Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, January 7, 1950 JlM la c IClutrclil r.vHJ t rui sue lureST in IDEAS and nia-prnncm osny nownnpT ;!evv(l tn the npr.urfffln nf PHnre Ruhert ti -ttiim;uin;jp tr.n; i-r.mfi nnn nrrn arm renu.u Hfiti: i ii i.r.-,r,: 1 ESS Pvit Office IVnnnmpnf ta. 1- nnria fi- rmno Cirs Moil. , Pihli-iwl every nfrernoon esrept Sunday b , j ' .. ttUjce Rurrt DM1 News Lid., Srrt Avenue. Prim Jtuwt. British Onlirnihta modern MATErJ i . . , if ' ,..',' ',- .V-X' f - i- a i( K v f' : " F k If' DIRECTORY .rrLe-i, limiBER "VN Mannein flriitnr. H O PERRY, MnnaBln; Director OK CANADIAN (PRESS Ani)!T PURKAU OP CIRrlU.ATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ., SUBSCRIPTION RATES Ktm-,. Olty .mr. Per Wwk ice; fe, Month. 76c: Per Year. MOO sm$Swfo By Uatl. Per Mouth. 60c: Per Year, 5 00 SATURDAY SERMON -SEE ISLAND CITY iu iM)i:rs- si i IVi, General Ituilili-rs' s,lp, McKi ae St. r- LIFT UP HIS STANDARD! i Rev. Fred Antrobus, First Baptist Church i I "When the enemy shall come In like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him." Isaiah 59:19. There are two persons in this quotation, the 'en-. emy', and the 'Spirit of the Lord'. The world of na-: ture is attractive, as the hymn-writer says, "where : every prospect pleases, and only man is vile". The Saving Pic .For IvJ O ft i world of people, as the apostle Paul said, 'lieth in the ' wirltArl nns' Tr ie aiwrt frnm (.nA m.A jn-il u v A m t. ifien ' & coys k A a many obvious respects, that ev- - ., Men s iUlli p wool worsted. A real 11 seems to be on the increase, standard of righteousness to the arrttj atf KASHMIR DISPUTE Canada's A. G. L. McNaugh- now Hr.w the uie J-K..rrh 01 nf JMU jesus ... . . ... A . .. -.., .11 f,. ti.o L-nurcn n,nrlri Manv u-iii ho k,oi,i t fieri:-e In all entireties at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Siinil.iv Mehnnl at 12:15 exeent as t.hoii. ANC.I.IC'AN C"eniKIIKAL 4th Ave. W. at Dunsmuir St. Holy Communion 8:30 a m Sunday School 2:00 p.m. Canon Basil S. Prorkter. B A.. B.D. Rector: (Blue TM, FIRST BAPTIST 5th Ave. E. at Young St Minister: Rev. Fred Antiobua (Greeu 12) FIRST PRKSBVTKRIAN 4th Avenue East FIRST fMTl:i 636 6th Ave. Wert Rev. L. G. Sleber (Green 813) Fl'lX OOSPEL TABERNACLE 202 6th Ave. West Pastor: C. Faw.cett (Green 3311 8A ATION ARMY ITaser Stieet. CO.: Capt. W. Poulton Directory Class 2:30 p.m. Sunday School S:00 p.m. (BIhck 269) ST. PA I L'S I.tTllERAN 6th Ave. at McBrlde St. Pastor: E. Bnlland (Black 610: S. PKITKR'ft AN44CAN Seal Cove Archdeacon E. Hodson S-jiOay School 11)00 a.m. Evening Prayer 7:8 p.m. (Blue JU.4.AK HA-PY'IKY 629 6th Ave. E. Pistor, Leonard A. Tliorpe Services 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Sunc.iy School 12 15. gain, perfect fits $3) Men's TOP C0AT3 Christ is a Kroup of those who know the Falnei Uiat way are 'called out' of the world, in the sense that they forsake its evil ways and, by trusting Medium Melton c smartly tailored the i-t Gordon Speaks Lord Jesus Christ, for salva ton. chairman of the United Nations u,a, month is shown here as he works on his assignment as mediator involving status or the state of in the stubborn Kashmir dispute Kashmir, which was occupied by the Dominion of India. Sarda Ibrahim-Khan, left, president of Azard (Free! Kashmir, here gives MeNaughton what looks like a fraternity handshake Centre is M. L. Islam, press adviser of the Free Kashmir government. The Kashmir affair was further complicated by an attack on President Truman and Britain's Prime Minister Attlee by Dr. Oldrich Chyle, representing the cominform states, who charged the U.S. and British leaders with Interference in the Kashmir dispute. tion, they have become -'sons bargain $21 On Service Cut God'. Christians are thus to 'forsake the things of this evil world' but yet geographically speaking to remain In it, and MONTREAL "The action of seek to bring others from ils 1'ie, Interstate Comuioroe Com- i Campaign Part Won IT API A US THAT the campaign which has been I waged for .some time with a view to having radio broadening service from Prince Rupert improved by the omission from the local station CFPR of full Canadian Broadcasting Corporation network programs is about to be rewarded with success. The ..minister of transport has sent word that the National Hockey Broadcast will be released on Saturday evenings as soon as the permission of the sponsors is obtained and it is being hoped that that will be a. early as tonight. And Mr. Chevrier has also rPftid -nat I'f'fcase of the full network program may g-ffijgj&e so far Vemoved although it is s t i I lin the tMi''?.'' stage. ""up far sa good the releasing of the CBC network programs, which, whether or not we may like them :'. have been given a rating in excellence -of quality unsurpassed anywhere in America, will be : the best the CPC can do for Frince Rupert in the ! YW f National programming and we are appre-j ive of that; There is also the question of the in-; torioj-.communities PUch as Terrace, Hazelton, Smith : ers, Burns Lake and the rest which will not -be help-ed a gi "at deal from Prince Rupert. The solution for them, as appealed for in a. r e s o 1 u t i o n at the last Associated Boards of Trade of Central Bri- ; tish Columbia in Rmithers last summer, was the set-' ting up of repeater stations which would meet the , needs of those areas which have long suffered from '. inadequate if not almost entire absence of service. Prince Rupert can well be thankful and appre- eiative of what it is getting but it cannot be entirely satisfied until something has been done in the way of 'a like public service for the wide open spaces in the ! hinterland whose isolation makes it the more im-: portant that they too should get a break. Men's DRESS SHIRT big selection from Men's TIES dc qifts. '.atcbt shades from Men's SWEATERS pul lever and buttor styl.-..j, wools, all she IE V ; an;, if 1m II at his lu be from $3 Men's TROUSr.RS- dress. all wool worv Eil good assortment Fhsl United Church 036 Sixth Avenue West Prince Rupert, B.C. Rev. Lawrence G. Sieber c'.arkness to His Jight, and from mission in ordering an einerg- ; the power of fiataa unto God. ncy cut in passenger train serv- tion in'passenger train service on The woi-ld, feberefoM, ft it Is, Ice on United States railways in- U.S. railway hues, is aa .enemy of Jod And back ot oleates the far-reaching el'fect -we Uave been gratified by Uie it is Satan, that wicked one. on rail asportation of the action of Dosco, which is our How shall Uie spirit af the Lord Jabor situation in the mines in principal supplier of coai in tht lift up a stwaciara Against the the States," Donald Gor- Maritime provinces, in undertak-emy? I believe one answer to don, President of the Canadian ig to suppiy u, mis month with that guesuon is .this: He will do h&timR, Ra,lwayit sald he,e. &a adcUtioni-. 2e,ooo tons of suit-rhHlffJ? rP' v "M the CanadUin Pblic "!P able locomotive fuel to be deliver- that Churci is faithful and obe- fDecember 28' ttlth week. This act.on is p-rUcularij oient to Him fi legret, an announcement timely as it 1- r'irectrd to rclkv- The standard lifted up will ,hat 11 might be necessary to cut tag the inev'.UUle apprehen.aor be one of righteousness, of PassenBer tram services over the we fell v.s coal suppliot righteous, holy living on the whole of lh- I'-d'-an National dwindled that a still further cut part of each one who is loyal to vsm on January 9 in ordei in train services might be neces-Jesus Christ and, therefore, has conse"V.' coal. sary ve will be abie to continue the Spirit of the Lord living "ur coal reserves have been both a day and a r ight train be-v.ithin his own heart, as the seriously depleted by the strike tween Montreal and Halifax. We Scripture says. The character- In United States mines followed have now arranged that the of a ChrisUan man are toy short work weeks in those ninp train from Mnntrmi and the ;from $S CABS York Hotel, 3rd Ave, : Men s all wool plr Stand: heavy SHIRT-JACK I good shades. Rcoi bargain $5 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETUKI.S PREPARED 11 a.m. Holy Communion Children's Story: Mirrors. Sermon: The Outward And Visible Sign. Anthem: Come let us anew our journey. 7:30 p.m. Evening Worthip. Sermon: If I Were God. Anthem: When I Survey The Wondrous Cross. Sundiiy Schools at the usual times ai First Church, and at Conrad Hall all at 2 pj-n. It. E. MOIITI.MKK i4 2nd Ave .N-ar CKPhl given in various places in (nines. We remained hopeful, morning train from Halifax will Scripture; Matt. 5:3-12, and Gal however, that our coal sUuatior. be a combination of the sleep-5;22,23. 1 could wish for the would improve sufficiently U lng car equipmci. of the OeeaP gospel's sake, that the evangel- ilow us to resc.hij the plarne j Umilet together with ths day Men's SOX big selection, new deM good quality, from 5 Boys' SHIRTS shades, from .... $1 Boys' SWEATERS-assortment from $1 Boys' SUITS in ga; dine c'.oth, dout breasted smartly "ten ed, bargain for .. $16 Boys' PANTS, cot' worsted, all wool twe smartly tailored "' cm in passenger train servi"(-,,,rliPS anri nine,- .ars n' of the desired each other's fellowship but, unfortunate, that has not 0llan So fan i u.e i .i.c table ------ vei laicen piace. wiien it does. is concerned it will run on one : "CJJIMMNG.TIIB COINAGE" " it ,. :, ! r 1H70 it won't pay to be educated says Financia rr .ri.T"S,;' t, ;r; wewlll PromPuy store anycuu gcotian time. The Maritime S.v ' U Post. College graduates will learn less than man-i ual laborers; frustration and disappointment will be EBY & SOUS Contractors IfF.PAIKS - KFMonn.l.lM. FOUNDATIONS us hel) you plan that new home under the N.I I. A Pl.onr Green RJ Box 56 . , ",c that may have be made. At the of His Kingdom. present time, in the interesis bl It is true thai, if you live th s convenlence, u nas kind of Christian life, people " . . . . . ' no t0 b(,nd thc 2L will not flork to the Standard liecide? in great Humbert, bftt sdhie ulliJ pereent "uction Ui passenge, come, and believe on His Na'm&. trlm servl already announcec You must make your Christian and ven ou- n lor M"1' livine as attracUve and lovin?: day, January 8 This decision has press will be continued on it present schedule. "Meanwhile," said Mr. Gordon, "we are continuing to take all sui'able coal wc can from 'the Maritimes, from Alberta, or from the United States and move it westward and eastward to the from S2 Boys' and Girls' STOC INGS and SOCKS 1 from as possible, without compromise taken after reviewing most best possible advantage. of 'course, . careruiiy any advantages thai ' might accrue through following ilia ui ai3 iixe VU OUUUICI t U, f.llr,p (I,, f,miil5i ,if ths Mice VI an B.uU.rhnm Icfl m 1 thought about the ' ' Standard -' tn(wi. r- . . , , . . A the lot of a great many of them. So says Seymour Harris, Harvard teacher, in his ; new book "The Market for College Graduates." His argument is that by 1970 there will be about I foiir times as many living graduates as there were : in'IMO; that most will aspire to jobs in the profes-: Mons ; that there won't be nearly enough room to ac-; commodate them. Presumably we're supposed to be very sad about ' ' this situation. Our tears refuse to come. The reason-, A goodly percentage of college : graduates will do better at manual than at intellectual work. . Canada's college population in 1921 was 22,000. i ti t , -ii ' i ; ,. u- , -,., k ""uaull,: vAimmntc miniiiiKsion louay s plane lur a u ip to van- I1 lrKt I rpsnvtiTisi,' I nnrr 1 : and here we cannot be exhaus- ... , ,, . T . U," -$.- , th,.-.t calline ir a 33', percent rcduc-!ouver- Preacher: Rev. M A. Mark SPECIALIZING in mf'ice to show the principle in-l. colved. 1 refer to the misuse of the Lord's Day for one matter. We are taught to remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Now the world is constantly working to make Sabbath laws more easy. What should the Church do? IX we go along with FOR YOUR WALLPAPER HANGING , For Your Interior Pointing and Decorating Coll SPENCE & MATUIK Phone Blue 215 , 233 J 1 Street Director of Music: Mrs. B. Smith SUNDAY, JANUARY 8, 1950 Morning Service 11 'a.m. Sunday School 12:15 p.m. Evening Service 7:30 p.m. Mr Mark will preach at both services. and Deigning Rcmodc ma JOHN H. BULGER OITOMETKIS'I John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Russ" Gatzke CONTRACTING REGULAR BAPTIST t Phone Black 21?) liox :-.., BE PENTOSE We now have a complete supply of Rubber Heels Shoe Tacks, Shoe Laces Leather & Rubber Soles Q Polishes & Brushes ' At the BROADWAY CAFE ' XowMtVover W,000. . ' Th'i universities, most of them dependent on 'oyernment financial aid and most of them infected BedrSyi the. 20th, century mania for bigness, have so "clipped the coinage," made the attainment of a degree so easy that they regurgitate a great rabble which includes a lot of people whose claim to intel- lectual capacity is, to say the least, small. -j "X-the idea that a college graduate can think, can think straight and can be a better, happier citizen : " than other people is under the present university system just a superstition. Some day we hope some university will bring distinction to itself by forgetting about the aim of growing big in numbers and by focusing on quality. The present policy of graduating hordes, fills too many youths, maidens and parents with delusions, which inevitably cause waste and grief in later years. the world, a little here and a lit- j tie there, we may save our faces for a moment, but we shall miss j cur function, of lifting up the' standards of God's Word. These; may be 'modern times. The aga ; may be 'more enlightened' butj it is the same old world, estranged from God. It "mate; ters not what the world may-think or say, whether the maj-i erity agree, or some nominal i Christian want to sfty or think, I whether the majority agree, or ' j some nominal Christian want to j let down the bars or not. We: ' have a standard to uphold for His Name's sake. ! I refer also in this same eon--; r.eetion to the divorce Jaws of ; our time. Many are the subtle i arguments brought forward asj i easons why divorce laws should should be eased. Yet 1 ! Jesus our Lord said there was : only one cause for divorce, not FREE! An oilcioth baby bib with every purchase over A1 00. Best Food CHURCH 'Fundamentalist : o39 East 6th Ave. Pastr r Leonard A. Thorpe SUNDAY, JANUARY 8, 1950 10:30 a m. Lord's Supper will be observed. 11 a.m. Morning Worship Topic: ''FORWARD MARCH!" (Ju. ior Choir will singi 12:15 p.m. Sunday School. 7:30 p m. -Gospel Service. Topic : . "BIBLE BAPTISM" Special Music vton. 7 .30 Hi Young Peoples Wed., p.m., Prayer Meeting FTi., 8 p.m.. Ambassadors. IVE PREACH THil OLD-TIME GOSPEL O Finest Cooking Hours 7 h m. to 1 11 -Phone 200 For Take-Home Orders- 518 3rd Ave. Itnx 1118 Red 4041 i , I MOR AL GKOl P APPRECI ATED i Continued lniri: faj;e 1" Values for You Men's Chorus "Were You There When They Crucified My Lord." "The Glory of The Lord" Han Pyrex Wore Lunch Kits Percolators Pocket Knives Thermos Bottles IN THE SUPREME COURT OF I BHIT16H COLUMBIA i IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER Of THE "ADMIN-i i3TRATION ACT" AND IN THS MATTER OP THE ESTATE I OF THOMVALD BTOCKI.AND, DE-j CliAMED. INTESTATE ! TAKE NOTICE that by order of j His Honour Judge W. O. Fulton, Local Juda of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. I was on the 8th tly of tlanuary. A. D. ' 1960, ap-i pointed Administrator of the rotate ot Thoi vn d Stockland. late of .Strom Covered Roasters many or any. And 'He is our righteousness'; We cannot be governed by what men want nor what the evil desires ot men cictate. When Jesus said "Thou shaft t not commit adultery", He ai setting forth the sacredness of marriage, through which the race is to be prorogated and trained Matt. 5:21-48. He was tpeaklng from the flaming heart of purity, loving the children, taking care of swe- voice. The director, Raymond V. Ilal-dane, offered as a Vocal Solo "The Lost Chord." Throughout the concert the choir was ably accompanied by Mrs. Lillian Bucliert. RevVJ. E. Huntley introduced the choir and the program v.t I 1 ' as'follows j del's "Messiah"). "Lift Up Your Heads" (Handel's "Messiah"), j "Hallelujah Chorus" (Handel's "Messiah"). ! "Worthy Is The Lamb, Amen" (Handel's "Messiah"). During the concert some of tnc singers had to share music for Slarf the Hew Year Right t For RDIOS, RECORDS, ALBUMS ond ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES ' ' , .It's THOMPSON HARDYARE CO. LID i Bay. BrltUh Columbia, who died on the 10th 1ay of September. 1941), al Strom Be. British Columbia, i All persons Indebted to the said The Lord's Prayer'' iMallottDl. Vnd In That Day" lAshfordi. iessed Be The Lord (Asp (MEM? generations. God'g first oi their i,, to me forthwith -feeding and all ikvoiis having claims against circle Of society is not 1 1) 9 the said Estate are required to file "lu,l-n cnurch but ui the famllv iamuy, and ana rac- ra--them M n properly, verified on or bffore u e 16th day of February, es are made or unmade, as the 1940. faiimg which dlj.tributlan will lamiiy ls maae or unmade, The be made having regard only to such ' ' clalmo nt which -I aKa,ll have been Cnurcn Should not Cater to the notified demands of men, hut be loyal Dated ar. Prince Rupert. B. C. this . f to ner Mabter. .- f0 r.u-i Chrititian -of my 6th day January. 150. uqrdon fraser FOPB-ffs friends, may the Spirit of the much of their music was destroyed when their churcli woj burned, just recently. This church had been consecrated on Christmas Day, 1895 and was destroyed just a week before Christmas of 1949." After the concert there was a '. very happy reunion of Uiesj : visitors from Alaska and their , many friends who had gathered to hear them sing. ford) (From the Cantata, "Holy Night" i . "Holy Art Thou" (Handel). "Gloria (From the 12th Mass! (Bordeaux). . .. i "My Task" Ashford). "Sanctus" (Gounod). Vocal Solo. "The Lost Chord' Raymond V. Haldane. To Start the New Year kight baked tresh daily RUPERT BAKERIES LTD. Gl!) 3rd Ave. .. , ' Phone fil.1 :,.i",B,KAi,UK Lord find in us, those through, PilHNCE RU"EKT, B. (16) whom He can show forth Qod'fi wr '