EVENiNng. GOING RIGHT AHEAD (Continued from Page 1) TODAY TO SAT. Prince Rupert Daily Retail Thursday, August 25, 1949. Vrogretn of V.N. Permanent Headquarters SAT. 2:00. 4.J0., Mr. Kilt:l expressed amazed pleasure at the scenery here and all the way up the coast. It, was the first trip he had madel here. "Why this country should be swarmlne with tourists!" he' r '"SiEcLBrFiiR""" I himself, Mr. . Kaftcl disclosed that the operation of the hotel would be personally planned and arranged by George Mulligan whose father, David Mulligan, is head of the Biltmore Hotel chain ( 'A, RUPERT MENS AND 5 BOYS STORE (BETTYGARRrT fMR a in New York. (Mr. Mulligan visited Prince Rupert last year). There will be a contract with the J. Arthur Rank interests for the handling of the theatre. Apart from the definite commitment that the project had enthu.vd. "It is a great oppor-, tunity. The country should be much more greatly and effectively publicized. Take myself, for instance! All I knew abov. Prince Rupert was that it wt.i 'some town away up north." I had no idea of the beauty and attractiveness." He emphasized the necessity of providing something to hold tourists. A good hotel would be one of those things. The railway company and local interests could develop rtrz OUTFITTERS TO : HIS MAJESTY: j THE BOY I JTTP7U A. Trv r,'.. HOW CAN I ? ? : By ANNE ASHLEY I'.uiimn,,, hot wat.r hf.. 1 "esn bread mat the brt crumble. rn ... . ... c s's 2 !U)YS CLOTHES THAT WEARS AM) SAVES! t RUPERT MENS & BOYS STORE : been finally decided upon, Mr. Kaftel declined to go Into matters of total cost, dimensions, or time for construction. "Those are things lor the architects . All I know is that it is going to' be done.' About the only possible type of construction would . be reinforced concrete. I IT - Q. How can I clean enamel-ware in which food lias been burned? A. By filling with .cold water, adding one tablespoon of wash "ow can i pt, ,n slier thai attractions. Mr. Kaftel had a session with the city council late yesterday afternoon. lie also visited the former I'nited States Army adminis A- The silverware ing soda for every quart of water, heating slowly, and then lettln . - .v.-.Vi-'T -V. w v . - f K R. Carter Guest, Inspector of civil aviation for the Department of Transport, arrived by air from Vancouver yesterday stored awjj of camphor. lulu.se comnan. ... It boll for about 10 minutes. The burnt food can then be removed without difficulty. NEW ROYAL HOTEL a and returned to Vancouver by Srr by air ior v. ji. I Q. How can I keep fresh bread tration building now held by War Assets Corporation. After seeing the administration building he intimated his interest in purchasing it for conversion into an apartment . house. today's plane. from crumbling 4 iT.kC- i 1 V. Si i ( ' ' w A. A Home Away From Home Today Mr. Kaftel left for a Design and appointments, however, will be such as to combine the requirements and needs of commercial interests and the tourist trade. One architect will be from Vancouver and another from Toronto. The hotel may face the harbor instead of Second Avenue, Mr. Kaftel suggested. Mr. Kaftel stressed the importance of the hotel project to the community and suggested that "if I build a hotel here it will improve the whole area. I am willing to spend my own 50 Rooms Hot and Cold water Steelwork on eighteen of the 39 stories of the I'nitcd Nations Secretarial building in mid-Manhattan, New York, was completed in July when this picture was Liken. A contract was signed by U.N. and the American Bridge Company for the furnishing and erection of structural steel for the meeting hall area of the Permanent Headquarters. The contract calls for 10,500 tons of structural steel at a cost of $2,225,000. Delivery is to be made by next October, aud erection is expected to be completed by April or May 1950. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 1961 LAND RECOPOTNO DISTRICT OF PRINCE RUPERT TAKE NOTICE thHt Canadian KishniK Company of Vancouver. B.C.. Fish Processors, intends to apply f a lease of the following described lands for the purpose of operating a fibh camp, situate In Skldegate Harbour. Queen Charlotte Islands, fronting Blocks 1, 2 and 4, Lot 3, Q CD , Plan 948: Commencing at a post planted at the Southeast corner of Lot 10, Block 4. District Lot S. Plan 848: thence South 647 feet more or less to the Intersection with a line drawn East from the Southeast corner of Lot 11, Block 1, D. L. 3; thence West 488 feet more or less to the Southeast corner of said Lot i, T3iir l- thpnn Northerly and visit to Terrace and the Lakelsc Hot Springs in which, however, he would make no admission of direct interest.' Accompanying Mr. Kaftel here is Olier Btbiu-r, through whom he became interested in hotel possibilities here, and Ed Kell-ner, a prominent Vancouver mining man. The party will return south Friday night' on the Prince George. MONTREAL, Auput :.-"Yocll liornir iicn 1 dico r-rul litiir ia m hmrl ". writn a rraili r. "'I li. t, t ilh Huvrral molhcM, 1 fonrj I mit'lii), cliiklliood alllii'tioA it in.. . cure v ilh ( 'uitrtt! " . , , Vr. ( I'l'iin money in Prince Rupert which WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing F.nlargin; QUICK SERVICE Amateur and , Professional Supplies it is oovious is going to be a Radio Dial 1240 Kl'Dcycles CFPR much larger city than it is to k -1 drstroyM Imir. lico niul their ije! ,T K N-v. I ininuteKl, All you do : Huh (ulw 1 " 1 tliiiruiiKlily on your youniMrr'nluiru a omall qUBnlily at a hmr. Afler 13 niiiuiti , m-h ilf L' and water and wlulo it'n ftill damp, cmnb tlimush nli . Works likp iiihric! j n-t, Tullow 1 lie direr) ions ilh (u-t'uprcx avadalile at dnigslorfs rvcr-iv,iri. day." Easterly following the shoreline of Skidegate Harbour to point oi commencement, and containing 6 5 acres, more or less. Dated July 23rd. 1949. Canadian Flshinu Company, Ltd. F. C. Underhill, agent. (HI D You Worry A Litllt almut tho -x- reaulta of vour r. pi.khim? Tii en . : )vrr am two "must li Tim Yw L .tlie : I'lllUK 3:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Com'fy 9:15 Morning Oevotlons 9:30 Sunrise Serenade 9:45 Coffee Time 9 5f Time Signal 10:00 Maijorie Duff 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Round-up Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Strike Up the Band 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11 :31 Messace Period This Gives Yonr k' imvn '' fur " Pick 'SMITH &ELKINS Buildings Outside ling Titiip ... to make liKlit work of 3 b(it i it . . . nnu to in t tlifj it fur your vtliubln' unneio-:irv onu, i ' PLUMBING AND HEATING riinne m P.O. Box 274 (Subject to Change) mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm THURSDAY -P.M. 4:00 Dernie Braden Tells a Story 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Simply Jazz 4:45 Sleepy Hollow Farm 5:00 The Happy Time 5:30 Western Five 5:45 Supper Varieties 6:00 Canada at Work 6:15 Freddy Martin and Orchestra 6:30 Musical Varletlea 7:00 CBC News 7:15 Footloose in Europe 7:30 Eventide 8:00 Tales the People Tell 8:15 Recital 1 With hTnde J vV 1 only a nut or Hn a iff7 irjv,r,; ; ll:33-Rec. Int. HANK OF M'JXTH liere you'll pi in the liondi J on ily paera ) iw tllOW JUCcr-fl of jrl'j ear very ofVB.1V en? of rrranlv 1 11 :45 Famous Voices - F.M. -12:00 Mid-day tVit.odies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 4 lure mrcrtt ! Wri't to inn lii'rlmrn Brent, Hti Crr-rnt. St.. MorUreal, I'M. lor your 1m copy o ! moo recipe Booklet calico' " Pick-lino SuctMl". AM) ulrvk tir m H L 1 N WHITi: VlM.CAKl When you are idiot pini! for veiiet-alilen and fniils for runmiof. you infi?t on llii" ! Wliv not do tho r.irnc with vuienar? lleim Wlula Vinrnar isuiade from mm, linrlry, malt and ri b lililled ami then aifej in wood to brinit out (lie full aroma and flavour. Excellent I not onlv for pieklmx and prr'rv-inK (ut for naiads and tMu U'e, toj ft Your family Tho K'rnJ That rx-i-Skfpi Broohfoir II the Vllnbl r why nut rail it 12:30 - B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED linimh of the Bol and siira nn fir fafely Dejiosil Bui! K. E. MORTIMER VICKERS' IS DISTRIBUTED IN CANADA BY CALVERT DISTILLERS (CANADA) LTD, This aJvertiscment is not published or His-Uyed by the Liquor Control Hoard oi 3' tiie Government of British Columbia, 1 :00 Summer Symphony 2:00-r-In a Lighter Mood 2:15-Musical Program 2:30 Musical Program 2 : 4 5 Com m e n ta ry Girl Next Door 3:00-Musical Program 3:15-Serenade 3:30-Divertimento 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) (or nil Mirls of I")T '"i rei-uns'.' Voii run Advertise n. tne Ualiy News! 8:30 Prairie Playhouse 9:00 Watcha Know, Joe 9:30 Chamber Music 10:00 CBC fewa 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Voice of Canada 10:30 Shadows in the Night 11:00 Weather and Fish Arrivals FRIDAY A.M. 7:00 Musical ClotK 8:00 CBC New - r M ' J l'iiiii-li the ahlns - ' 1 ' yJl in flmit order if H'aM tfSl V.HI -Tie deM- 5JNk , "en i: a m or v ii'iii i'niii . w-omnn iromen in tn.fkr ,Vr fill (: i unt' WHEAT"! ir rer' vi tr In' i ('l.liTO 1 nut lam and Kllv mm legal You saw St in the News! It Pays to Advertise! iialur.il "JfH rimers 222 Second Ave. fniil.i. iiii IVrni; lioit nif ihoil. cib( ro ,nio-o-tli it'n so oihhI and fo Kuod or youl For ."i Miniiia 11 ( "renin o( W heat." rontain Iron, C.ileimu and Pliolioru for du ll drfiricnt in these elements. Ye., "Cream of Wheat" brrnkfa't make. Kood aene and KOod citing! rxn 'rim of Wlient1' toinorron- tnomine like thlf:-Chop drird aonrot, fig-, and failing. Stew together and flavor Willi lemnn jitlee. L'i. for top-pmj on " Cream oi Wlieat ". PHONE 24 to a ii i i ti i in 1 1 in in Tio'e nmre j.im or Mine amount of !i t'crfert re.-ull! m nrtbj, the t" the label ol tick U Sfif wwr you Save Yoor iyt are lmy all day lonj, wiukinis hnnl fur to: f.-. detrra at, it ant wnic of J"1" ' J i'''' ''-v 1 rerotnniend 2 droiu of MK 'h i eve nicht nnd niorniim, n"d wiifnf1'' t tired, wearv. iiard-up. -Munii ren v-.'' ; tired no cont.inll'! Von r," - . i-' . ,i , li... 1 .'-..ill. m!;. PLAN TO ATTEND Terrace and District Civic Centre Labor Day Program Barbecue Loggers' Sports Children's Sports Carnival Games Bowling DANCE in Evening Frank Gavan's Orchestra (207) --t r 11 ETTi leniS l ilt Ilieil'l pi ll""., I : i n..:.i. l,i., ,l-l!,il( P J'J,' pently ni a tear, and lirlsoi e yrair 1 I cyei feel delihlfully refrc.-lill fj Ask yoor drain!it, (odiy fi"JI Murine . . .ami mnke a ycnr-'nmivl, cvcru-l"!l h' tX of it. f t'lllfl Murine i. nm Tefrethinff. ei'eiV nilfllt. A morning aa washing uiy face and brushing iny ttcin. i i iii HOLLYWOOD cafe This fktpMffer to invite eou to iri le leaf Toilet Soap MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE' HOLIDAY PICNIC PACK THE RASKET WITH GOOD THINGS TO EAT " from Terrace Meat Market George E. Fcters, Prop. QUALITY SERVICE 1 OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. TU 3:J3 A.M. We Specialize In Chinese Dishes We invite you to try this lorel' soap at an important saving. We1 believe you'll be delighted with its rich, creamy lather and thorough, yet gentle cleansing action. MAPLE LEAF Toilet Soap Is mild and safe even for the youngest member of the family because it's as pure as soap can be. It leaves the skin soft and refreshed. It's kind to the budget, i . for even at its regular price, CHOP SUEY CHOW MKIM For Outside Orders PHONE 133 MEATS FISH BUTTER EGGS POULTRY TAKING THE "BUGS" OUT . . too FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY A good car can sound and operate like an old buggy if bolts are loose and springs are worn. Let us tighten up the body of your car, eliminate "rattling" to V " -a ' - ir to., i i MAPLE LEAF Toilet Soap costs less than other well-knowa toilet soaps. JT .IVkenYouBty3Cafe$ offSe JUegudr fWee , Order this Maple Leaf Toilet Soap "special offer" at your usual store today. You'll save money on the 3 cakes you buy because of the low regular price. U addition, you'll get a fourth cake absolutely free! But don't delay because stocks will move fast and the offer is limited. MADE SY CANADA PACKERS UMITED MAKERS OF MAPLE lEAf PURE IOAP FLAKES r Our body and fender department does complete repairs TRAVEL nirf THE EASY, COMFORTABLE Regular Trips ... . , j pb To Queen Charlotte Islan (Daily, Except Sunday) To Alice Arm, Stewart (2very Thursday) , CHARTER FLIGHTS TIIROLGH For Information and Reservations. QUEEN CHARLOTTE and offers quick service PHONE GREEN 217 Superior Auto and Body Service Studebaker and Austin :: Sales and Service (222)