1 paovi::ciAL lis.?'?.?. :. ORf.lES DRUGS T il ms im V Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NXWSPAFKR Published at Canada'! Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PH0HE81 VOL. XXXVIII, No. 199. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1949. PRICE FIVE CENT3 y a mice F k A in ervices Ma , L t : Chiang In Ahead," Says New Hotel Chungking Labor Government To Call Snap Election? LONDON (CP) A reliable informant said yesterday that Britain's Labor government may have to consider doing away with free medical services if next month's dollar sterling talks in Washington fail. The Informant, close to the government, said that Labor leaders were awaiting the outcome of the talks before . . . dpding Whether to call a quick Would Foil Secret Agreement Between War Lords and Communists ted For This City I. Wiine Immediately to Perfect CANTON t Generalissimo Chiang Kal Shek flew yesterday Fine Hostelry On becond Avenue to Chungking in an apparent lv coing to be built and achiteets will attempt to foil any secret agree iU' ments that might be made be e Rupert as soon as I can get back to i m in election this year or carry on until the end of the five-year nd make arrangements lor sending auk Kaftel, dynamic financier of Tor- term next July. lay afternoon as he personally insjected i ' ill ' 'i 1 'ir '-Af " 1. JlJ 'S aiK) by 120-foot site overlooking the ADMIRATION I FOR BRITAIN R. C. Vaughan Stresses Importance of Solving British Problems MONTREAL "The railroad world will admire the remarkable way in which the British rail ml Railways gar- Might Use Warehouse tween the war lords of Szech-wan and the Communists. The flglht was apparently one of great urgency as the generalissimo postponed a meeting of the Kuomlnlang party's emergency council In order to make lt. Rumors here are that Chiang Kal Shck wishes to resign. General Pal Chung-Hsl, central China commander, announced that his counter-offensive had rolled to two new victories over the Communist on tlixis on which insert to erect a TWO DEAD IN CRASH mlelaiicl theatre tcl is to be U.S. DEFENCE CHIEF WELCOMED' IN OTTAWA The Hon. Louis Jonnson, united Slates' secretary, is shown as he inspected .Royal Canadian Air Force guard of honor at Rockclifle iflrport at Ottawa. He is here for ykvl defence talks with Canadian authorities. ' 'hades M Hays, me president of ways nave restored normal op TORONTO Two Royal erations after the tremendous Pacific Rail- Canadian Navy fighter planes iWINNER BY VANCOUVER GIKL NKW "MISS P.N.E." namage ana dislocation of ser- days nearly cullltlrri while practising forma- Suggested That Alaska Steamship Co. Might Store Pulp Here Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce is working on another angle in the hope that the great said R. C. Vaughan, C.M.G., chair AGED TELEGRAPH CREEK MAN LOST hcn that lln- tin flying over Mallon airport said R. C. augnan, C.M.G., chair- KNOCKOUT aid to Prince yesterday and both pilots died both the eastern and western flanks of Hengyang. This is the Hunan defence bastion 205 miles north of Can i man and president of Canadian (lei is the or- n the wreckage of slncle-en- VANCOUVER Marjorie Hildebrand, 21 -year -old "Miss Vancouver," last night won the NEW YORK 0 Sugar Ray National Railwava nn his return d nf the pro- pined Scaflres, part of a for- noumauu, wuuu s weirciweigjit hprp The di.'.tiict office of the BC Provincial. Police has been noti ton on the Canton-Hankow rail from a visit whirh has been mallon of eight -from a naval racific National Exhibition champion, knocked out Steve ... j ""j overseas. warehouse on the local waterfront, which was erected by the United States Army during the war, may be saved from demolition. . and operate the ajr naso at Dartmouth, Nova way. f IGHT TO FINISH fied by Constable Allen of Tele-1 beauty queen title. Jean Ross, I Bellotse in a non-title fight last; contain l least Scotia. They were practising 17-y'ar-old "Miss Kelowna," was night when Belloise was unable! graph Creek that an aged pros The transportation problems CI i lung appealed today to to come out for the eighth over there are not dissimiliar pector and trapper, Albert dene, Nationalist China for a finish Alaska Steamship Co. Is re round. I to those in Canada, according to i fight' against the "aggression of tlir must mod- formation flying and Intended riMims together u, thrill crowds at the Canadian of hincl luclll- Nutlonnl Exhibition Friday. ' nances. I Of ad are Acting Lt.-Cdr. C. O. ported to have signified lt3 In second. The Exhibition opened ln.-it ; night with Cynthia Norton of Terrace appearing a3 "Miss Prtnrn Rupert." ' ; is missing from his home there. 1 Anxiety is felt for his where-. abouU hs he la overdue now the 'Communist Internation terest in using the port of Prince The fight ended in the sev-Mr. Vaughan, the British rall-enth round Robinson, after ways are experiencing diificultj battering Belloise mercilessly , n obtaining new equipment anu al.' " Rupert in connection with the INS (Clunki watson and Lt. Charles with a i(:ll''Pen days' Constam'; Allpn The Reds answered shipment of pulp from mills ior most oi vne round, iinany i they have not been able to do n ali'.-uly pre- Elton, both of Toronto. which are being projected for LOGGERS SEEK ieiieu mm wnn a lerruic leu, mucn lhey want m the will leave on a patrol mat, win lake him to Shakes Creek In searrh of the missing man. He w hotel but Mr. such points as Ketchikan. Sub hook. . . wav of mnriernlj.lnp passenger bf-n long in- Peace River Honey equipment. STRIKE VOTE before lie iiiude expects to be away about eight days. ' At Vancouver Fair new push on uneasy Canton. The Chinese Reds have un- masked themselves as International agents, said Chiang. He saw their power waning as a "strong arrow reaching the end ol its flight." But he also seemed to see the end of Can there would, in VWW WA".v.-.v.- - TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8 b. Jomulcn do ttd.) "Conditions in Europe,'- said . v:;-oilVER (f -An imr.ied ,.. VANC'-OUVEIl Emphasizing Mr: Vaughan, "are, of course, de ive lo be c'l"-ii lo fit ii to Uie the provincial character of the pendent upon the relationship stantial storage facilities would be required. The Chamber is now In touch with Alaska Steamship officials and, if their Interest is confirmed, the Chamber would eek to have War Assets Corporation further defer disposal of the building by demolition. Recently, the Chamber re-. Pacific National Exhibition, lour of the site between the currencies of the various nations, especially to lu.rd from the Dawson Creek In the Peace River Block has two entries In isle strike vote of 32,000 coastal loggers was demanded yesterday by the British Columbia district oit the International Woodworkers of America (C.IOJ. Union officials said, following an afternoon , policy meeting, a! Railways. The the dollar, and if the extremely difficult problem of monetary the honev division of the P.N E iflfi side of Src-vwn Fourth and Horticultural Show. O. T. Gra ton as his government's refugee capital. For he said: "Today Chungking will again become the centre of a fight against ag1-gression." The new Communist drive was unleashed by the famed one-eyed general, Liu Po-Cheng,, in the southwest corner of It Is the same ceived an ultimatum from th? federal government that, unless ham and II. B. Gartland of Dawson Creek have both entered their products in two divisions of the honey class of the Vancouver Bayonne 05VZ Bralorne ."..".....10.50 B R. Con. 03 B.R.X 06 Cariboo, Quartz .".1... 1.10 Congress a 03 Hedley Mascot 23 Pacific astern t MVz Pioneer 3.55 Premier Border 03-T4 Privateer 21'2 Reno .".;... .04 Vz stabilization could be solved mos', of the difficulties facing not only Europe but other countries a; well would also be solved. The remarkable way in which Britishers and Europeans alike are Sir Charles M. i a preterit Iihis-'".iu type hotel ed In the wreck some use could be found for the building, there would be no .alternative but to demolish it. (hat the Labor Relations twaru will be contacted at once hi connection with tlie taking of a government - supervised strike ballot The Union wants the ballot to be taken as a whole instead of in regions. P.N.E. which opens in Vancou BISHOP OF SASKATOON SASKATOON O Very Rev. Wilfred E. Fuller, dean of St. John's Cathedral here since 1942, was elected Bishop xf the Anglican diocese of Saskatoon at a special session of diocesan synod here. He succeeds Bishop W. T. Ballam who resigned in June to become assistant Bishop of Huron diocese with seat at London, Ontario. The 4!-year old Bisliop-elet was born In Peterborough, Ontario, and received his early education there. The same edict was made in in 1912. Dc- connection with the administra Kiangsl Province. It threatened three towns near Kwantung Province border, all within a 140-mile arc of northeast ver August 24th. thFrd avenue property sold rehabilitating their countries from the devastation of war proves -their willingness and ability to work and the high ol construction be modernized rtemanrts of the liot'i ('fk-irney. tion building but, since then, there has been a revival of interest In its purchase for useful purposes. be the builder SOUTHEAST ASIA TALKS Vniled States and Britain on Page 6) Fowllc & Ruttle, local fur dealrrs, have purcliased the building on Third Avenue which they occupy from Don Sheep Creek ' 1.20 SUbak Premier '..". .38 Taku River , .... .24 Vananda .....".". 15 Salmon Gold 13 Spud Valley 08 Oils- plane to which individual anu national effort has returned Europeans are not the perpre-trators but the Jielpless victims of economic influences that, even though they be historical or inevitable, must be removed before full recovery can le achieved. Postponement of that 0 FAIR Cabinet Changes Brown, it Is announced. The deal was transacted during the past week. Frontage Is 23 feet on Third Avenue. CN.R. Gets Ocean Dock Also Cold Storage Plant RIDAY May Ilevelop Anti-Communist Bloc WASHINGTON D. C. of State Dean Acheson of IS CHARGED Anglo Canadian 3.20 A.P. Con 17 Atlantic .68 Calmont , 29 C. & E 5.05 The Canadian "Hon, fall fair recovery Inevitably means postponement of world prosperity and security. Two Ministers From Quebec CHURCHILL the United States and foreign Secretary Ernest Bevln of Great Britain are expected to discuss possible development of antl- w the world's exhibition, opens ' 'irst of more expected visitors, c seventieth C.N. Take Bench Appointments OTTAWA Two cabinet changes were announced yesterday by HAS COLD communlst bloc countries in the area of southeast Asia when WITH RAPE Charged with rape, Peter Williams, a native from Kitwancool, appeared in District Police Court this morning and was remanded for preliminary heating, the case to come up again within the next few days. The defendant was also charged with supplying liquor and on this charge he was also remanded. The rape charge arises out of NICE, France it Former iPrlne Minister L. S. St. Laurent. "Wherever the Canadian National Railways has offices 1 found them to be active and efficient hi serving the interests of the company and of Canada," he said. thev meet next month. Postmaster-General Ernest Ber-trand. appointed, to the Court Which Was Installed By . ' U.S. During War , Official notification has been received at Canadian National Railways offices here of tha transfer by War Assets Corporation to the railway company of the western section of the ocean dock here which was built during the war by the United States Army. Also transferred to the rail Home' Oil 10.00 Mercury 08 Y2 Okalta 140 Pacific Pete 2.40 Princess , .19 Toronto Athona 14,i Aumaque 17 Beattie 60U Bevcourt -. .25 Bobjo ,. 14V2 Buffalo Canadian IIV2 Reliable informants say there it no doubt that Acheson and Bevin will review the whole 1 Prime Minister Winston Churchill Is suffering from a cold caught while taking a dip in the Mediterranean, his secretary said today. Although earlier reports said that the wartime Prime Minister was bedridden, they stem- of King's Bench of Quebec, is succeeded by Edouard Rlnfrct of 'Montreal - Outreniont. Hon Joseph Jean, Solicitor - General, Far Eastern situation and seek j Mr. Vaughan ' was accompanies by Mrs. Vaughan and, while in London, thev attended Their to lay the groundwork for fur ther Anglo-American co-opera Hon in that area. an assault on a young Port Edward girl recently. J appointed to the Supreme Court, i is succeeded by Hugues La- I Majesties' garden party at Buck- . i it., t a- It mac .ineham Palace. On their torn meu u om u e icv " pointe of Lotbimere, son of the overseas they visited Southamp early morning ana unurcmu - late Ut. Hon. Ernest Lapolnte. ;,M 20. Hell) J;31 22.2 feel 1,;5 21.7 fori. 8 ;'!J 10 feet !1;W 3 1 feci ton, Antwerp, Brussels, Rotterdam, Paris, Liverpool, Edinburgh and Glasgow. iocs not rise early. "Winnie" is staying at the villa of Lord Beaverbrook, Can WOODCOCK TO MEET SAVOLD adian-born British publisher, near Nice. ' SCORES imial way company is the cold storage ( plant adjoining the west end of the ocean dock which was another United States war Installation. It. is believed that this cold storage plant may be utilized by the railway in connection with transhipping of perishable products through here to and from Alaska. The extension of the pcean dock thus acquired by the railway company is' 400 feet, the total length being 1240 feetv The cold storage plant haS' ca- I MANCHESTER, England tO A Brooklyn 6 British Gov't THE WEATHER 'ston G :" York 5 wilupu hirun Cutting Down Consol. Smelters 96.50 Con west 1.10 Donalda 58 Eldona 67 East Sullivan 2.34 Giant Yellowknife 6.60 God's Lake 43 Hardrock '.25 Harricana 0634 Heva 10', '2 Hosco 164 Jacknife 06 Joliet 50 Lake Rowan .08 V2 Lapaska .06Va Little Long Lac 67 Lynx ,- 13 Madsen Red Lake 2.95 McKenzle Red Lake .... .52 McLcod Cockshutt 1.31 Monet a 41 Negtis i 2.30 Noranda 57.00 fight between the British heavyweight boxing champion, Bruce Woodcock, and Lee Sav-old of Paterson, New Jersey, will be held "fairly soon" now, according to Manager Solomons. Woodcock resumes his training today. Synopsis Though there has been a tendency towards clearing conditions In the northern portion of the province cloudy skies still persist, over the major portion of British Columbia. For today LONDON ?! The British gov paclty of 83,716 cubic feet. eminent has ordered an over-all and tomorrow no marked change cut in government spending by at least $600,000 000 a year, lt was disclosed today. it. expected In the weather situ Stroll 13 5 Chicago 0 Cleveland 2 scheduled, '"'"national 10' Yakima 3 Mkaiic 8' Played "ir Coast 5" ftanclsco 2 Seattle 2 .Angeles 4 TODAY'S BASEBALL TODAY National Chicago 4, Brooklyn 0 - YOUNG SWIMMER BRITAIN'S TOAST ation over the province. Daytime temperatures will range through This order by the treasury, described as "heavy pressure to DOVER, England O; Eighteen make all possible economies, The Muir glacier In Alaska I.L . prrao enniA 901000 00(1 CllhlC came on the eve of dollar crisis' vear old i'liinp micmimu Louvicourt 15 V2 the sixties and low seventies along the coast and the seventies and low eighties hi the interior. V Forecast North Coast Region Sunny today and tomorrow. Little talks In Washington. T ZnJ 'intn nirier five'feet of lee daily Into Glacier It is understood that a percent reduction in estimates Bay- - ,uruand s L ' Pickle Crow 2 20 Regcourt - .05 'a is the . for next April's budget the toast of Britain last night for his dogged, battle In becoming the youngest swimmer to conquer the-English Channel. Mickman's swim across 20 water miles took 23 hours and 48 minutes, the slowest , time ever from the French blue uuti 1s- ,i Te first publication to De t. It. la honed that IdV V w, ... , .,. change in temperature. Wind some departments can do even .sueu m.un hpttpr jzine" was The Gentleman s HE FOUND IT WAS ROUGH Emmanuel Shinwell, Britlsli minister of defence, is shown a.s he prepares to go for a ride hi a Cromwell tank. With the army holding manoeuvres, the defence iiiluiiitu found out at first hand what life is like from a tank crews point ui view. He touiiii the lidh.g qualities of a tank letl something U) be uesliea. San Antonio 4.30 Senator Rouyn 42 Sherrlt Gordon 2.48 Steep Rock 160 Silver Miller 37 light. Lows tonight? and highs tomorrow At Port Hardy 50 civil servants, lt Is Magazine, puDiisneu m Some UlS. SAVOY the secod slowest in history in j England. stated, will lose their jobs. and 65, Masset 50 and 60, Prince either direction. Rupert 48 and 63.