PROVINCIAL LIE?',-;', I vici:?.:a, 2. c. ORMES DRUGS Daily Delivers NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NZWSPAPER PH011E81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XXXVIII, No. 129. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C FRIDAY, JUNE S. 1949 PRICB FTVK CENTS 'sinsiao . Is Tak en a flimese c Grflmuiniiste And West Co m promise On Berlin ussia Last Stronghold Of Nationalists Falls SHANGHAI (CP) A reliable source said today that Chinese Communists had occupied Tsingtao, North China port which until recently the anchorage for the United States Western Pacific fleet. United Agreement On Two jortant Proposals "J:IS (CP) Russia and the West were reported (,day to compromise on a "Little Peace Treaty" Win. The basis of today's discussions at the Ler foreign ministers' conference was to be Id States plan, submitted yesterday by State -y Dean Acheson and backed by both Great Lcl France. Russia and States ships and personnel had pulled out of Tsingtao several davs aeo. It was the last city held by the NaUorilista in northeast China. j r f S . I I f $ I -. ' . ? iii I 1 JiAiJ t . lzlL I Search Held By Weather A wild gale and torrential' rain sweeping the west coast of Graham Island Thursday hampered the search by land, sea and air for Martin Ulmer, skipper of the gillnet boat Atomic, who has been 'missing since May 22 when he set out on a sixteen-mile trek from Athlow Bay, where his boat had became disabled, for a Canadian Fishing Co. camp at Tartoo Inlet. Conditions had, however, Improved today and the widespread quest was resumed. Meanwhile Marshal Yen Hsi-Shan, former North China war lord, was named Premier oi Nationalist China at Canton,, PIONEER OF OKANAGAN ; are already agreed in fTI f) 7l on plans for the two AK 11 Nh Howard G. Lawes, Father of Mrs. Harry Sheardown, Passes Away ijwrtant proposals: MINERS ARE HOLDING OUT ,stablt.shmcnt of four hi Hill UWIl h II WIS I Urol in Berlin. Howard G. Lawes, pioneer of the Okanagan Valley and for the past three years a resident of Prince Rupert, died Wednesday t-widf elections for an I council. International Aspects Being Considered at Guclph Agricultural Meet JAYCEE HEADS-Phillip R. Pugsley of Montreal, (left) national president of the Junior Chamber of Commerce of Canada, and Brent W. Murdoch.of Victoria, prcsidcut o the B. C. region, who are taking a leading part in deliberations of the regional convention which opened at the Civic Centre this morning. Mr. Pugsley led a panel discussion which was a feature of this morning's session. ; I YOl'TH CONDFMNFI) DRL'MHELLER, Alta. Clifford Allen Newton, stoical 16-year-old Alberta farm hand laborer was today under sentence of death for the murder of his employer's wife. He listened calmly as Mr. Justice C. J. Ford of the Alberta Supreme Court sentenced him to die on the gallows n?xt September 6 for the December 1 shotgun slaying of Mary Gladys Moore. Newton's mother broke down and fled the courtroom. BIG BANKER DIES SAN MATEO, Cal. A. P. Ginnine, founder and president of the Bank of America, the world's largest bank, died at his home here this morning. He was 79 years old. WOODCOCK WINS LONDON Bruce Woodcock Thursday night socked his way back Hg the world heavyweight title picture with a 14-round knockout over hinted Wednesday that ready to transfer to ivic authority some of GUELPII, Ontario Q Plans A message received by divisional headquarters of provincial police here yesterday from Constable J. W. Fletcher of Queen at his home at 152 Fifth Av- enue East. In his seventy-eighth year, Mr. Lawes had been ill for the past seven weeks following a heart attack. ffir KfnhtlivinrT fnnfi nrlnno n m' THETFORD MINES Pi Strikers in Quebec's rich asbestos-mining belt have reaffirmed their intention of holding out for all "essential guarantees" in the dispute with five companies. At the same time three union leaders have been committed for trial on charges arising from the violence-ridden strike. tions exercised in the, "& he KommanchiUira. Charlotte. City, said that the disposing of surplus products will be considered here for the next eight days by committees R.C.AF. Canso had patrolled the search area Wednesday with CUED WITHIN Variety of Resolutions At J aycees' Convention of the International Federation 1 no success. of Agricultural Producers. ' Meantime, three ground parties Born in England, Mr. Lawes came to. Canada before the turn of the century and arrived in the Okanagan in 1898. Early in the 1900's he travelled into the Cariboo country by stage-coach and for a time was manager of 150-Mile House. In 1908 he joined the whole Throughout preliminary scss- have set out to scour the area fIC CIRCLE : Ions, delegates stressed the nec Revision of the Municipal Act, federal aid for which, it Is estimated, will take two days to accomplish. Search became more concentrated after JNTON (P -Two survivors essity of sponsoring some inter f hlancl crash inside the national system of selling farm provincial highway construction, protection of sal- i cle were safe in Saw-( surpluses at a profit to nations' the remains of a fresh camp- nlou spawning grounds, provincial Control of the sale firm now known as Kelly- r"" '"" ,uw u" FO,;"r "r T,U- , , , irat menace and a wide variety of other matters are Douglas Limited and remained ;.:r v- '; Vf 1 Freddie Mills, the British Mat in oy int noyai , m mrce iiMiing vessels ,i i,,! t U,.f C.,4- with that concern for 35 years, retiring as manager of the Vernon branch in 1943. ' jacent coastline. jurday's session of the Junior Chamber of Commerce TrashoY convention. . V Robert who was Ul- I Air Force and rescue. The Canadian plan would fu. piloted by the man' recommend that an lnterna-I (1 them, landed on the tional board purchase food sur-I i picked thorn up. pluses and re-sell them at a loss, i mi,, dirrtfrt nioh' The loss would X absorbed half As a travelling representative Convention sessions opened mrr'H eomnanlon and who S..c-1 LQS AMGILES t?t hv; frm, Mr. Iawps. had the 2 v ....... tre iy tin; 'central lood agency and let, is assisting in the search opportunity to observe the day-by-day development of the cen The resolution, considered by., PARTY COMING a four-day search by .'mir-engined Lancaster half by the producing country. Administration would be by the member units several weeks ago, passed through the meeting president, Ear! V. O rover 'of heavyweight champion. ACQUITTED OF Ml'RDER WILLIAMS LAKE Lloyd Williams was acquitted t ,thc Supreme Court Assizes here of murdering Mrs. Bertha Stickney, formerly of Stewart. LAKE SHIP BURNS PORT DALHOL'SIE The well-known Lake nOtario ship Northumberland was destroyed by fire here as she was being prepared for summer service. Crew of 33 escaped. Damage is estimated at $250,-000 with replacement value at $750,000. with a minimum of discussion the Los Angeles Chamber of .u ,w a..- .v. Unllcd NaUons n northern pilot, Ernie .tl mechanic, Flea zisSSsS5z&zzz. ,!h-r of the two sur- TUt; W FATHER tral interior. In the earlier days most of his travel was by stag, coach or lake - and river boat but,"- when the first Stanley Steamer automobile ventured up the historic Cariboo Road to Asheroft, Mr. Lawes travelled or. it. Later Mr. Lawes had the terri-ritory between Golden and Kam- Minister Busy Man pre Injured. Their homes ' as the instructed delegates cast commerce and party of 240 their votes. (members and their ladies and Probably the most notable friends will be in Prince Ru-resolution of all was one sub-'pert June 10 aboard the stcam-mitted by the Rossland JuniorjPr prince George on their an-Hhaniher. It urced revision of 'mini ftl to be 'at Fort Ne! "ii his first visit to Prince Paying ,hg provincial Municipal Act to British Columbia and Alaska, the KES IN Rupert in his ministerial capa Forecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast--Cloudy, becoming overcast with rain by Saturday evening. Light southwesterly winds, .shifting to southeasterly (2b m.p.h.) by Saturday evening. base nomination qualifications prince Rupert Chamber of Com Hon. R. H. Mayhew, federal city. J al' fQr surh munclpa, oriccs as merce has ben advised Ijy minister of fisheries, was such RITAIN dcrman or mayor upon the Charles B. Bayer, assistant to loopr, and the lower Okanagan! Valley. For a time he was as-' signed to the coast district. Three years ago after his retirement, Mr. and Mrs. Lawes took up residence in Prince Ru amount of a citizen's "stake" the President and organiser of BACK IN FOLD Hon H. H. Stevens, Progressive Conservative candidate for Vancouver Centre. tJ ft -Five thousand Tim rHnmro in timni'r.itiire. in his community, not upon the , the tour. MAN IS SAVED FROM DROWNING VANCOUVER ) Fast action by a fisherman saved Jack May Last year the Los Angeles particular method of purchase of property. Ux kers and slevedores Lows .tonight and highs Saturday to consider strike dayM Port Hardy 50 and 57, ver the Canadian Sea-;.. , .n on,, ss P,.in,.p r.i- Chamber came here on the in a busy man this morning getting the first-hand picture of the industry at Prince Rupert that it was possible for the press to get only briefly 4n his dale book. However, the public will have the chance of hearing Mr. Mayhew when he speaks tonight at a meeting in the Civic Centre. At present, the Act requires j lUai voyage of the Prince George when he fell into False Creek STEVENS IN ispiito which has In-1 ousands of British clock . pert 40 and 57. pert. Deceased is survived by his wife, a daughter, Mrs. H. R. Sheardown, and two' granddaughters, all of Prince Rupert. A son lost his life on active service. , from the Georgia viaduct in Van Northern B.C. Cloudy ton lg in in in sympathy sympathy walk-outs waiK-ouis that, to qualify for office as ttnd so pleased were they all, alderman, a person must have tnat many resolved spontaneous-registered title to property of Iy t0 come back again. The trip an assessed value of at least this year is the consummation couver early Thursday. May said FOLD AGAIN . , and , Saturday , with ... widely ,,,,. scat-oast ,., du 3 ports of Liverpool, , . mi Am,..K itered showers along the ridges he had been sitting on the rail $500. The .suggested amena- of tnat rcsolve. Arriving in the city on last i ment would allow qualification rvenlnc's train from Prince ing when he became dizzy and fell into the .water. Edward Dee of the fishing boat Rhonda J. saw the man fall and pulled him from the water. Veteran Conservative Takes Nomination In Vancouver Centre .VANCOUVER Jh Hon. II. H. f lule, strike threats to during - the afternoon. Light -cek-cnd holiday traf-, winds. Little change in tem-i being discussed by a' peiature. Lows tonight and i ol the executive of na- J highs Saturday-At Telecraph I ion railroad men. Creek 40 and 60. to persons having an equity of at least $500 in local property. Mr. and Mrs. H.R. Sluardon and family, accompanied by Mrs. Lawes, left this morning by car for Vernon where the funeral will be held. BIG FIRE IN Stevens, who was Member o? It points out that the Vet- BOMBAY DOCKS earns' Land Act persons pur- M.oin nrnmrtv nro nullified BOMBAY (Pj A big fire b ! ut ta arChUf' ?i for nomination after having a Hunt Is Being Continued George ln the course of a western tour, Mr. Mayhew was out bright and early this morning and, piloted by W. M. Watts, visited the Fish Exchange to witness the daily auction of halibut. He called briefly at the Dominion Fisheries orficc and was off again to the waterfront to spend the rest of the the Royal Indian Navy dockyard TWISTER HITS MIDDLE STATES CHICAGO Fourteen per- BEST FLIERS TO COMPETE Year off Queen Charlottes here. The flames were visible ten miles away. Severe damage was feared caused to valuable stores and property. s next . , " I OTTAWA ' (ft For the iarm noines were ue&uuycu months Canada's top leral Department of Fisheries is co-operating this vpar with rhf British Columbia fishing Wednesday as tornadoes ssippeo amateur fliers will compete in elimination trials throughout paid upon the principle of the j purchase price the sum specified by the Act. j A Trail resolution asked that federal aid be given to assist the province In building a system of highways with the idea of eventually completing as many transcontintal routes as possible. However, the resolution would restrict such aid to provinces which follow a pattern of construction which inter Parliament for Vancouver Centre, from 1917 to 1930, is returning to the political arena, contesting hl3 old seat of Vancouver Centre for the Progressive Conservative party. After meeting with George Drew, Ernest Sherwood, . who had been nominated by a convention, withdrew in favor of the 70-year-old Parliamentarian who retired nine years ago. 1 Mr. Stevens, who was a former member of the Meighen and Bennett governments, held three cabinet posts before he had a split with Bennett afcer a cabinet investigation and BASEBALL SCORES morning visiting the fish plants from Falrview Bay to Seal Cove. At noon he was the guest at a luncheon of the Prince Rupert branch of the Canadian Fisheries Association. This was followed by an official call - at over areas in four midwest states. A small twister hit rural areas of southwestern Iowa, northwestern Missouri, northeastern Kansas and southeastern Nebraska. In prospecting for the tuna fishery which pro-fan unexpected bonanza in 1948, it was announ-day in Prince Rupert by Hon. R. W. Mayhew, w of fisheries. ftrol. " " " follow! nir b nultern the Dominion for the Webster Trophy awarded annually to the country's best private pilot. Preliminary trials will be held at flying clubs and commercial ttie office of the mayor after which he was ln attendance at flying schools in seven zones with the winner and runner-up r 1 1 tiofl of each zone competing at Wind sor, Ontario, Flying Club Sep tember 9 and 10 for the trophy, formed an Independent party, locks with highways of neighboring provinces. Surrey Junior Chamber urged that the provincial Minister of Public Works be requested to authorize a (Continued on Page 3) IS COMMITTED FOR MURDER WELLAND, Ont., tCPi George James Szendry, aged 28 , of Daily broadcasts will fee made to the fleet by the captain of the fisheries protection vessel. The course of the patrol will be from Victoria and off the west coasts of Vancouver and Queen Charlotte Islands, well the fisheries office to receive representations from fishery plant operators, fishermen and boat owners. This evening the minister will turn his attention to political matters and, prior to the public TODAY American Cleveland 8, Boston 1. National Brooklyn 5, St. Louis 2. New York 15, Chicago 5. Cincinnati 3, Philadelphia 2. THURSDAY American Philadelphia 4, Detroit 3. New York 12, Chicago 7. Boston 3, Cleveland 8. Washington 4, St. Louis 1. National Chicago 3, New York 0. Pittsburgh 1, Boston 4. Cincinnati 3, Philadelphia 12, St. Louis 7, Brooklyn 4 to last year, is being I'd by Uic fisheries dc-fl,al cruiser Laurter, Capt. Iliard, wiiieh Is now lcav-f'torla to commence Its JE operations in the area f st of the Queen Char-flands. The patrol will !'t at the early part of f;tKon on scouting and I the tuna. I' thP timn 1 4,1 .n ..i n.iri lliri t.aurler is he will be dined by meeting LOCAL TIDES Saturday, June 4, 1949 due ln Prince Rupen, aoou.u. ...,. of the Skeera Uie middle of June. Southbound v Humberstone, Ontario, was committed for trial on a charge of murdering Harold Snetzsky. 18, of Buffalo, after a moonlight weiner roast last May 15 at nearby Pleasant Beach. He will be tried at the fall assizes which are expected to start here September 12. District Liberal Association. 17.5 feet High Victoria a similar course will be Tomorrow morning Mr. May 18.4 feet 7:00 19:56 1:03 13:29 jicw will visit the Columbia Get Low 8.5 feet 5.5 feet lulosc pulp mill construction at CIVIC CENTRE HON. R. W. MAYHEW, M.P. Dominion Minister of Fisheries will speak on our Fishing Industry and Federal Affairs, ln support of TED APPLEWHAITE Liberal Candidate for Skeena TONIGHT JUNE 3, 8:30 p.m. Under auspices Skeena Federal Liberal Campaign followed and there will be monthly patrols in July, August and September. Mr. Partlo will be attached to the expedition as representative of the Fisheries Research Board Watson Island will leave by trie noon plane for Vancouver. rol will be so conducted jaolllate the scientific ln-tion work and at the flnc permit of adequate f& experimenU with fish-f. Movements and habits lhavcyet to be deter- of Canada in connection with the biological and scientific in NOTICE In order to conform with federal, provincial and city offices, the Prince Rupert Retail Merchants' Association will recognize the King's Birthday, Monday, June 6, as a holiday and stores will be closed all day. PRINCE RUPERT RETAIL MERCHANTS' (129) ASSOCIATION. Mr. and Mrs. Max Hel'.broner returned to the city this morning on the Princess Louise from a trip to the Unil-d States, having spent the last six months in California and Nevada. Prior to visiting California, they were in Halifax. vestigation. Fisheries Inspector A.' J i"ioaii lonight Halibut Sales Canadian Wolverine, 10,000, Cold Storage, 19.8c, 18c and 16c. Ingrld H., 15,000; Rovre B., 44,000; Advance, 26,000, and Old-field, 10,000, Co-operative. Touchings is in charge of the Committee. Vs. (129) 1,ENEUAL MOTORS tuna fishing gear and expert mental operations for the Cc partment of fisheries. 7 P.M.