Prince Rupert Daily Mews Tern Taylor, columnist for the f Victoria Colonist, called such 'remarks "a little hard to take, if , ycu know anything about his-tory." j Tuesday, August 8, 1953 SUMMER CL, Victoria Report I power system. It works fiom a diesel oil plant and the rates are about 12 cents per kilowatt! hour. This U about half the. pre-! vicu3 cost. I ' There is a plan afoot to de-! velop a really large scale water power scheme. Cheap power' ! would revolutionize living and for "Human nature being what It and u' L, 1 t f Is." he said, "the first thing that Dy J 1 'CtDltfc i leaps to mind when a U.S. visitor : farming conditions here. i Men'purew J -Sl'ITS t... - Government ! Holidaying Bright Future Obscured by International Situation VICTORIA Government in this capital . citv is finds fault is that the kettle is calling the pot black a decade after." Then he goes on, reflecting what many people In this capital seem to think: ' Nevertheless it's not comfort JUST BEFORE I LEFT VAN-couver I read a long brief frqm the milk producers complaining By ELMORE PHILFOTT HE'S SAFE NOW? rr"tta,nrJ its summer doldrums. Many civil servants are holi- ing for Canadians to be sitting HERE alarming facts and fisures to daymg and Cabinet ministers' are trvmir to clean Off on the ildelines caching brick RADIUM, B.C.: j. -i. .show how the average family u; a, 0,1 f 1,'fti 1 ; bats. This country has usually .au'st ' IeCt til- Reg. u, Hint Men's KAINcoat assortment to 4 Fro, Men's ,T-SHIiiTs Colors. , Tie g. ; Of COn-i as cutting down on milk con- 1' j V -"" been In the vanguard, without are some snaicnes aumpuun, uccau 01 me auii- sunsnme. a steauv stream 01 American tourists i wa tine to see which wav the cat vej-sation overheard in the ' culty in making ends meet. L,.0.j4M.(i,m.,Bl,-t.,r,.!ln f fl,Q T was going to Jump. Up here there is a near-iam-i " "-b ww .. S''i "Il's humiliating humiliating, too. Partic-, hot-water, open air pool lne ln fresn miIk- Yu can'f Buuamga ana, as an ays, asK fair, n i m, KOCky Mountain. get jt The explanatlon Ss tlvat thousands of questions. at at this this resort. , means unmistakably, "if we are'ularly wnf"n yu leara -t. ' not going to have another world tro1)s are bei"8 reaciled in Ne( , ar." Zealand and Australia and may i .,' ... , , , ! form part of a Commonwealth j -Next week the civil defenre rorce. Boys' SWEATERS tJ the market is purely summer- j Hundreds more throng tne time. Thcusands of people are Causeway along Victoria's beau-hcreabouts for a few weeks each tifu! harbor, snapping pictures ol year and all demand fresh the Buildings, gardens and the milk in one form or another. I ivycovered Empress Hotel. But the Wintertime market is Thp rnnstant tnnio tt rnnver- American business man, lean and keen looking, about 45: "Yeah, I bought her the mln- cuiuuiHiee appoinwja dv rrem- ler Byron Johnson and headed by ; wllhout the senior Dominion oft ' t Boys', JEAN'S. Rn r Fancy trim. fut Si ute the trouble started. She's by 1 far the best we ever had. It small. For all that it seems' ration is the Korean wa' and all cost me $100 extra for puncture- strange to me that our boasted ' it may mean for the future. A proof inner tubes ... We made private enterprise system cannot few weeks ago government lead-80 coming across the Majave get the milk to the places the er were full of their hia Droeram DRESS AND WopJ Fro: I desert felt Safe as a Church. I people Want it. fnr ripvplnnino- British Cnliimhla uimu5w.i, ut-pmy them all J vlncial secretary will start on- America out of the1 the big job of blue-prinUng a!ar,umenl., wrlus Mr Tayior civil defence organization for ..the rea! lxjint lg tnat mi, -t" ) try pledged its word to the Uni-' The large number of tourists' ted Nations to bear Us share of visiting this city makes Victor-! U.N. burdens. Now at the first ia sensitive to American opinion. : call tj action Canada stumbles. The visitors frequently say they; "Not the people. They are don't understand why we are not away, ahead of the government, more exsited about the Korean : and, I think, secretly ashamed of . figure we're okay even if we get . j Ncw pians lnat appeared to a ten year stretch of war." f stretch ahead fu into bright TMTC3 tt I' Tt d d D i? r d D rrr t t,,.. mrora a COMFOKTEftS, Lar Ft.: ture for this Province, seem not quite so definite. A big "IF" comes Into every plan and It Published Bj ' This Newspaper To Help Foster A Better Understanding of Advertisiit)t' Function in our Society. An independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prlnc ! r Rupert and northern and central British Columbia ! Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, i British Columbia fcmber of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations I Canadian Daily Newspaper Association Q. A. I&UNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director 'g SUBSCRIPTION RATES By rrier, rer Week, 20c; Per Month, 73cr rer Teat. ' 51. 48.00; By Mall, Per Month 50c; Per Year $5.00. jF0 w.- Canada To May iPart PEOPLE of Canada must be t gratified to learn from the Prime Minister, that definite and ex- tensive steps are being taken -'with a view to organizing the Dominion's fighting and industrial forces .-against the grim possibilities of the deteriorating i international situation. ;The; feeling had been developing that' Canada was not moving . quickly enough in 'that direction,-was, indeed, not keeping p22e -with other: parts, of. the Commonwealth, particularly the Motherland, Australia and New Zealand, in' rising to tho possible requirements of the United Nations and the North Atlantic Pact nations. The Prime -Minister's statement should dispel, to considerable - extent dissatisfaction that there may have been along'that line. ' Meantime, Parliament is put on the stand-by order with the probability that a special session will be called six or seven weeks hence after various phases of the accelerated defence and mutual . aid program have been perfected or sooner if the emergency becomes suddenly more intensified. Then, when the session does come,: Parliament will have the program and the facts before it and will beible to pass its certain approval with a minimum oCclelay. k -Raising of the manpower, the Prime Minister indicated, is to be on the volunteer basis There had nti been a few who had hoped Mr. St. Laurent . NJt have suggested the possibility of some sort c. (i compulsory military training scheme. How-' ' f, there is still time for that but it is to be hoped i v j .ill not be too long deferred on this occasion. n.:.. hlullllllll! war, mai we aon t seem to real- its timidity." ize American troops are dying in j . ' - Alberta farm wife, hair- grey v Ipy ,s0ne of 'f11' slXtylsn' the worst radio blind spots that with bright blue eyes: 1 1 have yet come across in Can- "Thank God THEY are in ada. It is not quite so poorly first, this time. Before this is served as the Yukon which is Over they'll be on their knees by far the worst I have seen in begging us for help, you'll see." Canada. Still, the service Is very I bad. . y rl alWays Very' Mls;i UoM McCri.nmon left j polite, .u of course, but also a little r..t tr. ..: , i envthing but a clown or fool. "I made a fine speech about world government in the Sen- l ate," iie says, "and nobody paid critical because Canada has no turn to her home in Miimcapoil ground troops in action. ; arter a Uo ,vtt,k-, vbil hee , 1 IF WE GET THAT TEN YEAR There is a weak CBC repeater i any attention. But when I sang station at Cranbrook, whirh ll R. W. coJ a song on the front steps of the Capitol all the newspapers put that on page one." Guess who's nuts?. stretch of war it will take a lot more than puncture proof inn-ers to keep that business man's car on the road. And, dear farmer's wife, a lot of others reaches part of the valley by fits and starts. The average set cannot get Calgary regularly. The result is that far fewer besides our neighbors will be on people here listen to radio than Authorized Dst-F.LECTROll Contact the abw-Services and s, ISMBTH Royal Canadian Air Force Those desirous of enlisting or re-enlisting ln KOYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE please arrange for personal interview with, . MR E. CLAUSEN. J. Clausen & Son offlpe. Waterfront, Prince Rupert Between 4 and C p.m. Phone Green 975 p o. Box 548 their knees begging for .help. , in most parts of Canada ' i LAST YEAR WHEN I WAS1 YOU HEAR FAINT ECHOES here I wrote a Blast against the here of the U.S. election cam-fool rule which forbade farmers , paign just over the border. Sen-: hereabouts from trucking their ator Glen Taylor, who ran with : cattle through, the National; Henry Wallace last time, is putr Park to the markets in Calgary, j ting up a whale of a fight for , Glad to report that the ban the Democratic re-nomination See the new thr and EI.FCTROLIX ri POLISHER Applies the wax i polishej has been lifted. in Idaho. tt Plumbing & Heating Naturally all the big money in the U.S.A. is pouring in against him. He went to Washington' as "the singing cowboy" but is Prompt and Efficient Service .THE PEOPLE IN THIS UPPER Columbia Valley are all singing the praises of their new electric PHONE : Phone today lor a !: straUon of the IK Of the ELECTRO! PURIFIER and EI FIXXJR POLS N CE FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE We know that when you order printed matter, you want delivery as soon as possible. That $s why we've arranged for rapid printing and rapid (delivery- on : ill order" Call jis! Phone 234 MX CHUCKLES FOR PLANN! FOR BUILD'. 3RD STREET, PRINCE RUPERT PRIN'TFItS - STATIONERS - OFFICE SIPPLIE0 FOR REPAIR! Call 363 Mild TO THE DRIVING PUBLIC O We, the Contractors, have our problems in the construction of the Highway to Galloway Rapids and we solicit your co-operation. O We realize travel is difficult and annoying to all, including ourselves. This is due principally to climatic conditions over which we have no control. However, as recommended by your Chamber of Commerce Highway Committee, we wil! maximize the following: 1. Grade the road on all days weather conditions , permit. It is useless to grade on wet, rainy days. 2. Continue to fill bad spots with gravel. 3. Ditch where water accumulates and drainage is necessary. 4. ? Endeavor to hold up traffic as, little as possibe with equipment and blasting. : 5. Co-operate in every way we can. The following is what we would like to see you do:. & IUKI LIMITED Builders & Contt Linage FOR THE MAN OF THE HOUSE! Gladstone Bags Twin Sets y AKOV MALIK'S actions at the Security Council table at Lake Success,: to which he has returned as chairman, provide a perfect example of the dual character of present-day Soviet diplom-T It is a mixture of subtlety and crudeness, of evening and violence. - Of course, Malik works to orders and be-aves the way that Stalin wants him to behave. f-'Lalin admires cunning and he also admires vio-Jrrice. VrhenJIalik manoeuvres adroitly, it is be-Vau-e Stalin wishes that. When he becomes hector-tr.g and insulting thai also .i3, doubtless, Stalin's '.irh, Tien the two mingled confusingly,- the for.fa?ji is Stalin's. It is characteristic: and it is )iangrous. One of the principles of -Stalin's diplo-patic strategy is to seek to divide and confuse the tree world and at the same time consolidate - the r"ommuriist; world under his own .absolute command. The obvious way, of course, to disrupt western ynity in the Security Council is to divert it: from he Korean issue, on which the Council is virtually iinited,.to the question of Communist Chinese representation, on which the Council has been evenly, divided for six months. The effort of : Pandit Neh-JTU, no doubt with the best intentions, to link' the Chinese question w'th the Korean question, presented Stalin with an opportunity. Then there is the added advantage of having Malik as chairman jof the Council during this month of 'August. One cannot restrain the thought that Stalin, pn his Kremlin, is chuckling with approval. Things iare going these days the way the dictators like. STEAMSIUf PRINCE Wj . sails Vancoi MODERATELY PRICED AND ISTFRMEDIH EACH THURS at 11:15 p 1. For KETCHI WEDNESDAY m FOR THE LITTLE LADY! O Your choice from our complete assortment of Finest Leathers and Fabrics. Completely outfitted matched units in all sizes. Drive according to the signs. Some cars drive the 5 mile stretch in less than 15 minutes. This is too fast. Haul lighter loads. Some trucks using the road are highly overloaded, also buses and trucks used in transporting men. ! Drive all over the road instead of in one rut. Stop where equipment is working and wait to be signalled past. , For Reservauuw or Call CITY OR DEPOT Prince Rupeft' 2. 3. 4. 8 SCRIPTl'RE PASSAGE FOB TODAY O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth. Psalm 8: 9. . , W'1' ENGINES A - "... . We rtork nil i vunry uiapers tO Tiny Tot Gowns O Bibs. Flexible Hie . Flexlhle f'l "l Trolllnn role W1 J Ullrhrlst We would refer you to an article in the Vancouver Province, dated July 28, 1950, in which it is stated Contractors block the road for 8 and 9 hour periods in the construction of r the Fraser Canyon Highway. The longest we have held up traffic is 1 hour and 55 minutes. This happened once. Usually 'the hold-up time is a matter of minutes. ' With your co-operation we will continue this short period delay practice. ' Let us bear with one another during this reconstruction period. We have to exercise patience in this difficult-work and we hope you will endeavor to do likewise. We regret the inconvenience caused but,- regard- less of who does the work, it cannot be avoided. Our objective is to minimize this inconvenience. WOOD & McCLAY LIMITED Contractors t "O Knitted Bootees and Bonnets O Baby Oil O Powder O Rattles Urass nnn " . pi.ton Klif- mM . BHhblleri i riiitrheJ 4 X r 3 EVERYTHING FOR BABIES! Steel ann "" .. Bolt. Nnt..S,,B 8crew. I Halibut "& Anchor orfr ", Flat MI1H f t'l'rf " v.rloiu artlcleJ Terms to Suit on our Budget Plan! Fashion Footwear wre anH e-P'"" oua to mention- BYTOj tw z i LLii I