game hign. oy rolling a smasn-J Prlnc Rupert Daily News ine 580 Dins. A Royal Hotel Ti-sday, April 4. 1950 j , Paramount- '(3 point) j 801. 870 242r. j City Tramfer (4 points) ; 785, 820 2374 1 y Tight Race jf jf jn Bowling 709, Between the BASKETS In Big Lead A. E. Smith (3 99 Taxi (4 points) 798. 779 848-2425. Grotto (2 noints) 771; 847. 785 2413. W.E.A.C. 3 points) 800. 789. 859-2448. points) 772, P'-d th lows: " 'c A & Smith C1(y Trar,Sfer Mu'omPs ramount, cloveneafs Leftovers 803, I79--2354. 1 I JJ-n-r rT.l Sunday's Sertion of the Bowling League saw every Oovevkafs i No points) 721, 703 73T2153. team battling for those extra) To Advertisers To insure puollcatlon ol display or classified advertising, .opy for same must be In the o.'Iice of the Daily News bj 4 p.m. the clay previous to advertislnr. Requirements o the mechanical department make this rule necessary. As the end of the season sets closer, the battle for play-off spots is getting more strenuous. In the Friday Section of the 10 Pin League which has only two more names to be played, A. E. .Leftovers (1 point) 714 ' 815 8IU7-3336. ' ' Basketball continues to hold th spotlight in Prhice Rupert. Next week U is the B. C. Finals whAcfe U1 be held in .either Nunaimo rr Penticton with the Royal Motet (4 points) 778. 789, 8112386. Prince Rupert Plumbing i No points) 693 . 748. 6Bfl S138. ' 1 Th; a Sheet .;, Gyro ' Sheet Metal (No points) oxmnsiDainH bit!, 740, 7972228. Commercial Hotel 2 points) jrlnce Rupert Jets defending smith's lead b-'ing pressed t Gyro (1 point) 714 722, 807, 885-2414. their twice won Senior "B" ti- STL. . City Transfer, 4 very closely by Savoy Hotel--(1 point) 849, 703 tie. The team expects to leave ...... , -2266. With ;tyo weeks still 835 2448. j here on Tuesday of next week ? 11 f " I anotheT 1 X folowcd by Mugwiomps 2 , . .1 and, if the playoffs are In Nan- L.C.8. 1 Wo points) 729, 714 777-2220. J aitno, will arrive home the I lowing Sunday. points back. But with two riore games still to be played It L. still just about anyone's race, f Bill'Richanlson of the Para- League Stai.dingii with points. Royal Hotel forged still j farther out in the lead by squeezing out lour points at the expense of the luckless Liquor Control squad. Grotto huug on to their scc.niil place spot by .splitting vutii the Commercial IIot?l team while W.K A.C. moved one point closer taking Savoy Hotel for three points. W.E.A.C. had to do it the hard way as an extra frame had to be bowled to decide who yot tha extra point for the total pins with both teams ending up with a total o 2448 pins. On the extra frame , the W.E.A C. came through for , the extra point. 90 Taxi ar? mak-; ins their big hid in the stretch This advertisement is not' NEW LOW RATES FOR STEAM BATHS, This week sees the Mohawks return for pne more game on mount squad broke the i forrner liioh thrpp scon set bv John Kf'h- . 1 i . . 1. 1 1 r meir way suuuiuuuuu uitci published or displayed ' by the Liquor Control Board or by the government of British roeder of A. E. Smith'?, squad- their series in Alaska. They won vheii Ursl game agajpst JJetcW-1 Bill rolled a big 570 pin.y on Fri week to go ave ' ' Royal Hotel 42 points Grotto 32 points W.E.A.C. 30 point? Commercial Hotel 26 poinU Pr. Kup. Piumumg .... 2,2 points Savoy Hotel 20 points L.C.P 8 points Schedule Of i SHOWERS & MASSAGE kan All-Stars, winners 01 the Alaska Championship a. few weeks ago. TUe first two games day, j Results of F." May's gapfes are: Mugwomps 4 points) J7G.4, 775, ' 8282367. 'rivate Room (with cot) . $1.75 .held In Rupert against the Jets drive, swamp'iig the hapless Seili-Private Room (with cot I Prince Rupert Plumbing squad (were Just about the finest ever ; .seen here and a big crowd Is (ting the Intermediate All-i expected iof liie Californlans stars against Bo-Me-Hi Sen- I lor 4 points. Jack Lindsay came Mixed Bowls $1.25 ublic Steam Bath I $1.00 very close to breaking his own j record oi bin pins for the three retyrn engagement with the i jgrs, who will be without the Jets on Thursday. This is bas-1 services of Spring and Scherk, ke'tball at its best, entertain-j playing with the Jets. The In-ijig, clean, fast and exciting, termediates are confident they CHIROPRACTOR John F. I,. Hughes, Df, rii.C. 21-22 Besner Block . Phone BI.l'E 412 for Appointment IIOI'KM 10.30 a m. to 12 30 p.m. and 2 to 5 p.m. KVKMMiH . . Monday and Friday. 7.30 p.m. for those unuble to come during the Mi'sage from $1.00 up students with scoring threat 3 can take the tor; their two high As an added attraction VICKERS'li eillUlJl IN CANADA ANtt tt eimiiunp iv Calvftl This nlvertisemf nt is not puhlishe d or di NORTHERN SPORTS SlEAM BATHS Phone li58 for reservations watching from the sidelines. Jn any case it will be a good evening of sport for Mr. and Mts, Fan. April 5. Sport Shop vs. Wharf Rats: Silver Streaks vs. Nobb and Wick; Pioneers vs. City Transfer; Manson's vs. Head-, Dinners; Pushovers vs. North.! Lights; Blowouts vs Macey's;1 Conrads vs. Royal Blues; Watts-Nickers vs. CP A.; Booth School vs. P.R. Plumbers; CartteU vs Hangovers; Bob Parker vs Handicaps; Ideal Cleaners vs VelveU. Aoril 12 C.P.A vs Hanifovers: Thursday's Mohawks-Jets game the league officials hose arranged a first-class preliminary, Coach Sid Woodside is pit- ' by the Governnitiit of British Columbia t,, Li,w c-j b Jj attend- .1 1 . 1 1 . day. Ktutrnuriioi tn ance atteruoous. 1 1 tT'iiittino 1, ts.rtlK C.Vt. .,.1 FINE PRINTING at REGAL PETERS PHONE 24 222 Second Avo. -nfLH H". S3 Alberta oil has changed his future Bob Parker vs. Ideal Cleaners;' P.R. Plumb, vs. Royal Blues; Conrads vs. elvets; Watts -Nickers vs. Cantels; Noble and Wick ys Headpinners Northern Lights ys. Pioneers; pushovers vs. Blowouts; City Trarusr ys! Wharf Rats; Sport .Shop vs.' Macey's; Silver Streck ys. Man-.' son's. Apri,l 19 Puslvoyers ys port Shop"; Wharf Rats vs.' Silver Streaks; North. Lights vs. Man- e usiness and Hroressiona sons; Maceys vs Pioneers; City Transfer vs. Headpinners: Noble -v w :r I l 1 " - - Bytown Macninq Works Sales Servlceland Parts Simplex GasEnglncs and Wick' vs. Blowouts; Bob Paaker vs. Conrads; Royal Blues vs. Watts - Nickers; Handicap.') vs. .Cantels; Velvets vs Booth School;. P.R. plumb, vs. Hangovers; CPA vs ideal Cleaners. MIKE COLUSSI Piano Technician Pianos Tuned Repaired , PHONE BLACK 389 210 4th Street his advertisement is not published of lispljyed by the Liquor Control Board or y the Government of British Columbia. h.p. 15 h p. Cummins Dependable Diesels 65 h p. 551 h.p. Catherine Laune . PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 401 Third Ave. West Jh fyr doMa'l know it yt. Many g grawa-up doaia'i rfa!u 11 but Um w Oil Utld ol Albtrta brighten CoBadg'i luturj . WmU dl U MTiag J00 miliioa oatc 0 8. dollar Dm, doUan r. 't bar to paj out lot oil import. Thit maa moo.y to buy oth.r teporto r BMd tbingi that cansot U grows ot node is Canada. Nmi Fat AlUrta aU ibauld nn 145 nUlioo U.S. dollar I Tk, too, tU March lor oil U making a big mw mork.t in Albria lot UUg rt pi Canada hot to mIL Th, oU tadiuitry it .p.ndlDg $3 UllioM a wk to ti. wrt. Actom th. natioo Uiii ttow, if (ott.ring now tadiutmi, czpaodiog planti, croaUng ob, paying wag, building bonca, Ad iB lb pralrloi petroleum product town prion or. than tb.y would .' . , 041 had ftb tewwL f raiii. couub.i n e0r, than $30 aulUou lavt" Anything that h.lpt prairi. prortty blp U panada. ' , Oil ta Important to m all. Mora oil n.ani a bigh.r ttandard ol liting. Th tatcb lot ot) i. on.nding, a coitly biuinnw, .oft.n dUappolnrtng. But tb. fob U pr.Ming lorward. And n.w-lound oil U obangiag our lutm etomUUg a, bright.r iutur. lot Canaatam nan and boy oiik.i Bringing you oil is p big job Inquire about ourilong term DOWN VITH SHAVING Warranty and Service Prince Rupert Realty Co.) lones: 1 Green 067 Days New Residence Phone JOIN THE GYRO BEARD GROWING CONTEST TODAY Number Red 964 MARGARET MiLEOD A' 7PV) V it 1 - i OPTOMETRISl P. J. CHENEY Room 10 1 '.'. i STONK BUIDII w'Tt " DENTIST fl 1 I V I SUIT5, SMITH BLOCK ' Hi'.:, ill A if.' "ti ' Iii fhtm Phone 7Gi p. o. Box 140) 'S, 1; II K' 1 V' PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 Open to Everyone Enter Toddy ' Contestants must be clean Shaven when entering PRIZES ENTER NOW AT 1st. $50.00 JFRRY'S BARBER SHOP 2nd. $20.00 CAPITOL BARBER SHOP 3rd. $10.00 No Entry Charge ; CONTEST CLOSES MAY 5TH GYRO KLONDIKE NITE ' 'i h I. Si 11 and a costly one f. QTJALIW REPAIRS for Dowrtrodden Heels and ww-n Soles MC SHOE HtaTAL Box 774 Second Ave lit a i i r ji HANDYMAN I HOME SERVICEl GENERAL CONTRACTORS 9 wMV 0 0W00 j " ' U nd ol 1949 potential oil production in Alborta wa( mort than pn-tbi,d i Canada'i rruir.m.nW Tbiaa .arli.r, Canada produced Wn than oo.-t.ntb oi th. oil th. u.d. Moi ihen 240companiM and lyndicatM arc Marching lor or producing (i i WMUra Canada. BROADWAY CAFE FOR SA Building and Repairs of all kinds .S ' It1 T i Ti- First Class Garden Dirt ROOFS C1I1MNE1 $1.50 yard OIL BURNERS ) H fitlmaUd that th. oil indu.try will account lor plmort 10 p.r.nt. ai all uw biuiOMi capital inld In Canada lbi Rock & Dirt Fillings 3i. yaro PHONES KA1EN TRANSF Black 334 Red 834 Phone Blue 981 V!4) In 1949 Imperial Oil bouflht a total ol n.arly 140 nd iuppli. bom mor. than 3,000 Canadian njpj. P. O. Box 1G70 finest Cojpkin ' . ' ml i. GEORGE RORIE & CC Hour 7 a.mvJo 1 a.ra For Take-Home Orders Phone, 20 '. Public Accountants and AudP tors. Income Tax Returns compiled SIDNEY GONICK x , OPTOMETRIST , Q. L. RORIE, A A.E. S. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Block t- Phone 387 A.P. GARDNER & CO. Chartered Accountants A. L. BELL, C.A., Prince Rupert Hotel IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED FINE CRAFTSMANSHIP Sheet Metal Work and Welding CALL BLACK 884 Thorn Sheet Metal Works I Vlomplete Visual AnalysLi - OFFICE HOURS , 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. I : 3 & 24 Besner Block Telepnone 212 EvVlngs by Appointment I B &V TRANSFER 1 ENGLISH W)NE CHINA CVPS and SAUCERS 79c EC WANT Terrace March 10-Aprll 1st Prince Rupert April 1st - April 15th ' Dry ndllng Wood , I RandonVLergth Fir 1 ?ffl yTV 3P Quantity of good quality Sprun Let Us Help You! I A' Innc nnH'or lumber. State whel a- , pTijJ If you have a home building FOR &CR I TfXV?Sl J HOCK & CONCteTS WORK tTX-r5 nvniloblP Drice and other pa DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY DENTIST 8mte 7, Smith Block Phone 525 P.O. Box 1216 lip v- . a ;M. J.SAUNOLRS JJirWl3 . New, Modern EquVrmnt JFi AH Work GuaranVej IOjfetOfw ularstoBox No. 682, Daily Ne Ijiuuicppi ui use juaiiniiig to build CALL 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE Limited BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS MANSON'S CHINA SHOP Grera 9G6 Across Irom Liquor store " ri Atbm HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches iff UPHOLSTERINQ V . Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box, . 330 Second Avenue j Prlnct Rupert, B.C. CALL "9 FIDEKIPS 1 AHIL 204 th Street Phone 033 .