prince Rupert Oaflp rectos 'Saturday, September 25, 1948 smims i c- 'i-i x --r Published "every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. O. A. KCNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. FERRY, Managing Director. An Independent dally nrvsoaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all communltlea comprising northern and central British Columbia i nrhotM0 m Second Claw Mall. Pnt Office Department. Ottawa t MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION Rotary Chorus Resumes Practice The Rotary Club Maie Chorus SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier. oe verk, lac: Per Month. 65c: Per Year, 7.00; By Mail. Per Month, 40c; Per Yi ar. 4 00. (gathered last night in the Civi Centre and spent two . hours ! practising on some of the songs used In their very successful DIRECTORY llfli T" " l I -t-Z ' i -vi "r SATURDAY SERMON errtfp In all rhurrheo at II a m. aul "::' p.m.; Similar Seliaol ut IS:15 exiepl an shown. minstrel show earlier this year. Under the direction of Charles Balagno, assisted at the piano by Miss Frances Miore, 14 mea took part In the choral singing. Before long It is hoped that membership will ba mo to 25. The entire group Is enthusiastic about tht- uiorus i-nd arc looking forward to trying their AKOL1C4N C.vrilF.ORAL 4tn Ave. W at Dunamuu St. Holy Communion 8:30 am. Sunday School 2:00 p m. Rector: Basil S. Prockter. B A.. B D (Blue 73 J) SELF-ASSERTION AND SELF-CRITICISM i By REV. R. A. WILSON, First United Church "Every one that exalteth himself shall be abased and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted." Luke 18:14. voices on many new song arrangements this fall and FIRST BAPTIST 6th Ave. B at Young St Minister: Rev. Prat Antrouua (Green 811) Two men-went up into the temple to pray, the one! a Pharisee and the other a publican. The Pharisee tood and prayed thus- with hininelf: 'God, I thank : thee that I am not as other men are,' and the publican THE JUNEAU MEETING WILL BE GAINED, and it is certain MUCH nothing will be lost as a result of the convention that concluded in Juneau last Thursday. It, was the second time in the history of the north that delegates representing each side of the borderCentral and Northern British Columbia and Alaska assembled together, as neighbors and f riends' as well as delegates, to examine and study problems dealing with development and expansion in great regions very similar, one to the other. ' The respective peoples, the natural resources, climate, scenery, geographical features are so much alike that one cannot but wonder why closer contact was not considered earlier. Now that the convention has taken place, now that Alaskans and British Columbians have met in a direct and understanding way, the final fruits of these delibera-tipns cannot but he found to the advantage of all concerned. I IRKT FKKKBYTrrRIAN 4th Avenue Bast (Green 6831 REGULAR IJAITIST CHURCH (Fundamentalist) 629 East 6th Ave. Phone 3C) HI butits fiukt rxm:n 638 6th Ave. West Minister: R. A. Wilson. MA Oreen 613 More than 1,700,000 CanadJ said: 'God, be mercyful to me a sinner. There are two types of men suggested in our Lord's parable. On the one hand : " are the self-righteous or self- refuse to Judge its own action assertive and on the other are'at the bar of fairness to th the humble or self-critical. community is preparing lu own These two types with their- cor- j destruction. As I write this I responding mental attitudes are am attending a national council .. . 0nt, five bank dtxiitor!i in Canada . because of its lon rw.rd of L.fe'tv 2 helpful service to customers in tu-ry ri I I. tmsvr.i. tmhkn.ui.e 221 6Jh Ave. West Pastor: Paul A. Barber (Green OTO) 8AI.VATIOV AKMY Prafier Street CO.: Capt. Earl Jarrett Directory Class 2 :30 p.m. Sunday School 3:00 p.m. (Black 2691 tbuft u hj Ihe B of M has cum to bt k to be found in every area of life. It often seems as if the self- HOHH ST. PAl'I.'ft I I TtU KAN 6th Ave. at McBride St. Pastor: S. Solland iBlack 6101 Unk or Montrea of my own cnurch. Part of tho council's worn, is a painful and humiliating self-criticism and yet In that self-criticism lies the hope of growth and of grace. In our world two. types of political organization face each other. One Is self-assertive and while outwardly strong U inwardly weak. The truly strong nation Is the one that has the organization and h? morale for self-criticism and growth. "He who humbleth himself shall be exalted." i assertive man is getting ahead. He seems to get. things don.' j and, indeed, he does get thing': 1 done. But the more he asserts his "self" the more he becomes the victim of his own pride. His world, no matter what power he may have over others, be comes small and smaller. His "self 'becomes more and more Pritue Rupert l:ramh: G. R. S. N SUNDAY. SEPT. 26, 194a RALLY DAY" special Trogram. (Parent., and friends specially Invited). 7:30 p. m. Gospel Service. Speaker: G. K. S. rMaikab Topic: "SHORT BKUS AXI NARROW BLANKETS" (Repeated by special request t Wed., 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting (note time) . Thurs.. 3:30 p.m. Mission Band. 8 p.m. . SPECIAL MISSIONARY MEKTINU. Rev. V. E. Brace (of Soutji America) and Mr. El don Whipple (of China). (Pictures villi be shown. Friday. 7:30 p.m. Young People's Society. Old-Pahhioned Gospel Singin WE BKLIKVE AND PREACH THE WHOLE BIBLE MauttrJ 8T. PKTKR'S ANGLICAN au Cove Archdeacon l. HrKlnn Sunday School 11 00 a m. Bveulng Prayer 7:30 p.m. ( Blue 8371 (,'OMWMTY SI:SDY SCHOOL East En U Hall, 2:30 p.m. verness, J. H. Gardiner, Victoria; R. W. Sharp, Vancouver; W. A. Bruce, Victoria; R. H. Stien, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. R. Booth, Kelowna; Mr. and Mrs. P. Beam, Port Essington; Mrs. M. Forsythe, Pacific; Mrs. J. H. Sass, Kwinitsa; R. G. Rid-ey, Seattle; W. L. Woods, Vancouver; A Gall and son, Ketchikan, Alaska; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Vaa der Braggen, Monte-bello, California. Stewatt Blanch: (;. J. s. ANOKKSON, X Canada's First Dank ...wwium hh cjuu,, frlotel. . Liil -i A rrwa Is Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. G. Odium, Triple Island; N. J. Wood, Inverness; Frank Loaffe, Vancouver; C. Cruickshank, J. Campbell, Inverness; E. Johnson, Vancouver? Mrs. Sutton, Sitka, Alaska; Mr.' and Mrs. N. McGowan, Alice Arm; R. A. Spencer, Inverness; Mr and Mrs. J. Rintoul, city; L. B. Bolton, city; O. Ismay, In First United Church isolated. In the words of the Bible he is "abased." On -the other hand the whole movement ot the humble man Is exten sive. In so far as is humility is THE Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Greene , will sail on the Chilcotin tonight for Vancouver. Sunday, September 26, 1948 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. Guest Minister. Archdeacon Hodson. 12:15 Sunday School. Rally Day. (all departments meet together) 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. Musical Service. A service of Praise led by the combined choirs with Dr. R.G. Large and Mr. Roland Miles, Soloists. Organ and piano duet, Mrs. "KOl'J genuine, ana not Merely a dls ! guised s e 1 f - concern, he is' brought into contact with hU fellow-men end- God in HUj mercy can raise him upi For example, the student' who admits his Ignorance can leam, the friendless man who admits ' his need can find 'friends, and the morally defeated marv whoi NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS A sale of lots within the City of Prince Rupert on which' delinquent taxes are owing, will be held in the Council Chambers, City Hail, Prince Rupert, B.C., at 10 a.m. September 30th, 1948. Property on which 1946 taxes are owing will be sold unless paid on or before September 29th, 1948. confesses his guilt can. find in strength for a new beginning. L. Daken and Mr. H. Pluyni. In the words of the Bible,- "Hp who humbleth himself shall be exalted." First Presbyterian Church Fourth Avenue East Mrs. E. J. Smith, Organist BEAUTIFUL BENGALINE $12.00 This principle of Jesus is II. M. F00TE, Collector. Orange Ladies i Donate $50 to (227l startling in its scope. A business man who refuses to criticise his business is heading for bank 11 a.m. Speaker, F. E. Anfield 12:15 Sunday School. ' Protestant Home - Consult us iur your needs In all types of printing work. Everything In high-class stationery. Fountain Pens Card for every occasion DIB Printing which; 7:30 p.m. Speaker, A. Ewald.. ruptcy. A labor union I)KSI(INEl) TO RIfill) SPEd KSrECIALLY FOR SWEET Save with the Sweet Sixteen r:v iFirat lautiat (ttljurrb Sunday, September 26 12:15 p.m. RALLY DAY in Sunday School. All parents and friends of the children cordially Invited. Program, promotions and exercises. Flannelgraph talk by Miss M Fraser of Northern Light Book Room. MISSIONARY RALLY, WED., SEPT. 29, AT 8 P.M. Missionary Speakers Rev. Brace of South America and Mr. Whipple of the China Inland Mission will hold special service. Missionary slides will be shown. BUDGET PLAN BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE Ladies Orange Benevolent Association authorized a donation of $50 to the Loyal Protestant Home at New Westminster at its regular monthly meeting held Thursday night in the Oddfellows' Hall. The money was raised at a tea held September 1. The meeting 'd final plans for a bazaar to it, held on December 1. One New member was initiated by K'irs. J. Johansen, chairman. At a previeas meeting, Mrs. Johansen presented Mrs. George Howe with a Past Grand Mistress' collar. STUDENTS! - Just Arrived - Further Shipment of the Popular Loose Leaf Binders 3 HOLES FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES See No Interest No Carrying 0. r I vis ST. NEOTS, Huntingdonshire Eng., 0 A Jackdaw flew into I WANT -tf;T0 KNOW... COTTACi New CrtK a cafe here and dropped a dental plate on a woman customer's table. It was claimed by a local dentist who had missed it from his surgery. BADSHOT LEA, Hampshire, Eng.. CP) Cocky, a yellow -crested cockatoo, died aged 75. VALDl WKATHALL'S TIIOTO FIMSIIINC Develoninr. Printinf EiUarsin? QUICK SERVICE Amateur and ProfottsioruU Supplies IK Does a Mother need insurance? LnleM bnsl)nd and falher U vry well-to-do hU wife liould have her on. insurance policy. If a mother diet when there are no fund vailuhle to pay a hnueekefper, ihe home muy he broken up and the children put out-for adoption or smi to relative. Tho atuwar i, "Yes, a molher need life inuran-e." Make an appointment to talk thinz over with a Mutual Life of Canada representative today. WOOD'S and LVB ndustrial Sanitation Products Advertise In the Dally News! VEN4 rrm Tf LrHHl h bi YpTnrm nrtntmir Keep Winter Out! STORM WINDOWS AND DOORS PROTECT YOUR HOME FROM DRAFTS ANO COLD. ALL SIZES. Mitchell & Currie LIMITED Phone 363 Builders and Contractors Providing iifm HEAD OfMC WATEItlOO, ONI. StronglJ1 aluminum of smart tc monlzini sine 106 V f . If Even for double the " price you can't buy anything better than our esti I JANITORS' SUPPLIES p Paper. -Towels Paper Cups Dustbane I Sisal -Cnmpound Disinfectants Ozium i Ozitfost -C Liquid and Spirit Wax Soap ' etc. r ! PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE ! 712 Second Ajreuue Phone 632 prince Rupert, B.C. measure J' 'instal thet: REPRESENTATIVES: Richard Sephton, District Agent, Vancouver, B.C. R. E. Mortimer, Representative, Prince Rupert, B; C. Will Robinson (E.T. Kenney Ltd) Representative, Terrace, B.C. t NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS nttSES Ormes Drugs BRIP GREER & PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLID A YS 1 3 NOON ""O 3 P.M., . 7 P.M TO 9 P XL Wm. H. Francks OPTOMETRIST OF1 VANCOUVER Will be making hla regular fall visit to Prince Rupert September 30 to October 8 Inclusive for the purpose ot Examination of the Eyes and adjustment of glasses if needed. Appointments can be made at Hotel Prince Rupert desk by asking, for Mrs. Campbell or Mrs. Bryant. (23CJ BUILDERS AND COHm ' For obvious reason, the principal on beinc increased cost ot. prdictiov it has becom nacemutry for the Daily News, t atuwMMM lonf Aefenwd- but small Increase in cifculaUtti rates t be- effeetrve on and after October 1, 1948. The new rates, will- be: CITY CARRIER DELIVERY: Per Week, 0c; pes Month, 75; per Year, $8 BY MAIL Per Year, $5; per Month, 50e Payment may be mad up to and including September 30 ot any arrears on ot advance subscriptions at the present rates of 65o per month" and $T per year for city delivery and H per- yea by maiL Thereafter both arrears and advance payments wlU be at the advanced rates. Subscriber ar advised tm check up their accounts and take advajitare of the old rate alou a they last. Two sailings per week for VANCOUVER t- VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala STEWART and ALICE ARM 8undays, 10 p.m. FOR QLEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS 8.s. Coqultlam. Aug. 10, 21 11 p.m. -rzA Repair. - Con.tru" Dully car delivery errlc erfeiiejr bicycle, deliver Floor Santiins r. iiuui i y-ui. uu p.m. from 9 am till 6 p.m. and Sunday Phone RED 561 PHONE 81 lTfliP , FRANK J. SKINNER rnnce Rupert Awent THBDAlLVJ A CTASSIFTED A0 IN Third Ave. ruone Obu