. Franklin has re- Mr.s. R. turned to chair. Business was largely of the city following i i two months' holifh.v in th nasi uuulle nature- iteguiar weehiy Who Is Told ! I ifi- Slot v of Judge lieranif Silvationist i Last boat returns 10 p.m. Adults 5c. I nder 16, 25c 1 I All schedules weather While in Mntre;a Mrs. Franklin! luncheons on AuEust 25 anJ attended September 1 were cancelled. graduation exercises at; McGill University where her son. j Tnere wiu a staB Party at '. the hom of Past President C. G. Arthur Pi a n If 1 i n rtr-i?oH v j Life .story of a Judge in the infirm ( ivil S-rviee who ro First Class Honors June Hen ll!irj!i:,iH'd 'hat AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver J. Mowatt, R. O Gibson, R. W. Ford, R. Johnson. From Vancouver G. Freeman, J. Lind, Mrs. Koher, R. W. Ford, Mrs. Russell, Mrs. E. Magnussert, ixan-u position Bac,hf.,r ... K,,if.n,. ,,, Ham July 28. ry, Henry Blackaby, Marguerite to join thf Morris. nvauon Army and , u,,,,,,.- in hif.hcm. WHIPSNADE, Bedfordshire, 'K'i into ..11 the wmid to preach' klry. the R..:;p.!.- ;.u!!.rinK imprison-j Du'ring the summer month i ",,-nt il,,d ,;i0l!",y b"'fore be- Arthur works with the National fi.TON HAPPY f'"" 1 -msor a Honors Margaret E. Martin, Alfred Blackaby. Announcements All advcrtlM-inniM i ttil rolunio will b churcl for full month t M emu a wurd Eng. 9 Only chimpanzee at Mr. Berg, Mrs. McKinley, Mr. Whlpsnade Zoo, Booboo II, now Grigue, D. Adams, J. Harriman, 14, will return to London Zoo to J". Gowan, G. Lee. spend Its remaining days. From Sandspit A .R. Short. VALLEY sports shirt. Fine wool fabrics in patterns and plain colors, SUN VALLEY shirts are the ideal combination of wearing comfort and smart appearance. roniiim ,ne - f the international . Research Board and this fall he li ad r.s of the Army, was toM j will commence post graudation by C.l. Jo. ,)! Tyndall. visiting ' studies, specializing in cancer re-Salvationi:,!. lio has held high1 search. While at McGill he work- NCE ; adiitiin. ' posts in various ed under Dr. O. T. Densted who Loyal Order of Moose puulic t v.ol!(1 in sjakin?1. as at one time on the staff ot KsMneton STOKERS GET 30 MORE HEAT uuMl V""K ccurhion to ivt- , w.-dr:tv!;.y ii;-ht at the local the Prinee Rupert Fisheries Ex-ace August 1. IciUdil. Th Citation was used1 perimcntal Station. Mrs. Frank-Catholle Bazaar, Oetolx r 6 as a praiiiur i-xamnle for a dis-!1"1- wni) liad the pleasure of and 7." t' oil I ciitir.s SMITH & ELK INS Chi i.,ttan Hu:nility.,,i lJI"? ur J'n-Men aunng ner vwit n.iM.vti Tti..( lu 274 aiiimiiiaim. Phone 174 Box the famous TOSIASS As I In- M:, the l'H of V nsnplfs so mil;,nis oW frU.nd8 an(, about the ChriMutis city. of ! i ' i 1 1 1 ; . i : - li-, at they might, I Queen Mary l.OD.E. Bazaar, October 20. I i Rebekah Fall Bazaar, November 3. i Canadian Legion W.A. Bazaar, November 10. j ' Presbyterian Full Bazaar, No. v Welcome more effiiir.'t the NEW NUM1IEU 'j for carry on Cliri-'! pm. till 12 i ; y of making a LAUNCH CANCER APPEAL .rid throtmh self-for-j LONDON, 'f The British biiisht H67) ', in tier i tfv'r SAVOY "Chicken in the Rough' 5 1 1 i to t:kp hump i ? am! ( nii.Kieratlon 0l "-"" i"i ".uij,u,.i jm. 18. i just celebrated its 2.r)th anni- the oilier man. said Col. Tyn I Salvation Army Home League' ' Sale, Nov. 23, 2:30 p.m.. Sons of . f CALL KI D 705 m C I V I C C E X T I I K i HOTEL j versary. It has launched a new ipppeal for $4,000,000 to enable it to undertake research based if . i ?A i dall. The caie'-r example was that of JiihL- Fit-.! Tiuk'-r of India White Table . . thanks to Sparkling Linen Sl'DLM V, R O O M I Norway Hall. Cambrai Chapter, I O D E. Sale November 25th. iKrnEESE i rmb Made !- IN Dally DAIRY on revolutionary scientific ad- :i led by K-f iiig the need vances made d Carl Zarelli, Prop. uring the war. for ( hi i-t ian ministration, had Pbone 37 P.O. Box 144 ;;er 6ervic it Ini.'iui: In it ins pinion in me RECKITT'S Blue! Vpur precious white tahle linen . . . your w hite sheets, towels and clothes AI7;R TI K.V YELLOW when you use Reckitt's Blue. And it's so easy . . . just a quick swish or two of Reckitt's Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers For All Occasions FRASER STREET ing his if V;tl fi, rJ i mnA f if a Up Intna'i C ivil fv-i v:ce, olferin Of m ' r v i ; i t.i (o neral Wi illiam ':.- "' , ta j rrmce nuperi fKENZIE flTURE iiittd 7 Blue in your nnal rinsing water does the trick! Use a Reckitt's Blue Rinse to make your crystal and glass sparkle too! til h" was sent ArrivitiR with !,c was pn-inptly ii disturbin-mi-it'ii unrest, n dunned nativ lied throuehout ; .! years. Ulti-utnod the com-.r India, leadins i jUM'F may let 7 cmloMn nmhimt to mkt l hilt, thitoj these h Blue. Hike must he mdiltd It mmkt true V hilt. nnouncing . . . CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP OF THE Li ll mi.,--i.i!j r..i::) I vr.tir f'AKKK'S IMIKS that wid f SIMMER 327 JrdAve. 3 I mm $39.50 DeLuxe - i : !iral mGVemer.t ad lotnuled in that s; became Comml.i-the Uni'ed Stales (I i . ia l al William rUTMl 'UCM V!-. t BKNil VMDllTaif I I jsiomr lot- f 1 and !i: n i l hi r. 3 "I (aril it's my stering j T. Glll.puhani Booth's t! ah ll.'' ..dier pri'.'.lii '.I rronomiril nature. "Vfi Cawiaft tkal Qmf ''' r the nieetine and mi. ill aiMi spoke Mr.s. if. Sal, lonatril LAS I 9 mitk IJc PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR SHOP 211 Third Street J. SMITH, formerly of Trail B.C., is flic new proprietor. " Quality Workmansjiip Guaranteed Courteous and Prompt Service at All Times (167) Mis. T: LONGER on my BL0USE.and SKIRT Days Amlirv. Martin, who is visitins )!- ttf.h her husband. Ma.ior M;-ri;;i. ;-aMtr. Mrs. A. Perry presided a! th" ontan. IS 1 Phone 311 Mi Bride Street fITURE Daily News! AdvtV'i-i1 in the walls and rcilin(i. Prevrt the old Myin (he better lha quality, the leu it foil a. Saves me lime md rk loo. ... I'd ralher do food job witb Monateal beraute I know it will May beautiful loner." SL0S9" PLUGO KILLS SLUGS AND CAN BE USED BLOUSES REDUCED IN PRICE SHEER CREPE JERSEY GIBSON G1HL and Jl'DY BOND Broken Sizes jjil.DS and up and a GAY MEXICAN SKIRT will complete this briyht-weather costume. AND VEGETABLE CiAKDtaNS Ao ivlll iio 1 i;j KI.OV.'I--.!; I NFW PflYAI I ."if for -Vlb. 1IS 'AIR H' Foam iiliioninj; 'ahide v Plastic l)lc Covers urtains IN'S 1 CFPR) RH'K RIR F rom 19 is surrey. I THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 101 t:: i in id Avenue . Moving, Parking Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 rhones 60 and 68 it HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B C. Phone 1 P.O. Bos 19 r BEAUTY'S SAKE Fo If you wish to carry Shower Insurance choose a SHORTY RAIN COAT in Gabardine Twill Lightweight, Waterproof Fabric for casual wear. 's PERSONALIZED PLAN neties before your to.sini . . . ill- i-.'i yu'.l )).uk travelling owe,. rh " '' VOL! 1 I 0 i md l.utiiiiiK TRY "("'rated equipts. Pin Tables, BUDGET with Sweet 16 e ( Dnstms Powder Face Powder Y"fltfiiiiiiiiir. i" i ' CARRYING CHARGES (ma (v4 NO INTEREST NO miter rin's ace t leanis ex ate i ln Tahlf, 'JO()00; 'J'''"! ...l.lll. I wi Polifh- (""n,,s' Nail l ip-lok. nd Bobhy Pins C urleiN FOR TASTY MEALS t Chop Suey Chow Mein 0PEN 6 A.M. TO 2 A.M. CHINESE DISHES OIK SPECIALTY SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL GORDON AND ANDERSON LTD. Priice Kupert, B.C. rapher Printing 'Bing 21 4th St. Box 1118 Phone Red 400 518 3rd Ave. E.