8 Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, November 6, 1950 Service of Remembrance jNorway Sons 'Whist Parly vVinter Comes- First Snow Of Season Catholic Wedding Popular Pair Are Married Importance of Spiritual Weapons and Divine Aid Irged in Fighting Good Fight In a Service of Rem hpfnrn L'otiin n l. n t V, .. ... I Seeing Is Believing PEOPLE'S STORE SALE NOW ON Dresses Skirls Blouses - - - Slips NOW'S YOUR CHANCE! vvtcmo ua wucc wurs 111 First Prebyterian Church Sun- MS3 Charlotte Josephine Bal-i day morning, marking the com-, agio. Prince Rupert-born third mencement of R e m e m branee daushter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Week proceedings, Rev. Dr. E. A. 1 1". Balagno, Fifth Avenue Weso, 'Wright warned against leaving1 was the lovely bride of Denis v. a kvuwi!, CtgtftAl.Ob ttll ill" visible foe the important factor of spiritual guidance and divine r " A I L& J 0,41 GOOGiEViiTHERS .jum MARLOWE r Miss Charlotte Balagno Bride of Denis Rowse , V UIH W0( iJllt Ul 411 CltlU AVAtlS. Denis John Rowse, New West- minster, at a marriage ceremony white chrysanthemums in white baskets and silver candelabra adorned the altar where the ' popular couple exchanged con- ventional vows administered hv ivi-v. rduitt r. ivi. uayner, U.M.I. Many friends, including plon-, eeis of the city, comprised the assistance. , 1 0f widespread interest in the The helmet of salvation, the' Church of the Annunciation Sat-sword of the Spirit and shod-! ui day morning. It was the same ding of the Gospel of Peace church in which the bride's par-were crowning and essential en ts had been married thirty-equipment in "Fighting the! two years ago. Good Fight." In lasting Import- Huge bouquets of mauve and RUPERT PEOPLE'S STORE i . m IIIIIIIIIfllIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl 1 . " " " i Reach Every Home By Ads! I KfHAT' INSURE YOUR HOME ance, these factors, he asserted,! transcended in attaining the ul-j timate goal all material Jmple- menus oi war designed to retain peace, freedom and security. , In two world wars, there had been victory for the cause of right and the cause or Christ. He recalled the deliverance of defenceless Britain in the old days when the Spanish armad had been blown into the Nortn congregation which gathered to Telegraphs reported their serv-witness the impressive rites. j lc intact throughout the week- For Clean, Courteous Service .r;, " ZL'X-jyw ZBa, Played the Wedding O l.atr for Work ) CALL itZ 9 Kiddies to School jQ "Eventually," Why Not Now" The bride, entering the church 0n the arm of her father as Miss "ar-"- wwe a beaut ful strap- less ess bouffant. bouffant mh,(i. weddino overtax Othi a litted lace jacket with high rounded neckline and Ion g sleeves frilled at the wrist. Her only ornament was a choker of T h grZm,- Her vcl1 n of silk tulle u was held held In "7, .v . miracle of Mons in World War I when the fall of Paris seemed ?V" there had been the miraculous evacuation of Dunkerque under the blanket of baffling fog. The pastor exhorted his listen-' ore tn Iroan r Ua n V. Spirit rather than the way of t-h- fi0ch h ,oD ,f.' BROADWAY t LILLIES ARE TOUGH AND LIKE ' TO WINTER OUT IN GARDEN t . T Mies pre far from being deli- ivm candidum and Its hybrids cate plants. If you fall with should be planted with the depth them it is more likely you were of soil above them equal to the too fussy, than that you neglect- diameter of the bulb, ed them. Many failures result Anotne- old-tim" rule which from planting hardy bulbs in the they challenge is that only bono spring, rather than in the fsU. meal should be used to fertilize Bulbs sold in the spring have lilies. They use ordinary compassed the winter In cold storage mercial plane food in lioera where they lose vigor, and are amounts, and find it causes nc less resistant to disease than if injury. In preparing a bed foi they spent the winter planted mies, spad.e under a complete in the garden. balanced plant food at the rate o ' !(( weather is no hardship to 4 pounds to 100 square feet. In a hardy lily, but cold storage is planting bulbs singly, mix t succumbing to material desires , I " 1 5lePnanol-and passions. In that way lay The. t k u "Guel was of white destruction. I Cr, , , Finally rr wrmh o,.i MiS3 Delphine Balagno. sisLer Beit H3K S finest Cook for recognition and assistance, " , "le D".ae was lne charming bh air force has received per-If necessary, in memory of the Driclcsmaid and her gown was of mission to purchase 115 surplu: fallen of past wars and those petal Pink imported lace over light planes from the Unites i Twelve tables were In play at the Sens of Norway whist drive Fridav night. Prize winners -were: Ladies first, Mrs. O. Glske; -e-prt. -'--s. .1. Fredheim. who I won the draw, from Mrs. Skal-merud, , 1 whose score was the same. 1 Men first, R. Hundeide; second. R. McLean. Following cards, there was dancing to the music of Mike Colussi and his orchestra until 2 a.m. Refreshments were served at midnight by Mrs. C. Strand and her committee, Mr. and Mrs. J. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fredheim, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ritchie, J. Johnson and Ncls Ounderson. ,t.pasnnnnfni nf niant. f-inri with soil at the bottom of the hole and cover it with an inch of fresh jsou on wnicn to set the bulb. Whi'.- sand In the soil s beneficial to lilies, a mere thin layer or cushion of sand "below the bulb is of negligible value. I' should be well mixed all through the soil, to give the porosity which Is desir.?d. Pete The Racoon Is Thriving Now ' 0SHAWA, Ont. W - Once a motherless waif who had to bt- i f d , l t p t thrives nn rcf nA , on ice cream and candy ' an ,. . ! raw meat. The raw meat Is proper racoon diet, while Prte soon acquired a taste for the ice cream and candy after Starj Pollard found him in the woods near here several months ago. At first, Mr. Pollard had to force milk into the starving baby coon's mouth, but Pete caught on fast. Pete roams about In the open at night and follows Mr. Pollaia around like a pup in the. daytime Apart from a weakness for pick- ! ing pockets and raiding the i family fruit preserves in th9 j 'e-Ur, . he's a welcome household ' guest. ' OSLO 0 An exhibition V, persuade Norwegians to eat more ice cream was held here. Speakers said .annual consumption in Norway Is under twa quarts per capita, compared wlt'i nearly 20 quarts in the United States. tanuia, jeaiurmg a ballerina States air force. They will be length bouffant skirt with sash used as training planes, making of purple velvet ribbon. Her hat an Important addition to Swe was a purple velvet halo with den' large fleet of such ma-matching plume. Her bouauet chines. Hours: 7 $.m. v For take home orders Phone 200 who returned and still suffered themselves or through their dependents. The pastor was assisted in the service by J. S. Wilson, who read the first scripture lesson, and Rev. C. L .Lucas, chaplain of the Legion, who read the text scrlp- ture from St. Pau s eDlst e to the Ephesians. Bueler for "The Last Post" and "Reveille" was: William Ranee. I 1 1 Diamond Price Boos AM. Diamcn'd wholesalers wore untitled of a 15' increase in pi Iocs as of October 15, 1950. M.xnson's Jewellers were very fortunate In pun Rowland Miles was soloist for.otin the singing of "Come Ye Blessed," accompanied by the organist. John Currie. The colors were placed anij a real large selection two days beore this increase J AGAINST THE COLD For Furnace Repairs and Renewals Phone BLACK 884 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. temLiJTTiiiixt: y pi' 9 LEATHER BOMBER JACKETS Quilted Mouton Collar fa Shoulder Straps JUST ARRIVED A NEW SHIPMENT TOPCOATS RAINCOATS ACME CLOTHING STORE Serving the Public of Prince Rupert for Over 33 Years BLONDIE lings ni) in stock will be s;ld at the old prices. Ve have now on hand over 200 rings, giving you the largest selection in styling and prices offered Come in today. Easy Credit Trrms Available After a turbulent week-end which Included strong winds, heavy rain and an early morning hailstorm, Prince Rupert began to feel the cold today morning today and received a blanket of snow for the first time this season. Insplte of what seemed almost a deluge of rain yesterday and last ngiht, the gauge at Digby Island recorded only .68 inches precipitation In the 24-hour period ending at 4 a.m. today. The snow started falling at 7:20 and soon turned to slush. Maximum wind . velocity recorded at the weather station was southeast, 30 miles per hour. uhv telephones came in lor a beating once aealn as at least 25 or 30 lines were put out of commission over the week-end. Superintendent Jack Edwards reported this mornine that moat "I "e Damage was lo uiu limp wires. New installations were not affected. Canadian National ena wlln uule aamaSc. 11 ary- Canadian isauonai Kauwavs report there has been snow and rain Bt McEiic". but nothing to interfere with service. At Prince George there was rain and the same from Smithers to Prince Rupert. The road to Terrace Is reported rough but buses have been able to get through on schedule. Snow was falling near the summit yesterday. All In all, the district seems to have come through the first onslaugh otf winter with little inconvenience. STOCKHOLM The Swei v. 'II I . A-irrMLTX . r - Thli advfrtiiemtrn it not published oi displayed by the Uquor Control Board fwyGov""nnto' British Columbi ' PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE I HANDLER'S S'lTDIO " 4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert Don't Gamble on What You EAT!! CALL RED 656 and you know you are getting THE BEST D V S GROCERY reiurnea Dy Marry uaiaerwood; tier and Ronald Basso. and Edgar Woodward. j During the afternoon a recep- The parade of 100 veterans, tlon was held at the home of the under Canadian Legion Presi- bride's parents, 325 Fifth Avenue dent James Nicoll, was in charge West, where many friends gath-of J. S. Wilson, zone command- ered to extend their felicitations er. Mrs. William Rothwell, presi- on the happy occasion dent of the Canadian Legion Assisting the muni i r..i- HANSON'S JEVVELI ERY MANSONS JEWEL! an unnaiurai experience. Ana the only lilies which like stand ing in water an-; water lilies. Poo drainage which allows the soil ti remain wet for long periols. i: likely to b2 fatal to the othp kind. The proper soil is highly I porous, allowing water to dra'n away, and air to enter If yov have sandv soil, or cnn wrcts sail, rich in leaf mould, lliis should thrive in your garden e?-peclallv if you can plant them on a southern slope. ,-.,, riii-atinj that lilv bulbs Fhould be planted 8 to 10 inches deep are now b.eing cha! - lenged, since bulb growers oil l the Pacific coast have found that ex- cellent results can be obtained by t. , . , .. . , , relatively shallow planting. Lil- 1. I HOW TO IIIIIVI !v SIMPLE 15 ?? SORE THROAT fN-K 4 Apply warm oil freely A kHll to nclc. Rub In well, A lfcd. maswgmg muiclas jdl Ik INSIST ond glondi. At drug-!Z Biri' for 8J yar.T.JJJ JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue a am of A Z A III II . .- I Mill tnsfiirtt- --"""1 Women's Auxiliary, was in, charge of 75 women including a number of ex-service women. The parade from Legion headquarters to church and back was led by the Prince Rupert Shrine Club Band under Bandmaster Peter Lien. ; , Wesf Mistrusts Red Proposals WASHINGTON 0' B.,.(i. Ku.vsia Bt ai the week-end proposed a meeting of foreign ministers of the United States, Britain and France on its Prague proposals for the creation of an all-German constitutional council to unify Germany under one government. The initial reaction Is to regard the Prague proposals as a political propaganda counter-move against the defence plans of Western Europe. By CHIC YOUNG TOKEN OF LOVE diamonds u jo. -i. rurw,F HER RING f w wlii inv it QWQV for CM L. nr A I ITICI II SLL UUK DCAO i " v- SEUCHUN iuum was oi purple orchids with Ivy. William E. Bond was groomsman. During the signing of the reg- Istei, Mrs. Matt Burns sans Rocevig's "Ave Maria" with Miss Zoga-s accompanying on the or- Aid. Donald Fitch and Louis V Astcii were ushers. Assisting the officiating priest as altar boys were Edward Clou- the well-wishi ..!. .u , C w VM.. brides mother, in a handsome blue crepe floor length dress with uuisage oi mauve orchid, and Mrs. M. P. McCaffery in a strik ing gown of purple crepe with corsage cf gardenia. : After a toast to the bride had I been appropriately proposed by father Rayner and a toast to the bridesmaid by Judge W. O. Fulton, the groom and groomsman respectively responding, the brid-3 on,i .. .... , . b'win uuijr cut wieir nana- some four-tier weddine cake. Th bride's table was covered with an I elaborate hand embroidered cloth i centered with a profuse bouquet of pink roses banked with tulle and flanked, by, pink tapers :n silver sconces. Presiding at the urns were Mrs. J. L. Blain and Mrs. Angelo Astoria. Th."! serviteurs were Mrs. William aond, Mrs. Donald Fitch, Mrs. Martin Van Cooten,; Mrs. William Russell, Mrs. Louis' Astcrla, Miss Pulmlra Astoria, Mary Astoria and Miss Beverly Nelson. , Later in the afternoon thoi couple sailed aboard the Prin-j cess Louise for a honeymoon trip ; to Vancouver, New Westminster) and Seattle. For going away, the bride wore a handsome navy I gabardine suit with navy velvet cloche hat and sable neckpiece. She had a corsage of white or ! chids. Returning to the city, Mr. and Mrs. Rowse will take up rcsideno 1 at 130 East Fourth Avenue. 1 The bride, who has lived in the city all her life, was wltn the office staff of H.M.C.S. Chatham during the war and later was receptionist at the Public Health Unit here as well as being In the florist business with her sister. The groom Is a graduate of the University of British Columbia and University of Washington and is affiliated with Alpha Ta6 Omega fraternity. Formerly with the research staff of the International Fisheries Commission, he Is now Identified with the Pacific Fisheries here. BRAZILIAN STEEL Brazil oroduced 310 PCD tin-, of steel In the first half of this ;:va:. an increase of nearly 1C0 per cent. DIAMONDS 300.00 Are all guaranlecd-wllh Free Insurance and registered for your protection. MANSON'S Your Friendly Jeweller Mmfl TirWFI.T.MRY 0 MANSON'3 JimW jppiijiy 1 m ' mp&m pprr -- . ' N J I. I'LL POKE ! DC-VOUi KNOW , " '! ! I I1 ILL r-r SO IN THE BASEMENT ) ft- !T W WHATf STUCK vV V TliJ1 TO HELP, AND VOLI t-V lo, pc W," H THE IN THE I AUNDR) v' ( N , TELL MV MAMA hui I" BfiCOM CHdTE, JZJ J' KA ,x A IT'S 1 The Pioneer Druggists t DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 CINNAMON jljjj THERE IS NOTHING tU..,X; THAN Vr MORE APPETIZING ' OUR CINNAMON BUg V TRY OUR CUP VlEKiIO)V POES RUPERT BAKERY ITD 1