I0J DISPATCHED PROVINCIAL LIS3ASI. 113 VICTORIA, B. C. QVHEZi DRUGS Daily Delivery Phone 81 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPFn CABS vStVxtl C?"oda', Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest' lj- AAAlA, WO. 259 T3D TMfE" DTTOPOT O MflMnAV WHf CAf DTTD it men PRICE FIVE CENT3 d Bill (3 Moiis Fg tdd s' ' LiLL PLAYER IIES ML. Minn. urover Ld Alexander, famous urue pucner in ni Vifd Saturday of a heart m Deatn came iu mc I rented room nc c-in private home. He L living on a $10 base- asion. UlN SHIP'S HOLD r SI I Lol'VEU Frank Smith, 1st Vancouver, was seri- Capitals Are Worried-Special Session of U. N. Assembly Asked LAKE SUCCESS (CP)-The United States to-' miured when he leu w the hold of a ship at 1 tt Pier. He was over- UNCLE SAM AT POLLS Voters To Decide Some Odd Issues in U.8. Election NEW YORK (CP)-The United States electa a new Congress tomorrow. But many local issues also will be decided. In 34 of the 48 states, the voters will register their decision on such diverse topics as prohibition an old favorite veterans' bonuses, gambling, old- b, lumes, it is believed. C HAS RHEUMATISM D0SThe King is suf-frnm slight case of day called for a special meeting of the Security kitism but is canying out L, duties at Buckingham it was learned today. council of the United Nations on Wednesday to consider the intervention of Red China in the Korean war. The action came after General Douglas MacArthur today formally notified the Security age assistance, schools bond is TILL IX CONTROL . I DELHI India has been d that Tibet's 16-year- sues taxes, legislatures and civil rights. The New Hampshire electorate Council that Chinese Communist !rr, Dalai l ama, and his Chinese Feud, Woman Dead win De asked if they approve Lmrnt nf Buddhist priests removing from the state con ntrol Lhasa, the capital forces were now fighting United! v.i . Nations troops in Korea. The! chlnese Communists by name. . charge was made in a special1 American troops in northwest report transmitted to Warren R.IKorea recovered half a mile of Austin, chief of United States i ground . lost to the Communists stltutlon "the provision that the This omcial report trl dirts persistent rumors VfllMUUUVlSK Toll of a! value of money shall be com puted in shillings and pence." delegates. Sources close to Gen- and fought bitterly for no gain he boy ruler and his cab-id I fled before invading Marylanders will be asked to approve a constitutional amendment to exclude debts resulting i in mi ii hi laimriii i -m in iiwi m'mitmmmimmmM&Ui6itii& fx Communist armies. B BLOCKADE LIFTED in the northwest against the enemy by then identified by Mac-Arthur as Chinese Reds. Elements of two United States divisions are holding a bridgehead area north of Chongchon River near Korea's west coast and recovered territory lost to from alimony and support de crees from the law prohibitum imprisonment for debt. eral MacArthur said that the start of a third world war might well hinge on Red China's reply to the United Nations commander's special report on events in Korea. An extraordinary communique branded the Communist move from Manchuria into Korea as k TORK The United Ls Saturday lifted its MIRACLE MILE This is an artist's sketch of the proposed $25,000,000 city centre for Edmonton which voters turned down recently by a small m irgjn. The scheme was proposed by New York financial interests, who sought a tax-free, 69-year lease on the four-block area and agreed to pay an annual rental of $50,000. The city woul 1 have had a share in the profits and become owners of the property on termination of the lea?e. . (CP PHOTO) A referendum In ' Arkansas kutic blockade of Franco would make it unlawful to p.er long-standing Chinese feud, one woman is dead and one Is Injured. The feud, believed to have been born In the Orient, reached a climax last night and resulted In the death of one of the participants. Found In a vacant house In the East End was Mrs. James Lee, wife of a cabaret owner. She Is believed to have committed suicide. Poison capsules are reported to have been found beside the body. Meanwhile, Mrs. Lee'g sister-in-law. Mrs. Lee Yule Lim, is in hospital suffering from head mit livestock to run at large on the Reds six miles north of Anju. imposed (our years ago. n aside Soviet protests, ilfd Nations also voted nv Spain to join the highways. DAYLIGHT SAVING "one of the most offensive acts An earlier enemy feint at 4 Mother of Local As Tenseness Mounts of international lawlessness" in I history. bridgehead Sunday night had been stopped cold by American M Sat long specialized 1 The tense situation is viewed such as world health rttal organizations. The And an Oregon referendum would prohibit daylight saving time unless the governor proclaimed it to conform with adjoining states. Man Passes artillery while Australian troops of the British Commonwealth brigade also halted a stab by two with concern in world capitals. Away Jri Nations kept on its The United Nations faces the Bravest crisis In its f ive-vear his however, the 1946 de- Red companies in a heavy fire An Arkansas proposal would iion of the regime and tory what to do about interven-1 "sni. wounds and a broken wrist. She ! prohibit the manufacture, sale In against Spain's full In the northeast United States Prominent pioneer woman of Calgary, Mrs. Isabella Christie, widow of the late George M. Christie, who for many years tion of the Chinese Communists had. aonarentlv. been beaten or transportation of lntoxicat- into the Vniled Nations. Marines beat back a bitter Chin in the Korean war ing liquor in the state, and the ese counter-attack in slashing A United Nations decision to flMAN LASHES OUT with a hammer. A few hours later police found the body of Mrs. Lee. was manager of a paint and oil! possession of more than one quart at one time. A similar proposal in Arizona would authorize WHS President Tru- company in the prairie city, and mother of Thomas M. Christie of hand-to-hand combat just south of the Cahngjlm power reservoir. Communist forces in northwest kturday night lashed out label the Red Peiping government aggressors and order a full scale military effort to drive its troops this city, passed away Friday in. MiMiean critics and a vote for "isolationists" Korea today suddenly stopped ; MAY CANCEL RECOGNITION i LONDON (CP) Qualified informants reported today that Great Britain is thinking of cancelling its recognition of the Chinese Communist government. An important annoucement n Anglo-Chinese relations is expected to be made in the House of Commons shortly. ,;J ,. RUSSIAN AIR SUPPORT , e' " TOKYOi An Air "Force spokesman reported today that Russian-made jet fighter planes arc operating from Manchurian bases. Marine fighter pilots observed planes flying back into Korea..' TRUMAN WORRIED KANSAS CITY President Truman, visiting this city, had a long distance telephone conference today with Secretary of State Acheson over Korea. Mr. Truman is reported to be deeply concerned over the movement of Chinese troops into North Korea from Manchuria. Santa Monica, California, where out of Korea conceivably could touch off a chain of events that fighting and began a retreat to Tuesday would be a vote the north. The retreat came as D .Klassen, arrested Saturday and charged with operating an automobile while intoxicated, appeared in magistrate's court this morning. He was remanded for trial until -November 14. might lead ultimately to another Nional suicide" in the United Nations' resistance to tho world war. It is known however, her runeral took place today. She was 92 years of age, was born In Montreal and lived in Calgary from 1900 until ten years ago when she moved to 'i Communist imperial that the United States is trying Communists' new offensive be- local option-orj prohibition.. v ' -Oregon "drys" would prohibit the sale of "promotively" advertised liquor, while South Da-kotans are being asked to prohibit the sale of food and alcoholic beverages in the ame establishment. That proposal was turned down two years ago. Four states have gambling Issues. Massachusetts votes on a referendum for a state lotteiy which sponsors say would pro desperately to avoid spreading gan to stiffen with new reinforce- the Korean war. ments from the south. The exact extent of the unexpected with Pending clarification of the drawal is unknown by American American situation (this was be med Populace Can Army officers. They frankly said they were puzzled. wive Atom Attack California. Her husband died in 1944. Mrs. Christie's death was sudden. Despite her advanced age, she had telephoned 'to her son here only ten days ago. There are three other sons Llewellyn Christie of Pittsburgh; Joseph Christie of Los Angeles.' and George Christie ' of Trail. Mrs. F. Burnett of Calgary Is a daughter. Lt.-uen. Sir James Handyside, famous British soldier and commander of the 41st Division In two world wars, was I0N7REAL (CP) Civilization can protect Stores Closing Remembrance Day VANCOUVER Retail stores will be closed In Vancouver this Saturday, Remembrance Day, it is announced by George S. Mathews, secretary of the Retail Merchants' Association. Wednesdays before Christmas and New Year's stores may be kept open, it Is also announced. ti'om the bogey of present days an atomic attack. tat's the opinion of P. W. Swain, editor of the fore the United States called for the special meeting of the Assembly ) diplomats were cautious in speculating about possible United Nations moves. The American request would bring the whole question of Chinese intervention Into debate before the Assembly. U.N. TIGHTEN DEFENCES Meantime the United Nations troops tightened their defences in the face of strong attacks as General MacArthur charged that "alien Communist forces" had moved down from Manchuria when the United Nations had the Korean war all but won. The flow of fresh Chinese troops flushed new life into the shattered North Koreans. MacArthur did not at first mention the W States magazine Power and a spectator at duce $50,000,000 of whicn $u,-000.000 would be used for liberalizing old-age assistance benefits. The remainder would go for prizes. Both Arizona and California have proposals to legalize gambling, the former under stats control, and the latter under a licence system. Montana will vote on legalizing slot machines. Alaska Steam Is Resuming SEATTLE Alaska Steamship Co. will resume passenger sailings this week to Alaska. They had been interrupted since October 5 by refusal of Marine ranks' and Stewards' Union GEORGE MURRAY - Cariboo Member Sees Prince Rupert Second Greatest City In B.C. Sees Peace River and Alaska as Important Contributing Factors Enthusiastic Advocate Prince Rupert, by the natural process of evolution and pressure of expanding industry into new of ay recent Montreal meeting the Institute of Power HE WEATHER Svnopsis It is his belief that a well- a cousin. Mrs. Christie took a keen interest in Prince Rupert. She was a subscriber to the Daily News and not long ago wrote a letter to the office congratulating this paper on an editorial.' Milk Price May Go Up in City The price of milk In Prince Rupert remains the same at the Don McKerricher, manager of Shell Oil Co., sailed last night on the Chilcotin for a business trip to Vancouver. V AoWf-rs Still IlM-sUt nn trained populace can survive an atomic attack. H In the wak. of vei- His exolanation: orm but there will be "First, atom bombs would be used only against targets of ter "ream m the clouds to- l0"S Will movp Intn tho : TODAY'S STOCKS : fWavtoobut only small mendous importance. This would rule out a general attack against ' li .ft,llinp, nnlnte (ClOt to comply with United fit.nt.ps Coastguard anti-Com- areas of natural wealth in the northwest of Canada, mi iitu I"""". .... revn. ." ram are expected, wnds are developing and nrn nil Clr,,. "If a bomb exploded, there munist u.u, ..v......B (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co. Ltd.) 4 is destined to become British Columbia's second-largest citv and port, in the opinion of George Murray, are three things that can kill "uum ' lnts. Most. aftPrnf,n .f shock snucn "lures win rmoin you. Tney are wave gamma rays and heat flash. "The blast, or shock wave, M.P. for Cariboo, who indicated in an interview with moment, according to a statement this morning by A. A. Sheardown of Northland Dairy, but there will be an upward revision in the near future. Mr. Sheardown said today the price paid to farmers would go up after the announcement of the two-cent increase in Vancouver and that his company would not be able to absorb the whole Pal of 40 ,to 50 for earlv Bevcourt 40 Bob jo 11 Buffalo Canadian 20 V2 Consol. Smelters 118.51- the Dally News yesieraay um VANCOUVER Bayonne Bralorne '. B R Con B R X : in the northeast- W Of the nrnvinnn or. 1 .... 6.50 02 05 he is one of this city's greatest advocates as a Pacific coast out a Is giving the first wmperatures of thp Cariboo Quartz 1.20 Fire Department Called to Garage The fire department was nil? l out Saturday morning to Bob Parker's Garage, where an automobile engine had caught fire. Quick action by attendants at the garage averted possible, serious damag by prompt use of pyrene. The fire was out when the fire if IB .05 41 Congress Hedley Mascot a(uvlty of a l' r..u a .houand miles west let for the northland. As Vancouver followed San Francisco and Seattle in developing into what It is today one of the world's greatest commer "u"" is and lo ovtu.i m rain to the coast kills indirectly by pummelling the populace with falling build-tnas and flying debris. The answer to this is shelters. "The heat flashes last three seconds and anyone within a mile or the explosion will suffer badly burned hands and faces. But even a shadow can serve as some protection from this, and a well-trained populace could be trained to duck-to fall with their backs to the Hash and with their hands and faces covered. "The iramma ravs are the far- Former Local Doctor At Scout Ceremony Burglars Get Year's Sentence Sentence was passed today on Bruce, Mountney and Denzil Johnson on four charges of breaking and entering over the week-end of October 28. Each received the same sentences and all sentences were concurrent. TJiey were: Brown ic Harvey-one year; Crawford Moore $100 or one month; Canadian Immigration one year ; Northern Pioneer 2.00 Premier Border .06 Privateer 07 Reeves McDonald .. 3.50 Sheep Creek 1.25 Silbak Premier '.31 '""iuw. Forecast A Voncouver Boy Scout troop Conwest Donalda Eidona East Sullivan Giant Yellowknlfe Hardrock Karricana Heva Jacknife Joliet Quebec Lapaska Little Long Lac Lynx .... Madsen Red Lake McKenzle Red Lake.. McLeod Cockshutt .. Monet a 1.70 .50 .28 : 8.05 8.2U .24 .8ii .09 .6V2 .98 .05 .40 .16 2.05 .45 2.02 .31 .97 cial cities and seaports so will Prince Rupert take its turn but the day would be speeded up, the burly newspaperman-member recently received its charter. Inrt. n Jn variable brigade arrived at the garagt-. Friday afternoon the department was called to 1315 First Overlook, where a flooded oil stove was burning. The fire caused no damage. Taku River making the organization om Tuesday .06 4Va 1 niuwws trlav onH cial, ancL it gave the boys great Spud Valley wrs ti... . " satisfaction. Dr. W. T. K.ergin Silver Standard 2.30, kne w Tnt- sady rain director of Children's Hospital, i r tomorrow after Power Company one year. from Fort St. John feels, if there was some interest taken in it by railway heads and big business interests such as was the case in Vancouver through the Cana rpanhinor killers. Anyone -Closer - m ignt. Wind tr " "lu west received the charter on behalf of the youngsters at a brief cere R) west- LLy ., tent tonight and Vancouver Has mony. Western Uranium .95 Oils Anglo Canadian 4.95 A P Con 41 Atlantic .. 2.20 Calmont 90 Central Leduc " 2.20 Home Oil 14.25 than 4200 feet to the explosion will die unless protected by at least 40 feet of concrete. Beyond that 4200-feet border fatality from gamma ray drops sharp Little Sunshine Negus and I, rmorrow. Lows Cv,8hs torrow-at 32 and 45. Noranda 73 25 dian Pacific Railway and Us friends. Mr. Murray was an 18-year-old reporter on P. D. Ross' Ottawa Journal and saw at Ot-(Continued on page 6) .14 Mercury HOCKEY SCORES Nationals SATURDAY Boston 3, Montreal 1 New York 2. Toronto 2 SUNDAY Chiago 3, New York 1 Detroit 4. Bnston 2 Pacifio Coast SATURDAY Tacoma 6, Portland 4 Victoria 3, New Westminster 1 SUNDAY Tacoma 2, Portland 1 VANCOUVER A scanty 55 hours of sunshine for the month of October broke Vancouver's previous lack of sunshine record for October by eighteen hours. Average October sunshine is 110. There were 22 days of rainfall N im Vanasan to- Okalta ; 1.73 -uiQcr ton,Hi,t Pick'e Crow 175 Regcourt 05 San Antonio 2.40 Senator Rouyn 24 Sherrit Gordon : 2 34 Steep Rock 5.60 Sturgeon River 15 Silver Miller 89 Upper Canada 180 Golden Manitou 9.25 REVEALS AGE A cow at three years of Tuesday, November 7, 1950 ly." Mr. Swain said' he doubted whether atom power would be used for anything but bombs. It might have a limited use in the power field, but right now it appeared as though man had harnessed atomic power only to treat himself to new lessons in destruction. age "Bht this after- Pacific Pete Royal Canadian TORONTO Athona Aumaque Beattle 7.00 .11 .07 .25 .60 Nw lu"lnt and highs and this ! foi : Vancouver, takes Uhould have three pairs of broad too snot. TemDerature droooed teeth with corner permanent High 11:00 21.0 feet 23:43 19.9 feet Low 4:56 5.8 feet 17:33 4.2 feet ' n rc"cion and k"5' 28 and 45; Lytton 35 I teeth just appearing. nearly ten degrees. )ft!lllll I mm . . niiin PHONE or CIVIC CENTRE 8:15 p.m. THURSDAY and FRIDAY NOVEMBER 9th and 10th Tickets $1.00 - Students 50c At Civic Centre and Indian Agency