a few I iiuu Mupicru wj ilium iui of Prince Rupert Daily Hews wurKers c'v'eiy wneie On tnis continent. But the effects are also inter- lr Ant ol tVioir lann tknvnco 1. 1 1 HARD TO ENTER i The United States military academy at West Point Is limited to 2.4 cad.-ts. LETTERBOX Thursday, October 26, 1950 You v f A3 j See k s. cii-J It Can't k An Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, f?pK $8.00; By Mail, Per Month, 50c; Per Year, $5.00. j&tr : " ' oceans. , . At the recent political party . DEFENDS BUSINESS ME conferences In Britain, Laboritci ! Editor, Dally News: and Conservatives vied with each It was with a certain amount other to see who could offer the , of pleasure that I read the ar-people the most In the" way of tide on lacrosse by Mr. Scuby, better housing. j but I'm afraid my feelings were The, Conservatives over-rode Somewhat different after read-their own leaders and demanded ing the letter sent in by "A Teen-a flat Increase of 50. They spe-; Ager." cifically named their goal 'as! Normally 1 read these letter 300,000 new housing units per; sent in to the editor and, ex-year Instead of the present 200,- 1 cept for a few comments to my- Prince Rupert would have ben the last on the list to become a target for such remarks. After all the so-called business man of this city is also Mr. Homeowner and Mr. Householder of Prince Rupert and is most certainly as anxious to see Prince Rupert advance along these lines as those who are not In business for themselves. I am also sure that the future addition to the sporting and recreation facilities In this city will be mainly due to the donations of time, energy and the "Almighty Dollar" of the business men of Prince Rupert. Thank you, Mr. Editor. FRANK PARLETT I earn out pRE-WlNTE By ELMORE PHILPOTT BARGAINS Still Valuable 000. MOST CARS More than half the motor vehicles in Canada in 1949 were registered in Ontario 1 036 490 out of 1,991,478. BABY'S COLDS Help-N.tur. To Fight Them Of! Medical 8etnea dnl that la any Mck m aa a jura- for eolda-onV .Nature htnrU can do It. tto whea Ultr a aniffln r tuffy braathinc warn you of a auM'a pnticm cooperate at one with Naturt. Uiat baby ta kept warm, gta plcntr Jit lion and tali extra car that th kowela ar thorouh!y ekmrad ol Harmful waiUa. To do thia without uuaetting baby'a whole ayatem and further Weakenina it try Batiy a Own Tableta. Mild, yet act promptly In lin rid of th. irrlt.tm. niateriala that make baliy reaUeaa and e-Verinh. Mra. Uewrfe Mcbrida of tkarliora aaya; "Mr baby of it month eaualit a liatiold ao I triad Baby'a Own Tableta and alia threw thia cold elf quicker than ever before. 1 certainly am for llaby'a Owa Oableta from now on." fclfeetiv alaa In tretliina troutl, eonatlpatloo aud otliar alnipla baby ailuiant. tup. in WEN'S ondi Fbor blokes! Obviously they do not read the small print of the financial pages, otherwise they would have known that the E.C.A. officials (that is, the Mar self, I lay the paper aside-but this time I Cannot do so withtut first submitting a few comments in defence of tiie poor business man. This unfortunate, who, I along with the rest of his dally ' troubles, it seems, must now ac-! WEAK MEN'S SUIT shall Plan men) had already to'.d GUNS BEFORE HOMES ' SHINGLE AND saw mills ' are closing down here in B.C. The lumbermen ofi both sides of the international border are wondering what hit them The financial editors are explaining to the public why the price of lumber dropped by almost 50 p.er cent in one week. We are now learning the hard way that the phrase "guns be- FAST WORK An automatic machine In an A Styles untain on tne q.t. that she would cept the responsibility of keeping I have to cut below the 200.00U per ; our city's teen-agers on the ' year mam oi me recent, past. ; straight and narrow. He must English brash factory makes an 37.50 o vmj i hf DJirr.inilfiriV Risrp that thpv ' lirlinuru hMwm I. An ( -j - m v..v J . viiiiui T Miuiriu in 1U DtTLUliUO. IN SEVERAL OF THE BOOKS TROUSERS THE WORLD has made much progress in the lust, decade in the matter of improving the health 'and physical vell-"being of the older people but . there has not been the same progress on the economic side. More and more people are being .retired between the age of CO and 65 whether or npfthey are fitted financially or mentally for retirement. rXAnd the ironic feature of the situation is that many men, because of greater experience, are actually more valuable to the firms employing them than they were at 45. The large majority of them could continue to perform useful work and they would be healthier and happier if they remained on the job even if they worked only a portion of each day. : ' Sooner or later something along definite lines will have to be done to stay the present trend. . Finest Tailorii and Styles $425 o 3 must not come In contact withl liquor according to "A Teen-1 Ager." j Regarding the "Almighty Dollar" remark, I'm afraid I for one will have to admit it I am de-1 finitely interested in them. Who' isn't these days? I wonder if this. : teen-ager realizes tnac the ma-1 jority of teams In all phases cf sports In Prince Rupert have been and still are sponsored b the business men of Prince Ru-' pert. It has been the business men of Prince Rupert who helped to pay for and build Prince Ru of the Old Testament of the Bible there are stories of dramatic" scenes In which the prophets compelled wayward people or wicked kings to choose between two ways of life: "Choose ye this day which god ye shall serve?" Sometimes they evfjn entered into pub'ic contests with, the priests of false gods to show who could "draw down from heaven" the most devastaUng fire- . Too bad that our generation has no such voice of thunder to Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping a.rai General Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Lie , Tor Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGw & STORAGE LIMITED i fore butter" is no empty saying. I We can't have our cake and eat lit. We Can't have an armament , race and normal peacetime pro-1 duction at one and the same time. We can't have both guns and homes. SATftl GLO Semi Gloss ii, High Glos 'n mony beautitul tints for interior dcioraf ing QUICK DR, ING THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD 0O0 IT IS INSTRUCTIVE TO SEE MUZZ and Park Avenu-s Phft"W 60 anil fi Just why the bottom dropped out; "" of the lumber market; or rather, 1 hn nJ" I T IT" how the plug was pulled out of costly bottied pert s one and only swimming pool. It has been through the efforts of Prince Rupert's business men that we have partes a"nd playgrounds and It has aistf the bathtub. 1 war germs, between guns and ' homes between life and death The New York Times of 8 reported on " page one: been mainly to the combined ef If we really did choose life and .'or Clean, Courteous Service Call TAXI 65 TAXI Now Uraler New Management "Eventually Why Not Now'' IT PAYS TO PAY PROMPTLY ':icdlt Is a great Convenience, this privilege will t uu pay your accounts promptly as agreed. "A good credit record Is your greatest asset." CREDIT BUREAU OF PRINCE RUPER forts of the business men of Prince Rupert that we now n.tv. the Civic Centre of which we art BANK CREDIT AS INFLATION i.1' tra,if; " democratic parliament with "Reports from New t t York w yes- v J tQ nation on terday Indicated that Federal Qy ( arth to ,u agencies were preparing to clamp . .mA 0 , . . ... M . justly proud. . I think that if "A Teen-Aer" 1own on the financing of the current housing boom.. The" re dilila li:AY dU : iiiiiit I wvj tin-lit mivir, jui" ever; and to beat Its swords into plowshares and melt Its bombs into bath tubs for new homes. v aw a w w I i I I V I a a j llav ia tjf ay strictions, to be announced this See the 7 S i hoik holu Nol rol I.r i.r Write Write tw lr tRtt m IROCflURI IROOIMRt HoHywotl. Cilrf. . , . , ' . 4 . . ...,,., - - .,.,. , week, will cut the number of housing units to be built next N year by about 50 or to 700,000 ew , HAS MOST WATER ' Canada has the world's larpest structures." I water-power potential with 125,- 0O0 ; . . . At1 ART FROM TE SftJNtfitiri i 795 square miles of water demonstration of how the lives rSic Washe of the people are affected by the KISTORIC, CONVENT the first Ursuline convent in Money Back cit any time -PLUS INTEREST That's the important fact to remember when' investing your savings in Canada Savings Bonds The principal value of the Bonds never clwgo .The annual interest rate is 2H. Canada guarantees security of principal and , .interest. : ' You cart' buy ' Bonds for $50, $100, ; $500, or $1,000. We shall greatly appreciate receiving yout order by lettet, wire, or phone, and we will give it prompt and careful attention. - James Richardson & Sons dictates of the money power, jjuwci, th inr i . the world new sees more clearly" why anaQa wa compietea Dy the U.SA. has become the tlrtiiaf rencn ,n 1642. W ;h Pump Control dictator over the destinies of other nations. , , . ;. . , The Federal Reserve Bank r the U.S.A. decrees, as the Times reports, that two and a half billion dollars worth of credit Is tn( be "siphoned off." Within a week the whole lumber industry of the Pacific North West Is hit. Within $159.50 NCHiiiERN B. C. POWER 0 ESTABLISHED 1857 V Pacific Coast Offices; U QUEBEC LIVERPOOL QUEBEC HAVRE LONDON U ) A "FRAIICOfllA" "SCYTHIA" I S W Nov. 1, Nov. 29 Oct. 24, Nov. 21 U I VICTORIA VANCOUVER . ... . ,.,,rnm atTTPWART H j a ' i i' i nurcrvi " an PHONE 210 h . U MONTREAL LIVE R POOL j HALIFAX HAVRE LONDON (j ( PINK VELVEf rIE '."77""". n JiP PERSONAltY CONDUCTED SAILING Jj I ffijj 16 graham wafari, cruihad fin 4 tablespoons butter, malted 1 package ittowbarry jelly powder cup hot water i cup sugar 1 tall can Carnation Milk, undiluted, chilled to Ice-crystal stage tor whipping 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind y cup lemon juica ala "FRANCON lnin A Nov. 29 from Quebec to Liverpool T $ Ctf ifM k H (CoAductori A. J. A. Hayla ot Cunord, WlmlpaQ) P J III "Wl aV T SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SAILING T 5 I 1 5 I Q "AtCANlA" D(? 13 '"n Hell'ox te Greenec( i llv.rpool j VaZvZ) (Condwctori J. t. Conroy oi Lmoii, Toronto) rt X L . Mix wafer crumbs with butter and line greasea uecp v-iih.ii pre plate, saving i cup of mixture for topping. Dissolve jelly powder in hot water. Add lemon juice and sugar; let stand while whipping Carnation Milk to still froth. Add jelly mixture to Carnation; continue whipping till stiff peak is formed. Stir in lemon rind. Pour over wafer crust, top with remaining crumbs. Chill about 4 hours, till III PKUM NfVI TURK "a--aT- One 1941 Dodge 900 T "QUEEN ELIZABETH'' "QOEEN MARY" .. "CAR0NIA" U ! I! "MAURETANIA" "BRITANNIC" "PARTHIA" "MEDIA" J. i . firm. Serves 6 to 8. ry ;. ahwunu tms world mediterranean and T , . ' !S !T& II HEJI mUlCJ .KUI3E1 p 1 e" One 1937 Ford - $225 Mechanics' Specials PHONE 566 RUPERT MOTORS 1 t l ' -J.i ril ttrl "'TV I Ta f t '( - 1 I i See Your local Agent: "No ono eon $erve yot beHer" .T ) 4 V j pi l CUNARD boMALDSON LIMITED 0 Jj J fi I ' .'- .. NeraI Agent S 11 Litxutfi trith i;cutmfj tho II 1 OXFORD I "Monoconstruction" Body I I 11 Lockheed Hydraulic Brakes 1 ll Gear Shift in Steering Column I I 11 One-piece Adjustable Front Seat II ' I ar"e Luggage Compartment II JA21' i-. ' ancouvcr (I cfJT " . serona ivenne juu mm,LtJltfA r'l I I T '' ' -: i j - CJ6 west Prtidrr Rt . Vatirmitrt B.fL J ' , V 'r A .. . ' ' X. ifVW IaVr ' ! ' ' s y 1 . ,s . ir 1 - : I 2? : "2? .At 1 If 1 I i'i " 1 IVADODATED Ml LIC v w eV .i r r immv iW jl m JICS1A0-C05! from Contented Cows" V SAVING THE B.C. COAST QUEEN charlotte islands FROM PRINCE Rt PERT TO: MASSET PORT CLEMENTS JUSKATLA Cn .t intent -"MARI.OTTE What d Difference . . when you , ute Milk with Wafer Removed YOU GET EXTRA nourishment that'i because only water is removed frbm Carnation Evaporated Milk, to doubly concentrate the food aiues. YOU SAVE ON CREAM because Carnation Milk is heavy enough to whip ... is perfect for "creaming" coffee and for most cream purposes, YOU GET BETTER RESULTS in recipes that call for milk, when you use Yl Carnation, Vi water, for velvet smoothness and richer flavor. litiie to Safeguard! Yes, be prepared With good-looking De-p-riwhionet luxury for six . with real economy, too! Up to 35 miles per gallon! A cinch to handle' a cinch to park! See it for yourself TODAY! ALUfOflfl BAY J 530 : 900 J f 17ATrr. TilJ TMPC DITDIS'fJT I Distributed in British Columbia and AILerti tf British Cor Centre, 211 4K. Ave. West, Vancouver Local Dealer.' r DAN'S SERVICI STATION I PRINCE RUPERT sure-proiection Storm Boots, Rubbers Except Thursday and Sunaay FROM PRINCE RUPERT TO: ALICE ARM STEWART LEAVE : PRINCE RUPERT THURSDAYS LEAVE: ETEWART FRIDAYS j- KEEP WARM!! 'JMp l O Stanfiel.' Underwear AjTy l J l I Infants to Teen-dae ZyL lt RESERVATION . , For TICKETS INFORMATION REAL ESTATE INSURANCE PHONE 476 HfJi RENTALS QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRl! j Snow Suits $Jf C f ( O Ski Pants I r 6 Mitts Wool, Leather and the ever-pbpufaf I ( I , White Fur Mitts ) Donis Deparfmnf Store j $ our handioiiie group today! FflgDIOD POOTrJEAR PHONE 6 67 Killosi Christopher B . all C08 Third Ave. W. OVER BROADWAY CAFE Mir rrBiyi"