, 1 Prince Rupert Daily Nw3 Wednesday, March 8, 1950: ' JOHNNY'S dern Dancing AIR PASSfcNQ-K ,3ut Quickly and Easily 0rf Instruction in ,,,s,rl. wit iu.i.iIh ' Private Lessons From Vancouf$iV (TuesSiJh E. L. Johannes, M. B. OTqplejT. A. V. Trcmblaji f A. BlrtH,- i J From SamlspR Tuesday . ffiies. .. 1i To Vance. ,er todayi:.w.c ., TflmeSj. Mrs Hoy. Thichef.Jf.? Oiiker, Mrs, D. Millerd, K. Mc-f n p.m. t ""' Mline'llS C.reen 491 ,r- - I I I l';3 ''' o Larent Mr.CiRseT" -' . . To S&ndjr)tt.'(ti)dayl J3I2au Rupert School of Dancing C6 ) Noiuna- Slu-g'Booiti, Mrs.K'Slaif' i I ford. D. C. Fink. R M tth-Tli. h This problem has always been i raised. YQU CANNOT SATISFY 1 PF.OPLE ALL THE TIME. Thi i very true. In fact, you cannot .satisfy anybody anytime. This t i...t.iy iMBtiiis newspaper' men. I once knew a newspaper man who went away with a neiv i ous breakdown. Ho was one of ; ttu' silly ii tiivksuals or mankind who decided he would soften hg h'-fit. and only wriU copy to Ittrt ' enlightenment and satisfaction of ALL his readers. ' I Tlu; poor lad is still away. Writ- j inr? for a newspaper Is very cliff i- cult. I have found this out. There . is no easy road. Not only must i you hurdle the Grammar ane" Khg!l.sh aspects of journalism. You must keep on the good side of your follow man. You can never tell wjien he will give you ', a Rood tip. j I firmly believe a reporter must keep, on the Hood side of police- men. I would advise this to any PHOTO FRAftST Frame Type Mount ! CELANESE MILL MANAGER i V. C. R. Jones, comine here See our fine selection )fiss CIVIL SERVICE PICKS QUEEN (FROM INCOME TAX DEPT.! ) Blonde, blue-eyed Theresa Nu May 1 from Quebec to become manager of Wat.son Island cel-anese mill. ana iiiti.;n rrames n . WRATHALU v Photo. Finis n if - gent, centre, zj-year-oiu income tax division clerk at Ottawa, has bees crowned "Miss Civil Service." The smiling of the carnival-beauty queen pageant which capped two weeks of "peach picking' throuRhout various federal departments, is seen with two of her princesses, Margaret Skuce left, and Janie Walters. z i $ Jf when you j I Liiia 4" ft STEWART NEWS body. Do not beMeve it, but re- porters are no different from any- j IjfltOSt j lOIH I OrtiUlUI ( A UUI I M I IJ G'f '( oiioy ".ft. we may seem w.,rti 1 Unit, hut do not let that fool you. ; Like school teaelieis, we nuist Board of Trade Moves For Air Strip Hospital Auxiliary Weather Better uivb iu nit; fieri I Cross..., j iiuiu un in our lempcr, smnu our i t.;eth every niorning. because we i Ai lhe r(?ular meeting of the very successful sale of home cook-never !:.iow who we will meet and ; Stewart Board of Ti-ade bn Frl- ing on Saturday In the offices of be immaculately dressed. The last ; day last a motion was passed the Crawford Transfer Comoanv rbi.i advert iHcment is not published or Hplayed. by (the Liiijuor l onirol l.oard or oy the government of Uritish Columbia point, I do not uphold. j requesting the Corporation of Limited. The affair which was People are very tunny. Once j the Village of Stewart to lay for the purpose of purchasing a I had the impression 1 that one' . . , . 1 ,, , . , ... ... . j aside a parcel of ground on the small oxygen tank, ' netted $138. can deal with our fellow man. in ! . 'a state of serenity. But tliis is I ' easlern portion of the townslte A hamper of groceries was won hogwa.sh. But, do not let me lead for an a.rstripi This will be con- by Mrs. W. . Crawford, a cake by you to believe people are not siderable value to the' town In ( Miss jeanann Crawford an-, some kind and generous and always ! iacilitating the landing of air- ' medicinal aid by Marko Ha-around when help is needed. j craft In both winter and-Bummer movie. j .....:.y I m a person wlio months. ; thought I had said the wrong j i The late Neil McDonald was thing in a write-up. I would have . The Women's Auxiliary of the interred in the Stewart Ceme-said more but I m lot rendy (Stewart General Hospital held a tery on Sunday with H. A. Siew-for a dental plate a ye I No one ' S art in charge of funeral arrange- : FOR YOUR WALLPAPER HANGING. Fo Your Interior Painting and Decorating; Call SPENCE & MATUIK Phone Blue 215 j W.Vl .StJtt WINS TRIP ABROAD War-'en Wilkinson, 16 - year old , Prinee Rupert boy, pupil of Booth Memorial School, selected for tour of Great Butain this year as guest ot W. Gar- field vVcston, C'inadlbn industrialist. To Advertisers FINE PRINTING You are "there, helping to rush can seem to under.dand the lunc- , . , ments. Tlie deceased was a well- i tions of a nuwspapT They think up to me and said, "Ire jou the known and respected prosnector. I we are always cutting so.iHwd' reporter that gave us that write- . ; throat. ; up yesterday ?'- 1 , The weather here has changed I would be glad to do It to some , I held my hands cvvr my mouth for tne better. Frosty nights and emergency services wherever disaster strides REGAL PWUTEUS I in Canada. . . A. i It I ' 1 warm sunstiiny days are a very people but they say criie does: and mumbled, -jein. n(,t nnv "It wasn't bad." bi said welcome change from the severe ; PHONE 24 222. Seaond Av. My faith in peopic was rtst.)rrd. ,veallu.r experienced during the One day last wek, a man came past winter. is , To insure publication of display or classified a'lvert.isin? ony for same must be in th O'fiee of the Daily News b'-4 p.m. the day previous t'' advertising. KeiiuiremeiiU o' tlie meeli.mical cieparimcn' make this rule necessary. . M - ' - .......--.- i. -' I tHE CANADIAN ARMY "IMSUIAMCI IOI HACI" M '? J: PHONE 361 The community club at Premier held a very successful dance on Saturday in the community hall. Many of the Stewart residents travelled via bus the sixteen miles to the mine and ail voted itjworth while. If Jf If tun j r...r..i' a'ou . . . bv your donation . . are tisitint ror CM'rnurey i NONE FINER MADE I ( rlj ikk and disabled veterans in fwicnitiif rind Supplies a- i ' taking with you small gifts and comforts T Milcfiell & Currie ltd. Log Scale Decreased Builders and Contractors : - i u.l ( ill a iiujJiiai ucu a little less dreary. LlilillMiijl SROADWAY CAFE -f You . i ; are helping to save many lives through the Red Cross Blood trr scalint in Prince Ru,)?rt forestry district for the month of February this year totalled 6,025.709 board feet compared with 8,042.539 board feet m the .-erne mrjn i last year. So far in 1950 the scale has been 14,-907,118 board feet as against 17,045,385 board feet in the first iV.ij months of 1919. ; While the lo scale Is down, th' scale of forest products for t'lw year is also down, amount-ins; so far this year to but 2U0,-E!3 lineal feet as compared wuh 1,257,347 lineal feet. The pole Tramfmiort service. rtnesf Coofcifl$ -t Hours T a.m. to t a m ' You . . . will -ve a share in operating 78 Outpost Hospitals i ; . providing vital For Take-Home Orders Phone 200- .' " .1 ;-'!' '1 TRAINING "V mid nlhif sale this February Ml aid in areas where ' 1 . tn,'., -. .... ..7. , , nearest Doctor" w is 62,339 lineal feet compared with 113.433 lineal feet in February 1949. Following are the timber scal l'e 100 miles sT at rrn A mtv Hit . Flti ATftftS 1 i1 "re away. these are a few of VORTEX OIL BUHNERS, IKON FIREMAN STOKKRS i , ing figures for Prince Rupert j district this February: 1 Saw l.o.;s I Cedar, board feet 121.779 I Spruce 3 840.035 Hemlock U55.92G f deeds of Mercy" Plumbing & Heating Alterations are doing &JpJj l!;,Kiill 199.074 Jackpine 700,293 f you ii i v i; to i i y.Mi . - m cross. Jr"'ll - SMITH & EtKIIIS HDri' rescue Locicef1 presents for your LENTEN SEASON mo-' Total 0.025.709 Poles and Piling Cedar, 55.143 limal feet: mis BOX t7 i PHONE 17 4 cellaneous 7,194. Ties Jackpine 425. Cord wood Miscellaneous, 3f2 cords. Choice Snlmon Fillets, lb. 0e PHONE 79 PHONE 7 aoc The Royal Canadian Electrical andMcclianical Engineers is a natural for men who enjoy mechanical work. This vital branch is responsible fof ihff repair and maintenance of practically all Technical equipment used in the Army.' RCEME schools are famous for their advanced methods and equipment. Men are thoroughly trained as tool-makers, automotive mechanics, radar and radio mechanics. In all, this Corps is responsible for over 50 types of . skilled trad training. In addition, the RCEME man has all the" opportunities and special benefits of Army life the good rates of pay the security the healthy comradeship. You are eligible if 17 years of age or over and can meet Army requirements. Let the friendly recruiting office in your area give you full details. Bring with you certificates of age and education. ) wmm mm 1V the piece. it in. Pirsli IToifn Ri-il SjirtiiK Salmon Bti-nk. lb Tinlllmt chunks, lb CO-OP MEMBERS HOLD MEETING . 1 Halibut bv the piece, lb Aooroximately 150 persons. at- Hummt steaks, lb 45 r,r. Siic ROC 5SO 3SC t!4c :'.ic 3Jc 14c 3!c M.lc 3Hf 4HC 35? UUtUarr pttatuHuty tended a membership meeting of i '''V.'Vim 'ts, lb. . the Prince Rupert Fishermen's ; p,,d Cirt Fiiu-ts. n Co-operative in the Oddfellows', P-' J"; ' , , . . i Kippered Hcrrinp:. lb Hall Monday night. General bust- j irreSh l riwcn iierrinit. lb i smoked white Spring aumon. ness topics were discussed. Acting as Chairman was Joseph Hipp. Enstcrn Finnan Huddle, lb. . I , i smoked Black Cod by piece, lb. ! I Eastern Smoked Cod HUcts, 11). -Tii -l I k iiiTAii in j BADMINTON CLUB virMe HerrlnR. 10 oz. jar . . . . Iniiixpf nrrui i sni'tim) Meat lb XT! HOURS 3-0 i UAriV. .BWin Uvaser River Smelts, lb. Smoked Rod Spiiiu; Snlmon, lb. I The Sons of Norway Badmin-I ton Club have added weekly Sat-i urday night dances to their N II Priintl Dtpot, h Av.. I Hishbwy St., Jtrlclio, Weekdoys 9 a.m. to 9 p.mr .j Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m j VANCOUVER, I.C. R'fift 1 Locker Plant f SPACE IS DONATED COURTESY OF 7 p.m. to 9 p.rru- SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE activities, rne ciuo, uisummii last fall, commenced weekly j dances February 25. President Of the organization is Gunnar SeK , vlg. Miss Ostrld Pederson is treasurer nnd Miss Rose Benson j ' secretary. Join the CANADIAN ARMY ACTIVE FORCE NOW! 230 Second Ave rilONK t?ed ain LFCTRICAL CONTRACTORS