iiliiinrrt vrrtkr wide varieti Locaf News items Fridav, June 3, 1949 (Continued from Page 1) level Cedar Siding nti-y work, that oinciai recognition of the national Junior Meeting of Jobs Daughters, j Initiation, mainritv rioorno e:1. Carl Zarelli returned to the IHJUKtU ItKKAlt QUEEN HONORED TERRACE Tuesday being the birthday of Terrace's May Queen, Marjorie Thomas, the local Oddfellows made arrangements to have a birthday party for her In the ward at St. Paul's Chamber be given to the "Jay. ver march, and Dartv at 10 citv Thursday afternoon by air "school" on road construction methods where eminent authorities on road construction and repair might give lectures to municipal officers and employees, j A Npw Westminster resolution 2"x8" C" Grade per 1000 f.s.m. $75.00 cee-ette movement and that ; Work Clothing civic affairs committers be set Friday, June 3, at 7:30 sharp, p.m. Don't forget to brine vour from a trip to Vancouver. Hear Frank Calder, C.C.F. up in local units. SEE IS FOR YOl'R LIMBER REQUIREMENTS , . . ... i. t '. : i. A Vancouver resolution urged Hospital, Vancouver, where she urSed that the province of, wider scope in topics and in-lies recovering from injuries re-1 British Columbia take necessarj terpretatlons In the annual Jay- jainuoree-ciau donations. (128) A new shipment of Gladiola bulbs has arrived at Balagnu Florists. (i30i Joseph Chell, inspector of Atlin candidate over CFPR tonight at 6:40. Roy Berryman, who has been piloting a Seabee on the Queen Charlotte Islands for B. C. Airways, arrived In the city on ceived in a traffic accident here ! steps to ensure the International ; cee oratorical contests to per-! at Prices that will stand Comparison . . curry compile vi jimsn ana dimension lumber HOOKING, SIDING, SHINGLES, LATH, elc LBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. "EVERYTHINO FOR THE BUILDER" PHONE 116 schools, is sailing tonight on the a few weeks ago. Jack Bunting, Pacific Salmon Fisheries Com-who left Terrace on Saturday mission being notified and con-for the south, has charge of ar-' suited before authority Is given rangements. Birthday greet- j by the government for any pro-ings were also sent to "her in Uect in the Fraser River water- Catala for a trip to Butedale I Wednesday afternoon's plane from Sandspit to join the Queen mit more controversial topics and more forthright treatment of them. ' A second Vancouver' resolution would place the onus for obtaining results, from resolutions on the regional executive and the local unit which pro telegram irom tne teacners shed wnich wiu resuU ln modi. and children of the elementary school. on official duties. Tennis tournament, C. N. R. courts, 12:30 noon, Sunday, June 5. Entries to be posted on bulletin board at court clubhouse Immediately. Entry fee, 25c. Refreshments will be served. (It) Charlotte Air Lines here as second pilot. Further delegates coming to Prince Rupert with the Gyro district convention at the middle of this month will include Mr. and Mrs. Harry Forward and Windham Bird of Nanaimo; Mr. posed the resolution. ROTARY CLUB SEES FILMS A film of the city of Montreal fying any spawning area of the damming, pollution or diversion of any waters used by migrating fish. WANTED RAT CATCHERS The Prince Rupert Junior Chamber resolution asks that the provincial government em- ,, h. Thorne, one of the :-s of the railway server prince Rupert, has visiting Prince Rupert ast lew days. Leaving 1932 after having been FINED $600 ON LIQUOR CHARGE In city police court Wednesday. Nick Bokachvtz was fined Junior baseball, Saturday af and scenes of bearded Prince iternoon at 2:30. Port Edward and Mrs- E- D- Ivey of Yaklma. Rupert men during the Gvro vs. Junior All-Stars. (It) and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ewell of Seattle. Klondyke festival were shown Notl-f of Cam-etlatlfm f Herve NOTICE is hereby given that the reserve established over Blocks 31. 33. 35 and 38 of Lot 446. Plan 1045, Range 5. Coast District, notice of which was published in the British Columbia Gazette. July 12, 1945, is cancelled in so far as it relates to those parts of Blocks 31. 33. 35 aid 36 of Lot 446, Plan 1045, Range 5. Coast District, which are crossed by transmissicfn line shown on Plan 17, Tube 368. on deposit in the Department of Lands and Forests. GEORGE P. MELROSir. ' L on the Prince Rupert-j. run, he was running ,t year between Winni- months ln onjploy full-time rat exterminators $300 or three jail each of two charges of selling to reduce the fast-growing popu-liguor to minors after pleading , latlon ln the province which is to city Rotarlans Thursday af- Monday, June 8 being a holi-ernoon following their weekly ;day, the reular nf th Watroiis. wow ne is nv- puilty before Magsitrate W. D. becoming an increasing threat rrment in Vanomi- Vance. The prison sentences to health and property. ' are to run consecutively if the' Oliver Junior Chamber sub- ai rived on ." Tuesday WORK SHIRTS In Chambrays, Suede Cloths and Coverts- ! $2.25 to $3.95 each DUNGAREES AND WAIST OVERALLS , Made by Western Glove, G.W. G. and Headlight . $3.25 to $3.95 pair BIB OVERALLS Made by Western Glove, O.W. G. and Headlightr $4.25 to $4.50 pair CARPENTERS' OVERALLS Made by Western Glove, Headlight and G.W.G. $4.75 - $5.15 - $5.25 COVERALLS In Khaki, Express Stripe and MRS. MUHCEY IS HEAD OF MOOSE WOMEN hiain from amimers ana fines are not paid. BokachytZ mitPrt a rpsnlutinn askinfr mem- Deputy Minister of Lands. luncheon meeting by Sgt. L..A. chamber of commerce Is post-held at the Capitol Theatre, i Guests at the meeting were' Passengers leaving today by Charles Davidson of Hope, Owen I Queen Charlotte Air Lines for Hooper, Smlthers, J. Woods,' Masset were Mrs. M. Wolfe, Mrs. Vancouver and William McLeod.'l. Choquette, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McDowell and 8. L. Simpson. night on the Catala for a trip 'For Juskatla, Mervin Newell was eturning there tonight. waiter in downtown beer i Department of Lands and Forests, U-8R a a .. . . t , . UC1 uuu,a t,u ouyyuLv ui gauua- victoria B C. nariur. dames n.. imnci, Hi-.vi n tVair Hictrit In cptHno (It) May 25. 1949, employee of another hotel, had & m or rMtocMn3 Mrs. Harold Muncey was elect- sentence reserved auer ne iwu flgh ln lakeg and streams d Mrs. Gordon Marr of arrived in the city on its train and sail to- ed by acclamation as senior oeen iouna gumy on two . , ..'ni c,,nnivin linunr to minors' A , second resolution enltin uiged rMH th.t that to Vancouver. a passenger. regent oi me lucai wumeu ui , vesterdav Mr Vance wltnneia tne usuyous tuswuia anu imim- the Moose Wednesday night,, N. O. Carpenter and T. Oray civilian engineers for the Royal Succeeding Mrs. Thomas Glenn. Canadian Navy from Esquimau, Other new officers are: left on Wednesday for Masset Junior Regent, Mrs. John Mor Rupert Motors rison. sentence until Friday morning, gration port be kept open 24 , hours a day as 1 a convenience C. Campbell of Campbell & to international travellers. Bennett, contracting firm whicnj Three resolutions from Chilll-ls carrying out the big pipe line wack asked that Junior Cham-construction job for Columbia bers in the B.C. region incor-Cellulose Co., sailed by th"? porate under the Societies Act Prince Rupert last night on his as a protection against liabill-return to Vancouver after a ties which might be incurred brief visit to the Job. during participation in commu- Chaplain, Mrs. Bert Bellamy. Ltd. if" on business in connection with Ihe taking up of naval Installation from there. They will return today from Sandspit to Vancouver enroute to Esquimau. Reginald Geen, examiner for the Toronto Conservatory of Music, arrived in the city on last night's train from Toronto to conduct examinations here. He will give a recital at Annunciation Church tonight in con Blue Denim . ' $5.25 - $5.50 - $7.25 LEATHER GLOVES In both Gauntlet and Short Wrist type ' $1.50 to $2.50 tjilii, EH Mb? NOW OPERATING FROM NEW tARAGE BUILDING, FORMERLY Recorder, Mrs. Robert Armstrong. Treasurer, Mrs. Reginald Wilson. Junior Graduate Regent, Mrs. Thomas Glenn. Four other officers as well as committee chairmen are yet to be appointed. In honor of her silver anniversary, Mrs. J. R. Carr, an active and popular member, was presented with a gift. Following the meeting, refreshments were served. LINLOM lVlJlVJfAO, OHJIMJ V- NUE AND FIRST STREET. nection with the dedication of a new organ Phone 654 PHONES 566 and 866 ORANGE LADIES GIVEN REPORT Store Hours 9 a.m. to G p.m. often imitated never Repqrt on the provincial convention of ladies Orange lodges 15c ptr dot en ptid for tmptltt Ubtled by any B.C. Brcwtry trill dvtrtittmtnt h not pubfthed of dWpUytd by the Liquor Control Board oi fcv th Govcrnnurf mi British Columbia illlillllUUlllillilllllllliil STAMP COLLECTORS I ... . ftna 1 .1 0 V I VI V T.S.S. PRINCE RUPERT a mm k m. -w m. m m r mm a equalled t - i I-cl Advi rtislng is payable ln advance. Please refrain from we nave a eijr ocvvv... in stock. Also F.G. and Scott Albums, etc. Come In and look them over. KEN WILMOT 718 SECOND AVENUE which she attended at Vancouver recently, was made by Mrs. H. Paulson to the monthly meeting of the Ladies Orange Benevolent Association, at the Oddfellows' Hall. Mrs. Paulson is Worthy Mistress of the local chapter and was one of two delegates to the convention. The meeting approved a dona ing Classifieds, 2c per word per insertion, minimum iOc Birth Notices 50c, Cards ol Thanks, Dealh Notices, WRATIIALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developine, Printing Enlarging QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: $2. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE . - - m SAILS EOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call LOST AM) FOUND WANTED Advertise in the Daily News! tion of $5 to the St. John Am bulance drive and initiated ar LOST Four month old terrier tfUENTS WANTED Three f.r rooms. Box 1000 Cel- white with black ana oiown ranEcrnents for a banquet to be JrSi?,n2?Si Wi ilheonJuneH. Mrs. A. Murray $ PLANNING SUMMER MENUS? iVAITIWB L Taxi. Reward. U4JtiWas named convener ana win Bv man, part time be assisted by Mrs. J. F. Feasby, roii REM D. Morrison ana Mrs. a. Mrs. evenings and week-Box 52i Daily News. (130) FOR RENT Sleeping room, 801 LUnj The business session con- You'll find what you need at the B-Y MARKET (tf) Borden Street. eluded with refreshments. to - Two or three room; CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. C1 1 I .writ. Apply Savoy HELP WANTED Mrs. Roxburgh. (129) Pi to live (130 45 ? f" WANTED Housekeeper in. Phone Blue 767. FOR S.LE Announcements ,l .rivertweinoviw n this column will be charged for tall month i in conta t word Groceries Fresh and Cold Meats Produce PHONE RED 441 FOR FREE DELIVERY B'rme. $:0.00 or best offer, fi h East. (129) WANTED One first-class welderNone other need apply. Al.so office help experience ' not necessary. Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd., phone Black 884. (loo ) l-iLE-Brand new dark-red United Church Tea June 8 at the home of Mrs. Nickerso.i, Borden Street. i i WANTED Boy to apprentice at rth()lic Haii June 9 After- mY MARKET I m 869 Sixth Ave. E. , , ' 'I !AVAV.VAV.V1V.V.V.VAVJVi,AVVAVWAW.V.,.S' feorCtsmaart bov "to leTrn trade I noon ,tea and home cooking sale; on leaving school this term. evening, final card party and Apply Box 530 Daily News dislribution of tournament pri- statiiig age and school grade attained. ' I if r" German-made piano recently brought Europe. 3 registers. tiian, " Blue 814, after (129) 5:30 AI.E-30 ft. Gillnet boat wi:k II, in eood condition. Floats. Box 517. Daily 11321 &ALE Oil range in good tiun, $1G0 cash. Can be I Jt 1440 8th East. (133 ifALE 1942 Chevrolet Sell in very good condition. I'tely owned. Can be seen zes. ; Lutheran ' Tea and Home Cooking, June 11. Strawberry Tea, Presbyterian BOYS WANTED Reliable boys desiring Daily News route should file their names at tne Dailv News Office. (tf) AT YOUR SERVICE FOR THK BEST IK ... . Mf tV.i-''J iiTiHTrn Woman to do light housework and look after 5- j Church, June 16. H.M.C.S. Haida I.O.D.E. . Tea, June 25. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. flip?"'! Aircraft Charter To better serve you we are basing a second aircraft at Prince Rupert Charter Flights of All Types Carried Out Three Regular Return Flights Per Week to All Queen Charlotte Island Points FOR FULL INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS rilONE 795 CP.R. OFFICE vear oia Doy ween ujj. ILWe Motors. (tl GAS - OIL GREASE TIRES BATTERIES WASHING Blue after o. fALE - O M C 1-trn trupks.1 . ...j S. Dii. "j n Ti' PRIVATE room. Doara aim ic numeration to elderly lady or fill Hnllilio nnrntofC ; 17. ! I.O.D.E. Chapter's Fall Baz- This might happen to us . . . but the customer never loses when he deals at DAN'S SERVICE STATION "Where the Workingman Gets a Break." McBRIDE STREET etr for care oi two uy.y j- 7 ana o. muiuci ' uioHn tn one child. oiih 208 nar aar, xnov. Nov 24 i UUICl w.w.. v (130) 9th East. f biiKEV. Apply Midland ( J-i, Phone Black 739. (134) ALE combination , - -32' x 9' "iter and trolling boat,, f Palmer engine, some f ready to fish. Blue 639. j Whatever your car needs, you can always be sure of top quality products and helpful service with a smile,- IIOl'RS: Weekdays 8 a.m. to 12 midnight r Sundays 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.. St. Andrew's catnenrui run Bazaar, Nov. 26. Saturday. FOR SALE i . REAL ESTATE Advertise ln the Daily News! rnn CAT V S room house and FOR ALL YOUR furniture, $5,000. 724 Fraser BOB PARKER'S UPTOWN SERVICE STATION It's Here FOR SALE Wartime four insulated, half basement, situ- (in . ALE-1946 Mercury sedan miles. 801 Borden St. r 5:30. Anderson. (132) WALLY KNOWN NAMES f'-belt Speeder Shovels, I'jPs, Draglines: Adams readers; Littleford Bros. Top Road Maintenance lament; Owen Clamshell J,'' and Rock Grapples; PHONE 791 or Second and McBride ated on Herman Place. First neiirhborhood. Price Real S.00nl Prince" Rert tv Co. REQUIREMENTS REGAL PRINTERS FHONE 24 222 Second Ave. Box 423 prR RALE 4 room furnished FOhouseAcFose4 in. For particulars Phone Blue 909. n ,, """i concrete iviiit-u, Forklifh Triipk- Nelson THE GREAT NEW GENERAL ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHER! YOU GUIDE IT, TWO COUNTER-ROTATING BRUSHES' DO ALL THE WORK! The wonderful new G-E Polisher gives a gleaming polish, to hardwood, linoleum or tile floors. Weighing only 16 pounds, the G-E Polisher Is easily portable ... yet It Is just the right weight to. do a thorough, speedy polishing job. . l loaders for Stockpile tnow Removal: Rice Port- ' Ontrif 1 r . M BUY GENUINE . . . y Dusfbane FOR SALE-4 room bungalow, F10(i2 Ambrose Ave. Apply 333 8th Ave. East. H2!! dragline ScraDers and ? ? ) PERSONAL : National All Steel re Hoists: National gable Sawmills: National in'1 ry Serpens and Conveyors. PI inf., vt For Building Supplies FHONE PERSONAL DRUG SUNDRIES (rubber goods) twelve samples for 50c postpaid- in plain sealed in- wrapper, catalogue Machinery Co. Ltd., (tf) B. C. 159.50 Complete with two polishing brushes and two lambs wool buffing pads. Dept. 'PR.' 71 Major St.. Tor for greater economy and saving on your Dust Control problems . j in 70-lb. drums 150-lb. and 250-lb. barrels i PRINCE RUPER1 SUPPLY HOUSE I WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR 712 Second Ave. Phone 632 P. O. Box 772 , onto. Ont. SAVOY HOTEL W. L. WOODS, Prop. PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT t,mAI-Sunshine English "-.hune Black 489. (133) l LVNew"and UsedFur- fc'urHar.dware and ofnce ,,'cs- Underwood Tvpe- METAL nortl MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors iit V..R.adloa. Bedroom j Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. PLUMBING -uI1?thatJI0BSTaAn? wffiNa8rHadESra inK. Letourpeau & Sons. 6 fi'ip n lalrs' New Floor Cov r q:(ress Irons, Rurs, Din BESNER BLOCK Paints. Cuus and otr f v uaar. Knnne 010. ' ni:pri '". 13 fti OlAlll PHONE 210 ror gooi d prices k 324. FURNITURE CO. You Saw It in The News! Wwwwwwwww'