4 Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, August 8, 1950 - Identifying Of iifTi.'.vr, r Ancient Grave LBills High? I The first. Announcement lists from Prince Rupert for the, troANrniB i.jct t?pv a.' Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sanders of Jubilee. Burnabv. hm. tv,-,,- P. S. Bonney, after a brief vis- harvest fields, numbering be- j Harrison, with the helrj of those Trades and Labor Council; guest 10-year-old " "f Ule Clly ln hiJS capacity as na ,u, leu mis morn living near, who could spare Labor Day sports, September 4.H time, has painted the church Dance at Civic Cerr. I left at the daughter dui!hti.rnir of Cpl. A O. , o,""'": ni llmDer consultant. L. simnn on his return ..... nnA niov the added com- lng. According to word from the prairies, all the men British Columbia can send will be absorbed easily. end of the week to Vancouver. ana tiaiea up the graveyard. n( Bazaar, October 4 1 Catholic is a greai improvement, auu iiuw i L oow" u' them f Ton insulated home , by . installing ... that the other properties along the lakeshore have been newly fenced and tidied, the appearance of the landing is much Inl JuEGLAS Roll blankets. About 110 men employed on grain elevator construction at MLss Edna Dobbie R. N. left by air at the end of the week for Vancouver, accompanying her brother, E. Dobbie, who has been seriously ill and who will receive further treatment in the south. Prince Rupert by Carter. Halls & i the Provincial Police, and Mrs. Simons, who have moved from Prince Rupert to North Vancouver. Vancouver Sun. Sons of Norway Meeting on Wednesday, Aug. 9th at 8 p.m. (185) Rev. M. 8. Young, who was ordained to the Anglican Church missionary at St. Andrews Cathedral Sunday mornine lPft tw ine grawyard had and 5. ' Rcbekah Bazaar, October 18. St. Peter't Fall Bazaar, Oct. 2G. Sonja Bazaar, October 27. Moose Bazaar, ciov. 2 and 3. Legion Auxiliary Fall Bazaar November 8. Presbyterian Fall Bale Nov. 10. be installed in irEGLAS can easily your ;infln evening, and costs only $6 per L Aldinger, Winnipeg contracting j been neglected lor so long that fim, went on strike this morning. a lot 0 worlc ia necessary to re-A statement from the office of j marn the plots and graves Wnen the company this morning said the unc!erbrush was cut away a Attention Oddfellows , Re- ' r I I square reer. ine men naa been be- drawing gra was found witn an old up turned German helmet, which I bekas and Friends. Banquet will be held ln the' Broadway Cafe, August 8 at G:30 p.m. ln honor of the Grand Master. (184) IREGLAS, complete with vapour barrier, 10.D.E. fall bazaar Ntn ember 23. L.O.B.A. Bazaar Dee. 1. basis of a 10-hour day. On the other hand, the men say they are out for an eight hour dav basis at ut to fit between ceiling joists, jum run jf. undoubtedly had held flowers.! 1 he plan of the cemetery has no record of the grave, but it Is i probably that of a veteran of' the first world war. Rev. Mr. Atkinson, Burns Lake, is anxious to identify the grave. ' Douglas Frlzzell returned to $5.00 per day. the city on yesterday afternoon's Queen Charlotte Air Lines plane today for Masset to assume his ministry there. Dr. L. M. Greene left at the end or the week for Vancouver where he will join Dr. R. a. Large and return north aboard the letter's power yacht Yaloa. Also coming north with Dr. Large arc .tr.iAS can also be installed by your plane from a trip to Vancouver. I . Mrs. Frizzell and son will be re-1 turning later. I L CONTRACTOR, on a time payment REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS returns PREPARED rKhi-Aictu August 8, 1940 n 20ct down and I z momns to pay me Frank Clark, Liberal from Prince George, sailed rr rfv. CtVt II I While visiting the city yester-' j day, A. E. Lawson, manager of bee. this afternoon on the Coquitlam ivNV&S II R E. Mortimer J Sunnyside - Cannery, deposited iiur a irip vo Jit'iia oeua. Jie wun ... be back Friday on the Camosun hekxral , branch of the Can Dr. J. P. Cade and Dr. Neal Car-1 ter of Vancouver, formerly of Prince Rupert. Just received a stock of very fine ladles leather hand bags from one of the best eastern factories. Mostly English Mor II CHOOM yf and will then proceed to the In aaian ttei cross Society a cheque for $276.85, representing the gratifying proceeds of a con terior. INQUIRE TODAY AT bert & McCaffery Limited cert and dance held last Saturday night at Sunnyslde. ,r'ere Sweaters l -. I II 111 Mil Prince George To Run This Autumn occos and calf. Prices from $13.00 to $27.50 and worth it. Of course we alao have lower priced bags which are good value. Bulger's. Ut) P.O. BOX 160 The Union Steamship Co. was, reported to be considering a UJ-117-58 three hour excursion on the Camosun August 17 with the price to be purchase of war sav FINE PURE WOOL ings certificates to the amount 1 Canadian National- Steamships announce that the SS ' Prince George will take up the local run between Vancouver and of one dollar, the ticket to be re OVERS AND CARDIGANS . R. O. Napier, who has been employed with Columbia Cellulose at Khuztymateen since the end of April, was taken suddenly ill Saturday and left for Vancouver by today's plane for medical treatment. tained by the purchaser aud the North Coast points immediately j campany to assume all operating - I HHnMaHHvmAM alter tne close oi ine eKagwayi expenses. BY GRAND' MERE. NEW SMART STYLING IN ALL THE POPULAR SHADES. tourist season. The Prince VANCOL'VEO VICTORIA Sunday, 9 p.m., Camosun Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Coquitlam VICKERS'l BISTIUID IN CANADA ANO It 0 1 1 1 1 1 t I D I T CaWf Tt Thii advertisement is not published or di played by the Liquot Control Board o) bf the Government of British ColumDi rs tts Cereal m ftofc Classified aas Try a Daiiy cr.ni results. !ews l.'la.-sified George will replace the Prince Miss Rosemarle Hartwig ar- uupert arriving here from Van-rived in the city on yesterday couver September 13 and trontin-afternoon's plane from her nur- ue in service until late October, ses' training duties at .Royal jn view of the increasing ac- ALICE ARM, STIWWT AM) 2H1 BOTH in one pacto! POUT SIMPSON 1 1 Jubllee Hospital, Victoria, to tivlty in the Prince Rupert area, Int. It KeUM spend vacation with her parents, his comuanv Is making thj 56-75 Sunday, Coquitiam, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QLEEN B T,toMji BREAD Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hartwlg. ! Prince Georce available k treat! Double Double nutntimu! (' RAISIN BRAN an4 $7 local travel at the earliest pos Mrs. J. J. Ehiy seft by air today with her mother, Mrs. P. 1L Morris, for Vancouver for a two weeks' vacation. sible date, says W. Cruickshank,! general agent, Canadian Na Liiy! You U be giaa Yours, with wonderful tional Steamships. There is- no intimation oi 4 1 fast-rising DRY Yeast! what the service will be alter CHAiaorrK isi.an! ss. Camosun, August 4 and 13 10 p.m. FOR SOUTH R FFN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, July 28 10 p.m. FKAKK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone the Prince George is withdrawn but it is supposed the Princ: Rupert will return to the run. 4- tip WITH All THRE HOTEL ARRIVALS FEATURES Prince Rupert A. W. Hale, G. Hale, Mr. and! Home Canne: Mrs. J. Humphries, Vancouver: J. Kempster. Oceania; W. Bonar, Vancouver, David Hunter, Staten Island. N.Y.: T. Miller, Jackson i 4. A A FULL SIZE, QUALITY BUILT AUTOMATIC - IRONER. AT A PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD! 1 Heights, Lone Island; Mr. andj Mrs. N. D. Napier and daughters, j Enamelled or Plc: x assorted sizes. Conv. iently packed. Tvcr four to a Carton. WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING 320 3rd Ave. W Headquarters for the VIEW-MASTER Full . Library of Color Reels Developing. Printing Enlarging Photographic Supplies Scenic Views Kodaks for Everyone a 'irii Prince George; Royce Hile, Lavaca, Arkansas; J. M. Mclntyre, Vancouver; T. R. Kinsella. Ottawa; H. Simmers, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Munro, Prince George; Mr. and Mrs. C. Haug-land. Terrace; E. C. Webster, Victoria. rr I. VA0 KAl You're sure of templing, k liciout bread when you bake with Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast! This wonderful new yeast keeps its full-itrength and fast-aciing qualities without refrigcrationl Buy month's supply! THOMPSC.3 HARDWARE CO. I t. fTAINHSI ITIK lattinflty bMwttfwl a4 lf o cIma . TMt ikic kav com lOnOM rfittribvlM Kot avaxlv, cwfi ImI bilk StopItgu T ' i I m i Bitts Heat Rash I I WHOLE WHEAT BREAD Outi k! bun Ilrliinl llntl Ixtrt. hral nuh. n arm. hi rt. pimpln. al'. Kbw. thlrtc a ( foot and olhfr ratrrnaily cauil mn nnl. k vlinii. oolhin. anlurplk O. D. P. PRESCRIPTION. lirrawlrtK. Mainlrx. Slopa i, fa ut nmnrv cux-k. Hi! md-tj d-ilut luu . D- O. PKESCPIIPTIOM. 1-t New Fall Sty LADIES' CROYC GAB. RAINCOA 4c As Popular as X. hone $11 McBriJe St ) ! .!) fka! Burbui-.i Teirirace make a sot dough. Knead on lightly-floured Iward until smooth and elastic. Place in greased bowl and grease top of dough. Cover and set in a warm place, free from draught. Let rise until doubled in bulk. Punch down dough, grease top and again let rise until doubled in bulk. Punch down dough ; turn out on lightly-floured board and divide into 4 equal portions : form into smooth balls. Cover lightly with cloth and let rest for IS mins. Shape into loaves ; place in greased loaf pans (A'i" x S'A"). Grease tops, cover and let rise until doubled in buik. Bake in hot oven, 400, for 2U mins., then reduce oven heat to moderate. 350, and bake about 20 minutes longer. I" Combine 3 c, boiling water, Vi c. granulated sugar, 4 tsps. salt and 1 tbs. shortening ; stir until siiRar and salt are dissolved and shortening melted; cool to lukewarm. Meanwhile, measure into a large bowl 1 c lukewarm water, 1 tbs. granulated sugar; stir until sugar is dissolved. Sprinkle with 3 envelopes Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast. Let stand 10 minutes, THEN stir well. Stir in cooled sugar-shortening mixture. Combine 5 c. once-sifted bread flour and S c. whole wheat or graham flour. Stir about half of the flours into yeast mixture; beat until smooth. Work in remaining flours and add additional bread flour, if necessary, to Motors Limited iting New in all sizes EA-8REEZE ELECTRIC IRONER Announcing opening of two new Electric Gasoline Pumps IMPERIAL ESSO ESSO EXTRA ii Mcllac Bros. Sec our Complete V.zi' Hisses CroyC r Roincoais Sixes 12-14 it.-; Priccd from $15.C Z . itr Shoe Sale in our Casement Dept. , l HOURS: Weekdays 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. continuously. Sundays and Holidays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. LOOK FOR THE LARGE tSSO SIGN DOM'S DEP'T STORE JOHN H. You Can't Afford to Miss THE BARGAINS AT OUR GREAT CLEARANCE SALE Modern Rest Room for Your Convenience Your Dodge - De Soto Dealer your next ULGER 184 Terrace, B.C. TER FLIGHT HOBBY SUPPLIES NOVELTIES TOYS - Penguin Hobby Shop 6th Ave. and Fulton St. OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue RTER FLIGHT PLANES ayoiloble for I Phones: BLUE 440. GRELN 232 TPbcSIPOISlTS SHOIP Don't Miss Manson's Sale of China FIRST ANNIVERSARY SALE Aerial Surveys Aerial Photography Private Charter x Timber Cruising, etc. NTERIOR AND COASTAL POINTS 1 o rmes KAIEN CO-OP HARDWARE For Druas TES - INFORMATION RESERVATIONS ;rvw JtpL'rt.u SOT J BABY CARRIAGES VV in the Pioneer Druggists PRESCRIPTION SERVICE PHONE 476 CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LTD. PRICES SLASHED Manson's China Shop Silver Grey, Maroon and Blue .. ..- $39.50 it Now in stock . ROY APARTMENT WASHERS $64.95 DROP IN AND SEE THE NEW CONGOWALL Phone 179 WE DELIVER 251 3rd Aye. Daily Delivery Service PHONE 81 Killas & Christopher Bldg. Air Freight on all Flights Green 960 ' 303 W. 3rd 0