Old nail polish brushes make FPU) PFAinnu Etfnce Ruwt Dailr JSetos Wednesday, April 20, 1943 Local News Items... .r.arty- BridBe. Whist STAR'S STYLEWEAR excellent paint brushes for children. They are light and easy for tiny fingers to handle. " ..r" . ag,T' catholic Hall, SPECIAL for one week- all Smithers. As the remains were being lowered in the grave the "Last Post" was sounded by Sgt. Bugler W. J. Ranee and the flag dropped to half-mast. LAID AT REST Final respects were paid to the late Frederick Pearson yesterday afternoon when members 'of the Canadian Legion and many friends attended the funeral in Grenvilie Chapel of the B.C. Undertakers where a luuia. npru 21, 8 p.m. (93) Eric Trumble returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to MISSSILVERSIDES LADIES' PRESIDENT Imous clean burning Uod River GOAL KUG NUT STOKEIt ORDER NOW RT & McCAFFERY LTD. b'THlNG FOil THE BUILDER" I PHONE 116 Dr. R. G. Large, district de l!ll!!!!NI!m!!IIIMij!!!l!!l!i!M! lil!Hi:HiliUIi,i,iuiiii!i,-ii,,ili.llii",il..,i!uii:;ii!.1;,.Hi;i,lii!ii.Hi.illl - srora - SHIRTS Dresses HALF-PRICE. All sizes. (03) Public Cancer Meeting, Civic Centre Auditorium, Thursday, April 21, 8 p.m. Moving Pictures. Dr. L. W. Kergin will be in attendance. (92) puty grand master, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert short service was held prior to Following a dinner in t.hp nivir S.O.N. Meeting, Wednesday, April 20. (92) today from a Masonic visit to Ocean Falls. He was accompanied by William Cruickshank, D. C. Stevenson and R. E. Centre Dining Room, the fourth internu;lU' ln thc Soldiers' Plot annual meeting of thg Business "at Fairvi(;w Cemetery, and Professional Women's Club; Rev. Fred Antrobus officiated Oliver Santurbane returned i Robert Franklin of the Post to the pity this morning on the .Office staff returned to the city Prince Rupert from Vancouver ! today on the Prince Rupert from held Tuesday night in the at the chapel as well as at the where he spent the last month I a six-weeks holiday in the south i Ladies Lonee of the Civic Cen- graveside and Mrs. J. C. Gilker on holiday. during which he visited rela- tre- Elation of officers for the acted as organist. Hymns were tives and friends in Vancouver, year lJVJ Place as follows:! """" ",vcl ul ouul an C V J F' Mcmbcrs Meeting Seattle and Oakland, Califor Witl Me " Many beauti- President? Miss Honora L. Sil-! ''A,bif?e Wednesday, S p.m., Fulton Street ful floral offerings adorned the casket which was covered by the Union Jack and borne to its last resting place by members of the Canadian Legion who versides. Vice-President, Miss Audrey Wra.thall. Secretary, Miss Qeraldine Cade. Treasurer, Mrs. M. Hopkins. Executive Miss Frances Partridge, Miss Kay Reid, Miss Evie Rivefct, Mrs. E., P. Stone, Miss nia. The Liberal Association will hold a tea in honor of Mrs. Nancy Hodges, M.L.A., at the home of Mrs. Art Nickerson, 909 Borden St., Thursday, April 21, from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. (92) prize for British Columbia, a gold medal and a trip to sea in a Canadian warship, was Gerard Dusseault- of Mission City. Winners in the British Columbia division will have their essays entered in judging for the best from all Canada, the grand prize being the Navy League's diamond medal. i were fellow workers and war GIRL IS DINNER L daughter of I j. c. Oilkcr of I has won a silver kional essay con-fa by tlie Navy kida. The contest fcWect "Our Navy companions of the deceased. They were Peter J. Peterson, fWoGUEv Horace Shrubsall. Ceo. Hague, Joan Cross, and Miss Winnie' Anthony McDonald, Doug Mac xuxon- ' Gillivrav and James Hoe? of Gaberdines Fine Wools Rayons Poplins Broadcloths . Trade in our 3c winner of first Advertise in the Daily News! r Moose Legion meets Thursday April" 21. (93) Rooms. Business important.. . . . ; - s (93) Mrs. G. W, Hoofnaglc of Bose-man, Montana, Is a visitor in town, the guest of her aunt, Mrs. James H. Thompson, Graham Avenue. S.O.N. Fishermen's Farewell Dance, April 22. Mike Colussis Orchestra. Refreshments. $1. (04) Special Meeting of Jobs Daughters, Friday April 22 at 8 p.m. Iinitlation, Silver March and Bingo. 94' L. H. Raphael, general manager of the Sweet Sixteen stores, is a business visitor in thc city, having arrived from Vancouver on yesterday afternoon's plane. . . Presbyterian Spring Sale, Thursday, April 21, Church Hall.' 70-TAXI 70. Stand: Bud's (tljmg Is payable In advance. Pleue refrain from telephoning of Thank. Doth Notices, Funeral NotloM, Ukrrlag , and EnKKment Announcement: til. 1 BrEClAL DlbPLAlf, UOUBLJs! 1'KICK Cigar Store, next to Hollywood Cafe. Sonny Beynon - Louis Knutson - Cliff Dahl (Mgr), 70 TAXI 70. (all,13,16,18, 20) Mrs. Nancy Hodges, veteran The World's Most Popular Cleaner -and Air Purifier NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY - ALSO Ask to see the New Floor Polisher Cleans, Spreads Wax, and Polishes all in one operation. Made by ELECTIIOLUX, of course. PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT Sun Valley liaronet . liluestone all three makes in a wide variety of shades. ' $5.00 $10.00 California Cruiseis ,, A fine wool jacket, comfortable and smartly styled for leisure wear. $10.95 - $12.50 $13.65 : POR ItENt UK SALE ttlvKTMMKT TRANSMISSION I'OMPANV LIMITKh NOTICE 1b hereby given that an application will be mado to the IHrltumrtit. nf f'analu a I ,t. nracan t FOR RENT Nice Sleeping (95) .Trullcr 28 ft., 15 H. as condition. Com-pi Cove. $1500. Box Rooms. 330 7th W. (03) FOR RENT 1 3-room Suite. ' or lollowlne eusuuiz '.m-sslon thcrn- Chandler & Cowgill PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing - Enlarging Flash Photos Taken at Home Phone Green 389 216 4th St PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. partially f urnished, oil rane. of. for an Act to incorporate a com-Phone Black 900. (03);pnny under the name of Westcoast Victoria newspaperwoman and M.L.A. for the Capital City, arrived here on the Prince Rupert today from the south for a two-day visit. After filling many engagements, the first of which was addressing the Gyro Club at luncheon today, Mrs. Hodges will leave tomorrow night on her return to Victoria. Prince G. A. HULL at Prince Rupert Hotel X Transmission Company Limited WANTED The objects of the Company are to construct,' install, maintain, equip, own, operate and use a pipe line or WANTED TO RENT - Somt-furnlshed House or Apart j pipe lines, to transport or transmit BALAGNO Florists ment, tnree or lour rooms, natural box rroru the general Ed- immediately. Reply Box 510 monton area of the Province of Al- Box 113 Phone Green 787 LEARN HOW TO RENDER FIRST AID PROPERLY t4 Through regular practice one night each week, and be the one who has the "know v"" how" in thc crowd which gathers at an accident. uany wews. (UJ) . bcrt or from a nolnt or point which Oli TRADE Out-k '48 model 5 H P. nuiif Roil 41L (00) t- Number of Win-jlrte. 12 light 10x15. $ 739. tttl 1!M2 Chevrolet Se-nerv kuucI condition, owned. Can be seen tutors. an -:342 Dodfte special Ban, Rood condition. Ifh otter. Plione 223 id. m iTcnder.s will be re- wan-ted'to buy-one lox-ZZ Z lZipJLia'hL Ring jack. Phone 544-Room ln tne north-eastern portion of the ltupcrt Liberals will nave an active time during Mrs. Hodges' stay what with meetings and social functions.. The primary purpose of her visit is to organize Liberal women locally. Commodore Cafe COMPLETELY RENOVATEP "Better Than Ever" WANTED Oil Burning Kitchen Stove. Phone Blue 254. (90) WANTED or ii ton Truck good condition. Phone 350. (tf) natural gas can be obtained to a point or points within, at or near the Citica of Vancouver and New Westminster in the Province of British Columbia, and from there to the Btate of Washington, and other places In the United Stat3 of Amcrt- ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE Thursday, 7:30 p.m., 9:30 p.m. ARMORIES (II) Prince Rupert Division St. John Ambulance Brigade WANTED TO BUY Ullfui'llish- ca; to construct, Install, . maintain, iiiurMiay, may u, Bic purclin.se of the eel 2 bedroom home. Phone equip, own, operate -and use appro- sol "Curltsil'-Hr (97) prtate branch or lateral gatueriOKB Red 108. follows: , (,n( dlstrlbutlnf; pipe lines to thn II 1,1. P WANTi'.l) j main line or Hues to or from cou- ,. , j uumors, tsutbutura -or suppliers ot CLERK-STENOORAP11ER. niust, natural gas convenient to the main be able to ll.se typewriter. Ap- line or lines: to transport, tranquil, ply DtlilV News. HI) pipe and convey, natural gaa from ' J Hitch gas. and oil gas, areas in the & 1 BOOKKEEPER WANTED Ex- prvince.. of Alberta and British ex PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL WORK FOR ALL YOUR ; - PRINTING REQUIREMENTS JOHN H. BULGER DPTOMETRIST John Bulger Lid. Third Avenue duy mm perienced ill general Office uinbla as may be approved by duly work preferred. Apply office, constituted governmental authority 11 I Ham A Wallace's Department Store. tlirougl) such pipe lino or plpo lines; s-r... lEc&ai rniiiers H3 Best Food and Service in City Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. till) a 5 II P, Vivian Spcllifr Willi enuip-l ctfeett situated tfictly cash. any tender not if aiTcpk'tl. F Forbes, Official mr of the Estate 8 Morgan, deceased, c, Prince Rupert, I !? bedroom ' suite, SI' S. etc. m 0th Ave. lairs. ,94, WORK WANTED (KD. SAUNDERS) Second Avenue T1IONE 21 P.O. Box 423 WORK WANTED Will mind children in own home daily. Phone Black 822. (4 LOST AND FOUND TIME TO RE-PACK Fountain Pen. 217 hth (00) FRONT tVEEL HEARINGS. - 1 J te J FOUND East. NOTICE i'o ensure safety, prevent un- jfJrif'. ..... ,.-. HN!&''A V MM7 Ford" Panel. 1'iV Al. Owner leav-I will sacrifice. Ap-Jiker's Ltd. (!)2) I 15 watt anmlifier E' , Willi mounted Terms t.. res- U etiuitruct, acquire, maintain, own, opprle and use Hll Burb structures, reservoirs. plaut3. equipment and facilities for the gathering, trauapor-taiion and storage of natural gas: to buy, or otherwise acquire natural gas and a mixture of artificial and natural gas; to sell, distribute or otherwUfe dispose of uatural gaa and a mixture of artificial and natural teas; to acquire and hold land for the purposes of the Cornpauy, subject lo sections K15 to 28 Inclusive of the Hallway Act ho far bs applicable. The works of the Company will extend bcjbnd the limits of one Province and will be declared to be for the general advantage of Canada. The said Company requests It be subject to any Act passed by the Parliament of Canada for the purpose ot regulating th construction, maintenance nud operation of pipe lines, plant and equipment used ln the transportation, storage and distribution of natural gas. Dated at. Ottawa, the lflth day of March, 194W KAnnis. sTVt.TZ. ru.ru, & farms, FOUND Bunch of keys with thc name W. 11 Toby. Owner niiiv liave same by CHliiiiK at the Daily News office and uavinjr lor this ad. (tfi drop in and have us pack -them I Vfe ptrlv If so desired. riCltSONAL JJnc.s, Arrow Bus correctly. Inexpensive but vital to longer and safer car life. (031 Wick (ill n,ir.ii.,,r Miw. Phone Black "lUVin W, (02) WANTED Anytliln? resaleable that vou don't want. Contributions to Kinsmen Auction will be welcomed at Ovor-waitca. For collection service Phone 11 durim: (lav, Green 213 or Blue UU3 after 6 p.m. (93i - Walnut Bedroom PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT PIJINCE RUPERT ELECTORAL DISTRICT . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Provincial Voters' List used in the last Oencral Election has been cancelled. If you have not reregistered, you will not be able to vote at the ensuing election to be held June 15, 1949. The List of Voters for the above Electoral District will close on thc 2nd day of May 1949 and no Applications for Registration filed witli the undersigned after the said date will be accepted for insertion in the List of Voters for use at the hereinbefore mentioned Election of June 15, 1949. All enquiries and Applications for Registration should , be filed at tlie office of tlie undersigned, Room 13, Court House, between the Hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Phone 74. Gordon . Faroes, REGISTRAR OF VOTERS, I'RINC'E RUPERT ELECTORAL DISTRICT.. April 18, 1949. (A 18,19,20,23,25,26) BOB PARKER'S UPT0VJI1 SERVICE STATION "ih! ii no ncncii. IMmiirv TIIiik Mil lo. BEUDIX automatic Washer SAVES 4 WAYS! PERSONAL DRUG SUNDRIES j Fd8i).i. m, Solicitors for. the Petitioners. m31,a0,13,20 28 fl. n.'Si,....i r. rilONE 791 PW eiiL'inp 4:id no Second and MrlSride or Announcement Al) dArtisen tt fbit column llr tilllnoUer 'or rnuiip ih, ii,. m....i. (rubber uoods) twelve samples for 50c postpaid in plain sealed wrapper, catalocue included. General Novelty Co., Dept. 'PR.' 71 Major St., Tor-onto. Out, (107) MACHINERY ftp Dux 1820. Prince wilt b charged for lull month M etnta wort Presbyterian Spring Sale, (20'23J Ni'w and tl.wri ' v7. SCHOOL SUPPLIES "Ware unrl nri'inn uattmmjiiv ifMnuiU NAMI0H WiKlitly Used Ar- Wi oi ler eomnlcle line ot April 21. ""laiK Coal Stoves, equipment for faawm UUs. Be- ( Anglican Spring " Sale, Satur- manufacturing. Contractors, ,, l.lnk-nnlt Sneeder. Adams, fluru - , 'Willie Chiilrs p... LiUIrford, Owen, T. L. Smith. K'81'!' ttery sets, f'w. Hour Ctivprlne. EXERCISE BOOKS TENS AND PENCILS INK - ERASERS - Rl'LERS CRAYONS - POSTER PAINTS. SAVES HOT WATER1 Bendix, with patented Water-Saver cylinder, uses less water than any other washer. 2 AVtS SOAP GAIORF1 Because Iiendix uses less hot water, it lues much less soap! 3 ' SAVHS ClOTHESt No agitator to rub or tear. Kxclusive "Tumbla Action" gentlest of all! 4 SAVES YOUl All by itself, Bcndix washes, rinses 3 times, damp, drys then shuts itself off! OYER 1,500,000 NOW IN USE For ! 111)3 ami Kn.,.-7. FRiw -in." i.""" ,"V Clark. National, etc. run information from National Machinery Co. Ltd., Vancouver. B.C. ItU Repairs Construction Alterations See IlEAI- KSXATK tnr "'.yx- ftu at, LOOSE-LEAF HOOKS AND REFILLS Legion Auxiliary Spring Sale. April 27. Rotary Club Daffodil Tea, Civic Centre, April 28. St. Peter's YP.A. Musical Show, ."Spring Fantasy" Civic. Centre, April 119. The United Church Spring Sale, May ,5. Catholic Olrl Guides tea-home cooking sale, 2:30 lo 5. Card Party, 8 p.m., Catholic School Hall, May 5. GREER & BRIDDEM ' CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS IK B'OH SALE.-4 room furnl-shcd liou.se dose in. For particulars Phone Blue 909. ttn FOR" SALE We have the exclusive listliiK of one or the city's iiiVst homf's, located on Fourth Avenue West, .situate on two lots with magnificent harbor view. For lull particulars Phone 57. 0. Percy Tinker & Co. Ltd. ttf Mac Bros. Floor Sanding a Specialty ' Black. 324. lYh?1 C,,vc- WM- VL (03) Knvi C.n',k Stoves, 4 K aTb,'. Chair.s f or 307 nth Avenue (97 r - 'Ui East. (941 t - B.T.i'zr-....- - P.O. Box 721 Red 561 Phone Red 400 518 3rd Ave. W. LIMITED Gyro Klondyke Night, Civic SEVEN Room Bouse in choice j Centre, May 6. "UOVEKNAIKNT I.I'M (IK . At'T" (Section 281 location on Seventh Avenue Kinsmen's Auction Sale, Sat WORK CLOTHES lAI ' c condition. , K n-hcn Plione (94 wwrT00'" d lioiiie' "and 9U Dillon. Ap- -ii 17 wcst or West. This is a rcul Dtircain for a faniilv home. Priced at $2750,00 with terms. O. P. Tinker & Co. Ltd. Phone 57. FOrTsALE Renovated and Redecorated and completely furnished or unfurnishtd 4-rooin Wartime on Second Overlook. Fenced in lawn, all modern furniture. Cash only. Piw"e Red 872. 4Roo7u "wartime House 6th East. Reasonable on terms or cash. Phone Black 035. (00) (97' -- t 8lUfftoCtlrlc WasWiit? fl("tSy All Notice of AMlt'ittlu for tiinwut to Tniiisfcr nf llwr l.lirnsc NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN Mint cm the 13th tiny of Mny A.D. 1049, the uiKlerslgnod Uiteiitls to npi'ly to the I.tquor Control Bourtl for consent to transfer of Beer License No. 83 1G, UucU In lenpect of prcmibcs. bclnK pnrt of the premises known lis the Bftvoy Hotel situate at 608 to 614 Fraser Street ,ln tlie City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, upon the lnnds described aa Lota Thirteen (13 and Fourteen (14) ln Block Thirty-three (33), Hectlon One (1), Map 823. Prince Rupert Land Registration District, from Carl Zarelli of Prince Rupert to Willis Lloyd Woods of 1013 Robson Street. Vancouver, British Columbia, the Transferee, DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C. this 12th day of April. A.D. 1949. WILLIS LLOYD WOODS. ' (US! urday, May 7. C.C.F. Spring Sale, May 7, Sons of Norway Hall. Presbyterian Missionary Tea Church Hall. May 12. Music and Drama Festival, May 12 and 13. ' EasternJStar Tea, May 19, Mrs. L. W. Kergin. H.M.C.S. Haida Chapter I.O.D. E. Tea, May 21. Cathedral W. A. Tea, May 26, Mrs. W. S. Kergin. . . v - Sonja Ladles Tea May 28. United Church Tea' June 8 at the home of Mrs. Nickerson, Borden Street. J COMFORTABLE, LOW PRICED CLOTHES THAT ARE RIGHT FUR INOOORS AN! OUT. If you're looking for tlie kind of work clothes that give plenty of comfort as well as long wear . . . make us your headquarters. We have a complete supply of iong-wearing work clothes of every description. ' For rainy weather working we have, everything to keep you dry from Soueasters to Seaboots. Acmnie clothing store The Lightweight ONE MAN POWER CHAIN SAW LIGHT STURDY COMPACT For All Types of Operation in the Woods Experience proves the dependability and fine performance of the P. M. CARRIED IN STOCK AT PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 712 Second Ave. P.O. Box 772 (94) FOR RENT Semi-furnished Apt.. 233 7th Ave. West. Phone Blue 828. SITUATIONS WANTED ',&.andS "ETA; TinV Ifi Vodpo urnntjs Uni'k. SOllie 6; ,l,,eau fe e1 tvuui-ft. Phuon& Sons. 629 pxnei'ienee in bakery. APPjy nil riuilv News '' ! , Mil