ii. cnu-.rt uiiy Thursday, October 26, 1950 merit of Customs, Vancouver, ar-1 .'r. .1 ft. r TV ...... r. (i ( r? Ci. Fctsr's Fall Cazaar, Cci. 6. Sonja eVajaar, October 21 ' ?ray, in t'.e courw of a routine trip. He is in the inspection de- Demy juuym Jantzen Sweaters Dollar Day at Annette's The Prince Rupert and District partment, his duU-s taking him "vuo,-Di v7uoc messes. SKirrn. , . .-.....1 a Conrad School P.T.A. Hallow-, e'en Hoedown, Friday, October 27th, 8 p.m. Games, prizes, dancing, refreshments. Everybody welcome. 1 Moose Bazaar, Nov. 2 and 3. i SKI YOU'RE TO INSULATE NOW practically all over tne province. He -was formerly in the lccal office, moving south six years ago, with the family, well known SMART 5ryBon yrbeAnne eMan- the 1951 Fes"Va to "i" sell's f,er to secure e servlces' as a Ladles' Wear wear. (Z51 (251) , j,uUcator, of Burton Kurth, Music and Drama Festival Supervisor cf Music for Vancou- nsulate, the old timers here. Mr. and Mrs. Miller, sr., are making making their r!ier y PATTERNS FOX' PALL" AH Wool Sweafers ,, tt ; sfyled in the Jarvfzen manner. Pullovers in the 'Thunderbird" and "Reindeer" patterns . Asscciation meets Civic Centre, ver Schools. you earn: : if i b.t " .iiTtion you Kr;i' Legion Auxiliary Fall Bazaar Voveinber 8. I Presbyterian Fall Sale Nov. 18. St. Andrew' Cathedral W.A Fall Sale, Nov. 18. X-O.D.E. tall uazaar Ncrvembei 23. ih' D early home in Victoria. Mr. Miller says hs sees substantia development here in the past half down , s today ior tsu' Call us ERT '& McCAFFERY LTD. L.O.B.A. Razaar Dec. United Church Fall liembet 7. Bazaar It was learned at last night's meeting in the Civic Centre that the dates set at the Association's October meeting conflict Willi hose of the B.C. Festival, making it difficult to obtain exper-""d adjudicators at that time. Mr. Kurth has been highly recommended and the local association hopes that, by postponing the Prince Rupert Festival a week, his services may become available. Copies of the 1951 Syllabus tr Marv Lawrence, Miss Elizabeth Holmes, Mr. Henry Pluim, Armand Boas, Rudolph Olson and Canon Prockter. Wednesday, Oct. 25, at 8 o'clock. ' (233) Meeting, International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 510, Carpenters Hall, Friday, Oct 27, 7:30 p.m. (25G)' ' Cy Kcllett, district manager of Home Oil Distributors Ltd., is sailing tonight on the Prince Cteorge for a brief trip to Vancouver on company business. Companies registered at Victoria last week included Glacier fTrppIf Ruurmillo T A innnn at.... $8.93 and $10.95; C Cdrdtgans ir the "Reindeer" " ; pottern $10.95 ' I Fuft Zipper Sweaters in th "Thunderbird".., .; $12.95 pattern- Paintings Previewed have been mailed to likely par- ticlPants ln cit? and district. Sundal Block, in Terrace and th,e It was decided to have the li6i tollart investments Ltd., $50,-600, 704 Fifth Avenue West, Prince Rupert. Syllabus published In the locul daily paper early in December. Members will endeavor to secure After all is said and done, how does it taste in the cup? That is what counts! TEA BAGS yield the perfect flavour. Sonja Tea and sale of home sponsors to assist in the cost of ooking and fancywork. There advertising as funds on hand are Will be a fish pond and candy insufficient, booth for the children. At 2:30 Those in attendance at last frlday, Oct- 27, S.O.N. Hall. niuht's meeting were: Mrs. S. W. As a. prellmiiiajy Uj the tay display of her new art work M is Joanne Faure was hostess at a reception In the ladies' tcnt nc n-fht to art students and friends who viewed her new pictures with enthusiastic ' ad-mlratien. There was speculation on favorites among the oil scenes t id flowe-s and black anJ whites. "Sunset on the Harbor," "Autumn in the Park," "A Quiet Spot" and "Autumn Gjld" were among those which won most-favored aeclaim. In the Becker (president), Miss Yvonne Larson (secretary), Mrs. George-Cook, Mrs. W. T. Kergin, Mrs. George Hill, Sister Superior, Sis- (250) SPECIAL MEETING Trades and Labor Council at the Carpenters Hall, Fraser Street, LAMP SHADES end LIGHTING FIXTURES . for Every Room hi il.e House . Thursday, October 2Gth. Time 8:00 p.m- sharp. Business: Nomt- I nowers. Kuniiowers ' was a i nation of candidates for Civic r A 'hi bright c.auty , jl Gel tour... . I . Cards it-z?. : I 1 1 Urns a Jp yL- Elections. Delegates be sure to attend. Joe How, of the Grand Cafe, arrived from Vancouver this morning, accompanied by his Wife from Hong Kong. Mr. How had gone south Jt-j join her. Their lr A feature if. the evenin? was the reading by 81-year-old Miss Faure of a lengthy litter of vivid and intriguing interest which cicscr bt'1 I he stirring adventure j ond -tr.-,-r hrrn ns enciu'i-tered by her mother one hundred years ai?o when she travelled from Utrecht, Holland, to Pletfiiniaiitzburg. Cape of Good 5 r;fa J.. -2 amps W son arrived here last summer. mm j 0M !? Dollar Day at Annette's Dresses, house dresses, skirts, Hope, as a young mlxslonaryls Pho-rw 234 3rd Street Frriwe Rufwt t ride to make 1 -r h -me ai South j ? hose ' , s' v. I 7. T BUW" i Alrlca and garter belts. Friday and vtr.'v r- Ar,,nM thenvo,. Mi.c Saturday only. Annette Man- I sell's Ladies' Wear Faure wham she acknowledged j U. J. Mangan, superintendent i i H ' ii 5 .... ) f sleeping, dining and parlor ides ' sa icfi Radio ! Electric ear and' railway restaurant department of Canadian National ! Railways with headquarteis at i Give aur Battery A Break! Edmonton, is a visitor in the city j as not only "the woman who had brought art to Prince. Rupert." but. referring to the results c her classes here, had made art in Princ-; Rupert. That, ln Itself, was a fine missionary achievement. S. A Cheeseman, revealed how-Miss Faure had txen of assistance and inspiration, if indirectly, in the teaching of art to ,"!chocl rhildren. on official business. He arrived on Tuesday night's train and Will be sailing tonight on the H ' Prince George for Vancouver. I IM Assisting Miss Fau at the re M 1 'III IV t i Is your bacuevy tired? Sluggtsh? Don t st it to take on the added load of youf neater, amd give extra power for those cold winter starts, Ues you treat it properly. Well check and recharge It. as redud. Drive up. ception in serving refreshments wer Mr. J. T. Mv H. E E. Faurt. Mrs. T. lit. Christie, I "feencft''. ir." i Mrs. V. ? s Matthews, Mrs. M. Iim If wl fa ft (M 'impi am; Courteous l I I Stme h i . Mi: ere to Rcrv; T()l) Vnlderhaug'. Miss N-rf r-i erty. Friends contributed to the floral decorations. -rtie-p rovrs are the most v-puti,'iil n.cf'ire in the room: how I should love to paint !h?m.' remarked M'ss Faure Irokin? at an arrangement of 'Mir-r brnucht by one of her friends jiodore Cafe It Mill OlHKl Food' W S.nd Out Ordrrr SlrU MlAiEs!! ,, -r"! if h i r' -- Diviq Chow. Mgr Expert blending gives Burns cheese products a wonderful smoothness and true . cheese flavour that lust can't be beat! Taste the zesty flavout of BURNS SPREDEASY and you taste CHEESE at its delicious bestl Packed with rich milk nutrients. Burns gives you top food value at a thrifty price I BURNS SPREDEASY CHEESE . . . "SPREDEASY" by name . . . "SPREDEASY by texture . . . delightful for grilled cheese sandwiches. Give added zest to your favourite main meal cheese dishes ask ior Bums cheese! BURNS & CO. LIMITED SUPPLIERS OE GOOD FOOD FOR OVER 0 YEARS Z' V BOMBS BOMBS ' FIRECRACKERS FLOWER POTS ROMAN CANDLES FLYING SAUCERS and loads of other Fireworks! P Wfef1' f I GREEN BEANS j I IwiKiw., $8irMifAj t i , fancy. I I SPORT SHOP THE 'NATIONAL CHEESE JTiVAt. OCTOBER 16th Nllt t J."i . (-"iiiiiivj I ; ..MNliWr III 1 QUALITY . .. , ,.is K 2 , ,i SUPTOtT CANADA I Repairing I Wfth' Li fzJlrA Lw lrmmmmtmmsmmmsmmmm i rifeyy.Qi i - - 1 1 mcBrawwe I m-.i. r I... I... ' m. I 1111 HH I mnlf mill rice, tlill l"'VHLLL : . . 5 I M M M Jr 0 il &i W A A GENUINE vENUINc OIL-FAINT Extra comfort and less work for you with a Coleman Oil Heater Low in Cost Efficient in Operation Available now at can ivu. UMITF.D case of Princeton II . fj Contractors , nigh Ufe Beer I fcV tmlayt I I ' o-io mm rhls advertisement h not published or lisplayed by the Liquor Control Bora or y the Governmtnt oi British Colubia. 11 jhv mm J :; j McBrUte Street. Phone Montmsl tolvti your pointinj problem where yon require imooth, betuliful, dureblt finish. Mon.m.l Ii hishly reslstent to adds, ellolls, elcohols, jre, tUim end wrtch. Ey to keep clean . . . tt' KfubbeWel Hish quality and extreme lastins power makes Monamel your most economical finish lor all interior woodwork. Monamel HIGH GLOSS 1 '"L'VttUvirvrnm Hhm nu, I -um:uiin . , Kl:30 n,"V Canwsun ARM b.'..... Ballerina No mixing with water just stir . . . and It Hows off your brush smoothly evenly, (even large area in Just one coat over practically any wall or ceilinj surface. Dries quickly to coatinj of beauty, sealed in oil rijht on your wall. WASHABLE too to easy to keep cleats. See the wonderful selection of shades today at ANIl Kids-Gome and Get 'Em,- FORT ii.ll l'SON See the Wida Choice of Color tocUy - i p.m. North MASXS NOISEMAKERS FIRECRACKERS HORNS $3.95 Gal. $4.95 M0I1ASEAL lb. f'U. . MONAMEL 01. $2.40 Gal. $8.25 Qt.S1.50 Phone 46 Suede Casual Gordon and Anderson '.3andn FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. 1L Agent Charlie Roberts Phnne SSI Box 638 !