panied by language not usually heard In parlors."' AS I SEE IT (Continued from page Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, August 12, 1950 2) C bolt of lightning struck one of thp U'n hrtrsoD rA t Li Dille Uirrh? MUCH HAS BEEN written Classified ads bring results. substituted a popular music hall number of those times: ."Just Because She Made Them Goo-Goo Eyes at Me." & PIHO lilgll. Cash for old gold. Bulger's. ! Ed Wahl returned yesterday on the camosun from a trin r Ware then fastened" the other jabout the famous Edwards horse to the democrat and con-1 of the Calgary Eye-Opener, the tinued homeward. There Is no, only really humorous paper ever truth in the statement that ; published In Canada and one both horses were killed and that ; of the greatest laugh-producers he pulled the democrat home ' ever published anywhere, himself." i Xne new iight thrown on Bob 'Edward's life, in Calgary's 75th ANOTHER FAMOUS Alberta ! anniversary, book, is this. Bob character Ftarted te Calgary paper be-rip-roaring that would fit into a he constrained to was'cause was novel or movie Vancouver. them down and enjoy the added com-. an insulated home by installing, MY OWN guess is that Al-jerta is destined to become one of the greatest perhaps THE greatest industrial centres in Canada. It has all the "makings," including the mountains which will provide the natural protection for factories in event of atomic war. JREGLAS Roll blankets. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Heaton (Beulah Lavigne) and Miss Vjna Lavlgne R.N. are leavhig next week for a six weeks' motor trip which will take them as far as Mr. Heaton's home In Jacksonville, Alabama. A chimney fire Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Emily Hiltz, 1256 Park Avenue, caused little damage. The Fire Department was called out to control the blaze. Mrs. Emma Pennefather sailed K.amouse Tavlor nf Macleod 1 " laiucutc, nisu REGLAS can easily be -installed in your c in an evening, and costs only "$6 per River, in a hurry. Originally a whiskey runner I square feet. Mrs. Elsa Beckett Is taklnf? a week-end fishing trip to Dundas Island. Northland Dairy, wishes to announce that on Monday, August 14th, the delivery trucks will be going back on their old schedule. Thts,means they will be leaving the Dairy at 6:30 instead of 3 a.m. and will arrive at your door the same time as before the end of June. (189) D. Nitsche was a passenger on the Princess Norah for Ketchikan and fur trader, Taylor deserves An enterprising! gramaphone immortalization as a hotel salesman had persuaded the keeper . Here were some of his minister of the church at Hih house rules maybe the rest River to put in a one of his were not printable in our sissy ' machines, to provide high class age: j music. The first selection was 1. Boots and spurs must be a ,reat success "Hark The Her-removed at night before retir-i a-cl,Ansels SlnS-" REGLAS, complete with vapour barrier, jt to fit between ceiling joists, just roll Thursday night on the Prince Rupert to visit with friends in lot. lng. But Bob had to leave town REGLAS can also be installed by your 2. Every fluid (except water) CTt after V?e econd nu.m' for sale at the bar I er burst. 011 the ears of the IfAL CONTRACTOR, on a time payment yesterday. Vancouver, she is on her way to her home in Edmonton after a visit here. Miss Muriel Smith of Pleasant Hill teaching staff. Saskatoon, is paying a visit In the city with her sisters, Mrs. Arthur Berg and Mrs. Mel Holkestad. She is on her way home after a visit in Ohio. o. opeciai rates to gospel ; instead of- the hymn provided grinders and gamblers. 1 hv the salesman Rnh hart shviu 20r; down and 12 months to pay the ! ' ...... I ft Miss Edna Ronald sailed Thursday night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. once. Pure Woo! Gabardine SLACKS 4. Towels changed weekly. Insect powder for sale at the bar. 5. No kicking regarding the food. Those who do not like Mrs. J. E. Davey, after a visit the provender will be put out. to Woodcock, returned to the 6. All guests requested to rise V is 4 "- '""" &t & INQUIRE TODAY AT bert & McCaffery Limited Babyj Dolls BLACK OR GREY SUEDE x city on Thursday night's train. 1 at six a.m. The sheets are ,,. , . I needed for tablecloths.. Valhalla Dance 10 to 12., (It) i Mr. and Mrs. N. Applin and family sailed Thursday night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Harold Cray was a passenger on the Camosun going to Quen Charlotte City last, night. Joseph Gay sailed Thursday night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. The Kinsmen suit of the month was won last month by Mrs. J. A. Everybody welcome. r- KAMOUSE HAS A sense of democracy, ROBUST or what P.O. BOX 160 116-117-58 you want to call it. When vis Made for Long Wear and Smartly Styled Dark, Brown, Med. Brown, Fawn,' itors from England left their boots outside their rooms, to be cleaned during the, night, according to the European custom, would heave them back into the bedrooms through the transoms "accom- H. DeCrewe arrived Friday morning from Vancouver on the Princess Norah. Mrs. W. C. Poulton of the Salvation Army sailed Wednesday afternoon on the Princess Louise for Ocean Falls. There she Is being Joined by Mrs. Chambers of the Army girls' home here, returning from a visit in St. I Grey, - Light Blue and Rurka. Tha winning number was 1506. Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Nevin, jr., of Oakland, Calif., sailed Friday for Skagway aboard the Princess 7Ls O Curity Diapers O Tiny Tot Gowns ! Green. TINKER... TAILOR... Soldier . . . Sailor? "What will your son become? Success or failure? Career or job? It's often just a question of education and training. Make sure your boy, geta a good, start towards buo-cess. Invest in a Sun Life Juve-niie Assurance policy today. SUN LIFE ASSURANC COMPANY OF. CANAD, Norah. They are commencing Thomas, and will spend a week -V O Bibs $6.95 a round the .world tour to write or ten days conducting the an-arUclea, take pictures andjnual Red Shield campaign, gather material for radio andi REAL ESTATE INSURANCE , INCOME TAX RETVRN3 PREPARED $13.25 video broadcasts. FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. I Knitted Bootees and Bonnets aby Oil Powder O Rattles EVERYTHING FOR BABIES! t Pretfy United Church Wedding to R. E. Mortimer JOHN T. FOWLE Mr. and Mrs. J. Prusky ,of Eighth Avenue East left last night by train for a two weeks visit with relatives in Edmonton. 'J, r .O. Box 633 Chlrlie Roberts 324 2nd Avs. (Near CFPR'. i 357 fl f 20.0 li IIMIIIIM llliMTifc 'I, Y" 'j!' 142 5th Ave. East Residence Phone Black 549 Mr. and Mrs. T. Thomas are' First Unite;l Church was the taking the week-end cruise to- scene of a pretty wedding at day to the Queen Charlotte 3:30 Thursday afternoon when 1 1 ' ll Office: 11 Islands on the Camosun. Miss Viola Barlow became the bride of Robert Lyle Morris. Rev. J. T. Horricks of Castlegar officiated. ! The bride v.ore a floor length CTiiiii win a 'b niutn gown of sky blue crepe over taffeta featuring a low sweet-1 Capt. Grace Barkett end Lieut. Mary , Robson, " Salvation Army school teachers from Canyon City on the Naas River, returned to the city on Thursday night's train from Terrace, where they have been conducting the annual Red Shield campaign for the Army. foODUCING-- heart' neckline and boufant skirt. ' Her white finger tip veil was gathered with a ribbon coronet. She carried a bouquet of pink carnations and her only jewelry att GAS Ranges Announcement HOBBY SUPPLIES NOVELTIES 5 TOYS Penguin Hobby Shop ' Glh Ave. and Fulton St. Phones: BLUE 446. GREEN 232 DOM'S DEP'T STORE was a sineie .strand of cearls and gold heirloom bracelet. The bridesmaid Miss Anita M. Stewart, was gowned in deep turquoise taffeta, with off the shoulder neckline and full skirt. She wore a white ribbon coronet and carried a colonial bouquet of pansies e'.iurcling ji yellow rose. Charles Roberts was 't operation 3 to 4 months VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 9 p.m., Camosun Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Coquitiam. 11 p.m. as Is clean m i t. Vacation School First Baptist Church, mornings 9:30 -11.30. Children 3-14 years. August 14-25. Trades and Labor Council Labor Day sports, September 4. Dance at Civic Ccntr. ickcn utensil t hi-at 100 ii ii itions. ivt White En- Catholic Eusaar,' October 4 lL"s-by Moffat. JOHN H. BULGER "n the button r at full heat. The young couple will reside in Trlnce Rupert. ' i The bride is the daughter oT Ivon C. Barlow of Bladworth, Saskatchewan. The groom formerly of Brantfcrd, Ontario, is the .son of Nicholas Robert Morris of rnd 5. I ' ! Rebckah Dazaar, October 13.! St. Peter's Fall Bazaar. Oct. 26. ; fcas Is six times Don't Miss Manson's Sale ol China FIRST ANNIVERSARY SALE h city gas. Hilt NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, August 13 10 p m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camo.jun. August 25 10 p.m. FKAKK J. SKINNEK Prince Rupert Agent ' Third Avenue Phone 568 ; momm etc OPTOMETRIST at required Detroit. ! f ft In minutes. THE GAS RANGES ON DISPLAY Sonja Bai.aar, October 27. Moos" Bazaar, flov. 2 and 3. Legion Auxiliary Fall Bazaar Vovcmbcr 8. PresbyterUn Fall Sale Kov. 1(5. John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Ask for a Demonstration PRINCE RUPF.R1 DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHlPUUILLC Kf AND , ENOINIEUS IO D.a. ial; oa.'.aar November h ltros. AS ED PRICES SL a. L.O.B.A. Bazaar Dec. ,1. PHONE 79 PHONE 79 Tih tms" Brrnmi ftr'i 1 1 menm -Manson's China Shop ;ron and Brass Oasun?' Clectnc uu Acetylene welaing 6PEC1AL1M IS ON HA W MILL and MI VINO MACMNEKY Green 960 303 W. 3rd 1 lllutrmacij and mum Plumbing & Heating V four nexl Prompt and Efficient Service TER FLIGHT HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE FLIGHT PLANES available for TOYS! tYS! TOYS!'. - - 25 Orr ENTIRE STOCK GET TIIEM HOW" Hoys' Jackets ALL TO GO AnO OFF COMPLETE STOCK WITH All THREE FEATURES Acriol Surveys Aerial Photography Private Charter Timber Cruising, etc. NTERIOR AND COASTAL POINTS V m ! 1-qt. Vapor $al Sawcttpon f fite 1 A 3 t For srmes roiasers 500 Pairs - Boys' rS - 'FORMATION RESERVATIONS D iSW PHONE 476 rugs I 10 OFF ENTIRE STOCK BUY NOW FOR SCHOOL TWEEDS COVERTS O GABS CORDS IRON MN AND OTHERS f CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LTD. the Pioneer Druggists PRESCRiPTION SERVICE 1. VAPOR SEAl locki in food flavor, vilomint and minoralt t. STAINLESS STEIt lastingly beautiful and aatlar to cltan J. THERMIC RAY COPPER BOTTOM dittributtt hat vnly, ewtt foal bids Zl V Killos & Christopher Bldg. Daily Delivery Service PHONE 81 The SjpoirH Shop Air Freight on oil Flights a ADVEuY Phone 311 McBride St. VISING IN THE D AIL'S NEWS PAYS!