Prfnre Rnyrrt Daflp J3ctos Friday, June 3, 1&49 Ray Reflects . . . . . . and Reminisce t?a f rS?. 5 , T W oerovw , a upbulidln? of Prtno. Buprt iiu hS2 ? north-m and central British Cdunbu (Autnoruwi m Second Clm Mall. Port OffUe Department. Oua, . Published tH-rj afternoon erept Sunday b 1ne Rupert Dai.y Newt Lw, 3rd Avenue. Prince Hupert. Britlah Columbia, O. A HUNTER. Manuring Editor. H. O. PERRT. Manaflnir Director ttKBEH OF CANADIAN PRESS - ACDTT BrREAO OP CIRCCLATIO.V3 CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION erBscRrp-noN rates "t? Carrier. Per Vk. 20c: Per Month. 75c: Per Tear. MOO. 5r .-.WT By Uall. Per Month. 60c; Per Tear. 15 00 r-rr-' " LIBERALS HAVE ! TWENTY SEATS j ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland ? j Liberals have taken their j twentieth seat in: Newfound- land's 28-member Legislature j Progressive Conservatives have ' won five and Independents one. 'One seat remains to be heard j from following last week's el-jection and the election in Lab- w . - - n I I,... ii Li ''Ml ... a.. 3 i1 Spetial ana me R CA F. win smaru-n proceedings with their presence, ! dancers will revel and tourists throng. i I A Vancouver woman managed to gt together $5,000 of life savings and kept the cash in $100 bills in her home. Then, putting the temporal security in ' a wallet, she went on a shopping errand and lost the lot. How, the lady is unabie to say. Much Most of us have long held the notion that the Dolly Varden ' mining property at Alice Arm trmlc i T namo frtm tKa i r'E:VS F,E SroR may depend on who linds it. -j - - i nc nrii but this is the twentieth century known trout, numerous in north-1 and it's best not to depend too 1 ern waters. It has now been ' much on expectation of miracles'! ' shown, however, that the mine ' j has nothing to do with fish. I: The interview with Irvin Conn, was named by a Swedish Dros- sriT "0i, Sprcbl 1 nt. ii . MEN'S UKE PANT American tourist, in which Dector. who had in min ,,i ' TMr Perfect til Specials u AIR PASSEls'GERS To Vancouver W. A. Bowman D. Schtell, C. Nicholson, J. L. Green, Miss E. Perry, J. W. Hay S. Shtrodal. From Vancouver F. Golds-worthy, E. Crampton, Mr. and Mrs. P. Pugsley, W. Raseler, F. E. Batt, A. Campbell, B. W. Murdoch, G. Murdoch, C. H. Elford, L. Sands, N. Parkins, B. Morrow, Mrs. M. Hill, C. Zarelli, Mrs! Strom. B0YS' KHAR, described how, despite misinfor- in one or Dickens' novels. And : mation and discouragement at right here is a situation that l the border, inability to buy gaso-! might be almost called a coin-line after 6 p.m. or find avail-' cidence. A poem by Bret Hj.rte able any sleeping aecommoda- j pictures another prospector, also tion after such a late hour as a reader of Dickens. He re- V" pair BOVS' TI.F. Mii,.,:. ten, is somewhat revealing. Yet membered a girl, too. this time he did accomDlish th fpat. fTitfi k.ii - v.., , -wi unrni. Choosing a Member THE PEOPLE of Skeena and Prince Rupert and I every constituency in Canada and British Columbia will choose the men they hope to elect as their representatives in the House of Commons and the Legislature respectively. It is well to consider the types in the field ready to offer their services. Each may deserve a place in the Parliament of the nation or the province but the man selected should be able to think and able to speak. R. J. Deachman' writes interestingly on the subject as follows: "Many men come to Parliament without having previously given much consideration to economic and political questions. Their capacity to become useful members depends on their ability to think. If they can think clearly they can learn to speak clearly. They will soon be capable of taking a leading place among their fellow members. "There are, of course, others, too many of them, popular in their own constituencies, extremely likable in their personal relationships but void of pfonnmie romnrebension. not fitted for the iob '.mis ... "Well, for weeks you've been harping: rustic bench, rustic bench. ' ' j .-v.., W IHJ, JIU1U Ilia driving through to Prince Ru-; campfire pack "a hoarded vol-pert where, already, there is an , ume drew." How does the poem excellent curfew. Studying all of the davs of '49 start Rnm. MJ-ss run-, J1, and good fit. rtrvs tun JURISTS GENEROSITY PLUS iiau , HOTEL ARRIVALS - It LONDON tf. Judges' Simile, HALIFAX, E.IaiiJ 0 -Maunder review for some time.' dle-aned Minnie Ora the circumstances it might now, thing like this, we think "Above be just as well to instal a series the pines, the moon was slowly of curfews along the Skeena at drifting, the river sang below say twenty-mile intervals. The j the dim Sierras, far beyond up-sounding of the sirens which ; lifting their minarets of snow." have a powerful blast wouM I jshould be increased,. says At- 2s 6d. (50 cents to guess the Itorney - General Sir Hartley length of a ball of wool. She Shawcross. At a meeting he won a four-room cottage, but said salaries Daid now "inarlp- cairf- "i ifnn'i inf tv .,.tt ,. Prince Rupert Gordon Williams, Smithers; i Walter Burns, Smithers: T. mean lights out at sharp ten- Self-govemin India think, r Scott. Smithers: T. Aida. Smi-' auatelv reflect hidees" verv hiuh Soil it mH give the money to conver- shanghai and cannot feel that th"s; A. Campbell, Vancou- constitutional Importance." moral welfare work satioh ( Chandler & Lumrauiiism, oacxea Dy the might A- r- Morrow, Vancouver; of Soviet Russia, will stop there B- A- Bateson, Smithers; H meeung in me observers are saying India wonirf Clarkston. Smithers: Walter PORTRAIT STK)ir Film Finishes - til, Flash Fhoto, Tk ( Phone Oreen MS tj, PRINCE RUPERT B ' " " V -ft. i- ' i midst of a campaign is en- feel more secure if the hand of Raesler, Pentlcton; F. Golds- thusiastlc. If it were not it would Great Britain had not been with- 'worthy, North Vancouver; Mr. j be some other sort of occasion. 1 drawn quite so far. Occupation I and Mrs- Beam. Port Essington; f It Is no more possible to have i of Asia's N. largest city is, a long Hatch, Prince George; H f a public meetin? a wpft frnm forward step for communism. : Claire, Prince Oeorge; W. A. f i Over the border from China is Bowman, Vancouver; B. Harve", smith & ad polling day and not have it enthusiastic than It is to make ginger cake and forget the C&JtiCHY-OOOD lM MtLIC.' Burma, and next dooro Burma, Prince George; Dick Heggjr, Smi- the storied land of India. It mav thers; Louis Schivll Smithm- HAVE HAD YEARS OF be assumed Moscow will be guilty of no neglect in that quarter. . .X rLLi;13INO J It's apple blossom season In Canada just now. All the way from the fragrant orchards of British Columbia to the hundred miles of pink and white loveli "L. Hall, Smithers; N. Picul, Smithers; J. B. Zaeharlas, Smithers; B. Gurerich. Smithers; Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Pugsley, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Howrie, Vernon ; Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Cor-rigan, Vernon; R. A. Innes. Kam-loops; L. Kelton, Kamloops: R. G. Geen, Toronto; B. W. Mur 1 LETTERBOX NO WATER ON ROAD AND HEATING EXPERIENCE PHONE 171 ness- called the AnnaDolis Val Editor, Daily News: Regarding your recent Issue doch, Victoria: Mrs. Thomas "Water on Road in Bulkley" 7. thor. i .,T... Vancouver; ley of Nova Scotia, a brighter touch is given life. There will be days and nights of gaiety, winsome gals will be crowned and bands play. The R.C.M.P. Miss E. Thomas. Vancouver. REAL ESTATE . : HCUI icmwa where the water is over the road as stated In your article. A section of the abandoned road is flooded but a new road was built around this seciion INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARE and has been In use since lastj am t i . m a & iru A bctttf valet, tl Ye, every box of thmc crunt-hy Rice Kripi give more weight for less money. Cpmpare with any other nationally R. E. MORTIMF. ran. I he Bulkley river through this part of the vallev has hpn i S24 2nd Ave (Kear rfi OGliiiom i I - m holding steady with a good run-! known ready-to-eat ric cereal. Try "era today! H m mm ' "oriM baTagnoi; J V LJr phone Gr"n T8' rrr...JJJ 7IZ. AtiVPrtise ln the m ' WW off for the last week, with verj little fluctuation. . I trust you will correct the erroneous impression that some people may havie regarding floods in this part of the valley. All sections of the road flooded last year have been raised above flood stage. C. P. BUSSINGER, Telkwa 'I.OIKMT 111)1111 i t Vilire lf Anpltralliiu l i Nutlre Is tir-i)T rim ill' -!.v,Milh ,1.4V i.f J'.f ntxt tt they have to do. The country would be richer if they could be left at home. Parliament is selective, good men find their mark, the others become ballast they help to steady the ship in bad weather. That of course is important in its way. "Members should be able to speak and speak clearly cn issues which come before the House. A good speaker, capable of clear thinking, will be ' able to make' a place for himself in Parliament.' Even when he fails there is a second chance. There are many men who can think clearly but are hopelessly lacking in power of expression. There are different types of speakers. One man may speak well in the House, i.e. he can plan a speech, put it on paper and present it in the House with only brief notes tQ stimulate his memory. This man may fall down in a committee where the nature of the situation is very different. In committee the situation calls for the qualities of a good lawyer. It involves quite frequently the examination of witnesses. This does not imply that a man must necessarily be a lawyer. I can recall many a quite competent examination made by a farmer or business man. The business man fits into the work because he has definit kiowledge of his business and therefore capacity to bring out the evidence. "The member should possess the spirit of independence. He is not likely to oppose his own party on major issues but there are other means by which he can make his purpose clear. The caucus gives him an opportunity for free discussion. He will need to be on guard every hour of the day. Parliament is an ideal place for loafing. It's so easy to drift around the rooms visiting other members, doing little when there is much to be done. The essential element in the making of a member is a willingness to work. "The constituency demands too much from its member but, in many cases, the correspondence' involved is helpful. The member has to listen to the people back home, while facing the task which always confronts him-his duties in the House. There is with some a tendency to be too sharp in debate. Nothing is gained by this attitude. It does not pay to knock a man down even in an exchange of words. I he mind of the thinking member should turn at all times to the actual facts before the House. The TflZ thC f3CtS is master of the situation if only he has the power of logical expression. Look for these qualities in choosing M.P.-they you y are supremely important." YOU'RE ON THE RIGHT TRACK, FOLKS . . . TONIGHT 8:30 o'clock CFPR ' i-wt Eranrh Jiuaiw w- j of thf ra:i.!:an Utva Br; j pir fTVUf Uti-M f.'a I J)ly to (h ln Cr.'K I ' . Tlilb Llrrm In fKlWl IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR VANCOUVER VICTOR M SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Chilcotln Friday, 5 p.m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.m., CoquiUam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH Q I F.E.N CHARLOTTE ISLANDS 8.s. CoquiUam, June 3 and 17. FOR NORTH QLKEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. CoquiUam, June 10 and 24. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 588 NO MORE "POOR" LADYSMITH, South Africa, Q "Instead of the 'poor' a word that conjures up all the uglines and tragedy of poverty we now say under-privileged," said a Natal university professor, giving a lecture on "language" here. Food, Top Service and V Pleasant Surroundings ml-s f(.rm-r.T tnn K t)ltlrT' qiikrtera. l f amr nii'rwtion. !' 3C vnti tW:lM ! sliuntr iipi-n crrtn w ml as il) Part ol Mttbnl of thr nubcllvwun o( P" 'i51 and ft"'if 5 ( ' trlct. Map litX: and 1 2 W dlvulun e.f Biijrlt 3 of HIi E aj ahoan on MSP UilniiiK approxmutrif J' Prlnre Riwrt Uno n Dtntrlrt. In thf Pnvlai ol ColumlJla. u '"Ulle of tht mid Club to Iff . mlra a reasonable quaint" for personal eonmiir.plk M 1 i.-... fi .ntitiir.8 THE TRUTH ABOUT COMPULSORY AUTO INSURANCE' For Reservations add Chicken In The Rough Phone Red 70S Civic Cj:ntiu: Da'at; Room Advertise in the Dally News! HOLLYWOOD I purchase lltfiior from ' DONT MISS THE FUN AT MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. TO 3:30 A.M. We Specialize In Chinese Dishes 8 LIMBERLOST to wl! nv tne g.ass i-" chasod to Its menrnwi v 'l ci-.i.sump'.lon on th" C.J in arcordunce with tM pr" the O'lvernmeiit LH ' the ri-siilntions promul(S Ih.ied at Prinre W 1 Kill day of M- CANAIJlAN IB!' Ili-aiirh i.PWUP " SfrrfUO"" m For CHOP SUEY-CHOW MEIN For Outside Orders PHONE 131 ??SS!SmATlK(i HUNTING, SWIMMING DAN GIN (i . . . AND MANY OTHER SPORTS Published by B.C. Coalition Organization Fun for the Whole Fami'lv nf mnirpincTr 2" J . . is-ftliin .. 1,1 vi Wake your reservations early and be sure of your I '"wv. ouay in me Bermudas of the North. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT LIMBERLOST LODGE LTD. . PIIONK r,Mro tiwinu oxicutdo THOM SHEET METAL LIMITED wishes to announce that the Latest in Portable Welding Equipment HAS BEEN ADDED TO THEIR ALREADY ..fhe of ppii'""" p-i Trimmer f et.-r.nn V" other prcinl-'- , ,M1 I Notice is hereby glv , eleventh day of u, . 9lKnl Intends to P"rl Control B,rd for c- fer VeteniiW CHib at 31 ( 3rd l mlsea situate &) Prior. fi"P'rt-,hS'";Lot! upon lands described I OFFICES PHONE 5G8. A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy" See Our Window Display of SIMMONS and RESTMORE Bedding 327 3rd Ave. West Phone 775 r.A I LNSIVELY EQUIPPED SHOP 253 20. Seclton 1. " " , Uu numbered three at. , ' ...j respectliciy- 8X1 First Ave. E "Jaycee" Phone Black Convention City Prince Rupert nert Und R'iv ' . . fnrmei ' reruln prernwr. .-- ORMES DRUGS DRUGS Plumbing Troubles? No. 3. Officers .'- W frame construction. ( ,Hu. upon cert. "J ' Bl!K1 ,n prt 'wfirr;v of P the subdivision c and m'i, mwe M.p 923. con .nliK t: 0 518 of an acre, a n IMS; and (Hi Lot; slot WHAT SOCIALISM MEANS VOU CANNOT trust' the battle of freedom to socialism. Socialism has no interest in liberty Soda Socialist CmmUfmty in b0- K you establish a community it means the most comprehensive, universal and persuasive tyranny that this country has ever known. It is like the sand of the desert It gets into your food, your clothes, your machinery, the very air you breathe. They are all gritty with regulations, orders, decrees, rules. This is what Socialism means. ' David Lloyd George. CALL BLUE 846 rhown on WP BAPCO FLOOR ENAMEL - For FLOORS, LINOLEUM and WOODWORK Supplied in nine attractive colors IT DRIES IN FOUR HOURS THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD: PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS-WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 3 P.M. 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. Daily car delivery service Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. frnm 0 irom a a.m. a tm till 6 v n.m. j and Sunday SAANICH Plumbing & Heating 10tU dav of M- Ll ' ,,0s. t CANADIAN wr. Brunch K"1 , (PhlllP " j"! I