PRINCE RUPERT IS INSPIRATION iiM ?Arni!uS Continued Irom page 1 Prince Rupert Dailv Nws Thursday. October 26, 1950 mcuntaln 07a:!cok!ua tne city. : But resemblance stops, where ! regulation is concerned. Hon LIKE HONG KONG --"'' '".cr.'t T.:.r.i c -Ja has rr.tar prc&ucIJ w.y TOiJ" anything about it!" exclaims of art," says Miss Faure. "How Miss Faure. often we vM recognize the art- "But the man can make hl3 1st merely In the arrangement home loving, too. Still, he has of flowers!" PROTECTED The wife of Joe How, who ar- Kcng has a couple of million, rived In Prince Rupert yesterday I Mrs. How crosf.ed the Pa :ific, from China, to make her home jrom Hong Kong to San Ftan-here found the harbor approach jcisco in nineteen days. The not unlike the appearance of 'steamer was the President Wil-Hong Kong. There is the same son. . There were thirty Chinese spacious harbor. Islands, and passengers. his own work." I the latest of Mlas Faure's Recalling Italy where Mis work, which Is now on exhibit Faure visited the early Chris- at the Civic Centre, Is a tribute tian catacombs, she says: "it , to northern British Columbia, was inspiring to see these land-j "I nearly worked myself to marks where men risked their death," Is how Miss Faure de-lives for faith, but now men scribes her painting sojourn in. GOODNESS Of modern literature M'.ss Faure says: "Most stories are Insipid they aren't even bad! "My father taught ug to do everything for God and to enjoy the Bible. I remember an old psalm that says the Lord is the sun of righteousness. Perhaps that's why people are like sun-shine. Sometimes I think we are sunshine." Teaching Sunday School has always been as close to Miss Faure as her painting. won't risk getting out of bed Telkwa this fall, ( , ? It t p) f UflLUfif JUST ARRIVED! BOYS' fUR TRIMMED Parka Jackets . Sizes 61 6 in to church." There is also a small display At 62, Miss Faure came to ot Etruscan pottery and Euro-Canada from Holland, her na- Pear curios, tlve country I The future is full of hope for hfT , easier FKHfc IffcMfiiOV -Tr, raaHo k- t 4v, Miss Faure. who plans to st'idv .J Vit:u' " - , ,1,1.(1 nourishment. - VUUUUtt bliCIC lO llUb bliC .. ... .. , l y X KIKIMt. KOttaiSU x "But with me churches are same social classes as in the Prlralt panning- i Know ii the same. I can worshin iust as old land Thu u a hv tne greatest form of painting- Beige, Brown and Green well In a Catholic church as in country," says Miss Faure who a Protestant," says Miss Faure lives in Prince Rupert with her who believes that religion must nephew Eric and his wife, Anne. that Is where the masters excelled. "But I am not a great master. I know that because I have seen FRASER AND PAYNE cmiiume w.ui uuc art,. Misg Faure lang IfIC MILK resume i,ni.lro nf oraat masters." I . i .,,,1 iiiimoceniz.d ,r rLV" ;m a"n8 ".m u- Mlss Faure admits. -i am con- geuco wouia a De my saini saw pert pupils next month. !tent lf x haVe helped some way Faure to the fif- Miss referring .-M one u an tlst ho j God's plan." teenth century Italian master . i CLASSIFIED ADVEUTISING IN THE PAIL'S NEWS PAVS! who is said to have never paint- j k , Rupert Florists . 1,1 )rskslntl ed anything without prayer. "His paintings are inspired. In' a painting he did of an. angel, ' I 0. " A , ior Tf-I 7-7 m w s Ave. Box 518 1 1 I .l . i M for gifts ! instead of dressing -It in white, V I Fia Angelico used many bright j colors. , "The word 'religion' is cold. To me, God is love; but don't ! go thinking I'm perfect!" added RTR A I T S vHopcd and Printed or (or YourselU Jf;0MPT SKKVICE . Miss r aure. ! Recalling her own youth: 1MII.KRS STl'OIO SLIPPERS , stret.t Box 64 Grefn 389 Prince Rupert I "There Is a fire of youth which wants to help God do his plan. ; Restless, young, not yet mature: 'w i i FROM Brownwoods n i IRE YOUR HOME j that is a good thing. j "When I was young, above all i I wanted to be a boy: to put on j a packsack and tramp through j the fields and sleep out all night, watching the sparks of a fire. , ' "But I'm now glad I'm a woman. My paintings are my 295 to 5.50 workI call them my children, confided Miss Faure. "We must recognise our talents. I want to ,do something besides cooking and making clothes. -rl "It'i to eatv to color Yellow Quick Blue Bonne!" i : . Why! AGAINST FUR SALE St COLD Coloring's really fun! That's what they're saying, and that's why Yellow Quik Blue Bonnet is the favorite with busy housewives everywhere! You enjoy delicious golden-yellow margarine just a couple of minutes after you open the Blue Bonnet package! Here's howJ ""s, Press the color button on he Yellow Quik bag Knead Ihe bag gently for a couple of minutes "Still the greatest calling for a woman Is to raise children and be silent," says Miss Faure who believes there is nothing greater in life than the warmth of a home. "Woman must know her place. We are here to comfort and love," stresses Miss Faure wha enjoys baking bread She has i even milked cows In her domes Furnace Repairs nd Renewals . SEE OUR COMPLETE STOCK ' AND . SELECT YOUR WINTER COAT "AT " . . ' '' BLACK 884 tone That's all! Blue Bonnet is yellow ready to use! tic chores. "Ah, the men! They like eat- HOM AJ' I . J & ,MS BILL SCUBY FURS !ET METAL LTD. j CJX . SSAP, ' i I Box 1362 Phone 914 Prince Rupert ' i- ' Wnfk flavor ,, .1. An Bulger Ltd. I Mj ' J Third Avenue : J 3 " I THfc BEST yur car needs GEORGE COOK JEWELLER COW Y. Blu Bonnet bring! vou delicate eounry-wef Assure you of Quality flUArl n.liokirullv fretK! Brimmina with the goodness Vclus and beauty. ii; wing ' 1 ' of choice farm products! So nutritious, too . . . with the big plus of 16,000 units of valuable Vitamin A in every delicious po'und! Get Yellow Quik Blue Bonnet for table use . . . for baking, pan-fryingeasoning vegetables You I love HI Blue Bonnet is also available in regular style economy package with color wafer. i A Product of (he Makr of ' " FLEISCHMANN'S YEAST MAGIC BAKING POWDER I i ' .... .1 t , I m i-. C: Beautiful Beautiful 3-Diamond 3-Diamond lOg ,i ' . ' A ' Engagement Engagement Ring... Ring....... "" i u.jjiiiiiiiffriumiimUfHJ""" ,f and other fine food products r RUrtRT jaV j .77 : PLUMBING & ' : i ' " i-.- Li -ft ' " ' ' ' HEATING BEER CR CARE STA,lT$ KRE ' "" " ' ' - " ' . - . ' r L,v, 'x. I" ua.A-ti'4jLi-4: 1 i?m Office Bldg.) y UM t ft A .1 GO ,i)b Indoors and Out! 1 e. Value Priced! j ' 7 0 "Ts! All! i I yJ' V f 'LJy t "v4 1 I Am . P Sox , u- .. 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