a Ctfnrf nuperf Dailj) Httol Thursday, August 25, 1949. Our Slock of Famous V MARGARET BRAIN j MMEM3MMMMMAMMm f Vf st WANTS WANTS TO TO MARRY MARRY McLHOI) KIVEH COAL A Regular meeting of Operat Oorclon It Anderson sell Thor Washers. .(ig9) ing Engineers, Local 510, Car Is Complete M'MP EGG KIT STOKER penters' Hall, Friday, August 26, 7:30 p.m. Members of Local 115 are Invited to attend. (200) Terence IluUle of Winnipeg, after spending the past . two weeks here on business as a An interview with Miss Margaret Brain, who won the distinction of being Miss P.N.E. of 1948, with her portrait, appears in the society columns of the Vancouver Sun. She told her interviewer that winning the title proved Invaluable in- form member of the fur dealing firm' Mrs. George Sendall and little WOO . rownc Kuuie, will leave daughter left on this after-' Sunday night by the Coqultlam , noon's plane for Vancouver. Mr. I ing her sense of values and in ior Vancouver enroute back to -Sendall, who has been pastor of kets Winnipeg. determining what she wanted out of life, which is marriage ert & McCaffery First Presbyterian Church here for the past year, will leave Sunday night on the Coquitlam and and'a home. She expects to be LIMITED come Mrs. Vernon Ciccone early Will later nrorppri tn Tnrnntn to . PIIOXE 116 i - Prince Rupert Florists wish to announce that their store will be closed from August 24th to Sept. 13th inclusive. Miss Jeanne Coupal, for the past two years identified with next year, take up theological post-graduate studies. Prince Rupert Liberal Assn. ANNOUNCEMENTS SURGEON REMOVES .OWN APPENDIX Here's an unusual photo made as Dr. Georae C. Balderston. 30. of Telluride. Colo.. General Public Meeting will be Advertisements in tnl? column will the public health nursing serv be charged for lull month at 25c per word I i Ice of the local public health held ln clvlc Centre at 8 p.m. removed his own appendix while Dr. Richard G. Gladman of unit, has been transferred to Tnursday' August 25th, 1949.' Uravan, Colo., stood by. Ten hours after the surgery, Dr. Balder-Langley Prairie. She left for A11 lnterested P'ease attend. ston decided he was an "ambulatory patient" and got up. He 0 Lutheran tea Sept. 10. Cruiser Coats in red and black and white and black checks. Medium weight, good length with pockets in back. PRICED AT $13.75 (199) saia ne periormea me operation to get tne "patient s attitude. her new post in the Fraser Val United Church Supper,. Sep Yesterday Rev. and Mrs. L. O. Sieber enjoyed a visit from Rev. ley at the first of this week. Major C. W. Warrcnder. Sal The city ambulance made a I Advertise in the Dally News! vation Army, was the speaker today at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club with President R. 4 J. F. and Mrs. Anderson of Sar-IP ,to Port Edward Vrday Nina' nt- Mrs- J"""son nia. Ontario, and Miss Sands of Edmonton, Alberta.' ,Prlnce RuPert eneral spltal- They came up the coast from : Vancouver on the Prince Ru-j Nels Robinson, a resident of Pert. the Pioneers' Home, was taken vr t, .... uit0 hospital last evening by the FRANKFURTERS IX. v.-,P' G. Van dcr Sluys in the chair. Better with ajor Warrender spoke of Sal V rp - J va vation Army work with partlc All-wool Jackets in bright plaids, cruiser length with zipper. Smart, easy fitting and practical. PRICED AT ' ular reference to the forthcom- Unlversitv of Tornnt ..rrivert clty ambula a a precaution- tember 22. Tickets now available. I Loyal Order of Moose Men's and Women's Annual Bazaar and Dance September 29th and 30th. Moose Temple on the 29th, Civic Centre on the 30th. Dance and drawing for prizes at Civic Centre. 1 Catholic Bazaar October 5 and 6. Sonja Ladies Bazaar, Oct. 28. Rebekah Bazaar, Oct. 26. St Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar, Nov. 3. , Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 9. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 17. I.O.D.E. Chapter's Fall Bazaar, Nov. 24. ing Red Shield drive and he also in .h ..t thQ ary measure. He was suffering a Showed an intcrestlnz moving i etB from a heart condtlon, the result o fan attack of Influenza. c i iiviu ui iu u 1 1 i aim picture. proceeded East by the evening train. Mr. Zaslow is wrltine a $13.50 Advertise In the Daily News! thesis on Canadian transporta-j ' " 1 tion and while here looked Into . the current transportation situ- DDDQDDDDDDD ation with a view to obtalnln; Information. CAR TOP An innovation for travellers Is this m which is a combination bunkhouse and boat. :0 pounds and can accommodate three or four and M.irilyn Hand of Boston. Mass., are trying m or size while Jacqueline Kelly climbs aloft D D D How! PIONEER SCHOOL GIRL REVISITS Mrs. Paul Delaney, who started school In Prince Rupert during the very early days and attended King Edward School when it was first built, revisited Prince Rupert on Tuesday after nearly forty years.' The former Marguerite Camozzl, Mrs. Del St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall C. V. G. A 1 1 - w o a I j Jackets 1 in bright plaids and styled with double shoulders. ' PRICED AT - $16.95 ' J J X 7 Twt Jk Jl about. Bazaar, Nov. 26. Saturday. 1 Orange Ladies Sale, Dec. 7, Col. and Mrs. C. V. Evitt , of Nanalmo and H. A. Philpott' of Vancouver left by car this morning on their return south after a holiday renewing acquaintances In the city and district. In the course of their stay Col.' Evitt and Mr. Philpott, both of whom are ardent fishermen, en- valp of 50 miles an hour on 3 SAFETY S 3 SEALED n to protect Shawatlans Road. The accused) aney was here with her hus- pleaded guilty and was fined band, a Seattle architect, mak $15 and costs or seven days. The rate W. D .1! in City Pol-re of speeding J. W. Stewart, ii! and Gib- they clocked elling at the ing the round trip aboard the steamer Chilcotin which was in Joyed a successful fishing trip to Francois Lake area. fine was paid. It Pays to Advertise! port on an Alaskan cruise. She was the daughter of the late Sam Camozzl who came here in 1909, invested heavily In real estate at that time and built the old Grandview Hotel on First g tlavour g d . and g 'strength g Modern Etiquette inimimiinui . Q. How long should a weddin;; I Avenue. The family left here in 1913 to reside In Seattle and It was there that Sam Camozzl l!iU!Uil!Hl!!ii!i!!!il:!ik 7s V died years ago. Mrs. Delaney teaches languages in a Seattle i ine Is payable In advance. Please refrain from hlh school. siiieils, 2c per word per insertion, minimum Nntirex SOe Cards nt Thanks. Death Notices, IMarriaRC and Engagement Announcement: 2. C1AL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE ill!!! LOST AM) KOL'Nl) Purex has the silky- ring be worn after the husband i has died? A. A widow continues to wear the wedding ring during her lifetime, unless she becomes engaged to marry a second time. Following the announcement of her engagement, she ceases to wear- her first wedding ring. Q. Should a stenographer rise when visitors to the office approach her desk? A. Not necessarily. She would do so for a stranger or an important person, biit not to greet one who comes to the office constantly. ...... Q. Is it correct to put broken crackers into soup? A. Crackers are never broken into the soup. STEAMSHIP PRINCE RUPERT. SAILS FOB VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:13 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations ' Prinee Rupert', FOUND-Female Cocker Span- l 1 1, , v 1,-1 Owner rail at the Daily softness and dependable News oilice ana pay ior n ad. H) il. Roy Kevin 7 pounds, a (It) jD AGENTS strength that mean "tops in bathroom tissues." Thoroughly absorbent and LOST Blue wallet. Saturday, Aucust 20th. containing Ini-puilant papers. Urgently neeupd. Name of owner on papers. Return to Daily News. Reward. (2031 f.D agents! In-' FARM AND ORCHARD 5.74 Acres IIOI SE tlLLV MODERN WATER FROM MUNICIPAL MAIN FOR QUICK SALE $3,000.00 Cash E.T.KENNEY LIMITED TERRACE, B C. (223) kind 'to delicate skins. WANTEll Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT ' OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. WANTED Row boat in pood shape. P. M. Jansen, New Koval Hotel, City. 204) J matte tom- . Write lor i sampie otter rail Greeting itn Ave., Van- 1 201! I LE . Doris;e truek Kly. 164-incri l condition. Phone (i.)7. BICYCLES WANTED Sheet metal worker. Apply Thorn Sheet Metal Limited. Black 884. 201) WANTED TO RENT 4 or 5-niiitH hniisp furnished or un TRICYCLES furnished Uraent. Box 174fi City. tl99 12011 i J15 00Blaek i2()l I !c oak dinette (lark creen KIDDIE CARS !.. RKUISTBV A'T .w. m.ttrr .: " of ill minerals. WANTED Urgently, 3-roomcdl apartment, 'centrally located, Ill IK ,nrf t; unuainted to Box 569, 'pmrtous " M address repltes I'tl two chairs; Daily-News. petroleum unun -- Jacket- Mineral Claim. Lot Rrd , vlwn aa "Red Wing" Mineral 1 1 ELI" WANTtO riim and Lot 1893. known as K Claim, all in I faction" Mineral A.mlv Dispatcher. C: dden Paints FOR ALL PURPOSES BLIP. 846 CCM and SUNSHINE BICYCLES Streamlined Models with Balloon Tires . FOR HOYS OR GIRLS - MEN OR WOMfcN Priced from $53.00 to $67.50 A Complete Range of KIDDIE CARS and CCM TRICYCLES Priced from $6.75 up WANTED 537 Taxi. mouth, pints we Blue 941. (201' vMe 2.V3.i in 'man Receiver brad Iront e or phone 120 b kitrhen rnnl L"J,h,SS of loss of certlll- Of ' cate of Title No. ww-k vo '1' WANTED- Reliable woman minerals, ikbucu . girl to baby sit three or four mentioned ' . n 1 - . . 3 lrlAJH Km niuhts a week. Fnone Uiacn 1199) lwi" filed name In this office. NOTlt OTICB & ,'" 18 HEBE- ",.. L.. Jl.. .X.... hti .1 the "Plr 400. i w.v . "" ' . BY uivr-c rtt WANTED Meat cutter. Apply ation of one montn iru. "' Plione Rec . 1201) ."t open boat I oweretl hv . SAANICH PLUMBING AND HEATING Rellaoie boys Ueu of the said f"Vfi",l"" Z lOYS WANTED f'iKlrlllff Il'.iil' iMPUa route hi the meantime tbiio V shape. $22. f'l I ''III should file their names at the mlde to me in writing. Registry . . . -T-1 - t a t the liana ttf) Dallv News Office. 1 rt 1 II' v Klo n.. . u.inert. B. C. this j " "iiiooer -f '1' 62'J 6Ui AV( tunic. " 20th day of August. 1B49. A THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar. 1ELP WANTED Man for lubrication work, preierabiy single. Bob Parker Ltd. Uf Uf & Used Furn a'id musica coal am ranees, electn, .electric pres a and saueert V ANTED Ward maids for Prince Rupert General Hospital. Please apply in person to Matron. 199' OOVERNMEM LIQUOn Atl (Section 251 Nut Ire Applli atloii For Club l.lcen NOTICK is hereby given that on Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage . For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call i Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited ; Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 , Phones 60 and 68 saws, ricv FOIl RbiMT "eavv 3-nl linnleim OR RENT Sloeuintr room for the. wth y j - w , ' usea Men'; rent. 81)1 Borden St. I moos prince rupert loixie "Wles, hons. I! 'OR SALE -Coffee Shop" on 3rd ucenae In respeot of th e pre mlses Ave Annlv n.ix No. 568. Daily .itoate at Second Avenue West city lnones. battle I, c.hatrs, ete 'urniture Co 1203) lot Prince Rupert, Province of British - . i.... lanriH described a? News Office. oat it "ioiivoru husiness . .... Block 2IA. Section 1. Oil trtwIrK Fur lllfoniia . , . with, the THOR Automagic Gladiron lstnitn Dibtnci. in - British Columbia, to entitle each i Hon call 383. ttl) iOR SALE-" Max Hellbroner's l.lewelrv stock and fixtures for sale. Hi) member ol the sam uuu vU ",e premises a reasonable q"""" of liquor for personal ccma'impt on r CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph.C 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 412 for Appointment - WILL BE AWAY : ON VACATION first Three Weeks in August REAL ESTATE Only HOURS Weekdays '9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVENUE ;I29.50 PR SAI.E Wartime four. on the premises, ana n.v.v...., from a ven-dor Club to purchase liquor and to sell by the glass th. to its members purchased liquor so and guests for consumption on the Club premises In ''dn Elirhth Ave. East., immediate I'ecupancy. Prince Rupeix realty Co. uuu and gale. for AO stovpy house (202) none Black 996. with the provisions or v... ment Liquor Act", and the regulations promulgated thereuiider. DATED at the City of Pr nee Ru-pert, of Brltlsli Columbia, in the Province this 6tb day of August. A D, kmiii',. illllrul Ciinvrvn,... Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. PKBSONAL PHONE 79 BESNER BLOCK liOVAL ORDER OP MOOSE E30NAL Hvitlenic Products H.st Service, high quality, low BALAGNO Florists Phone Green 187 Box 1193 PHONE M0 PRINCE KCPERT STEWART, BC. c: vo- Ltd.. it PRINCE RUPERT IMWJ NUMBER 1051 h T Muncey. Secretary. pices, sena ror our tree cai-aknue. I. X L. specialties O. Roy S7, Toronto. Ont. l"?13)