Thursday, August 25, 1949. MARKSMEN AT POST OFFICE The Prince Rupert post office V . B - 1 r - . . . & r. ii bum IttPIU mgl i oitj ta tide ill. ' ' . - ' I -in .i ' 1 TEA S AO S ! tt tH T.. D l'....r- Mrs. Douglas Frizzell left on today's plane for a month's In Vancouver and Winnipeg. She was accompanied by young nephew, Donald Hos-' who has been visftini; with here. Mr. Frizzell will' next week-end for Van- couver to attend a meeting of board of directors of the Automobile Dealers' Association ' British Columbia ' "Sit with a convenient coat closet Kitchen cabinets, in The Bry ant's work room, are efficiently arranged to save steps, iney include a niRh cabinet on the inside wall of the kiichen. unaeri whuh mere is ample space for, a breakfast set. Closet space in The Bryant is alao generous. Closet areas in-! elude a general closet and a' linen cabinet in the hall. There is a towel cabinet and a linen' closet in the bathroom. Each' of the two bedrooms contains a roomy wardrobe. Construction of The Brvant is of frame with wood jowls and partitions. Siding is used for Vie tviowAr u: tym rrjt is covered with asphalt shinsdes. Overall dimensions of The Brvant are 28 feet bv 38 feet wirrt a full basement. The contains 1.010 sauare feet and 20.200 cubic feet. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. W. Seeger, Corpus Christi, Texas; C. Latimer, Mr. and Mrs. McGregor, Mr. and Mrs. Edmondson, E. H. Olner, E. H. Ireland,. W. Rainsford, J. Bain, Olier Besner, E. Kellner, L. Langedal, R. C. Guest. Van- couver; C. H. Jensen, F. Mar- suski' cean FalIs: c- Salter, J- Fraser, Carlisle; D. Huppe, J.i ) TAKE ItbeingcauK"' coal w i.i:t, foil avoid wis ,ur bin linen .Tl 651 m i aoJore Cafe L Th-n Ever" nd Service In CltJ, Jr Stnd-Out Orders David Chow, MgT NDLER'S Iait studio i Taken at Home , 389 216 4th St RUPERT, B.C. 25 Years Ago The 1st Battalion, NBC. Regiment, won the Corporation Challenge up at McNichoj rifle range by defeating the. team representing the oombined R.C. MP. and Provincial Police. The aggrgeate scores were, Regi ment 444, Police team 327. The highest individual cora was made by Inspector A. E. Acland 1 of the R.C.M.P. and Private R. Wilson was top of the Regiment With 81. The Daughter of England held an enjoyable whist, drive in the Boston Hall when the first prize winner were Mrs. H. H-Hemmings and Mrs. J. W. Second prizes went ' to Mrs. J. Howe and J. McKech-I nie and consolation prizes to Mrs. Burner and Perey Cam-1 eron. ' The Sons of England and Great War Veterans are scheduled to meet in, the semi-final of the Gilhuly Cup this evening. The Suns . ot England team will be Lambie, R. Howe, Dlcl Lambe, Qvorge Kelsey, P. Cameron, George Hill jr., Hodg-kinson, Munro, Tinker, Dickens and Bales j E. T. Applewhaite, M P.-elect for Skeena, will sail Saturday afternoon on tne Princtess Norah for Van :ouver where he will meet Mrs Applewhalte and proceed to N;lson for a brief visit at Mr. Applewhuite's native home cl' y. Then they will continue to Ottawa for the opening of lie session of Parliament September )5. PIIILPOTT EUITT & Co. Ltd. Lumber Building Supplies "BOARD OF TRADE' SMITI1ER S New Htizelton Citizens' Association will have' to change Its name to "Board of Trade" or "Chamber of Com merce" and become enrolled un- I cier the Boards of Trade Act of Canada before it can be admitted to membership In the Associated Boards of Trade of Ccn- .,ai WHtuh rimhi it at the annual convention of the Associated Boards here last week. However, the New Hazelton delegates, C. H. Sawle and Carl Chrlslianson, were allowed to( 1.-. Vi l i j., lane ineir seats as ueiegates ai the convention. The Smlthers Junior Chamber of Commerce and Fort Frascr Board of Trade, being duly constituted, were admitted to membership. Advertise in the Dally Newsl You 6a w u lu The News. 1 ,uoOSt A. Houzston.f Ottawa; F. Kaftel.,,Q MTr Hr TJlrv "Rort Anita mv r- tiic nnviuT h.. a (w.mnart ulan which nrovides for two . bedrooms i. n and . . a dining ,!!. room. t:.ri,. In t room and dining room are Join- ed together to form one large L-shaped room. The Bryant's kitchen is en- tered from the basement st;ilr hall. This hall is equipped R. A. Cole .district engineer for the radiotelegraph branch, Department of Transport, is returning to Victoria on tomorrow afternoon's plane after having been here for the past couple of days on official duties. AIK PASS tLN Ci LK b (C.P.A.) To Vancouver Mrs. O. E. Sendall and child; H. D. Colton, Hoy Ming T Gutteridge, Mis3 Oerta Oerta French. French, W. W. T T. Walker., Walker,, Mrs. Douglas Frizs:eU, Donald Hoskl, R. Carter Guest, Mrs. E. Marshall, D. T. Fraser, Mrs. Bowker, T. Jones, C. R. Stone-house, Miss S. Olsen, W. Rains-ford. From Vancouver H. L. Hill, Mr. ad Mrs. R. B. Parsons, J. D. (Tcaker, Miss M. F. Codie, J L. j Edwards, L. Metcalf, N. Jusip, n. otKieu, . oan, u. uuesi. From Sandspit F. Dares, D. Deveau. WHITE Mellowed and aged Uniform in strength Sparkling clear BEST FOR PICKLING NOW AVAILABLE LOOK. FOR THE NEW -RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL " ' ' ",s staff is benig commended for Its showing In a recent Dominion Post Office Rifle Shoot. The local team of five tanked elev enth in the thirty-eight teams competing between Prince Ru pert to Halifax. The Toronto No. I team won the match with a score of 1473 While scoring 1403 points, the prince Rupert team found sat-' .Kf,Mlin "lac"0" ' in th. the fart lact that mat q.-, vne Toronto Club had been shooting for - some considerable timei where8s the loca, only t organized to take part in this first match mho ,, fm ,mt1,,M n tudd. Bruce tsimuason, jck Yager, Bob Miixley, Qurdon hor ni tha r. w R a Riri kmu.l v'r, I p anii ara mum ,hZia ' Z' u idLuin where tha tnpv nf nt14,tjn ,u a (rom the xpert guidance of jheo Fortune , ' Mrs. Allen visit MOOSE WOMEN ii ENJOY MEETING At the regular meeting of I local Women of the Moose .Wednesday In the Moose Temple, Junior Regent, Mrs. T- Glenn presiding over a good attendance of members, three new members, of Mrs. Josephine Taylor, Mrs. Marguerita Robinson and Miss Yvonne Chartrand, were admlt- ted to the Order. At the close Cf the initiation ceremony, a go)o, "Galway Bay" by Mis. J Andrew, was much enjoyed. The l0 "Lucky Box" draw I. a letter of thanks lor gifts and clothing was received from Jim Morrison, a 14-year-old ward of the Child City of Mooseheart and "Sunshine Child" of the local Chapter. Plans were made to help with the joint Moose bazaar to be held September 29 and 30. The Alumni committee, with chairman, Mrs. J. Bacon, was in charge of the Chapter Night pro pram which featured a "Song Title" contest. Mr. F. W. Grimble and Mrs. H. Harrison ! were adjudged the winner. The serving of delicious refreshments brought the evening to a' close".' """ IWI'IIIOilll 'NllilillUlllH! Your House is an Asset MAINTAIN ITS VALUE . . . MAKE NEEDED REPAIRS NOW! For Estimates and Supplies PHONE 263 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors 'imifl IllllliaiilUlllllliilllllllllllllllllilllllilliUIIIIHUIIU'llll"'111 EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.H.A. ! Phone Green 883 Box 586 BROADWAY 'nuif in i rr BEST FOOD . BEST COOKING Chinese Dishes A Specialty FOR TAKE-HOME ORDERS PHONE 200 Hours 7 a m. to 1 a.m. SOMETHING DIFFERENT! Try Our TENDERIZED COMBINATION STEAK FOR DINNER TODAY xoronio; Mr. ana mis. a. msk, tserneiey, uaiii. J i t SKY INFANTRY Paratroops of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry glide down in mock battle during Exercise Eagle. Observers noted lack of modern equipment in the w-ar exercises, but expressed confidence in the training and condition of the troops involved. DEHHY ALLEHS visit irilflllA ITlf HnUINIf I 1 1 V her ULHIIIlw VII I kl, Prince Rupert U losing one her r pioneer families in the ini leave Pendin8 departure of Mr. and J. D. Allen. Mr. and Mrs the will be leaving shortly to with their son-in-law and of daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Vancouver, and son, Peter Allen in Victoria. During their visits they will be looking for a place to settle, and hope to locate op Vancouver Island- 1 Mr. and Mrs- Allen will be very greatly missed in the activities their church, St. Andrew's Cathedral, where both have taken a consistently useful part throughout the years. Mr. Allen Is one of the very earliest residents of Prince Rupert, having been in the sta tionery and photography busi ness before serving in World War For many years he was identified with the dry dock staff. IT .They have sold their house on . . . . , . Eighth Avenue East to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eastwood. (Professional KEN'S RADIO CLINIC For Satisfactory Service CALL 53 718 Second Avenue West B. & W. TRANSFER DRY FIR KINDLINO WOOD 50e Per Sack Delivered PHONE GREEN 188 FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed - A. P. GARDNER & Co CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER - B.C. MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUIDINO PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phont, 387 PR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 705 P.O. Box 1401 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. REPORTING and PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY PHONE: Days, 342 Evenings, Green 185 DICKERS' IS DISTRIBUTED IN CANAO CALVERT DISTILLERS (CANADA) LTD. . , ... . , - , .nu advfrtiscmcnt is not published en tiis- ! ,iJvea by the Liqu. &nt,i hrf.oi , tlie Govcrmntnt of British Cultimhii. and Business j BYTOWN 'MACHINE"-! works ; Agents for SIMPLEX GAS and i CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales Service and Parts Boat owners and users of In dustrial 'Engines are Invited to our showroom to view our various engine and talk over equipment problems. DR. GARNET E. H. ' MONTGOMERY DENTIST ... Suite 7, Smith Block--Phone 525 P.O. Box 1218 SPENCE & MATUIK- PAINTERS & DECORATORS Brush or Spray ; '. Free Estimates t Phone 215 233 ljth Street, t ; PIANO TECHNICIAN : t Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 758 972 10th East .Z '.' HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Z Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches ., , . 204 4th Street Phone 655 WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED H. S. Whalen, Manager Complete Moving Service Crating Packing Cartage BLUE 780 RED 513 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ":".'. i ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES Black 334 P.O. Box 1670 P.O. Box 1670 MATTSON'S .,. ' ' UPHOLSTERINfJ Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 52 330 Second Avenue Pr!nc Rupert, B.C. . . -i imi nxiovxi MAM. Zir ; ' V- f Ae brilliant glistening colors . -TtU.l ) C 4' ,htn hy Jell-Q is so J des. ( - LI W - V vo of grown-ups and children alike! rY TV I J ' 1 r. A frodurt 9f O.n.rol Food. " wrn ilwnWi., . ""."' ' - 1