( 3 4 BOOKLET Pttntj .ttuptti DaUp Jftttos JLtD. Friday, July 16, 1948 ARE HONORED BY UNITED CHURCH WED QUIETLY BY BRIGADIER A quiet wedding solemnized Thursday at the residence of Hritradter J. T. Social Doings (Contributions to this section will be welcomed) ..PLEASING with the making of and acknowledgn"'1 Honored at thp were Miss Rase Man who has boon ot church and who is !' ' Victoria to take training in Royil pltal. She Whs .J. I" Public Relations Council Happy New York-Prince ttunert Mens and Boys Store Boy's Wear a case oi clinical tlw,r Farewell was also Lloyd Frankin. (m,, 1. f Ik For Summer! For Every .Age Farewell Social By First I'nited Congregation Last Night Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Holt and family, who are leaving for Kamloops to take up future residence, Mr. Holt having been transferred there in the service of the Canadian National Railways, were honored &t a farewell congregational Foclal last nlcht at First United Church. lar young men 0f J ' ...i i ... i . - i Odl V a nun ----- Gillingham united Miss Dorothy Alexander, of Greenville, to Donald Argus, of Three Rivers, Quebec. The rite was performed by Brigadier Gillingham in the presence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Marian Alexander, and Mrs. J. T. GillinRham, who acted as witnesses. The couple will reside at Port Edward. community. On behalf of the Dast worthy matrons and pat Rupert Medal Contest Satisfaction was expressed by the Prince Rupert Public Relations Council, at its regular monthly meeting last night, over the excellent new publicity folder which was received from the printers a few days ago and which is now being released to ! an admiring public. A vote of ! appreciation was passed to wwu w leaving for y The evonim.'i ... eluded piano .s(,is by'l 'snoivrs PANTS SOCKS SHIRTS UNDERWEAR BEACH WEAR SPORT JACKETS WEDDED AT SEAL COVE Miss Pearl Medcalfe Becomes Bride of Donald Clark A wedding of local interest took place on Saturday in the manse of St. Peter's Church when Pearl Clara, youngest daughter of Mrs. Margaret Medcalfe, Oak Bay, Victoria, exchanged vows with Donald Everest Clark, son of Reginald M. Clark of this city. The double ring ceremony was performed by Ven. Archdeacon Hodson. Hnth Mr. and Mrs. Holt have w1K, vucai solos by j and community Slfr Mrs. J. R. carr at t Delicious refresh served. Rev. R. A Wil.son p rons, Mr. Massey was presented. long been active in the affairs Priced Right Wears Right RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE EASTERN STAR HONORS COUPLE Past matrons and patrons and current officers of the Order of the Eastern Star honored Mr. and Mrs. Sam Massey, in appreciation of their work on behalf of the order at a farewell dinner held in the Civic Centre last night. Mr. and Mrs. Massey leave this afternoon to take up residence in the south. A member of the order for many years, Mrs. Massey is a past matron while Mr. Massey was worthy patron for the past year. Convener or the dinner was Mrs. L. W. Kergin, past matron, while worthy matron Mrs. Frank Dibb was hostess. Presentations, accompanied by appropriate speeches, marked the esteem in which Mr. and Mrs. Massey are held in the ' Bjorn Selvig, designer of the pamphlet; Frank Dibb, the I printer, and E. T. Applewhaite, ' j who had much to do with the 1 compilation of material. Aid. , HAPPY endr Arthur Brooksbank declared that the booklet compared more than with a leather billfold oy i. n. Elkins while from the same group, Mrs. Massey received an ornamental lapel pin. The presentation was made by Mrs. W. D. Lambie, grand representative. Presentation of a men's toilet kit from the 1948 officers was made by Worthy Matron Mrs. Frank Dibb. The dinner was attended by 35 men and women. Jviinosieington Eng. PM,.(.tin ior time since tliev hmt,. of the church. Mr. Holt has been a member of the board of management. Mrr. Holt is president of the Wcmcn's Auxiliary. Rev. R. A. Wilson, the pastor, made presentation of a handsome silver tray on behalf of the congregation while Mrs. H. Amos presented a beautiful embroidered cloth on behalf of the Auxiliary. Suitable sentiments were expressed In connection favorably with anything he had i Given in marriage by Fred seen in cities of comparable size Schaeffer, the bride looked love-on a recent trip through western ly in a gown of white satin with states. I a finger tip veil. Her flowers It was reported for the com- were red roses touched off with gagement after a q Ko, Mrs. Mar and E. R. R. Swat i,oooth anniversary Steamship Movements ' ST. ALBANS, Herts, Eng. s P' ! ,. . , , Daylight Oaving Time St. Albans celebrated its 1,000th For Vancouver anniversary with a pageant Mondays. Princess Adelaide, portraying nine outstanding J p.m. enenU in the city's history, j Tuesday ss. Cainosun, 1:30 Scenes Included a re-enactment p.m. of Roman times, country dances! Thursday ss. Prince Rupert and a cavalry charge led by;i2:!5 midnight. 70 and twice married mittee arranging for the presen- matcning riDoons. Auenaing the bride were Mrs. John Dohl, up ana wed. tation of the Al Manson medal Classified Advertising Pays! TODAY TO SATURDAY sister of the groom, as matron of honor, wearing a gown of blue and Miss Doriel Doll as bridesmaid who chose a gown of yellow. Their bouquets were oi red roses and carnations. 'Oliver Cromwell." I to the first motorist to drive this year from New York to Prince Rupert that rules and regulations had been drawn up and dispatched to New York. To qualify for the prize, there must be a letter from the Mayor of New York and daily calls must be made at newspapers in cities which are passed. Members of the Council ere laiv Available! John Dohl, brother-in-law Friday ss. Catala, p.m. July 14 ss. Princess Norah. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Camosun, p.m. Monday ss. Princess Adelaide, p.m. Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert 1 a.m. Friday ss. Catala, 5 p.m. the groom, was best man. A reception was held in the Valhalla Hall where guests, received by Reginald Clark and Mrs. John Dohl, gave congratulations to the bride and groom who stood under an arch of red roses. July 23 a.m. ss. Prince ueorge, 10 ; asked to co-operate with J. Harry j Black, manager of the Capitol 16 ss. Princess July a.m. July a.m. Louise, Theatre here, in securing en- trants for the "Miss P.N.E." Norah,; competition in connection with the Vancouver Exhibition The 19 ss. Princess The table bearing the wedding cake was covered with a lovely 1 local finalist will get a trip to flace tablecloth and a bouquet of I r I Vancouver for public appear r y ar -mil, J., i u 1 1 carnations. i (ivuliommi with ) our For Alice Arm, Stewart, Port Simpson Sunday ss. Camosun, light. ances from which the winner mld- LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL of a trip to Hollywood will be decided. Mr. Black reported that there were already two en Points to chock lcfore you leave to m. carefree holiday: ENfilNE Tt'NE-l'P Maximum mile prr kaIIdd Insurance against engine failure. A toast to the bride was given by the best man to which the groom responded. Tasty refreshments were provided by Mrs. Emy Roth well and music supplied by Andy McNaughton. trants. Appreciation was voted to the From Alice Arm, Stewart, Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Camosun, a.m. From Ocean Falls Monday ss. Princess Adelaide p.m. Canadian National Railways for BRAKE INSPECTION Safety anil Cunfulrnte. NOTICE WHEEL ALIGNMENT Driving romforl hm , On Monday the newlyweds left 1 wheel for long UisUnret. Prevention of txmv wear. And last but not least a thorough LINDSAY 1 1 Kllll and know that every part of your far has Item n Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert 10 a.m. Friday ss. Catala, a.m. July 19 ss. Prince George, 11 a.m. a new train folder ' describing points along the railway between Prince Rupert and Jasper, Prince Rupert getting a particularly good showing. It was decided to obtain further information regarding reported severe restrictions upon it i! II I 4 m, 1 a 5 1 1 ! Hi 3 1 for a brief honeymoon to Victoria and elsewhere in the south. For going away the bride wore tan garbardine suit with brown topcoat and green accessories. Upon returning the couple will take up residence at 222 West luoncairn and cnrcKru includes uniirr-iar iniprriiJ For Ocean Falls LINDSAY MOTORS LI The Dally News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising is payable in advance at the olfice at time of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this manner In the Daily News are asksd to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified Monday ss. Princess Adelaide, motorists using the Alaska High- Ninth Avenue. i i m 1 i n j Mf . - . .1 way with a view to possibly ob- piionk m 9 tainine relaxation. It was felt' The bride is associated withl that these regulations were i tne staff of the Hollywood Cafe having the tendency of curbing 'and tne sroom with that of Hyo- mnt.nr trnupl hith nn t.hp mpin Transfer. AND FAMILY ON HOLIDAY Vis CANADA'S GOV.-GEN 11 p.m. Thursday ss. Prince Rupert, 12:15 p.m. July 17 ss. Prince George, p.m. From Alaska Thursday ss. Prince Rupert, p.m. i Fishermen! count Alexander of Tunis, governor-general of Canada, Lady Alexander and their two children, are pictured outside the "Ravello Gardens," Hamilton, Bermuda, where they are spending their vacation. highway and the Haines Cut-Off. The matter will be taken up first with the British Col Advertise in the Dally News! umbia Travel Bureau. ' The provincial government wil be asked to do something about trimming the grass on the oM Jl'ST All HIVED A PopuUf lUdin Mailt or m: Small and Powerful 5 low battery drain tu:s 7-tube performance. COVERS LONG AND SHORT WAVK PHONE CALL WHITE SB will make RUPERT RADIO & ELECI 1 ivl WORtd Itux 1321 amorJeu Court House grounds in front ot the museum and the public health unit. The meeting was informed that a suggestion to improve conditions around the city dump alongside the highway near the city limits was being considered by a committee of council. Present at the meeting were Miss Honora Silvcrsldcs. chairman; E. T. Applewhaite, secretary; Aid. Arthur Brooksbank, J. H. Black and G. A. Hunter. GREER & BRIDDE BUILDERS AND CONTRACTU Two sailings per week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 10 p.m. FOR O.IEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coquitlam, July 10, 20, 31, 11 p.m. Repairs Construction Altera: Floor Sanding a Specialty When your house needs a new look on top or just repairs to the roof and gutters, see Mitchell & Currie Limited PHONE 363 Builders and Contractors Phone UK I) 5G1 P.O. PEOrLE IN GLASS HOUSES GERALDINE, N. Z. Sh Thirty-seven parents here, hearing reports that children were not learning to spell correctly under modern educational methods sat for a spelling test. The words were based on tests set for Standard V, the second high est class in the Dominion's elementary schools. Only six parents gained full marks. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 RUPERT MARINE REALTY It's simply wonderful . . . the difference !n jam and jelly-making when you use Certo. You get jams and jellies that look better, taste better, are better . . , and much more of them. That's because Certo is "fruit pectin" the natural substance in fruit that makes jams "jam" and jellies "jell" extracted and refined ready for your usg. THE CERTO BOIL IS SO SHORT With Certo you boil only one-ro-fwo minutes for jams a hall-minute-to-a-minute' for jellies. NO prolonged, tedious boiling to make sure your jam or jelly will set. Certo makes all fruits set "just right". This extremely Certo short boil means : For Cifts You'll (Jive With I'rido Ict Your Jeweller lie Your (itiii'f I 1,980,785 RADIOS STOCKHOLM (P Sweden has 1,980,785 private radio sets, a survey completed April 1 shows. All commercials are barred from Swedish broadcasts, and programs financed by a $2 licence fee paid by each household with a receiving set. (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Lipsett's, Waterfront) Box 548 Phone Green 975 By rpaAon of liis experirme ynur j?11'1' slinnlrl ! ahlo In l-ll ..... II. .....l.i! nf Jlivlhl lie sells. That Is vimp iriirtili'r for Iip lU,l Advertise in tne Daily News! himself respiinsihle when he makes (he salr. il v or al Your jeweller knows thai von rxpf' ar 1 You get 50yo more jam or jelly because practically none of your precious fruit juice is boiled away. 2 The time you spend is cut down to a fraction. 3 The natural colour and taste of the fresh fruit are retained. The Certo boil is too short to dull the one or spoil the other. If you are only a beginner, don't worry. You'll have no failures if you follow exactly the recipes provided witli Certo. Since diflerent fruits need different handling, there's a separate, kitchen-tested recipe for each one. BE ECONOMICAL -BE SMART -MAKE JAM AND JELLY THE QUICK EASY MODERN CERTO WAY. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CERTO TODAY. lifraiise most people do not pretend lo hf JudS"! jewellry like they are of other mr-rrliandixr;- IT PA YS TO ROLL YOUR OWN WTH Vim ran luiv ...... fi.li iw r at H"'-' I mwl v.... 'il r;...i ... , ........ g in o'h'l ...... j .... uui fiic! iiiiui. mi: - Canadian eities. Mttasltasds Cigarette Tobacco I A pound ot jam or iHy mads with Certo tontami thon o suaor no more pound mod. th. old, long-boil woy. MILD. SWEET, BRIGHT VIRGINIA A Rfwdur of Gtrwral Foodt E-31