t . - ' ! i P23Vl:iCIAL LISSASY, ticioaiA, s. c. 113 erffiss DRUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER vnf b vSvhv,ti Canodo' Mos Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PH0IIES1 i i-Kiwct, RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, AUGUST 8," 1950 v. PRICE FIVE CENT3 ,cABS mm w am Mill V X Solemn Message ''P vV-d: i4m-. To Na tion Delivered - - : Krigade Being Raised for Service in Korea i or Elsewhere Required . OTTAWA, (CP) -Prime Minister L. S. St. Lau rent, in a solemn and historic message to the country Monday night announced that Canada is forming a special Army brigade primarily for Korea and said that defence production is being stepped up over a wide field of vital equipment. He told the people that Parliament will be recalled r T7 - within six or seven weeks or ear-1 ef f ective strength. -1 Her if necessary to -approve ex The objective, Mr St. Laurent pansion and acceleration of Canada's defence program. Authoritative, quarters indic emphasized, was not to "make"' but to "prevent" war. "Our best chance to prevent war is to build up Joint strength . n'!MIDDlE EAST ( ,0 5 1 .-gV jvin union u GUlV). ' fgC JES? ated that the special session will ce asKeu to give tne government. .Hh nrt Hptrminsitinn ' riwcr to 5enu a new brigade j the prtme Minlstrr declared. "We three battalions of Infantry and owe ,t to ourseives to do cvery-suppcrtin? arms, about 5.000 tWng t0 preVent a third men In all-to Korea or else- war j h ftnd t,,ust we where, wherever it will best wm lucceed service to search . for peace through United police action . ftinsi. j'RRression. The brigade will not be fully trained until early next year. Cabinet will decide the destination on the basis of the International situation which may Chatham Inspected a S10N BY PROXY Korea U the first case of Russian aggression by proxy that is, aggression by the Russian-armed . . n i I L . . ,11.,.. O . . 1 . . . . V. .... l nnnto- Kn r . ... invntUA T? Ilcda breed out of Korea. lan-trame? lorces oi a rtussian Baieimc, which aims n-Mriiuni(ftusiojjnacui umuuv v ....u..v lid diulcmatlcally. Similar actions, indicated in this map by stippled arrows, are possible in Europe and Asia. In neither It is indicated that the ex- Eight officers and from 16 to paneled defence program Willi 18 men of HMCS Chatham, RCN FiRST INDIAN SHIP First Indian vessel, flying tne f.ag of the Republic of India, to enter Montreal harbor is shw The Jalakala, a 10,000-ton vessel later sailed for Bomr. a cargo of Canadian products. She carried an all-Indi under the command of a Briton, Capt. N. D. 'Andersot (CP 8dd subsantlally to Canada's here a certainty that the existing local defence of the free nations Is adequate to meet even this limited clanger, only iliiwn frontier would Russia have to mov openly In order to conquer.territory by military means. On the other hand, ove, as the inset glob shows, would bring Russia to t he shores of the Indian Ocean and neatly sever connections be-ist and West. It might become a distinct threat once the resources of the Western Powers were fully cngagd In a 'I local wars. (Rt, turned out for Inspection by Capt. H. L. Qulnn, director of naval reserves, and Cdr. W. record defence bill of $125,000,-000 this year. , (The Canadian Army today Issued a call for recruits of of Charles, assistant director. In addition there were nine on par ; Standing' By ficers and men lor active serv- ade of the permanent staff of Women's Channel ite. A full page advertisement j HMCS Chatham. of the appears on Page five Officers on parade were Lt. Assembly i n'tWorry'fvlacArthurTellsTruman Record Smashed Daily News.). Rf CRt'ITING WEDNESDAY I 1 Cdr. J. D. McRae, captain; Lt. Geo. Brown, W. Smith, C. Smith, f ' Recruiting of the new brigade J. Good, Ned McLeod and Warrant Engineer Eric Liversidge. will commence Wednesday. Heady lo I. . Arl Kl " 4 1 ir !r ' InlnrnAunrnmnn Primarily intended for Korea, it Chaplain Rev. Basil Prockter was , SOUTH FOLKESTONE, ? Florence Chadwick, . San Diego i swimmer, landed here today after a record smashing crossing ! will be available for any effective also present. - use me umm nauons ur uic au wh-".! oy ""cs f f. Fnelih Channel First Atlantic Pact nations. 1 Capt. Quinn pointed out that the j ie. the JZZ. reports said she made cross u l--. a ii I Kflr pv p flnnen r Without special recruiting, Mr. 1 extreme east and west divisions St. Laurent said that it might wumer-AnacKs ror innusiry OTTAWA h Prime Minister Inlergovernmenl Parley Planned L. S. St. Laurent indicated Monday that developments on the international front will not interfere with plans for Dominion endanger current defences were a brigade to have bvn sent to hile Communisls Continue to Cross Xaktong llivcr to North at St. Johns, Nfid., and at Prince Rupert were the smallest. He said that this year was the first year there had been a naval division at St. Johns. He was pleased with the turn-cut iast night. A great number of reservists were unable to be on parade as they were out with fishing boats. ing in 13 hours, 22 minutes. The women's record, set in 1926 by Gertrude Ederle, was 14 hours, f 31 minutes. Shirley May France, 17-year-old Somerset, Mass., swimmer, was removed from the water, ending her second -unsuccessful attempt to swim the channel. She was eight miles offshore when pulled from the water. P'O (CP) Hcf-pite new threats on the war LAKE SUCCESS 'tf SecreUry General Trygve Lie said Monday that the 59-member United Nations General Assembly can be called Into extra-ordinary ' session on 24 hours notice In the event of any new aggression.. He would not hesitate- to call such a meeting if he considered it necessary. At the same time it was disclosed that the Dominican Republic has put the question of Franco Spain on the provisional agenda of the fifth regular session of the General Assembly opening September 19. . The republic wants to remove the ban against sending .ambassadors and missions to Madrid . This ban was voted In December, OTTAWA 0" An historic Korea. Canada-United States meeting) "We feel that the present situa-to map out a Joint industrial j tlon calls for something immedl- ' blue sprint K for the war started ,the PfrimenlSteJ 'Therefore, lt had been decided todav- to start recruitment immediately Industrial planners" from both f0r the special force. countries filed into the Senate! Young, fit men were desired provincial conferences.' 'neral Douglas MacArthur today continued W. C. Shovar, McBride, who i m optimistic view of the Korean situation. iflent Truman not to worry. We are confid-t the situation over here," MacArthur told ill Harriman, the president's special adviser railway committee room in the ! ana as many veterans as pos Bible. has been visiting his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Parllamcnt buildings to approve Mr. St. Laurent also announc- Mr. St. Laurent told a press conference that jio date had yet been set for a general conference tentatively slated for September or October but federal and provincial representatives will meet here on schedule August 11 to renew discussions on formula for makjng constitutional amendments. A. C. for the week, a sei oi pi mum win.... ed ,ans to acCeierate produc- ZJl!!' Stegavig, past pynertPd will release millions of . iv,.. , leaves by motor tomorrow on his "lairs. Harriman rc --I " i wvsu v lev a agn wi, iaiK.it Washington today af- return to the interior. dollars worth of United States aircraft engines, naval vessels. 1946. '-oay visit that took front. . j itioiu forces resumed ! atta:k on the blaz- i Karca front today 1 war orders to Canadian plants, armaments, radar and other The meeting was closed to the J and were placed at public guards j gltuation m Korea had d. Arrests In B.C. Robbery the doors to Keep tne cunou. teriorated and Parliamentary i north, Red tro ins across the Nnktm George Frifzell Is Gravely III away. action would be required. As Entering the Chamber were soon as possible, therefore, after n ono V nA hfian f nrm ill o toH for !rom thn , WINNIPEO OiWinlneB police ,tv, trorrv .t J. w farm rhael. chairman Ktnino ih.,;, . n.- on Monday arrcstea three men : Having suffered his fourth Harry nresentation. Parliament would1 Wednesday, August 9, 1950 the Naklon" River who are wanted by British Col- stroke In nine years. George ".m be called-withln six or seven High 11:12 15.0 feet rknrssfor ah at umbla authorities In a $9,000 Frteell. dean of local pioneers and mu nltl. Puc co" WWks or possibly earlier. ! 22.33 17.9 feet thKorea-'provw:-robbery of the Bank of Novaland one of the best known and ord n 'atrdBnre No time had been lost and Low 4:43 6.3 feet S links with the Word War. He presided at the . 16:27 i0 8 feet Jnd key Scotia at Malllardvlile on July, most popular meang We was oi U, American n are WiUlam Sir- ear. "M, CvM Sy to Increase Canada's' uiou.sancls arc man, ii, oi i---. - - .nma ,h n Pirrre. associate deputy -'f r 'he rar side of the toba: Peter Zarabin, 24 Arran, innn uis t .-""" trade and commerce. '""d troops roiling up. Sask., and John Sorta, 21. bc- Skeena River and today lies un- minister of J conscious and critically ill at -charged with stockpiling of . n . r. ........ . 1 MrtC nnnrU'a ft 1 t (VT I P VJUT ITiat-. TODAY'S STOCKS Unknown Wins zC.tJ Light Crown WASHINGTON W - Charley Salas, relatively unknown Mexican-Italian 'welterweight frtm Phrenix, outfought and" out-punched Ike Williams, world lightweight champion Monday night to win the unanimous ten round decision. It was WilJlmS' second straight defeat in a month. Williams weighed.'lS Salas was seven pounds heavier. Defence Minisferp Talking Tonighl OTTAWA Hon . Brooke Clax-ton, Minister of National Defence, and the Chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant-General Charles Foulkes, will discuss recruiting for the Canadian Army special force tonight on the CBC Trans-CmiAda network from 9 to 9:15 P.D.T. (Courtrsy 8. O. Johnston Co. Ltd.) ine 1'nnce Kupt iu unciai j inrtuij vb. pital. rials. Mrs. Frlzzell Is to be brought. tast cuist 1000 Rc:l lleved to be fiom Winnipeg, -ucrillas are reporting . Two of the men were arrested ithin five miles of the in a hotel room where $2,500 was 'tes beachhead at found. Another was arrested as , , he entered the room. Bobjo .ioi'i Buffalo Canadian 17V2 Consol. Smelters 106.25 THE WEATHUR Synopsis slipped through! to the city from tne oKeeim River tomorrow. Son, Howard Frlzzell Is arriving by air tomorrow from Chicago. Son. I ;" is an east coast le American trnniw France fs A weak storm that was ;e.e weeks a!io. Allied! Douglas " pected to bring some rain to the yesterday afternoons plane, . , ,hllrniM Con west 1-28 Donalda , 40 Eldona -23 East Sullivan 6.80 cutting lShort a business trip to jM WMt vanz-nnvpii Dauchter wi r S.I ... , ,., STUDIES CANADA Currently touring Canada to study health and welfare is Dr. Harbane. Kaur Indarjlt Singh, inspector of health centres in Punjab, India. During the Second World War Dr. Singh was a captain in the Indian Army. (CP Photo) rrv "K u,e rcPurted i rv " Is 70 miles north ' KCdrfflMCl y American morin.' " . ...... 6.80 . - j Vancouver is auu. rviici 11 w rTZ rlS in a southerly direction for the last two days the storm Is now almost, stationary. As a trip wi uuns u..,, with the Job's Daghters on which she had planned leaving today. "hi made J!""u ",wlt; sirnii onrti . . ",s ta all-day ta?ks ' Am(,rican tronps e .f t a ' nslve stalrZ .tacR3.' i Europe and pledced itself to Vancouver Bayonne .02 V2 Bralorne .. 6 85 B.R. Con 1... .02 V3 Cariboo Quartz . ' 1.05 Hedley Mascot .23,i Pend Oreille 6.75 . Pioneer 2.35 Premier Border . 023 Privateer " .10 Reno -03 Sheep Creek 109 Sllbak Premier 26 Taku River 05 Silver Standard 217 Western Uranium ...... .69 Oil-Anglo Canadia n , 4.90 A.P. Con 41 Atlantic 2-50 Calmont 49 Central Leduc 1.65 Giant YellowkBife . God's Lake Hardrock Harricana Heva - Hosco Jacknlfe ...... Jollet Quebec Lapaska Little Long Lac consequence, current weatner 1 U expected to continue. Gener-j nilv hloher temDeratures are .29 .30!'2 .08 .05'j .06 .04 .42 .93 .36 .24 f hln "I, start $5,710,000,000 three-year a L,... j JU' u r Communist m ' , rm ,it.h Unl- threatenincr Pn- -'"" i"6"" hsuteslZ8:! ted States aid. NOTICE m California way. Lynx Madsen Red Lake ...... 2.10 looked for in the interior. Forecast Vancouver City, llwer Fra-ser Valley, Georgia Strait RegionSunny today and Wednesday. A little warmer. Light winds. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow At Vancouver Airport, 55 and 75; Nanaimo 55 and 27: Abbotsford. 50 and 80. .44 McKenzie Red Lake .. Woman Oceanic ALL MOTORISTS using Highway between Prince Rupert and Galloway Rapids now under reconstruction are hereby- Mr. King Leaves Three-Quarter Million OTTAWA - The terms of the will of the late William Lyon Mackenzie King were made i 1 J T n.Atntf1 W McLeod Cockshutt 2.20 Moneta 27','j Evacuation SAN FRANCISCO James Roosevelt, son of " the former President, who is a candidate for ffnvprnor of California, urged notified that, in their own interest, it will be advisable ii , services for mk,i 1 fmpster, 23, wlfr observe the following Speed Limits: - - North Coast Region Inter Negus - 107 Noranda 67.25 Louvicourt 17 Pickle Crow 1 83 Home Oil 16 00 Mercury -H Okalta 1 80 Pacific Pete 5.90 afternr-'l be held , Brockington will be heard on mittent rain or drizzle today 10 M.P.H. i f.,00" from Oren- cloudy tomorrow, clearing in the on Sections where Equipment is Working - 1 on Sections Partly Completed .05 2.65 .23 1 90 Regcourt San Antonio Senator Rouyn Sherrit Gordon rPt tester- 20 M.P.H. , i uceanic. more defence ior me saw m wc course of a speech Monday. Referring to the possibility of the war in Korea spreading, he recommended adequate publl: shelters from bombing, as well as the use of certani lands for evacuating millions of people Princess -63 Royal Canadian .07 ya Royalite 1225 Toronto Athona - 08 Aumaque .1-... .20 Beattle - ... 45 Vi Bevcourt .43 the CBC Trans-Canada network tonight at eight o'clock. He will talk about Mr. King's estate totalling about three quarters of a million dollars. The estate will go largely to public benefactions and scholarships. Laurler House and Kingsmere Park are bequeathed to the government. . 1 northern half in tne auernouu. Occasional light rain in the southern half. Warmer In the northern half tomorrow. Wind southeast (15). Lows tonight and highs tomorrow at Port Hardy, 52 and (10; Sandsplt and Prince Rupert, 50 and 62. Steep Rock 3.35 Sturgeon River .13',? B.C. AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION ksbanVf thls Wrtct riband two years .82 2.00 Silver Miller Upper Canada .... OTP'liPWlif!CT illiiilliiiilliliillliHIilllllillliljillhiiilliiiiMi f v nie monthc ia i from California cities.