prjvi li:: OnUES DRUGS ' Daily Delivers NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER lublished at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PH0i!E8t .VOL. XXXVIII, No. 92. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1949 .PRICE FIVE CENTS F! airinlgS A War k FR British Warships Und eds With Heavy Casualties errireo KIRK NAMED MOSCOW ENVOY f r ' v -1 T 'I I J- ! I v ' i Conflict Resumption Attended By Serious International Aspects WASHINGTON i Vice-Admiral Alan O. Kirk today.w! Jack McRae Is Choice Of Rupert Liberals Prominent Young Business Man and Former Naval Officer Is Proposed Ah Coalition Candidate Here John Duncan McRae, oo-year-old city business man and ex-naval officer of World War II, is the Liberal choice as candidate for this ridinir in the appointed united states ambassador to Moscow. He will succeed Lieut.-General Walter Bed- .. 1 1 f i : . . i ii.. l - i tii oiuiui, it-iirveu leceiiu u Intake command of the First Army In New York. A native of Phila delphla, Kirk is 60 years old. NANKING (CP)The Chinese civil war; exploded all along the Yangtse River front tonight. Communist attackers were started at several points. Gunfire could be heard and for the first time war was seen from the capital. Bukow, across the rivef, was 'next provincial election. The Prince Kunert McKAE cial) District Liberal Association Tuesday night pro " i under attack. iff ' y r V I YOUTH GIVES UP AFTER BANK THEFT ' posed Mr. Mcltae lor the coalition nomination. His name will go before a joint Liberal-Frogresslve-Coniicrvative pif I iriir r convention tentatively set for rlr1rPlr Casualty At Annette (W HEADS )RS HERE next Tuesday. . : Mr. McRae was chosen from VANCOUVER A pug-nosed Kalngpu, on the north bank seven miles southwest of Nanking, was hit. Serious fighting was reported opposite Wuhu, 60 mile? southwest, of here. Hslakkan, 35 miles north : of Hankow, is the focal point . of the Red Army. . . . j A top ranking Nationalist general expressed fear that the Reds may try a quick landing 14 this vicinity, trapping nation i among three candidates Jfor ( tie. OFFICIALS VISIT CITY 16-year-old boy with a pistol) I if establishing a ( Liberal nomination, being given i and rescue unit a iftrge Cll(j on tne first ballot I coast was Inves- over l. m. Oordon and T. N. fMay by two heads y0Ungs. ' . , robbed the Granville Street ! branch of the Bank of Nova . Scotia, where he worked, of $2,-000 and fled Into the lunch-hour SEATTLE, iPA pilot plummeted to -his death early today shortly after taking off from Annette Island air field near Ketchikan, Alaska, Seattle of Dr. John L. Hart, biologist of the Fisheries , Research Board ntiit or Transport , . Nauaimo, and Frank Warne. Assistant Chief - Supervisor of traffic yesterday. He was taken into custody less than 12 hours in the city from , Hie Prince Ru- alist lOfficlals In the capital. fice of the Sourdough Air Transport Co. said. Dave Huyoke of Los Angeles Wesarn Fisheries, Vancouver, later with all but $2 of the loot still intact. . arrived in the city this morning on the PHnee Rupert to take Anchorage, third pilot The youth gave himself up at; anci aboard the C-47 carrying ten president of the Association which pledged itself to a prompt and energetic election campaign. Following tne taking of the ballot, Mr. McRae's nomination was made unanimous on 'motion of Mr. Votings and Mr. Oordon. Present during the early part of (lie convention last night was Earlier Premier Ho Ying-Chin old Chinese Parliament that the government had rejected Red peace proposals hi their present form. He said th communist plan was not to provide for lasting peace, i Her guns biasing, the British I 0. Lessard, deputy transport and J. V. ua of the Cana-ii Commission. Mr. I ciiinpaiiied by his i 9:45 to a policeman on a Granville Street beat and was lodged passengers, was "sucked out" when he tried to check a draft In jail. around the door. The pimply-faced boy from I two officials met Hamilton, Ontario, astounded destroyer Consort reached the fk'tov, marine agent lf0n. E. T. Kenney, minister of part in a conference between department officials and members of the west coast tuna fishery. The conference opened at 2 o'clock tills afternoon with fishermen and fishing company representatives present in 'addition to members of the local Fisheries office staff and visiting officials. Also present i,i Capl. Llewel CANADA BACKS , SEAMEN FACE CHARGES Twortf "iiy members of the Seafarers' International Union fA.f'i.t : .taken from a Halifax-Montreal train at Moncton, N.B;afe rettfrnedjjy R.C.M.P. offi-: cers to Halifax to face charges iaid'Collowlnj shootings which' occurred 'during the clash ofiriiral unions. The ; incident took place when S.I.U. men broke thruigh!anf(dtn Seamen's' Union picket lines to board three Canadian National Steamships' vessels in Halifax harbor. Seaman t, 1U tries to. hide his face from the camera. One of the five,, later was -charged with attempted '-i murder. . ..' . -' - V vvS CP Photo) teller Bill Slater, 22, by knocking on the cage door at lunch' Yangste port of Klangyln late im-nL or rransport hands and forests, who stressed nu further, aid U - the need of coalition" in order today after a &ipnUV& duel-with Communist shore guns along the river. The fight had begun time, flashing the gun. He warned: "Don't sound the U.H. PROBE the west roast of i to con,i,at effectively the social- i trlutlG Islands and istic purly members of which some 60 miles northeast of LAKE KUCC.KSK. Canada ' If the Prince Rupert had , openly . expressed, the In jt'.ommerco cohecrn- today urged the United Nations ' Nanking "Where 'Red shore' gum to give full ipproval to a Bri-jh,ad earlier crippled the British alarm." . "You're- fooling." said Slater. "I am not," said the boy. . No shots were fired. The boy tnatched a roll of bills , and lyn Sheppard, master of the tention of taking over industry in the province. The minister fisheries protection vessel Lau-rler, which returned Tuesday from a trip to the west coast of the Queen Charlotte Islands vestigate the trials of religious leaders in Hungary and emphasized the continued need of stable government against Uie "real menace and threat" of the Kiangyin Is some 110 miles down the river from Nanking. The 2000-ton sloop suffered heavy casualties in the 'sudden attack. Twenty of the crew were Socialists. . Part icularly -was this in which il took Department of CANADIAN LEGION .BUYS FORMER NAVAL OFFICERS: QUARTERS HERE Announcement is made 'by the" local branch of the Canadian Legion oft lie-completion of negotiations for the purchase of the fonuer naval officers' quarters of H.M.CS. "Chatham" and adjoining 3M acres of Crowii-mvnetl harbor front land from the War Important in the north which Transport Agent N. A. Bcketov Hugh Lapointe, . parliamentary assistant to Canada's External Affairs Minister, stated the Dominion's position before walked briskly out of the bank. Slater dumbfounded for a minute, sounded the alarm. When he gave himself up, the youth surrendered the pistol, an unloaded Browning stolen from the bank. Search of his clothing revealed $1,998 of of $2,000 taken from the bank. on a tour to investigate sitea for proposed navigation aids in that area. jjmcrit of the search limit I is arnmipauied by n, mamcr of the Canadian National jS iy arc leaving by Ji for the cast. Iersout emocracy I'KK, a British parhers Federation I'lerted a motion I'llemiicraey eduea-! in the provincial I the creation of a the general assembly's 56-mem- ber special political committee. In. a lengthy statement he warned that events in eastern was on the eve or long anticipated and long deferred development. More than ever was the security of democratic government, which the coalllon offered and was able to give, essential. British Columbia was today in the prettiest position of any province in Canada. The coalition should be maintained so that the great plans should Assets Corppration. !who was attached to the Naval Europe are a "pattern of subjugation of church to the state." The building, erected in 11)43, i reported killed aiid a similar number injured. She carried a crew of eight officers and 140 ' ' ' ' men. . The Consort's running fight was witnessed, by foreign airmen. The Consort was 15 miles below Rose Island where the silent Amethyst, flags still flying, lay aground. A later report from the British Admiralty in London said the Consort had reached the sloop but did not say if the Consort suffered any casualties. Other British warships, In is , a two-storey structure . of ROBBERY AT BRALORNE MINE BRALORNE. The mysterious theft of 500 ounces of processed gold at Bralorne mine was still unsolved, today as police continued an investigation Premier Expects Traditional Fight come to lull ana enecuve io menu p it. Tht i without running the .k- n, ,i .' .,. fruition SASKATOON, ff Prime Minister St. Laurent made it clear of the disappearance of the CHILE ROCKED BY EARTHQUAKE SANTIAGO, Chill ffi-A severe earthquake hit central Chile last night, causing many deaths and heavy property damage. First reports said that 36 were killed and more than 60 Injured. Heavy damage was reported in the cities of Traiguen and An-gol, "where half the houses crumbled or were badly dam lc waV to defeat BuUct of 80cla,,sUc mV Engineering Staff, at, H.M.C. Dockyard, Esquimau, during the war and was associated . with that department at Prince Ru-pert during the construction of the building for the Navy's use. The new Legion building will provide additional facilities and much-needed increased accommodation. Alterations contemplated will provide for an auditorium 74'x26"6" with a stage off it measuring 18x10'. This will be available for public dances is U) demonstrate I '"".tation. ' '. )xtt(.r Following their nomination. f r a m e construction, approximately 19fi by 36 feet and stands on the cliffside with a commanding fcv of t lie harbor. The front of the building faces First Avenue near the intersection of First Avenue and Second Street. , '" It Is the intention of the new owners to convert the building into a modern up-to-date Canadian Legion Headquarters for the local branch. Plans for the necessary alterations are already being drawn up by John H. Har cluding, the cruiser London, are racing to the aid of tha Ame Mr. M' Rue, Mr. Oordon and Mr. Youngs each spoke briefly. Eacli metal, valued at $14,000. It was taken from a strung box, for which were only two keys. The robbery occurred during the week-end and when discovered, the box was still locked. today that the government expects the forthcoming federal election to be . another traditional struggle between the old-line parties. He said in a speech here that the Progressive-Conservatives offer the "only serious challenge to renewal of the Liberal mandate. (promised to put up the strongest WAT 1ER light possible, if nominated and thyst which is said to have been on a peaceful mission, delivering supplies to the embassy in Nanking. aged. I Synopsis P1" fiillini; over the and such functions when not required for Legion use. A spadous billiard room overlooking the f""ia coast, in ad-l( second Pacific DIAMOND CUT DIAMOND Only a diamond is hard enough to cut a diamond. to loyally support whoever was chosen. The Vole resulted. McRae, 30; Gordon, 8; Youngs, 7. Mr. McRae. In acknowledgement and expression of appreciation voiced the hone of vey, M.R.A.I.C. of Vancouver, Uie coast in the LEAFS WHIP WINNIPEG TELLS IRISHMEN TO SPEAK GAELIC rc. Showers will oe- tWW 9 4 " interior as the dis harbor, , 19'9"X51'3", will allow room for three full-size English billiard tables; two card rooms; reading room, lounge, a snack bar and kitchen, increased office space, a dressing room for the c's eastward across having full coalition support. VANCOUVER 0 The Clover-leafs last night whipped Win TOD ATS STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd.) and there should Delegates to the coalition con improvement in the DUBLIN, '(P) President Sean T. O'Kelley of the new republic of Ireland today told his countrymen to stop speaking English and restore the ancient Gaelic nipeg Paullns b4-52 to take a 2-0 lead lit the best-of-five series for the western Canada senior rcRi'ns this after- vention will be appointed by the Liberal executive and will be instructed to support Mr. McRae', HEVFIE HEARS GEORGE DREW ST. JOHN'S, Nfld., W George Drew, Progressive-Conservative leader, called on Newfoundlanders last night to protect their guarding the constitution from centralization at Ottawa." Three thosuand Newfoundlanders met to hear the, first party campaign speech in 17 years. , ' " tlie passage of the Toronto Athona .14'.2 basketball finals. They climbed tongue. He said winning the Re- l,nw cloudiness' and showrr activity is CPnni-nl ........ i... it was agreed. The meeting proceeded to el Vancouver Bayone ; Bralorne B R. Con. .00 900 .03 .10 another rung in the ladder toward their fourth Dominion title. B.R.X. the northern should bring re-skies and (Kline. Cariboo Quartz 1.40 .04 Congress '"r ariernuun t,e Iledley Mascot 30 ect officers who were chosen as follows: Honorary President, Rt. Hon. L. S. St. Laurent. Honorary First Vice-President, Hon. B. I. Johnson. Honorary Second Vice-President, Hon. p. T. Kenney. President, T- N- Youngs. Vice-President. W. J. Davies. staff, a sports dressing room with showers, etc., attached, and a complete suite that will provide quarters for a married caretaker. Lighter and more commodious rooms where beverages' may be consumed are contemplated on both floors. The Women's Auxiliary of the local branch will have their own entrance to spacious quarters set aside for their use on the ground floor and,' to meet their ever-growing needsi a large in e et i n g room, reading and lounge room, wash-rooms, kitchen and storage facilities are expected to be provided. . ' public would be an empty vic tory If the Irish lost their tongue. ' Hon. E. T. Kenney,' minister of lands and forests and M.L.A. for Skeena, arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's plane from Victoria and will leave by this evening's train for Terrace, his home town. He will also be visiting other points In his riding 'during the present trip. F' FI'1'iUpr hi.,! m,.,ii. C1(lKly will.' ,i.ii Aiuiiaq'ue .19 Beattie 1... .50 i Bevcourt . , ..27 Bobjo t... 12 : C'onsol. Smelters ..!.-...:. feS.OO Couwest , " 117 t Donalda 53 Eldona .62 East Sullivan 2.D6 Giant Yellcwknlfe 60.25 God's Lake ..' ., ... -.3a llardroik ..: ..18 Harricana .07, Heva : :..,. '.08Va Hosco 20 Jacknife 04 i Joliet Quebec .36 Lake Rowan 10 lowers liwiuir r-i.,..j'.. TINY BABY SUCCUMBS VANCOUVER, m Sharon "Little Peanut," born ' Easter Sunday to Mrs. Alice Fordham, died Tuesday in Grace Hospital, 60 hours v after birth. She weighed 17V ounces and was given less than half a chance to live. In an Incubator, she and LOCAL TIDES ' Thursday, April 2, 1943 High ' 8:11 181 feet 21:52 16.6 feet Low 3: S3 11.0 feet 15:08 71 feet m Th, . r,uuy -"miujr. winu Pend Oreille 4.00 Pioneer 3 60 Premier Border 03 Privateer -17 Reeves McDonald 2.10 Reno 05'a Sheep Creek l Silbak Premier 35 Vananda -2S Salmon Gold 13 Vz Spud Valley 07 Vi !5 mils per hour) In Qup011 Churlotte City. r in,,,... ., ! (3nna.n,.n,''ri-aauiirei'. Pierre 1 red decreasing ci.i;uaij-y"'- - "'"V.llMlll Light, ' 1 Executive L. M- uoiuon, i ". t ' cliange Earl Gordon, R. H. E ue' Lows tonltrht Nickerson. No, plans have as yet been her three pound four-ounce sister, Shirley, were chrsitened in a special ceremony. i2 v.ur(iay: Pu,,t 1Iardy rarkpr an4 B- J-Bacon maae, in regard to the disposal Representative natives, now, Oils- wt 40 and 43. Lapaska : .09 ',i that the Indians have been ac ! of the present Canadian Legion building and it is not expected that any decision in this, matter will be arrived at . until nearer rV,v... I av.v.v.v.v corded the provincial franchise, will be added to the executive In an honorary capacity. The meeting heard a report from T. N. Youngs on the recent provincial convention In the 'time when the new building HEAR AND MEET ... MRS, NANCY HODGES, M.L.A. . (Victoria) President, Women's Liberal Federation of Canada and. Outstanding Leader in Public Affairs Wednesday, April 20, 8 p.m. Public Meeting, Civic Centre Auditorium, all welcome. . - Thursday, April 21, 3 p.m. Public Tea, at home of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Nickerson, Borden, Street. ; Thursday, April 21, 7 p.m. Ladies Dinner Meeting, Civic "' Centre Dining Room. Speaker: Mrs. Hodges. Dinner tickets obtainable from members of the committee T. N. Youngs, Allan Armstrong and Robert Parker. (92) win oe readv lor occuuancy. TODAY'S BALL SCORES i ' National League Boston 6, Philadelphia 5. Brooklyn 6, , New York 2. , Pittsburgh 1, Chicago 0. American League New York 3, Washington 0. Mrs. E. G. Drake arrived Tues Anglo Canadian :. 3.70 A P. Con i 20 Atlantic .: 67 Calmont 40 C. & E 4 65 Central Eeduc 100 Home Oil 10-75 Mercury 13 ' Okalta 2-45 Pacific Pete 2-32 Princess 2(5 , Royal Canadian .08 South Brazeau 16 . Little Lac .85 Madsen Red Lake 310 McKenzie Red Lake ...i .47 McLeod Cockshutt 115 Negus 2.50 Noranda 55.75 Pickle Crow 2.23 San Antonio ' 4.20 Senator Rouyn 40 Sherrit Gordon 2.00 Steep Rock 1.40 Sturgecn River 16 I "lAMPlONsiiip PBBH1 f SATURDAY IWVIC CENTRE Part of the Crown-owned land purchased will be disposed of in due course when the necessary preliminaries have been completed and the Canadian Legion's future requirements have been given careful consideration. day night by train from Usk to ANCIENT PASTIME Riddles are one ol the oldVst forms of humor. make her future home here.