1 4 ITT prince Rupert Daflp fltw3" Thursday, August 25, 1949! in the ,-,, - , a point, A . held to 'h,'n one 6 . due to wtofn u 'nt A" kin, to deal v ' i ; T.iii fcVulii T 1 ... iij.il. ' ii i . . - -f sf i. i M , ,. i ( ,.; CS j Bascltall Upheaval Crisis Follows Hesitation of Merchants' Menlor chant. Tills Is especiany true in the light of the fact that a cash prize has been offered by the league for the team winning the pennant. Thus something material is at stake. The Merchants had a chance to take the prlie as they stood, but can be written off as a contender in their present state. Before Odowes made his resignation known he authorized the release of the two p.ayers. it is not certain whether a clause Ray Reflects ... . . . and Reminisces the full exA was seek a quiet spot and close his eyes. Earthquake news was sketchy. All anyone knew was that power and water pipes had broken, great yjildings. If not razed, were unsafe, and fires were spreading. The clamor for news in detail had become insistent. The fellow from the west coast had the picture and in a few hours he drew it to the extent of about, eight columns. Knowing the city so well no part of it was neglected by the San Franciscan with the typewriter. And, later on, when the opportunity to check, arriv ed, H was pleasant to realize the story was substantially correct in all essentials. The earthquake that shook the city was not the only upheaval exDeritnced In Prince n paw to fe To make more dents in the was a day where eight hours Jones Bill takes lots of effort had no meaning, but, praise be, progress is re-j. . Advertise m ported. President Truman's A Prince Rupert audience, Rupert since the first of the week. An eruption in the ranks i of the Merchants' entry in the! City Baseball League has shaken the organiation to the foundation. It all started with the signature, announced Tuesday, comments an observant sports means there will be a further WI.iter win often cheer the los-modifieation of laws governing ,n ie'am hut wll not acclaim the transportation between British winners, no matter how well the i ..: ... r;- -v.- . fS 1 Columbia and Alaska. Cany on!jlaUer play the game from all ! points of view. There seems no 1 ? i explanation, unless it is that Use of a scythe has lately been It used to be "don't you know there's a war on?" when some patient customer suggested a more prompt and satisfactory service. Later on, it changed to "I'll bet that fellow is a com- resignation of Johnny Odowes as manager of the team. Odowes was appointed manager of the All Star team for Hie Smithers series when Alex Uill was absent from the city. Johnny states that he had the lineup for the games arranged apparently as recom. mended by Alex Bill but player interfer- necessary in Prince Rupert as lush grass grew higher. To b" able to swing this blade is unpopularity. And that's been known to happen which brings us back to the old axiom that neither so simple or easy. It's I "misery likes company." ( munist" when some mysterious deuced hard work when the sun f k Li Vtei yM incuse uLivib nv . , , . it mu.., ' possibly unjustmed suspicion, appearing stranger aroused your For the next week or so it will be "8ay, did you feel that? Surely it can't be more tremors, yet it could be'" as a heavy truck rumbles past the house. 'rf P ft1 A" cnanges in me une-up. inus with another incident that followed, was the basis for his de-j clsion to quit the Merchant team rather than cause further has power and there are acres; of future hay to cut. On many When earthquake and fire a Canadian farm when the' wrecked San Francisco a few Dominion was younger, sharp-i years after the turn of the cen-ening the scythe on the good tury, a journalist 'born and 'old grindstone was a customary ! brought up in that city held a prelude to the day's program.) job in New York. He was four There would be no blood or thousand miles away but any tears but verily there would be time he wished to behold his sweat before it ended. And it home town, all he needed to do friction. Odowes states that he had no disagreemnet or contro Fred J. Stnythe, the man who turned out the only history ever written of southeastern Brti- EIFFEL IN TOOTHPICKS This replica of the famous Eiffel Tower is shown with its maker, 26-year-old Clifford Norman of Montreal at the Pacific National Exhibition in Vancouver. The original steel structure was completed 60 years ago for the World Exposition in Paris, France. It is made entirely of toothpicks. ish Columma, "Tales of the Kootenays" is dead at his home in Cranbrook. He was a veteran of nearly sixty years In the newspaper business and was one I of the last of the handset print- j ers. An old friend, Fred Kemp- ton, until recently a member of ; versy with the league sponsored Merchant team. Odowes took the easiest but, possibly, not the best way out of the situation. lie might have disciplined the player or players involved in the All Star incident. Following the manager's decision to quit, two players resolved to follow suit. They are aboard s.s. Prince Rupert which arrived in port at 1 p.m. yesterday included round tripper passengers for Ketchikan and a large number of local resid SHIPS and WATERFRONT the local city telephone staff, and now located in the south, ents returning after visiting In the south. or Jxv1 - roved ri rmancej John Rosedale and Dave Abel. When questioned on his reason remembers him well. Well' equipped as Mr. Smythe un-1 " dnnht.fvllv u-qo in BT,;ta uin There are still no catches off LUIS ALVARADO r? "Tales of the Kootenays," he performed, at the same time, a valuable public service. for leaving the team, Rosedale would not commit himself to a definite answer but stated that It was something that had been brewing for some time. On the same question, Abel said he would rather not give his reason. All three have stated their intention of joining other club.i OUT OF, tuna being landed here. The fish are off Marble Island west coast of Queen Charlottes, and a few have been caught by boats belonging to the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association but in no quantity and , certainly not enough to warrant any boat to come Into port with a catch. Try a Classified Ad for Results Adert)se :n tne DUly News' I. J -5 - I:., I i , I -r 111 Vs 1 - rA in the league. However, the league constitution states in one SWITCHED TO A capacity list of passengers Co' clause thai, no team may sign a player after mid-season without the sanction of the league executive. It is unlikely- that the league wih a.iow the pUyers to join another team unless they can supply a good reason for FROM SOME v. OTHER BRAND refusing to play with the Mer 1 1 m foe wJ osCl! choose Calvert Whiskies : I... A . . ,ffiO0ti A Nation-wide survey by IT'inuepenclenFfe-search organization shows that 3 oui of 0 v J i bought B. F. Goodrich tires, switched from some, other brand. foetee l 1 Luis Alvarado, Peruvian diploim and educator recently appointef Asst. Director-General of the Ir ternational Labor Organizatit (1LO), the U.N. Agency whit deals with world labor standan fooney THE REASONS? Only B. F. Goodrich givet extra blowout protection Longer mileig . . smoother riding, plu. FREEDOM FROM PUNCTURES. ,foer. I ..r ni"' ,.-17 V1CKERS' IS DISTDIiUTEO IN CANADA BY CALVERT B1STIUE8S (CANADA) LTD t Advertise in tne Dally N'2ws! . inf This advertisement is not published or di played by the Liquor Control Board 01 by the Government of BriLuh Columbia, L, iJJW r IB Prince Rupert Florist MOO 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 J Tkii tdvrtlumnt b not publiihtd of rflipUytd by At Liquoi Contiol 8oard w y tht Gomnt el Billiih Celwmbl. Flowers tor All Occasions IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE l mil Jti of III the Mllttrr of the JX:ltr I COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Madn VALENTIN DAIRY ! Your Datly ALL-WEATHER SERVICE (forge I'orter and In tUe Matter ul the "AdnilnlKtra-tlon Act" TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honour Judge W. O. Fulton, made the 12th day of August. A. D. 1949, I mi appointed Administrator of the Estate of George Porter, deceased, late of Terrace, In the Province of British Columbia. ALL PAKTIE3 having claims against the said Estate are hereby required to furnish same properly verified to me on or before the 30th day of September. AD. 1949. after which date claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims' of which I then had no knowledge. Zip . . and the handv new wary., ifimmmnm HWf i PRINCE RUPERT I Salt Lake Ferry Sunday & Thursday SCHEDULES Sundays Continuous service commencing 11 a.m. Thursdays Leave Cow Bay Floats 2:30, 4, 5, 7 and 8 p.m. Las.t boat leaving Salt Lake at 10 p.m. SPECIAL TRIPS FOR PARTIES BY APPOINTMENT Phone GREEN 391 or BLACK 926 Gillette Blade Dispenser dealt out a Gillette Blue Blade, un-wrapped and ready for your raor. Edges are protected perfectly. The Dispenser costt nothing extra. You pay only for the blades. Rupert Motors Limited BOWLING ALLEY Seconfl Avenue ALL PARTIES Indebted to the said Estate are hereby required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. WAWAVAV.WA-A,AVVWA,.VWWAWAV.i j I SLUE BlADIS- Y . j 40 SHAVING EDGE .'Jl"i'' y jl. j Si. DATED at the City of Prince Rupert. In the Province of British Columbia, this 12th day of August, A D. '.949. OORDON P. FORBES. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B C. (201) for EFFICIENT. MODERN HEATING see OUR FLOOR FURNACES Kl'I.l.V AUTOMATIC OIL HEAT AT LOW COST. VOIR INSPECTION INVITED OPEN DAILY FROM 3:30 P.M. TO 11 P.M. Saturdays 12 Noon to 12 Midnight PHONE RED 709 "BOWL FOR HEALTH" FREE INSTRUCTION THOM 1 , SHEET METAL LIMITED Bin advertisement is not published or d'sP,av,Vj Gintrol Board or by the Government ol British look fed ," h us Gilletto Blu. Bladoi Agents for the Iron Fireman 9K1 253 VlltW riHST AVENUE AVI. . ULACK 884 GREER & BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS i r 1 11 4 i VANCOUVER VICTORIA - Paper Paper Towels Headquarters for Canning Supplies Glass Jars and Fittings Cans aind Canning Machines Pressure Cookers Preserving Kettles DisP Deodorants construction: CAR RADIOS SPOT-LIGHTS GRILL GUARDS I LNDL'R FLAPS ALTERATIONS REPAIRS a Sweopin? CAR ROBES KFAT COVI.RS Al'TO FANS F.XIIAIST DI.FLLCTOUS Bob Parker's SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.r.i., Coqultlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coqultlam, August 12 and 26 FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Ooquitlam, August IB and 31 " FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 MOPSimpnES--g . For Cleaning aid Janitor SupP!ie' PRIFICE RUPERT SUPPl'j Phone 632 ! 712 FLOOR SANDING) A SPECIALTY UPTOWN SERVICE STATION Second and Mi-Bride or Phone 791 RED 561 P.O. BOX 721 5 MrBride Street WE DELIVER Phone 311