PROVINCIAL VICTORIA, 3. C. VICTORIA, D.C. onr.:Es c:::3 Daily Delivery ' NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER fjpyCABS Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" rain si VOL. XXXVII, No. 299. , PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS rew Ga mm Accorded L Mm Mai ff CLUB I, n i ru t f,ot so Extensive as indicated Itcpairs Liberals Gain Seat In Monday Elections OTTAWA George Drew, national Progressive-Conservative leader, and Hon. Stuart Garson, the new federal Minister of Justice, won seats in Parliament as a result of by-elections held yesterday. Both had easy victories with large majoritie&j Cul. Drew in Carleton, Ontario, and Mr. Garson in Marquette, Q . .. .. x-". iwimmwi i wtjHmHmm0mmiw'&vn iw.mwiwmi. i 1'f ', , : .. .fSs?, 5fNCT FIREMEN RESCUE! nrln TWO FROM -I n !s TWPQC ROOMS i zed , to the floats or the ipert Rowing it Yacht n Sunday afternoon's ale was not as cxten- ,i fii.t appeared. Most ,ats wore back in place ,,jni held temporarily Manitoba. In a third by-eleetlon 1 yesterday Leopold Demers carried Laval-Two Mountains, Quebec, for the government party which thereby made a gain as the seat had formerly been held by an Independent. Carleton and Marquette were unchanged in political stripe, Conservative THINKS GOV'T WOULD LOSE Canadian Social Credit Leader Thinks Britain Tired of Socialists REOINA An election in Brit EXECUTIONS IMPENDING-TOKYO Execution of Former Premier Tojo and six other Japanese war lords, sentenced to hang for war crimes, may be carried out within 24 hours following; refusal of the United States Supreme Court to interfere with the international tribunal which condemned them. General Douglas Mac-Arthur has received official notification of the Supreme Court decision. He announced that the executions would be carried out with the utmost secrecy and would not be announced until after they had leen completed.. ' v AHEAD OF SCHEDULE liATA VIA Netherlands forces, continuing their "police action" in Indonesia, are -ahead of 'schedule and meeting with little resistance. The United Nations is taking a dim view of the action. VANCOUVER STORM DAMAGE VANCOUVER Extent of damage from the week-end storm in and around Vancouver is estimated at $150,01$. The electric company alone estimates $50,000 damage. A total of 9.3 inches of snow fell. succeeding Conservative and Liberal, Liberal. pending permanent re- pfciul meeting of the utivc yesterday, the nmittee, A. P. Crawley, was authorized 1) repair work proceeded xpedlliuusly as possible 11 be carried out by r-ic & Son. Two dol-: be renewed and gen-, ir.s to floats and fit-riccl out nc, most of the boa id eme.genry mooring .many of them at Seal -rangements are being the repair of the ves-al of which were dam- The standing of the parties in the House as a result of the by-elections Is now: Liberals, 124. Progressive-Conservatives, 67. CCS., 32. Social Credit, 13. ' Others, 8. BifOit woman-; M :hiJ jumped :-: f Trnrn n pr k I Vr? FROM HEBES: ESCAPE ROUTE : ain today would see the Labor Oovernment overthrown, says Solon Low In a recent Interview. The Social Credit leader in Canada has just returned from a visit overseas. "The" people," he declared, "are smarting under regimentation, and fed up with queues. They have come to believe they cannot have Socialist-planned economies and freedom at the One seat remains vacant- ppv" -r :r tor HAN LUJ Nicole t-Yamaska in Quebec. The count in the three ridings SELLING MARGARINE at a late hour last night was as same time." VANCOUVER First, margarine went on sale in Vancouver stores yesterday at 52c per pound. KGE laid ER MISHAP follows: Carleton George Drew, P.-C, 12,252. Eugene Forsey, C.C.F., 3,384. TURKEY PRICE IS Falling Tree On Telegraph Lines , A 1 J - t .K 1 j S . " 15 , ?. "-a " ! i 4 ' ' '..- I i : i) ' .; .1 1 Is ,vti i It J. Nelson McCracken. S.C. 459. ;i of dangerous driving ally laid Mo n tl a y icar Steinberg, as a rc- INFORMER IN DEATH PLUNGF HIGH THIS YEAR Two Reasons Why Birds Are . I Away Up This Christmas ; Marquette Stuart Garson, 6223. Total telegraph eonununica- jii automobile accident Mrs. Earle Keating, C.C.F 2,328. NEW YORK A former of- existed 6ince last evening when 'Tji,' ,?,. " Fiji fmi p - " , 1 ficial of the United States De- a large tree fell over the lines Laval-Two Mountains Price of Christmas turkeys are a car carrying several .Tidied into a power Third Avenue in front 'ust Office a couple of :. The case was re- near Cassiar Cannery, 14 miles Lconold Demers. Liberal. 3.601. running as much as 80 cents per J. Honore Desy, Republican, pound in Prince Rupert this - 1,675. "- j yar.- LMOtejffytlp-riKlefr i r'ifiiaUaLU. Vance east of here. Four poles were sent crashing down in addition to tangled wires. It was expected that the service would be restored this afternoon. malned around 60c. ii afternoon. A Bruce defence counsel. There are two chief factors explaining this high turkey price parUncnt of State who was list ed in congressional testimony today us one or those who al-medly -"handed out secrets for Communist spies died last night in a 16-storey plunge. He was Laurence Duggan, expert on Latin-American affairs from 1930 to 1944, who dropped from a midtown office, as espionage prodders planned to question bun. in Canada. 1. United States buyers who lonscription NAVY ON COLD WEATHER CRUISE )ng Planned raided the Canadian market for last month's American Thanksgiving holiday are back in Can LONDON Early next year, an experimental force of the KS Peace time Minis not being considered s the Minister of De-Hun. Brooke CluXtim Prime Minister L. S. St. Laurent expressed delight at the result of the elections, seeing in them an exprsslon of the country's continued confidence In the government party. . Col. Drew said Progressive-Conservatism was "on the march." He saw the result In Carleton as favoring the party and Its policy rather than a personal victory. The party could carry any seat in the country with similar support and enthusiasm. M. J. Coldwell, C.CJF. leader, was not surprised at the results. The entry of C.CT. can ada to buy again in order to meet the heavy demand for Christmas. " Royal Navy will cruise in the WHERE FOUR PERISHED Four persons died -and two others were injured when fire swept through a midtown Toronto boarding-house on College Street near Bloor last week. One man escaped by sliding down a drain pipe of the house. A woman jumped from the second floor window from which smoke can be seen still issuing. Firemen used ladders to rescue two others from the second and third floors. North Atlantic and Arctic to study the effects of cold wcath Twelve Million er conditions. Leading the force , 2. The other Is that turkey flocks across Canada are generally, 35 per cent, less than a year ago. will be the air craft carrier Vengeance with specially equip EIRE SIGHS ped air group including jet id been statements thai u. under the Atlantic (W'l, would entail tins. Such reports, said the arc Incorrect. Present fits are fjuitr salisfae-i there is nothing to ut planes. Drinks of Scotch NEW YORK The British freighter Egidia is here with P0.000 rases of assorted Scotch liquor. J. A. Ilanssler, freight trafiic manager of the Anchor Donaldson Line, said the 9,952-ton vessel carries 720,000 bottles (12,9(10.000 highballs). Would Copy Pr. Rupert liig Ontario City I urged to Have Civic1 Centre Like Here didates had served a useful purpose in enabling the party to put its platform and policies before the people. One of the incidents of the OUT TODAY DUBLIN, W Eire officially became an independent republic today. The centuries old battle for independence came peacefully to an end as President Sean T. O'Kclly sinned her out of the British Commonwealth. He ap-nmved a bill repealing the Ex IT TOOK 55 YEARS BUT IT HAPPENED The normal geniality of Bill Ranee, Third Avenue grocer, glowed, s e v e r a 1 hundred candlepower brighter today and It was not the approach of Christmas alone that was responsible. Lady Luck joined hands with Father Christmas to brighten his life. NOTICE OREGON STATE HAVING FLOODS PORTLAND Because or the heavy rains and melting snow, towns along the Williamette and branch rivers arc being flooded. At least five lives were lost Slides have blocked passes in the Cascade Mountains. Districts are affected in Oregon and the more southerly parts lively campaign In Carleton was circulation of a small paper at Double Pneumonia Cause of Death EAST HAVIKG MILD WHITER Ottawa Cannot Recall More Prolonged Autumn OTTAWA Until whiter came suddenly at the week-end, the weather In Ottawa was like a prolonged autumn. Said F. W. Baker, Dominion Experimental Farm meteorologist: "Everytlilng is still green. There are even cattle out in the pastures. We have never had a December to compare with It." Neither 58 years of records tacking George Drew, Progres Hill SHOPS of Prince sive-Conservatlve leader, "be HKVERELY HILLS, Cat.-Thc r' mil lie ii p r n on yond the bounds of decency." In the course of a trip to the Pacific Coast during the past season, Mrs. Ethel Fleming of Windsor, Ontario, paid a visit to Prince Rupert and was shown through, the Civic Centre. She was so impressed that she has written a letter to the Windsor Daily Star urging that every city, town and hamlet emulate Nays, Deeenilier 23 It was banned by the post office cause of the death Monday of C5-year old screen celebrity Sir department. ternal Relations Act which had empowered the crown to accredit Irish diplomats. That wasj the last . link oeiweeu Empire and Eire. HUGE BOMBER Aubrey Smith was double pne- of Washington. Tlir barbers wish ill x Merry Christinas "M'py New Year. iimnia. He had but recently returned from a visit to England and was about to take part in the making of a new picture. Bad Manners to Endanger Health . After 55 years of cribbage playing, Mr. Ranee finally did it. He raised his cards last night and there It was staring back at him 29 points a five of diamonds, five of hearts, five of clubs and a Jack of spades with a five of spades turned up. And to top off the triumph, his opponent was his lifelong competitor at the game Mrs. Ranee. Local Man Awarded Decree of Divorce VANCOUVER Decree of divorce has been granted In Supreme Court here to Charles nor memories oi om timers could rival such a season. the example of Prince Rupert and equip itself .with an establishment of -like excellence. Mrs. Fleming's letter to her home city newspaper was as follows: "While on a recent trip to the west coast we visited Prince Rupert, British Columbia's most "Stewart Vlers of Prince Rupert BEATS RECORD FORT WORTH, Texas The giant bomber, B--3G has brokeu lUs own record in a flight to Honolulu and return, non-stop, in 30 hours. The bomber is as large as three avtrage sized houses and has a wing stretcli as long as a football field. from Marie A. Vlers of Vancouver whom he married 1ft 1939. A correspondent asks If It is bad manners to go to a party with a contagious cold. A reply from G. Kidd, Prince Rupert, reads: "It's bad manners to go any-' where in public and rndanger other people's health." THIRD SHIPMENT OF JAP ORANGES JAIL, FINE ON . TWO CHARGES Thomas Hudson, who was brought back from Vancouver a week ago to answer to charges of theft and false pretences. augmented by the proceeds of an annual summer carnival. The centre comprises a large gymnasium room with a fine northerly seaport. It is situated on Kaien Island, overlooking a masnificent harbor. This thriving city of 1,000 population has many points of interest as it Is the principal port NATIONALISTS STILL LOSING Tientsin Almost Isolated By was sentenced to a month In floor for games of different; SITKA IS DIGGING OUT OF BIG SNOW MTKA Hluhwav Plows and of supply for the lumbering and VANCOUVER Japanese n i-imt.lniiiiiK to ar- Communists In Chinese War kinds, a well appointed room where the young folk can entertain, with kitchen adjoining from which they can serve their own refreshments apart from ui ttiib' n rive in Vancouver. The first this week. It ' shovel crews have recently been (digging out, after a fall of Jail on the theft charge and to a fine of $25 on the second In city police court yesterday. Hudson pleaded not guilty o December 16 to a charge of stealing a coat and jacket from his former landlord, Glen Wilson, and entered the same plea to a chajrge of fals pretences involving failure to pay a board bill amounting to $50. the general dining room. thirteen inches of snow, me came on the Panainamanian ship Despina. The second lot mining Industries of Northern British Columbia and Alaska. The Canadian Fish and Cold Storage plant with a capacity of 14 millions pounds, the largest cold storage plant in the world devoted exclusively to handling fldi, Is located here. - "It has another interesting snow kept coining ctvu iui NANKING P oHicial source.; admitted today new government losses on the North China battle front less than twenty-lour hours after the formation o fa new government willing to make "lumorablc peace" with the Communists. Communist troops have ad about nine hours. "There is also a library where by benefit of their membership they can procure instruction and tntertainment and good books. was on the Western uauaua Steamship's freighter Lake NEW GOVEKNMENT "In short it is a centre where a warm air of friendliness pre feature which in my opinion TAKING LIQUOR . IN BERLIN NOW K K II L I N f Three western vanced to two railway towns almost on the outskirts of Tient HOME IN OTTAWA r U HI every city, town and hamlet would do well to emulate in a civic centre. This was a build LOCAL TIDES Wednesday, December 22, 1948 High 6:04 19.1 feet 18:05 18.3 feet Low 12:06 8.7 fet sin, major industrial city of North China. Competent observers said this completed the OTTAWA-"As long as liquor is taken home before being drunk, we're not greatly mter-od whether the roiile is dir- Isolation of Tientsin. vails, where young and those older hi years are equally welcomed. "A centre modelled along these Hues It seems to m would be a great help In solving the problem of curbing the rising tide of youthful delinquency we are hearing so much about, and would be a credit to any place that Is interested In the welfare or its young folk, ' our future citizens." coniinaiidants of Berlin formally set up a three-power government in the Biitisli, French and United States sectors today. ELIZABETHAN .DISCOVERY William Gilbert, Queen Elizabeth's physician, discovered in 1G00 that innumerable substances which he called "elec-tra" acquired the power to tract bits of stray when rubbed. rect or indirect," Ottawa liquor store officials announce. No lc FAR NIENTE" NEW RED WEAPON If your Italian ing used by a military unit during the last w ar and was taken over by the city. "It is maintained by means of moderate membership fees, receipts from a cafe operated In the building which serves excellent meals which ve can vouch for, also catering to large gatherings. The finances are further where in OtUwa liquor stores UP to snuff, "dolce far nlente" means "sweet doing notn-w'uch is i list u,vmt thn Italian "workers" In Rome are en- I Manon'$ Jewellers I OPEN Every Night Till I Christmas THE WEATHER Forecast Prince Rupert Variable cloudiness, westerly wind, 25 miles per hour, little change in temperature. ko Bnnn not ces wainioK d to. Communists are using the "sit-down" as a weapon in Kan - Mi- "to take their pack , a h t.he most direct anve against the Marshall Plan In Italy. They arc rc-d fay large Industrial concerns who see their workers gather '"Ps like this discussing politics, etc. n,ge liumv v.. route."