rr ff Prince Rupert Daily New$ Tuesday, Aujt'jst , 1950 Paid In Full Better Indian : Deal Sought 3D it j tier a handout administration I of the Department of Indian Af- fair. Note the name, pieaje. The department cf Indian Af-f air'. Now when are we goin 1 to be able to administer oar own Ray Reflects and Reminisces Exciting Theme r v . 1 1 1 1 1 j CASfjIAR-tn a message to Indian department? j B'Blcena members of the Native Mr. Sinclair admitted that in i B Brotherhood of British Columbia the oiden days their ancestors! Five years since the first atomic bomb! Had science studied it for purposes of peace, I with never a thought of war, all of us, by this time, might have I been nearer the security needed with all that goes with It. , naroia Sinclair, district ties were an uneducated and inex-1 j president for Bkeena launched perienced people But now, he i ;a bitter attack on the proponed continued, there are highly ed-! BiBtll VA. Chief and people of ucated natives such as Presi-i a the entire Skeena Indian popu- dent Chief Willam Scow. FVank 1 WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY m Wallace's 05c SALE Now On WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE a lauon nave uiten the new In- Calder, M. L. A.. Chief Thoma?! j dlan Act under careful study he Oosnell and may other, who ! said. have lujit ax hiirh Htivii.. i TODAY ONLY -THE DAMNED DON'T t Rr Robert Cummlngs, Lizabeth Scott and Diana Lynn star in a gripping romantic drama "Paid in Full," which .opens tomorrow at the Capitol Theatre. Eve Ar-den heads a brilliant featured cast that Includes Ray Collins, Frank MeHugh and Stanley Ridges.' Dealing with a theme that long has been regarded as "not for the movies," It Is the absorbing story of two sisters In love with the same man and the lengths to which one goes to win him. Robert Cummings Is said to add lustre to Ms reputation with his expert" portrayal of the man ib i li ftt wiiHii li ip naLivci n 19 i ratinnt a. r- . -i Mcirt heard the Ind:an Act was to dc mcnt administrators today "Why ' amended they were happy. ex-.not put our own organization j pecting a bin change from the the Native Brotherhood, with' Someone has Just discovered' a third of the members of the British House of Commons arei the sons of manual laborers. A' little more than a century ago,! five members of Parliament out of six were land owners. The general belief is that In Britain, revolutions are extremely rare. Yet, they do occur, and there is no excitement. I two women desperately want." as the Intern, h , The picture marks the second ! mlngs' affeetL time he has been teamed with I Full IZ Miss Scott, the two having pre- ' performance, lo vlously appeared In "You Came 1 "paid in p,,,,.. , ' Along." U b sensation i r Miss Scott and Diana Lynn, by Dr. Frederic oonas or the om Indian Act" says it educated leaders Into posi Sinclair. "But the entire Skeena tlon as administrators of ou ; people have been disappointed I with Bill two' six-seven and 1 1 flatly disagres with the new bill l -on the ground.: it is more bind Indian department,'..' be asked. To prove his point. Sinclair spoke of the cannierles and lof-ging companies along the coast who entrusted thousands of dol ing than the eld Indian Act. Mr. Sinclair said: "We have been bound hand and foot un- AIR PASStNGERS SWELLEST RAZOR EVER FOR COMFORT AND CONV lars worth of valuable equioment ; to natives and have found themi to be industrious and productive "It Is, therefore, hlzh time that GIVE THE FOLKS AT HOME A TREAT! Recent visitors to the Red' River Valley say the flood has! lett 'a sorry sequel. True, the river is normal and the prairies i sunlit. But hundreds of homes still have neither the look or the leel. Many are the vanished bank balances. There sems to be To Vancouver (today) Benita Wlndle. Mrs. J. J. Ehly, Mrs. P. i f H. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Koy Barryman, Mrs. C. Eckert and In- v ic Come in today and take home a delicious CAKE, PIE or JELLY ROLL With 10 Gillette Blut Blades in Dispenser a sense of discouragement a L. T" u n fp inr of "whit s t.hp liseT" And .' Napier. . ' above all, on the part of some, A1JC$ IIO $1.00 From Vancouver (yesterday )- Datives have freedom and justice," he declared, "rather than become bound once more by the new bill two r.xty-seven.'..' "We should have our own Indian commissioners, our own Indian superintendents and ministers for our own Indian dc-nartmcnt." he said. They shoul'' lo have their own game and fish wardens because they understood the whereabout of inherited trappim grounds and fishing camps. Then they would 1 a criticism of the distribution of Mlss R Hartwl2 E w. Webster, VALUI f vai mm v i ,C"C1 iu"uo- ,J. Highland, T.R.Kinsella, A. W.. Rupert Bakery Ltd. O. K and J. Hale, L. Beemham, F. Nation, O. Bolton, Mrs. F. Thompson, Mr. Luchak, Douglas Uncle Joe says there are 7,700 newspapers publishing regular ly in Soviet Russia. Too bad t?,i7.,eii Mr Desman. Mrs. Burt. You change bladei in-tantly, enjoy real ahaving comfort with the Gillette Rocket Rator Set. Canada's greatest shaving bargain includes Razor, 10 blades in Dispenser, come to what Is called "self' jovernment." I Regarding enfranchisement. ! there are not fewer. Then they MeFsrs. Griffiths, Hall, Simmers, would be more Interesting, even Klauscn, Sinclair, Ozamachenko, at the cost of a firing squad for B-oth. Thomas, Allan, Hlle, an editor now and then. Today, Wauter Hunter, Miller, they all think and print alike. From sandsplt (yesterday) ' J. Cordin, O. Llewellyn, J. Mc- The Dally News was In -a hope- innis, M. Lahtlnen. ful mood during the winter of To Vancouver (yesterday) 1917. Halibut fishing, while fair, yy" L Woods . ' and the new Styrene travel case only $1.29. SALE MEN'S SUITS O Tailored by Inn House of Hobberlln Mr. Sinclair asked why Indians should be required to surrender their legal rights to become "citizens of our own native soil..." He then asked what els? VICKERS' II DIITILIID IN CANADA AND It DltttllUtlO trCalvfTl "his advertisrmrnt ii not publiihed or displayed by Uit Liquor Control Board Oi vf the Government of British Columbia, j 7 i . - . !... Pi ill couia nave Deen Detter.- The January catch was only 578,000 pounds. February reported 809,-000. But surely, with better weather, March should be substantially better. Thirty-three years ago Prince Rupert was only commencing to learn how to spell "conservation." EXTRA PANTS FREE With Each Suit Ordered! was required rf the Indian people before they became fully recognteed citizens of their own country. The speaker said his people rat,ron(l7ed stores in th!s country And had paid taxes, social security taxes, whether on or off the reserve. "We have served the country we love wholeheartedly In times of peril. Therefore, we ask for freedom and Justice for our people and their child-Ten In days to come. Then we would all be united free citizens i - & OUR EXPERT TAILORS for Men's PA NTH Kt'ITS O TOPCOATS SPECTATOR PUMPS I "Our science is superb, but our happiness is not," remarks a psychoiogist and how true it is. We are dissatisfied. We are 1 victims of more heart attacks, i more high blood pressure and more nervous breakdowns per , hundred of population than Ugliest Quality Oumantrrd Fit 10 OFF ON ALL SLACKS I of the countrv and true brothers THE BES1 in Plumbing Service PHONE 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING BCD BCETMAA Oid Pufit Oflice Bis pnd sisters.'..' he declared. BLUE and WHITE LING THE TAILOR mm'' ! H HO M Tin Speck $5.9 AT ever before in the history ot the world. Is it surprising that everyone is seeking an easy mind? Everyone wants security. A pensioner draws $75. Enough? Probably not. $100 is more like BROWN and WHITE PHONE MS BOX zzt 220 - 6TH ST. Union steamship Chilcotln, with its Pennsylvania Farmers' magazine tour party of over 100 arrived In port yesterday afternoon, returning south from ' Skagway and other Alaska points. Members of the tour le- i rxrt a successful and Interesting trip. " the objective today. What brings a ieeing of security, let alone happiness? Or is it recognized wnen nere? IBirowntwood t Six Months On Theft Charge Rudolph Rossetti was senlenc Discover How Good J I UsM,A.l.fa.tA, K'1". - w HOLLYWOOD CAFE. ed yesterday In magistrate court to six months' Imprisonment on a charge of theft. Rossetti stole a pair of shoes and other items Iced Tea Can Be! Make tea double strength and while still hot pour into glasses filled with cracked ice . . . Add sugar and lemon to taste.' OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS . . FOR A BUILDER OR INVESTOR Exceptional Offering Large -subdivision in Prince Rupert's bettor residential section. All services available. No taxes to pay until 1951. Panoramic harbor view. Area comparable to 38 city lots comprising nearly 3 acres. Easy walking distance to schools, hospital, downtown shopping centres, waterfront, and churches. Individual lots available or will sell entire property for much needed housing development. Priced' to sell below city assessed value on similar property. Terms if desired. See Allan Armstrong for full particulars. Phone 342 or Green 297 (eves.) offirt of Armstrong Agencies. MOST. UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE C Prince Rupert Florists ) 130 300 r lowers for AH Occaslona I front George Hill & Sons store on Third Avenue during store hours. , He was apprehended with the property. 3rd Ave. 'Box 516 Tel. 7Tli Umr0 ADAH OPEN FROM 3:30 P.M. TO 3:30 A.M. We Specialize In Chinese Disnes r- ,, CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN For Outside Orders PHONE 133 PROMPTNESS. ICED TSAlHJ Pay every bill by the TENTH of each Month and your installment account on due dates. Build a reputation and a record for PROMPTNESS. CREDIT BUREAU OF PRINCE RUPERT BLONDIE You're a Meenie, Blondie! -By CHIC YOUNG ADVERTISING IN THE DATLY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS. THE DIP-STICK M,- hnW TELLS THE ST0RY - ;j c -pMmmr ""iiiiiiiiiiiipiiiiiiiiiiiiiii rWBlii -lllll!llllllllllllllt, I : ' J- l THINK I'LL FIX ) ' " " N THERE VWEPF SO MAMV l"751-11 lGOOO THINGS TO EAT IN THE i ( ,!PTE ,t EATEKI ) ( I WONDEP WHY J ) hZL SN" BEPOPE J REFPIGEPATW HAD TO SAY TCC MO"I VWAS STILLS IT IS I CANT N cl1 "I) A ' GO TO BED T- m EHY StEENY mVnEVMO- S " WNGRY SO I SAID ) SLEEP NIGHTS ?) (bS. i 1 : CLEAN it is. us make this tc: yqur crankcose. Sec for yoursel' GENTS' WATCHES 15 Jewel O Waterproof Shockproof Complete with Expansion Bracelet Georqe Cook, No importance ot ubrication. 29.75 ; ; " -"' ,, , i ',y.. v -vy ; . " ' ' j n ULOJ, XllJ r " - 1 K- ! PHONE PHONi ' 79 79 Uallarr HOURS Weekdoy .. 9 a.m. to VP1" Sundays 12 Noo to It 7 p.m. o99 SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVEN1