Kamloops where he had attended the" provincial 'convention of the Canadian Legion. Prftue Runrrt Dailp JSctos Thursday, August 25, 1949. BA LOOKING BACK Pearson and Joyce Pottle were' impressive too. Perhaps more J fun was being had by the nor'-.' so-expert. There were various sounds as dii":ient ; parts of various anato nles struck the water at varir us angles. As legs t slapped the surface or some did. ttJMBEH OF CANADIAN PRESS -- ATTDn BUREAU OF CI CLATIONB ' CANADIAN DA 1LT WPtVSPAPER ASSOCIATION - lilpentieu oi;j uewppt arrotM o M upbuilding of iTlnce Rupert j f4 u sommuoltln eomprlMnf northern nd central British Columbia ; (Authorised u Becond Claw Mall. Poet Offte Department. Ottawa) t At a meeting of the executive of the Prince Rupert Horticultural Society, plans were laid for a flower show at the end of the month. ! QUICKLY r? Belly floppers" there was much (AukusI 21, J924) PuhllchM every afternoon except Sunday by Frtnoa Bupart Dally Hewi Lt4., 8rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, brttlah Columbia. Q. A- HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY, Managing Director. SUBSCRIPTION RATES M Carrier, Per Week. 20c: Per Month. 75c: Per Tear. 18 00. E?3a.Jt By UaU, Per Month. 60c; Per Year, tS.OO " ' SATAN VS. GYROS , 1 McClymont Park, Investment in Citizenship - New Pool Popular (By JAY ESS) Satan and the Gyros! The Gyros and Satan! Yet there was a connection or rather a contest between these two powerful agencies. That thought persisted for a time as I watched scores of children at McClymont Park and dozens of them in the splendid new swimming pool there. What might have been a 'prejudice at first in my mind be- - - ." .... , r . , L .... , current menial health develop- r prdtifvinff loeical I'Binp a rer- You Saw It in The News! It Pays to Advertise! merriment. Some went liKe j Thg oard of Work(j and the frogs but unlike the frogs their Flnance, CommlUee are discuss J legs were at divergent angles as g or tne ellminatim , Inn ol UMM ' ' they strucK me waii m.u of paTlk roads ln tne clty 11 nri u were spiasnes, many mm i Others, mostly at the shallower F. L. Buckley Js in the city and is making plans for the reconstruction of the Port Clements sawmill. "fmn. imillL , 1 l'r'mpt in , .h.j end were swimming. They were practising, and practising seriously, different strokes the breast stroke, the crawl, the back stroke. And some were very proficient. A couple were practising somersaults in the "BUILD B.C. PAYROLLS" for the pAeiFic WHOLE FAMILY 53 .""A(llTlO it, John Barnsley. managing director of Union Steamships Ltd., and father of Jack Barnsley, tainty as the minutes passed by. water and mutually , criticising ' local agent of the line, died sud- ment. Mothers busy too, dividing their interests between their small children and knitting. Over all a warm sun shining, the sounds o; meinnient in their ears and the fragrant satisfying odor of the evergreens. ach other's achievement. Two denly in Vancouver. lads were diving to pick up small articles at the bottom of the AllvlseintntL "say! no Satan was licked, and badly-beaten. There is the old and true saying that "Satan still some evil finds for idle hands to do." Well the chief of the devils is out of luck where the Gyros operate. That is where the connection between Satan and the Gyros comes in. At the Gyro Park were scores of children and quite a few grown-ups. None were idle and so none were finding evil things to do. (August 24, 1939) A local Embargo CommlUee formed to discourage trade with Surely, "God's in HU heaven. Alls right with the world! However, my primary interest was in the new swimming pool, Was it a good investment? The answer is a very definite yes. There were always at least thirty children, girls and boys, (pool. Some'went in feet first I holding nujses or not. But every-lone was busy and happy. And , I w as much impressed by the habits of them all. As each came in he or she used the footbath. And Joyce Pottle, who was keeping a watchful eye on all, saw that the water In the footbaths was changed frequently. W. L. Wfirjr aggressor nations were ciujmth There's added flavor, extra nourishment and unvarying quulity ln the familiar Puclfic tin. Hasty, healthy meals are eaf-y with pacific . . . and for the babies' formula it's Ideal. PACIFIC MILK FRASER sj as follows: Thomas Elliott, chairman; George Dolsen, Rev. H. -G. Funston, H. Harkus, Thomas McKenzie, Edward Chungkee, Dr. R E. Coleman, What a satisfaction such ai of all ages enjoying one of the PR1NCI i sight must be to any citizen but best forms of athletic activity. Altogether it was a most de George Lawrence, Jack Deane, particularly to any Gyro! There There was diving. Some was by . . was the new swimming pool! lexperts. Neil Forman and Ronnie L-.,.,, Kr Bnm and Rev. J. C. Jackson. Irradiated and Vacuum Packed JOHN There was the sandpile! There oeig caugui my rjrc ts uiey ut4 Wilson returned from! was the creek! Ana m every into tne water . noiselessly ana piace there was activity, hap-(Without any commotion in BULQ Then to the paddling pool! There were children of all ages happily disporting themselves in it. Here there was a happy confidence and the absence of any feeling that the water was too piness and a healthful develop-1 rtraight standing, running or I meni 01 me ooay wun iu tun- julmihc uivea. oiuiiey aim oun More Traffic Here until June 30 of restrictions MODIFICATION under the Jones Act, as approved by President Truman, will make it possible for Canadian vessels to participate more freely in the Alaska trade. They will be permitted now to handle traffic between ports in Alaska. Canadian vessels will also be' allowed to pick up American business in Alaska and deliver it either part of the way or all the way to United States and will be able to participate in business moving in the reverse direction. The applicability to Prince Rupert is, of course, obvious and the opportunity to increase business for Canadian bottoms will, doubtless, be taken ad-tae of by enterprising shipping concerns. If Am- erican shipping services for any reason are unable to give service, it will be easy for Alaskans, as they have done before, to turn to Canada and Canadian shipping and it could, conceivably, even further increase the substantial volume of traffic already being developed through this port to and from Southeastern Alaska. FREEDOM OF THE PRESS Socialists and other misinformed COMMUNISTS, citizens who complain that the press is manacled by monolopies should study the report recently handed down by Britain's Royal Commission on the Press. The 250,000-word report on the two-year study contained these two important paragraphs. "It is undoubtedly a great merit of the British jTress.'that it is completely independent of outside financial interests and that its policy is the policy of those who own and conduct it. , . VThe public can dismiss from its mind any misgivings that the press of this country is mysterious-ly financed by hidden influences and that it is open to the exercise of corrupt pressure from self-seek-' "irig outside sources." The report dealt with the press of Great Britain, ..but anyone connected with the publishing industry "'in Canada knows that the same observations could " be made of the press 'of the Dominion. Printer and Publisher. j deep. Just beside it was the sandpile and there were budding i xMwm& m. r n i ivy n John Bulg' Third At- lJt. tilth HltAlDM I architects planning and carrying out marvels of original construction. Here there are undoubtedly some future town- planners and I hope when they WCMI grow up that they will not allow lots to be limited to twenty-five feet in width. Bcoies of children were very active with all the equipment items. One young girl was doing marvels on the horizontal ladder' "ST fWjrHf Look for the jKJi SVjBJjp blue and yellow package I ! that identifies g O WJ ' I Chricftiec kfiyl 1 GRAHAM WAFERS ! , Some lads were doing practical ' problems in physics on the seesaws proving that the product of the weight and the distance from the luicrum would providiV a balance. Lack ol equality in 'the products provided unequal ' equilibrium! PRICES BUY I I Thero was pvprv sum thnt nnr MEN'S WOKK t --z - -z-rmrzzz. ; I youth will grow up willing and To $1.50-Now . MEN'S DKKSS F Ifflf To $1.(10 Now Genuine Arrow Bus Lines Ltd. MEN'S GABARIlH i able to carry on the traditions I of the sea. There were niupy 'youngsters with boats of uli sizes and shapes experimenting with their problems of nuviya-! tion, propulsion and steering in j the "dangerous hazards of liayi I Creek" As I left, three young To $13.50-Nof ying fur a house YOl'Nfi MKSST'l PUBLIC PASSENGER TIME SCHEDULE NO. 4A (Supplementary to Passenger Time Schedule No. 4 dated November 1st, 1947) I is t tough enough, S1.A( KS-To Now for Public Passenger Service without fixing it as you go along. Our roof is DUROID and it hasn't Cost a rent for painting or repair. I 4. What does the word "phleg MEN'S SPOBT Sfil Washahle-To matic" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with fe that means "ardent"? sters were making tneir way quickly and with an air of determination to the creek. They had pieces of wood varying in size from a large sliver to a piece Now between t Fisherman's Co-Operative Association Plant 1 and Cow Bay, Route S. Issued pursuant to the provisions of the "Motor Carrier Act and Regulations thereunder. "Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong with this t MFN'S SPORT ifi - - I Answers "She was In the beginning we hai a 66 foot lot, a little money and a big desire. Knowing that long years of payments lay ahead, we wanted our home to be worth owning by the time we'd paid in full. Our contractor said, "DUROID will lant." Our friends said, "DUROID is bright and colorful.T WashaMf-To delighted 1. Say, of "two-by-four." At least that's what they looked like to me, but I am sure that with their lively Now Leave Cow Bay MEN'S CABABKll imagination these pieces of wood ' D.B., Latest, PH sentence? "She was delighted with her dress." 2. Pronounce at her dress." li-thog-ra-fer, i as in it, o as in 2. What is the correct pro- of, accent second syllable. 3. nunciation of "lithograrJher"? 'Haphazard. 4. Not easily ex-3. Which one of these words cited to action or passion. "He ; isim'isspelled? Harangue, har-J is a phlegmatic person." 5. Fer- bmger, haphazerd. vid. To S49.50-N MEN'S WORSTS And our uncle who loaned ui some money said, "DL'KOID is a good buy." They were all right! We've made the last payment and our Sunday Only 9:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Leave Fisherman's Co-op Association Fnt Daily Except Sunday Only Sunday 10:15 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 3:20 p.m. 11:20 a.m.' 8:15 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 9:20 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 12:15 p.m. D.B., All-Wool f'1 Daily Except Sunday 9:45 a.m. 2:50 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m 11:45 p.m. would represent everything from Dad's rowboat, halibut boat or sailboat to the Queen Mary. In the creek too were young disciples of Izaak Walton. They were catching lisii. ut least they assured me they were and who tver heard any fisherman To $47.50 Now MEN'S SOX-F4 roof is as good as new. work. From, P" Baptone Lstretching the truth? In other SOMETHING' TO REMEMBER! . . . Genuine DL-HOID Shingles are made only by Sidney Roofing and Paper Co. Ltd. Call your nearest Sidney Dealer today. Easy-to-follow directions for application are contained in every bundle of Genuine DC KOI D Shingles. ' The Wonder Wall Painl SUBJECT TO THE CONSENT OF THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, ANY OBJECTION TO THIS TIME SCHEDULE MAY BE FILED WITH THE SUPERINTENDENT OF MOTOR CARRIERS, PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, VANCOUVER, B. C. WITHIN 114) FOURTEEN DAYS FROM DATE OF ISSUE. -" Made to be used over Kalsomine, Wall Paper, Issued: 17 Jan. 1949. WftMUA v ROOFING & PAPER . CO. LTD. ) ylCTOHI VANCOUVHI Plaster, Woodwork and Wall Board Paint today, movn in tomorrow ' $1.40 qt. . $4.50 gal. JHOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. separated and sequestered nooks there were family groups with the never all-sulficient supply of eataoles. Mothers were relaxingat times and some were knitting as they gossiped. But in such surroundings I am sure there was nothing of scandal of a hurtful nature. In the naturally beautiful McClymont Park with the varied BOYS' SCHOOL 5H To $1.25-No BOYS' SPORT S: To $2.25 No BOYS' ANKLE S' To 50c Now BOYS' PASTS-choose for k (iood fit " "J From LADIES' ANKIE Ja' To 50c-N. LADIES' STOlKlX To 55c No ; t HU D S AXKItT5 Effective: Issued by .C. W. Dixon, Arrow Bus Lines Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. (200) equipment so generously plied by the Gyro Club there is Qualitty PBUNTINC All Types SUPPLIES FOR OFFICE STATIONERY FOIt HOMI GREETING CARDS PENS AND PENCILS OF TASTY MEALS AT THE Rex Gate Chinese Dishes a Specialty cnop SUEY enow MEIN I To 40c Now SHRINE CLUB'S CARNIVAL Crescent Shows AUGUST 29 SEPTEMBER 5 ENTERTAINMENT FOR YOUNG AND OLD 9 BONA FIDE FEATURES 9 & haven of rest for the grownups, and unlimited source of pleasure-satisfying activities for the youth of our city. The Gyros are building a good citizenry as they provide the youth of the city with such physical and moral development agencies. The Gyros are licking Satan! DIBB PRINTING CO. Becond Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel BESNER BLOC. PHONE NE i3 i3 I 7:00 hjxl to 3:30 a m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders EE THE mB& GIFTWARE . . . ORMl : Fargo Trucks 'available for immediate delivery Vases DRUGS , Figurines I;. Fancy Glassware CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM will re-open SUNDAY, AUG. 28 '. i I Jit . B! sure to see our selection of GIFTWARE and rememhpr 2- Ton Chassis and Cab, 152" Wheelbase with reinforced frame Si 2-speed rear axle. 3- Ton Chassis and Cab, 170" Wheelbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed rear axle. you can get your GREETING CARDS and GIFT WRAPPINGS without leaving the store Save time and effort Select your gifts at PRESCRIP1ION CHEMI STORE HOURS-WEEK DAYS, 9 NOOM T SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS-12 7 P.M. TO 9 P M. Emergency bw Ovic Centre Dining Room Rupert Motors Ltd. ; Phones: 866 Office, 566 Shop Wan 'fit? ArylrzvrriJMDl Dally car delivery service from 9 am. till fl pm. 51 8rd Ave. W. Phone Red 400