f X tot w ir in n ir wir inr irwve lrn-V W I Footb'all- 4 7" v" Prince Rupert Daiiy FJev5 Tuesday, August 8, 1950 EASEEALL J News of Francois Lake "-v York 9 j 0ll!y ?ini', Essondale Vels To Get Comforts At the last Canadian Legion Ladles' Auxiliary meeting it was decided to send live dollars a month for cigarettes and other comforts for veterans at Esson-date. This new donation was the result of a resolution from the Trail convention. ' Four new members were initiated and four applications for Income Rises, Tax Rate Same Because of the Increased value Of taxable real estate In the city this year, receipts from taxes are expected to be up $15,351 to $344,168. The mill rate remains at 60. Sport Shots Battery Wins Saturday mght.'s exhibition 1 1 1101" I 901(111 soccer game between Kitwanga U I Wl kVCIwll and Prince Rupert, which Prince i Rupert wen by 5 goals to 3 was Pressing from the outset 120 played in sptte of threatening Heavy AA Battery, R.C.A., beat weather and a muddy pitch. The , the Canadian Legion football heavy ball proved difficult to tam 3-1 In a fiercely contested control at times. The game was game last night. Xatlhng,mtnnr JntreresU , 10 ! The was only a few mln-l Mve'iv TJl L ST1?8 utesold wheh Pavlikis scored the a lively desire to participate.,.. .,,. v. ,,,., Vancouver lc, v FRANCOIS LAKE Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foote, Fraser Lake, called In on their way to Nadina in their 10-foot boat with outboard motor. Mr. Foote is 72 and Mrs. Foote 74, and in spite of rain and rough weather, they were thoroughly enjoying their trip. TASTY Boys' Corduroy Longs O HEAVY IMPORTED CORDUROY . O PLEATED FRONT O -ZIPPER FLY - COLORS: BROWN, GREEN, WINE Sizes 10-1 8 years. IFraser and Payne ,At the end of July last year HIS CONS! 91.2 per cent of total taxes had membership were received . Cnmmittpes Committees for for n a h benefit I "F been collected. The percen Plnv wa trwr in T,.:,, "- Sual im mc Ku.mcia. nay dance to be held shortly were OI c-.nut. ' then swung to the other end with S. P. Woodside handled the game Bowman overshooting. Battery tage this year Is roughly the same at 91.16. At the end of July $313,730 appointed. Arrangements for the iCm0rst.,lpalio iScotcht dance and the "Bring 1 n'iA .Your Missus Night'..' to be held! simple daih ,S ) in his usual competent manner. For Kitwanga Brown, in goal! Passion and tlnued tlnued t0 to with Cameroi Campron rt some snmp trnn-i good shots thnt tn to 'stop ., aA and press press !ith Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Love and their children, Osborne and Sharleen, stayed over for two nights visiting friends made on their holiday trip here two years ago. They were living in Prince Rupert then, but are now living in Victoria and were on their way by automobile to Prince Rupert. had j had brx collectea compared tearly in September were also dis did well. Danii-ls at Wl, baaing me auacs wan some ' k end uiu'rann tp HamilUm, cussed. President Mrs. W. Rothwell reported on the meeting that formed a banch of the Canadian Institute fo the Blind and faid she had promised support nice centres. With Pavlikis ap-had outstanding and although he through. Eby cleared for the misfortune to deflect parently the ball into his own goal, he S the Lon- wni,e Krause saved broke up many dangerous moves. I brilliantly on shots by Cameron and Parkhouse. Armstrong Benson was good and it was un- wim laai ycui a vv.Dto UL Ulc same time. A great part of the Increase In property value can be credited to new construction during the year although some of It ts because of sale of city owned property. due to lack nf j Mrs. Hinchclif fe, Smithers, and her sons, Peter and Jimmy, spent a week with Mrs. Henkel. !MaufrV"l80(N fortunate thai, aftpr hriine came back for the vets with a on behalf of the Auxiliary. BROADWAY CAFE the heavy ball tarly in the game. . 8ood run, in which he eluded New sick visiting committees . WHu-r. If not L 1 he was f.-.rre.i tn r-r.v w wii- several artuierympn ana passed were appointed lor urn next 3 i ulireMuiuaftfrii tnnnths empty hi tn v., A rain has helped the crops Ham, ,! a tpHv riAfonripr vc ' to Murray. Smith was set up i Refreshments were served at CET w-8u 1 back! and gardens but is too late to Williams showed cood hall con- and missed narrowly In the , . t help the hay, which is short and TTuogin fnlW-' Hrst scoring" attempt. Slh hta the close of the meeting. light. Bt Food were effective halves who fed j Vuchovich then overshot a set- , 'T " their forwards well. J. Morgan! up from Dunbar and Cameron. ! K",,' !n!,aH th was fast and worked well with ' Krause again saved from Pav- "cssQb"' n v c., h tini.im I liku hut had nn rhanri. uith a i attack, and the final whisUle uiai. vcutii: tui At tiuaui jil. v. r CHILDRI a finest Cocking - beautiful effort by the samei"'"1 ",c oain-iy leuums earing I i ! ) SAND Williams was always dangerous while team.n.ite K. Morgan proved an effective partner. W. Harris was fast and centred well. 'Ine Kitwanga forward line was Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. for Take-Home Orders Phone 200 Teams: Heavy Battery Morgan, and Ferguson, Halversen, tlnued to press, but Sunberg drove them back. Battery fore- I ed a corner off McAfee, which Maggonl, W. Gomez, Cameron,! fast and kept the ball moving, was abortive. Bowman now Late in the second half with the scampered down the wing and ,' hill in their favor and the Ru- passed to Smith, who shot over. ; Pavlikis, Vuchovlch, Parkhouse, A. Gomez, Veitch, spare. Legion Krause, McAfee and A In the second half Legion at-' R mi Hi m r ir AlllcAn IThtr P.roar pert half backs slow at times in checking back they gave Krause some anxious moments. For Prince Rupert, Krause In goal was good, having little tacked savagely and Morgan - shore. Smith, Arm- saved a fine drive by Smith. I , t rong, Murray. ; Bowman shot past, and play, Referees Woodside. Tfr Regularly Priced to $3.30 All sizes from Babies 5 to Misses 3 ' swung u) me oilier enu, wnere See these washers NOW! GENERAL ELECTRIC. WASHERS cnance witn me anves mat. sunberg cleared from Alex ; mammm i scored. Eby and Weiiens were Gomc2. Legion continued to steady reliable backs. D. Gomez, ss wRh Al.mstrong doing some , at left half, played heady ball, j grand ieadlng out work and nar. i White, who replaced Gomez in . . rowly ml(slnR witn a shot from the secodn hall drove hard. ;2- yards Morgan was testedl FAMILY SHOE Slot! VICKERS IS DISTILLED IN CANADA AND IS CISTHIIUT1P tvCaWtTt His advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or th Government of British Columbia, PHONE 357 Charlie Roberts Model MS9 $139.50 Model MS9P, with pump ... $149.50 norneii at cenue nan useu u again by Armstr0ng. Eby was height to advantage and fed his Dreaking up anv Battery attack forwards weh. Mazzoni played and k j hJ rorwards sup. a hard effective game. The d m a breakaway. Pavlikis Prince Rupert forward line wa. from far across tne goai fast, and showed good combma- mouth t attempting to clear Murrav crossed well and tion aeflected the ball into combined nicely with Ford, Ford h,s Vuonovlch 8corpd played constructive ball and n shot well. Smith hustled hd Lnd disallowed, and wa a wa-s a threat Wil- son used either foot effectively J . 1 f , with strong netted from close in. ' ' tf . Moving, Packing, Crating:, Shipping and Gtneral Cartage and Storage Complete Reliable and Efficient Service, also agents lor Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd., for Oxygen. Acetylene and all weldlr.g supplies. Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910 Phones 60 and 68 Thor Aulomagic $289.50 IIORTHERH B. C. POWER CO. PRtNCE RUPERT STEWART, B. C. . PHONE 210 Cameron ani Sm thT Cameron '. Morgan was playing a fine game waTtlrtand crossed many dan- and the Battery defence was ! at top form. Otherwise eerous centres This forward fw Ave thrWwasa defense the effects of the Legion for- Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Gas. word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Natlces 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE many anxious moments, . FOR SALE OR TRADE Plans are now proceeding for i lluillul- ....r..w, next Saturday evenings jjnatch j between Greenville and Trince 1 t.otf.rnmfnt i.ioroR act- Arror.rTAXTS WILL room and 1 Rupert teams. dren. Phone Re. DudER,uiIDmeu' rnaPniinePUBUC ACCOUNTANT Incomf and loeeing siiDDlles: new and, i!ix sm-riaiist. h. O. Furs used wire rope; Dloe and lit- .stone Building. Red o93 tinss: chain, steel plate and (zOrai shapes. Atlas Iron & Metals; Salt Lake Ferry SCHEDULE ' (Srrtlnn SS) KOTICE FOR -APPLICATION' FOR A CI.I H l.irr.VSE NOTICE Is hereby given that on the 25th day of AugUKt next the lirolerstenfd. LOYAL ORDER OF bi'sintss on business and Kroressiona Softball League FOR SA Ltd.. 25 Prior St.. Vancouver,; BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS 1 UOKS ' B.C. Phone Pacific 6357. itf) . j MOOSE PRINCE RUPERT LODGE ' NUMBER 1051, Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a Club j License In respect of the premises' situate at Seventh Street, Cltv of ' Default WANTED MODERN Palntlns and Decorating SDence and Maluik Phone Blue 215. P.O. Box U1K (tf HELEN'S ' i-rince rTovince 01 tu-mau , . , ... Kuperi. Last night., s senior softbah (;nhlmhl. r,IDnn ,HIU,. dwriM M ished ncenmnifirlfltlAn frtr turn I game between the Firemen and Lota l and 2. Block n, section , builders sunnlies adults, two children. Box 766. 1 COMPLETE fast service, isiunn nitv winn Dailv News. (I860), 'CO-OP Was not Cancelled but, Map 923. Prince Rupert Land Regls-'! ,v, rn.-m fioiHoH a t.om tratlon District. In the Province of BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all : tta branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 GEORGE RORIE & CO. Public Accountants and Auditors. Income Tax Returns compiled. G. L. RORIE, A.A.E. 8. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Block Phone 387 ing SuoDlies. Blue 820. (18ml 3rd Avenue B.. Safe. Ideal f: or Couple. I one of the be- S5,0.iO Will Information or.. Genuinely t S. D. JOHNS' phoxi : Leave Cow Bay Floats Dally 12 noon 2:15 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:35 p.m. Sunday Continuous Service Starting 1 1 a.m Last Boat Leaves Salt Lakes 10:00 p.m. VT VvZ rZ rtH nor tV. ' Brltlsh Columbia, to entitle each WANTED Room and board for and tne 00-op cua noi, me f member of the said club to keep on i two bovs, aaes 7 and 9 years question of What constitutes the premises a reasonble quantity ot ( for school term Box 76T Dailv i defaulted game has arisen. It 'tuor to' Personal consumption on. News. . (1B9d ' .. ? . 1 the premises, and entwine the Club1- , PLUMBINli and HtUne -Sheet Metal work. Tar and Orsvel kooiin". Call 629 6tn West. Phone 543. Itourneau and Sons. (tf ) FOR electrical contract work laree or small, cull Grant & Npuriin n!,. D'lu nBmk was was tnougni inougni me uie ionown iuiiuwjiib K ar; ' -to to purchase purchase llnuor uor from hom a a vendor ' WANTED Small house or ac- commodation. ouiet couple. rangement, regarding neiauii,jBnd to sell by the glass the liquor WOUld be satisfactory to the purchased to Its members and Buests for consumption on the Clut loatniP tfinn as whole" 1 league teams as a a wnuie., in .nr,i.. ith fh. r.i'r.. addiv hox voo XJaiiv News. 1188c) CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES, D C. 21-22 Besner Block Hour, 10:30-12:30 Si 2-5 Evenings, Mon. & Frl. 7:30 Phone Blue 442 - r."r-jur rr ' REAl bi Unless there Is an official visions of the "Government Liqucr , WISH to exchange furnished 5 Phan: Green 391 Black 928 rurt Duuaing and contracting cancellation Droaacast Dy six Act" and the regulations promulgateo ruum nume in kooq aisinct 01 ii, nurinwesi uonstrucilon i urncir FflR S.U Vancouver for furnished home in Prince Rupert. 1 to 2 Limited. Phone 5(i3. (18mi rooms furnish COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 forty-five the game scheduled , th"?ier- . . . DATED at lk the of Prince . . -ii City for xv. the evening will v. be played I Ruperti m the provlnc'e of British The Captains Of the teams I Columbia, this 21st day of July, Inquire koss fARINE. and general sheet metal work. Thorn Sheet scheduled to play that evening a.d. 1950 Metal Works. Black 884. ; FOR SALE - 3- Loyal Order af Moose Prince months. Phone 4i0. tf WANTED ScraD cast, brass coDDer. batteries and radi-(ttnrs. Phone 543. Call 629 tun west. , tf) WAWTTn TT T3VWT r,in,lckJ will be expected to field their tiomi port tciwaru. 765 Dailv News. Rupert Lodpe Number 1051 H.T. MUNCEY, Secretary, (193) FOR SALE V"V 1 uiiiinncu 1 tar: 1 or uniurnisnea z - Dedrooni iv-m eri. ,,r.. rvmr.. 1 f UK ui; , Must have bv AuBiwr. Pfr-W"!?- DaDv. DueKy, section S- home. GORDON D. RONSON OIL BURNER SPECIALIST New wick or pot type burners supplied All types of burners and stoves serviced An unconditional guarantee of perfect satisfaction covers all service 733 5th West Black 503 31. Box 764 Dailv News T of. p louu- ulacK zua- MU 7111 .ve- - livina. dmmt Phone MacKenzie. 749. - g., .- ' . . (18dp) ' - bath down. If respective teams. Any captain who has not fielded his team by seven forty-five will lose the game by default. If a captain finds he is unable to field a team his game he is to notify the captain of the opposing , team not later than 1 noon the day the game is to be played. Cancelled games will be played at the end (187d) ..t, . . ! mt'llt. mi'"" SAI.F ffvtra lame iiiiv ruit rniiKe and he. 1 .. ri'.1rlf Rlnnrlarrl mr,lA r.r fu- 1 MATTSON'S ' UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Iran . r-rm WANTED TOP PR.TCF.R PAin fnr I. I .Always Prompt and Courteous J house, uff close to Sfh: jn;nn nn tern. We're Here to Servs YOU male Silver Blues and Koh-inors. Reduced nrices for August delivery. Shawatlans Mink Ranch. Box 1380-B. Prince RuDert. (188d) ert E. Monta1 steel, brass, cooper, lead, etc Honest eradlne. Promot payment made. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Vancouver. B.C? Phone Pacific 6357. (tf, i.r. cat srJi-roK Commodore Cafe I of the schedule unless other arrangements can be made. I Tonight the Junior softball : boys will be polishlg unp in preparation for their game at Ter- ! Cmrln,, Avenue East. News. FOR SALE-V; FOR SALE White Rotary Sew-in Machine, small cabinet model, eood condition. $50 Phone 10 after 5:30 p.m. (185) REPAIRS 'Hospitality and Good Food" race una cuiiuiig ouima. A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B.C. I Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders 3rd Ave. David Chow. Mgr. QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC. SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. WATCH Kenans nromot efficient service. Georee Cook .Jeweller. Satisfaction ako annex. M IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE To FR SALE Enterprise range with wick oil burner. $75; coal ranee. $25. E. A. Evans.1264 Beach Plac. (I84p) lurnisneu. , also row to exchanire as local OIL BURNER SPECIALIST' Rtnve Her-tce Oonalr. n n I -" .1 . n I II! FINE PRINTING at 1 Ronaon. Black 503 ' (tf) j FOR SALE Pleasure boat 28' j PERSONA! 1 9.n ?ko l,sed tor towlns;. 1 . Tar!ibe sce at McLean s Shlp- The Runert Order House wish Y,ards or write Box 761 Dally m i FOR SALE-' HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE OENERAL CONTRACTORS to announce to their many cus- (18ap) ESS BML HUB tomers that thev have moved to m iiTtr. - 1 Ave. West. Aeents for "Master-! te for, latest catalog. Deal-built" and "Lord Raleigh" rAa e?aiin-ies invited. Scone clothes Fall suits and overcoats. rSlf Coa d- 328 Queen St.. from $31.00. rtn Ottawa. Ont. (tf) ZeTJ PHONE 24 222 Second Ave. Building and Repairs of all kinds R OO PS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mezzanine Floor, Geo. Cook's Jeweller Telephone 212 , i FOR SALE New beds complete. FOR RKNT condition. & Available at K plv Robert real1statj. buvers reaii 'J1, room hous Basements an" with a ertv P0Vera"e ana , X'r! G-nines). or Phone 342 PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STUDIO 216 - 4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert I c ,e 0 1 P cots. UnDainted FOR RENT Room to share. chests of drawers. Score 01 Phone Red 471. (tf) y?er articles, very reason- FOR RENT Sleeping 7o fori M B' Mwe ffi PHONia Black S34 Red 894 P. O. Box 1070 uu.ci- wui n."w Kill. IYlLCIltn ' r?rr, r, 'prlvlleees if dasired. Box 763j Fci?..sAtE-One 8-tube console , Dailv News. After six o'clock. radio. Phone Black 587 uiij UOM r . . GATE FOR RENT -Clean, Furnished NA"pNALLYkNOvVNNAMES F ertv on ho,ise - keeping rnpm. non- ?!Ptr-bplJ Spteder Shovels: j about 300 wh drinkers Blue 638 V-ranes: Draglines: A d n m after 6 p.m. (185p) New Dofj,, Hastings su goad Graders: Littleford Bros Black Too Road Maintenance Kouipment: Owen Clamshell Hi IP If (it C orA Tl .... 1. ,. OIL HEATERS BUY NOW AND SAVE! 854.50 and up NOW ON DISPLAY at THOMPSON HARDWARE CO., LTD. GORDON RONSON T. L Smith Concrete Mixers: FOR SALE-JJS C ark Forklift Trucks: Nelson newlv deoot Bucket Loaders for StockDlle I ,nf,.rnished. MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUILDINO- PHONE BLUE 93 P.O. BOX 1184 FOR RENT Furnished light 'housekeeping room. 539 6th West. (185p) FOR RENT Housekeeolng room suitable for two working girls Blue 701. (186p) HKLF WAKTED BY & SOUS LTD. CONTRACTORS REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.H.A. Phone Green 883 Box 586 ana Snow Removal: Rice Port- pnth East. "urcws: National All Steel west. Portable Sawmills: National 1 FOR SALfc twoj house. HELP WANTED Bovs or girls Reliable bovs or girls desiring to handle Dailv News routes should leave their names at the office Dailv News, (tf) .ui.ttrv screens and Conveyors full information from National Machinery Co. Limited Vancouver. B.C. (tf $3.0(1" ca?h. I Phone B.ue